Extracts from the Records: 1576, Jul-Sept

Pages 49-52

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1882.

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1576, Jul-Sept

4 July 1576.

Jhoun Wilky, skynner; Forester, seruand.

In presens of [the baillies and council] Jhonn Forester, officiar, being accusit for making of proclamatioun vpoun the schoir of Leith, at the command of Jhonn Wilky, dekyn of the skynnaris, and vtheris his colleigis, discharging the careing away of calf-lether, haifing na command of the provest and baillies thairto, for the quhilk cause the said Jhonn Wilkie, alleging him to be ignorant of the ordour, come in the tovnis will thairfoir, and obleist him neuir to commyt the lyke in tymes cuming, vnder quhat pecunial payne it sall pleis thame to impute to him in cais he do the lyke in tymes cuming; and the said Jhonn Forester dischargit of his office and ordanit to remane in waird quhill forther ordour be taikin.

13 July 1576.


[The bailies, council, and deacons of crafts,] efter lang resoning vpoun the bering of the handsenyies, concludis all in ane voce that the samyn salbe in this present mustouris delyuerit at the discretioun of the baillies to twa merchantis and twa craftismen, quhilkis sall rander the same agane to the saidis baillies this nycht at evin efter the mustouris be done, and the companyes baith of merchantis yonkeris and craftismen to be orderit and rankit at the commandiment of the saidis baillies and nane vtheris vnder quhat payne itt sal pleis the baillies putt to thame that dois in the contrair.

Protestatio, Abircrummy, Murdow.

Robert Abircrummy, saidlar, dekyn of the smythis and Jhone Murdow dekyn of the tailyeouris, protestit that thay and the remanent dekynnis suld haif voce in disponing of the saidis handsenyies at all tymes and dissassentit to the ordour abouewrittin and askit instrumentis.

20 July 1576.


In presens of the baillies and counsall the haill dekynnis ratefeis and approvis the ordour taikin of befoir for bering of the handsenyies, and John Murdow and Robert Abircrummy disassentis as of befoir and askit instrumentis.

Sandelandis iu waird.

Patrik Sandelandis, tailyeour, being chargit be the baillies to delyuer the handsenyie quhilk he had in keping, to be disponed be the baillies conforme to the act abouewrittin, dissassented, saying, nane sall beir that hansenyie with my kyndnes, for the quhilkis wourdis and proude speking to maister Michaell Chesholme baillie in jugement, the said Patrik is commandit in waird.

26 July 1576.

Villa, Abircrumby, craftis.;Protestatio, Chisholme.

Robert Abircrumby, Cuthbert Thomsoun, and vtheris of the craftis being requyrit be James Ros, thesaurer, with the remanent auditouris, to subscriue his compttis, refusit till do the samyn, and in speciall in that pairt of the saidis compttis bering certaue soumes debursit at the conventioun of burrois to quhilk thay wer nocht privye, and maister Michaell Chisholme, baillie, askit instrumentis of thair refusall, and protestit that in tymes cuming na ma craftismen be vpoun the townys compttis bot conforme to the Act of Parliament, quhilk is that tua of the counsale for the yeir allanerlie, and the remanent baillies and counsale admyttis the saidis protestatioun, and ordanis the vther auditouris, merchanttis, of sufficient nomber to subscriue the saidis compttis, and the samyn to be allowit, and Chisholme and Ros askis instrumentis.

27 July 1576.

Charge, baillies, Cowper, tailyeour.

Jhonne Cowper, tailyeour, being callit and accusit for nocht keiping of ordour in rank with the remanent nychtbouris, confessit he accumpaneit with the prouest and nane vtheris; quhilk being considerit be the baillies and counsale to tend to vprore and contempt of the proclamatioun maid and actis of counsale commanding all nychtbouris to be rankit be thair baillies in thair awin places, quhilk refusit be the said Cowper, for his offence thay adiuge him the vnlaw of fyve lib. and ordanis him remane in waird quhill the samyn be payit.

Arteilyie, Sclater.

[The bailies and council] ordanis the tovnis yetlingis lyand vpon the kirk of feild steipill, with thair fourniture, to be sent to Andrew Sclater, and ordanis him to delyuer the samyn agane, or the just availl thairof, quhen he salbe requyrit.

29 August 1576.

Tuyching seruandis.

The baillies and counsale ordanis proclamatioun to be maid that na outlandis persoun be resauit in seruice within this burgh that bringis nocht with thame the testimoniale of the minister of the toun or schire quhair thay haue duelt, witnessing thair lyfes and conversatioun to haue bene godlie, without the quhilk gyf ony servuand be resauit, the resaver to pay xx li. to the pure.