Canons: Eighth prebend

Pages 30-32

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857: Volume 3, Canterbury, Rochester and Winchester Dioceses. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1974.

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William Hunt or Hadley (fn. 1) B.D. 1541-1546.

Apptd. by king in foundation charter 8 Apr. 1541 (L. & P. XVI no. 779 (5)). D. by 29 Jan. 1546 (Reg. U ff. 132v-133).

John Poynet M.A. 1546-1551.

Pres. 29 Jan. 1546 by John Sandford and Peter Lylly, gentlemen, patrons hac vice by virtue of king's gr. 25 Oct. 1545 of pres. to next preb. of Canterbury in royal gift to fall vac. (Reg. U ff. 132v-133). Bp. of Rochester 1550, but royal lic. 4 July to hold preb. in commendam to 25 March 1555 (C.P.R. 1549-51 p. 293). Bp. of Winchester 1551, and res. preb. by 4 Apr. (Lamb., Reg. Cranmer f. 416).

Peter Alexander D.D. 1551-1554.

Pres. by king 9 March 1551 to next preb. of Canterbury in royal gift to fall vac. (C.P.R. 1550-3 p. 158; Reg. U f. 242v). But pres. by Nicholas Wotton, dean, patron hac vice; instit. by abp. 4 Apr. (Lamb., Reg. Cranmer f. 416; Reg. U ff. 242v-243). Depriv. 15 March 1554 (Reg. N f. 153; C.P.R. 1553-4 p. 306).

John Warren B.D. 1554-1558.

Pres. by queen 20 May 1554 (C.P.R. 1553-4 p. 306). Instit. 21 May by chapter of Canterbury sede vacante (Reg. V1 f. 12). Instal. by proxy n.d. May (ibid.). D. 16 Sept./13 Oct. 1558 (ibid. f. 33v; P.R.O., Prob. 11/41, PCC 54 Noodes).

John Knight M.A. 1558-?

Coll. by abp. (sic) 11 Nov. 1558 (Reg. V1 f. 33v). Probably depriv. of Canterbury preb., as was of Chichester preb. (cf. West Sussex Record Office, Ep. 1/1/7 f. 18v).

Peter Alexander D.D. (again) ?-1562.

Occ. 29 July 1560 (C.P.R. 1558-60 p. 422). D. by 23 Nov. 1562 (C.P.R. 1560-3 p. 531). (fn. 2)

Stephen Nevinson LL.D. 1562-1580.

Pres. by queen 23 Nov. 1562 (C.P.R. 1560-3 p. 531). D. by 15 June 1580 (Lamb., Reg. Grindal f. 538v).

Nicholas Simpson M.A. 1580-1610.

Pres. by William Cole D.D., patron hac vice by virtue of queen's gr. to him and Thomas Wotton, esquire, of pres. to next preb. of Canterbury in royal gift to fall vac.; instit. by abp. 15 June 1580 (Lamb., Reg. Grindal f. 538v). D. by 4 Feb. 1610 (burial, Canterbury cath.) (Register Booke p. 113).

Isaac Casaubon D.D. 1611-1614.

Pres. by king 17 Jan. 1611 (P.R.O., C 66/1877, 1897). Instal. by proxy 25 Jan. (AC 1608-28 f. 22-no predecessor given, but Simpson's preb. the only one vac. 1610-11). D. 1 July 1614 (Hist. and Ant. Westminster II 254; Lamb., Reg. Abbot 1 f. 409).

William Kingsley B.D. 1614-1648.

Pres. by Sir George Fleetwood, patron hac vice by virtue of king's gr. 29 May 1604 of pres. to next preb. of Canterbury in royal gift to fall vac.; instit. by abp. 4 July 1614 (Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603-10 p. 115; Lamb., Reg. Abbot 1 f. 409). D. 29 Jan. 1648 (m.i., Canterbury cath.) (Mem. Inscr. Cant. p. 57; Reg. Z f. 205v). (fn. 3)

John Reading M.A. 1660-1667.

Pres. by king 9 July 1660 (P.R.O., C 66/2918). Royal mand. instal. s.d. (Reg. Z f. 205v). D. 26 Oct. 1667 (Wood, Athenae Oxon. III 798; Lamb., Reg. Sheldon f. 332v).

Edmund Castell D.D. 1667-1686.

