Pages 59-60
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1882.
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1577, Jul-Sept
10 July 1577.
Bill of bonnetmackeris.
The bailyeis and counsell ordanis the vnfre bonnet makkeris to be separatat fra the burgessis and fremen of the samin, and to haif thair stand be thame selfis vpone the mercat day allanerlie, beneth the auld fische mercat vpone the north side of the Hie Streit of this burgh, induring the said bailyeis and counsellis willis.
14 August 1577.
Statuta, fleschouris.
In presens of the provest, baillies, and counsall, comperit the dekyn and brether of the fleschouris, and ansuerand to the complaynt maid vpoun thame be the communitie, bering that the pasturing of thair gudes within the park and vpoun the common mvre was the occasion of the greit derth of flesche, be reson that thay sauld thair gudes at thair plesour and in scantnes, quhairfoir it suld be mair meitt and for the commoun weill that na sic ressait of pasturing suld be heirefter, bot raither thair gudes be sald efter the auld ordour in greit nomber. and be presented to the mercat commonlie to be sauld, sua that thair suld be na scantnes be sic occasioun as the saidis fleschouris hes vsit be pasturing of thair gudes as said is. To the quhilk it was ansuerit be the dekyn and brether of the fleschouris foirsaidis, gif ony scantnes of flesche war fund be resoun of thair pasturing thair gudes that suld be aprehendit quik in the park or mvre, thay wald glaidlie consent as thay than all in ane voce consentit and granted that the samyn thair gudes suld be the tovnis proper escheit, to be vsit at thair plesour but favouris.
16 August 1577.
Villa, Hie Scole.
The baillies and counsall vnderstanding thame selues to be debtbound in greit maillis to Archibald Stewart and his wyfe for thair Hie Scole, quhilk was nocht wattertycht, wynd tycht, or lokfast, quhairfoir thay ordane officiaris to charge the said Archibald and his wyfe to repair the said scole in sklaittis, tymmer, and vther necessaris, sua that the bairnis sit warm and dry, with all diligence befoir the wynter season cum on; failling thairof, thay being warnit as said is, ordanis James Ros, thair thesaurer, to repair the samyn sufficientlie, and the expenssis to be deducit of the reddiest of the maillis foirsaidis.
30 August 1577.
Villa, Harlaw Wod.
The provest, baillies, and counsall ordanis Andrew Sklater, Robert Kar, Alexander Guthre, the morn to pas to my Lord Regentis Grace for the ordour to be taikin concerning the army ordanit to convene at Harlaw Wod; and repoirt thair ansuer the nixt counsall day.
13 September 1577.
Villa, Hie Scole.
The provest, baillies, and counsall ordanis James Ros, thesaurer, to mak the ruif, duris, and wyndowis of the Hie Scole lokfast, wyndtycht, and wattertycht, vpoun the expenssis of Archibald Stewart and his spous, becaus thay had bene chargit heirto of befoir and refusit.