Pages 570-571
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1882.
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22 February 1582–3.
Commissio, merchants, craftis.
The said baillies and counsell, for thame selffis and in name of the haill merchant estaitt of this burgh, makis and constitutes Henry Nesbet and Jhonn Jhonestoun, and in absence of the said Henry, Robert Ker, younger, thair procuratouris and commissioneris to compeir befoir the Kings Grace and arbiteris chosin betuix the merchants and craftis, quhatsumeuir day or dayes convenient, and thair to inform, ressoun and con clude with thame in all debaittabill materis mentionat in the said compromitt, and fra thair sentence gif neid beis to appeill, and generally all vther things to do and exerce that the said baillies, counsell and merchants mycht do thame selffis gif thai wer at all tymes in full assembly present in proper persouns.
5 April 1583.
[Ordained that 600 merks, being the redemption price of an annualrent of £40, pertaining to the town, should "be employet vpoun the bigging and founding of ane College in the Kirk of Feild."]
Precept, thesaurer, burrowes, commoneris.
[Ordained that there be allowed in the treasurer's accounts £128, 5s. 9d., being the amount of sums disbursed "for the disiones of the burrowes in Nouem ber and December last, as alswa of the denners furnist to the gentilmen quha wer chosin commoners betuix the merchants and craftis at dyuers tymes in Januar last."]
26 April 1583.
Maisteris of wark to the College.
Makis and constitutes Androw Sclater, baillie, and Dauid Kinloch, baxter, maisters of wark to the bigging of the wallis of the colleges to be maid at the Kirk of Feild, and to tak compt of the warkmen, feying of thame, and paying of thair owlklie wedges, ilk Setterday at evin, and to mak compt thairvpoun to the guid town.
10 May 1583.
Decreitt arbitrall intimat to the craftis.
Maister Michaell Chisholm, baillie, producet the decreitt arbitrall gevin betuix the merchants and craftismen of this burgh be our Souerane Lord the Kings Grace as owrisman and Robert Fairlie or Braid [and other arbiters,] daitt the xxij day of Aprile last. Quhilk decreitt maister Jhonn Prestoun, dene of gild, tuik instruments that he intimat the sam to dyuers deykins of crafts, being personallie present, als weill the awld deykins as certane vthers deykins new chosin, and lykwayes producet certane lettres of secreitt counsall vnder the signet and subscryuet be the Kings Maiestie chairgeing the deykins of crafts new chosin to desist fra that office, the awld deykins to continew quhill the tyme appoyntit in the said decreitt, and that the saidis deykins and crafts keip, obserue, and fulfill the said decreitt in all poynts; and heirvpon askit acts of court.