Pages 35-37
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1573-1589. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1882.
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1575, Jan-Mar
7 January 1574-5.
Villa, Regent, Balfour.
[The bailies and council] vnderstanding maister James Balfour to be ane of the nomber appoyntit be my Loird Regentis Grace to resoun with thame concernyng the cause of the bulzeoun, ordanis maister Michaell Chesholme, maister Johnn Prestoun, and David Kynloche, to ryde the morne to Dalkeith, and schaw his Grace that thay can nocht enter in communyng with the said Sir James, in respect of the iniuries done be him to the gude tovne the tyme that he with his complices did withhald the same from our Souerane Loird, and thairfore humblie to desyr his Grace that the said Sir James had no melling with thame in thair causis; and to repoirt his Grace's ansuer the morn, as said is.
Leyth, pest, Chisholme.
The baillies and counsale foresaid ordanis maister Mychaell Chesholme, baillie, to cause clenge the hous vpoun the linkis callit lytill Loundoun, and tak all the clengit folkis of the said linkis, and present thairintill, and to cause the said hous to be wachit nycht and day, that na maner of persoun resort thairto, bot sic as ar deput officeris, vnder the pane of deid.
Villa, craftis.
Dauid Kinloch, baxter, being accusit for non passing to my lord Regentis grace in commissioun conforme to the ordinance before writtin declarit that James Young, Michaell Gilbert, with certane dekynnis, had chargit him nocht to accept the said commissioun and the baillies and counsale ordanis officeris to warne the dekynnis to compeir before thame vpoun Wedinsday nixt to ansuer to sic thingis as sall be laid to thair charge.
21 January 1574-5.
Frauchting of schippis to Flandaris.
[The bailies and council] statutis and ordanis, for the commoun weill of the hale estait of merchanttis, that from this furth thair be na frauchting of schippis from thair port and havin of Leyth to the pairttis of Flandaris bot twyse in the zeir, vizt. at Fasterennis evin, and Lambes, and that thir schippis be frauchtit in the presens of the dene of gild, ane baillie, ane of the counsale, and the clerk, and that thair fraucht be than appoyntit to Flandaris quhat sall be taikin of all guddis that sal be schippit and cautioun found, and that na forther fraucht sal be taikin, nowther that ony guddis salbe taikin within thair schippis bot fremennis guddis, first the merchanttis and nychtbouris of the burgh, thairefter vther fre nychtbouris, and nane vtheris, and that nane be resauit within the saidis schippis bot sic as sall deliuer the tiket of ane of the baillies or clerk for thair warrand.
Clark, villa.
The baillies, dene of gild, and counsall foirsaidis, togither with the dekynnis of the baxteris, tailyouris, skynnaris, wrychts, masonis, fleschouris, cordinaris, grantis and consentis to the bigging and completing of Alexander Clarkis landis at Nidries wynde heid, conforme to his petitioun, oure Souerane Loirdis licence gevin to him thairvpoun, registratt in this buke, and conforme to his platt producit befoir thame this day in counsall, and ratefeis and apprevis the said licence; and Clark askit instrumentis.
Proclamatioun, Wyne sek.
[Ordanit that "na sek wyne be sauld darrer fra this day furth nor vi s. vi d. the pynte."]
18 February 1574-5.
Villa, pest, guddis.
The baillies and counsall vnderstanding it hes plesit God, of his mercifull gudeness, to remove and tak away the pest frome this town and peple thairof, thay ordane the clengarris and folkis vpoun the mwre to be brocht hame, and James Ros, thesaurer, to intromet with the tymber of the luges, caldroun, and all vther thingis furnist be the gude toun the tyme of the seiknes, and mak compt thairof quhen he sall be commandit.
2 March 1574-5.
Villa, fleschouris craftis, Ros.
In presens of the baillies counsale and dekynnis James Ros, thesaurer, and procuratour fiscale, askit instrumentis that Cuthbert Thomsoun, dekyn of the fleschouris, had callit the prouest baillies and counsale his superiouris be way of actioun before the Regenttis Grace and Lordis of the Secreit Counsale, and protestit for sic remeid as he micht incur of the law for trubling of his lauchfull maiestratis contrair his aith and the said Cuthbert allegeand he had done na thing in that case bot for the weill and defence of his craft without the assistance or concurrance of the dekynnis or ony vtheris and sua had done na wrang and askit instrumentis.
23 March 1574-5.
Villa, Kinlocche.
The baillies and counsall ordanis the cran vpoun the kirk riging to be deliuerit to Dauid Kinloche, to be bestowit vpoun the wark of the ministerris lugeing.
30 March 1575.
Precept, thesaurer.
The baillies and counsall ordanis James Ros, thesaurer, deliuer to maister Jhonne Shairpe the sowme of x lib. for the greit seill to the townys gift of the Trinitie College, and the samyn sall be allowit in his compttis; and siclik to deliuer to Robert Borthwik, for writing of the said gift, xl s., and to the said maister Jhonis seruand for wax and seling xx s.