Pres. by king 12 Nov. 1667 (Reg. 28 f. 12). Instit. by abp. 13 Nov. (Lamb., Reg. Sheldon f. 332v). D. by 25 Jan. 1686 (Cal. S.P. Dom. Jan. 1686-May 1687 p. 15).

Charles Elstob M.A. 1686-1721.

Pres. by king 25 Jan. 1686 (Cal. S.P. Dom. Jan. 1686-May 1687 p. 15). Instit. by abp. 5 Feb. (Lamb., Reg. Sancroft f. 413). Instal. 10 Feb. (AC 1670-1710 f. 91v). D. 19 Nov. 1721 (m.i., Canterbury cath.) (Mem. Inscr. Cant. p. 86; Lamb., Reg. Wake 1 ff. 318v-319).

Samuel Holcombe D.D. 1721-1761.

Pres. by king 7 Dec. 1721 (P.R.O., C 66/3546). Instit. by abp. 15 Dec. (Lamb., Reg. Wake 1 ff. 318v-319). Instal. 26 Jan. 1722 (AC 1711-26 f. 115). D. 1 Apr. 1761 (Gent. Mag. 1761, xxxi 188; Lamb., Reg. Secker ff. 299v-300).

George Secker M.A. 1761-1766.

Pres. by king pubd. 14 Apr. 1761 (Lond. Gaz. no. 10095). Instit. by abp. 21 Apr. (Lamb., Reg. Secker ff. 299v-300). Instal. 25 Apr. (AC 1746-60 f. 177r-v). Res. by 29 Apr. 1766 (Lamb., Reg. Secker f. 327v).

Heneage Dering M.A. 1766-1802.

Pres. by king pubd. 15 Apr. 1766 (Lond. Gaz. no. 10615). Instit. by abp. 29 Apr. (Lamb., Reg. Secker f. 327v). Instal. 2 May (AC 1761-75 p. 95). D. 17 May 1802 (m.i., Milton Keynes, Bucks.) (Hist. and Ant. of Buckingham, comp. G. Lipscomb (London, 1847) IV 248).

William Beaumont Busby M.A. 1802-1803.

Pres. by king pubd. 5 June 1802 (Lond. Gaz. no. 15485). Instit. by abp. 16 June (Lamb., Reg. Moore f. 567v). Instal. 19 June (AC 1794-1824 p. 95). Res. by 19 Nov. 1803 (Lamb., Reg. Moore f. 575).

Walker King D.D. 1803-1808.

Pres. by king; instit. by abp. 19 Nov. 1803 (Lamb., Reg. Moore f. 575). Instal. 25 Nov. (AC 1794-1824 p. 130). Res. by 30 Jan. 1808 (Lond. Gaz. no. 16113).

Michael Marlow D.D. 1808-1828.

Pres. by king pubd. 30 Jan. 1808 (Lond. Gaz. no. 16113). Instit. by abp. 1 March (Lamb., Reg. Sutton II f. 16r-v). Instal. 7 March (AC 1794-1824 pp. 218-19). D. 16 Feb. 1828 (Gent. Mag. 1828, xcviii (1) 370-1; Lond. Gaz. no. 18454).

John Hume Spry D.D. 1828-1854.

Pres. by king pubd. 19 March 1828 (Lond. Gaz. no. 18454). Instit. by abp. 10 Apr. (Lamb., Reg. Sutton II ff. 72v-73). Instal. 12 Apr. (AC 1824-54 p. 75). D. 11 Nov. 1854 (Gent. Mag. 1855, cxxxvi (1) 214; Lond. Gaz. no. 21645).

William Stone M.A. 1854-1882.

Pres. by queen pubd. 27 Dec. 1854 (Lond. Gaz. no. 21645). Instit. by abp. 12 Jan. 1855 (Lamb., Reg. Sumner p. 597). D. 2 Feb. 1882 and successor apptd. (The Times, 4 Feb.; Lamb., Reg. Tait p. 728).


  • 1. Formerly monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, and subprior of Canterbury College, Oxford (Ant. Cant. pt. ii App. p. 52; Pantin, Cant. Coll. III 152).
  • 2. No evidence has been found for Henry Goodrick, said by Le Neve-Hardy to have held this preb. in 1561. He was canon of the 12th preb. at that time.
  • 3. Charles Gibbs petitioned king unsuccessfully for this preb. in Aug. 1660 (Cal. S.P. Dom. 1660-1 p. 221).