Canons: Third prebend

Pages 21-22

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857: Volume 3, Canterbury, Rochester and Winchester Dioceses. Originally published by Institute of Historical Research, London, 1974.

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Richard Champion D.D. 1541-1543.

Apptd. by king in foundation charter 8 Apr. 1541 (L. & P. XVI no. 779 (5)). D. by 3 June 1543 (ibid. XVIII i no. 802 (31)).

Robert Goldstone M.A. 1543-1553.

Pres. by king 3 June and 7 June 1543 (L. & P. XVIII i no. 802 (31); Reg. U f. 67v). Depriv. by 23 Sept. 1553 (C.P.R. 1553-4 p. 323).

William Darrell 1553-1580.

Pres. by queen 23 Sept. 1553 and 24 March 1554 (C.P.R. 1553-4 pp. 323, 222; Reg. V1 f. 13). Depriv. by 16 Feb. 1580 (Lamb., Reg. Grindal f. 535).

Robert Hovenden M.A. 1580-1614.

Pres. by Sir Francis Walsingham, queen's privy counsellor, patron hac vice by virtue of queen's gr. of pres. to next preb. of Canterbury in royal gift to fall vac.; instit. by abp. 16 Feb. 1580 (Lamb., Reg. Grindal f. 535). Instal. n.d. Feb. (AC 1568-81 f. 125). D. 25 March 1614 (m.i., All Souls College chap., Oxford) (Brit. Mus., Lansd. MS. 983 f. 249/141; Lamb., Reg. Abbot 1 f. 401r-v).

Thomas Jackson B.D. 1614-1646.

Pres. by Thomas Twysden of Wye, Kent, gentleman, patron hac vice by virtue of king's gr. 5 Feb. 1604 of pres. to next preb. of Canterbury in royal gift to fall vac.; instit. by abp. 30 March 1614 (Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603-10 p. 74; Lamb., Reg. Abbot 1 f. 401r-v). D. by 13 Nov. 1646 (burial, Canterbury cath.) (Register Booke p. 119; Reg. Z f. 205v). (fn. 1)

William Belke D.D. 1660-1676.

Pres. by king 7 July 1660 (P.R.O., C 66/2918). Royal mand. Instal. s.d. (Reg. Z f. 205v). D. 12 Aug. 1676 (m.i., Canterbury cath.) (Mem. Inscr. Cant. p. 59; Lamb., Reg. Sheldon f. 370r-v).

Thomas Belke D.D. 1676-1712.

Pres. by king 13 Sept. 1676 (P.R.O., C 66/3187). Instit. by abp. 20 Sept. (Lamb., Reg. Sheldon f. 370r-v). Instal. 22 Sept. (AC 1670-1710 f. 39v). D. 17 Sept. 1712 (m.i., Canterbury cath.) (Mem. Inscr. Cant. p. 59; Lamb., Reg. Tenison 11 f. 216r-v).

William Higdon D.D. 1713-1715.

Pres. by queen; instit. by abp. 7 May 1713 (Lamb., Reg. Tenison 11 f. 216r-v). Instal. by proxy 9 May (AC 1711-26 f. 20v). D. 28 Aug. 1715 (J. Le Neve, Monumenta Anglicana, 1700-15 (London, 1717) p. 303; Lamb., Reg. Tenison 11 f. 228r-v).

Thomas Bowers M.A. 1715-1724.

Pres. by king; instit. by abp. 13 Sept. 1715 (Lamb., Reg. Tenison 11 f. 228r-v). Instal. 28 Sept. (AC 1711-26 f. 41). Bp. of Chichester 1722, but held preb. in commendam to d. 23 Aug. 1724 (m.i., Chichester cath.) (Brit. Mus., Add. MS. 5699 f. 351/p. 759; Hist. Reg. Chron. 1724, ix 39; P.R.O., C 66/3557).

William Ayerst B.D. 1724-1765.

Pres. by king issued 4 Oct. 1724; pres. pubd. 31 Oct. (P.R.O., C 66/3557; Lond. Gaz. no. 6316). Subscribed to the Articles 28 Oct. (Lamb., VC 1A/1/7, subscription book 1695-1736 f. 126). Instal. 5 Nov. (AC 1711-26 ff. 154v-155). D. 9 May 1765 (Gent. Mag. 1765, xxxv 247; Lamb., Reg. Secker f. 323r-v).

Richard Sutton M.A. 1765-1785.

Pres. by king pubd. 1 June 1765 (Lond. Gaz. no. 10526). Instit. by abp. 5 June (Lamb., Reg. Secker f. 323r-v). Instal. 7 June (AC 1761-75 p. 72). D. 14 Nov. 1785 (Gent. Mag. 1785, lv (2) 921; Lond. Gaz. no. 12703).

William Welfitt D.D. 1785-1833.

Pres. by king pubd. 29 Nov. 1785 (Lond. Gaz. no. 12703). Instit. by abp. 7 Dec. (Lamb., Reg. Moore f. 510). Instal. 10 Dec. (AC 1775-93 pp. 294-5). D. 3 Feb. 1833 (Gent. Mag. 1833, ciii (1) 282; Lond. Gaz. no. 19030).

Francis Dawson B.D. 1833-1852.

Pres. by king pubd. 13 March 1833 (Lond. Gaz. no. 19030). Instit. by abp. 16 March (Lamb., Reg. Howley p. 725). Instal. 23 March (AC 1824-54 p. 167). D. 24 Oct. 1852 (m.i., Canterbury cath.) (Mem. Inscr. Cant. p. 44). Stall suspended in accordance with Stat. 3 & 4 Vic. c. 113.


  • 1. Le Neve-Hardy says that Jackson res. in 1633, and gives in error Charles White as coll. 25 Apr. 1633, William Dunkyn 4 March 1639, and Richard Culmer 21 Oct. 1644. White and Culmer were sixpreachers of Canterbury cath. (P.R.O., E 331 Cant./203; Reg. 27 f. 276v), and Dunkyn was probably one also. Moreover, Thomas Jackson was explicitly stated to be the predecessor of William Belke in Reg. Z f. 205v. Jackson is not to be confused with the Oxford graduate of the same name who was preb. of Winchester, president of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and a notable theologian, and d. 21 Sept. 1640. The Canterbury Jackson was a Cambridge man, and occ. as senior preb. of Canterbury 20 Aug. 1644 (Reg. 27 f. 277).