Extracts from the Records: 1566, Jan-June

Pages 211-216

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1557-1571. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1875.

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1566, Jan-June

19 March 1565–6. (fn. 1)

Precept, Sym, Foular, baillies.

The baillies and counsall ordanis Jhone Westoun, thesaurer, to content and pay to Jhone Sym and William Foular, baillies, the sowme of four Pundis for the expenssis maid be the saidis twa baillies, thair hors and seruandis, in ryding to Dunbar to the King and Quenis Maiesteis, being thair for the tyme, in this instant moneth of Merche, in effaris and commoun besyness concernyng this burgh.

20 March 1565–6.

Precept, Gourlay.

[The treasurer ordained to pay to George Gourlay, officer, forty shillings "for his expenssis maid vpoun himself and hors in passing at the townis command in thair effairs to Dunbar in this instant moneth."]

Precept, Clerk.

[The treasurer ordained to pay to two persons 6s.8d, each, "for thair playing afoir the towne be the space of the dayis and conveyng of thame in this instant moneth of Merche the tyme of the perliament,"]

Precept, Broun.

[The treasurer ordained to pay to "Cudbert Broun, tavernar, quha playit on the suesche the xviij day of Merche instant quhen our Soueranis come furth of Dunber to this toun, the inhabitantis thairof being assemblit to meit hir grace, the sowm of sex s. viij d."]

5 April 1566.

Admissio Chalmer.

Sir Symone Prestoun of Craigmiller, knycht, prouest of this burgh,[the bailies, dean of guild, treasurer, council and deacons of crafts,] being convenit in the tolbuithe of this burgh, comperit maister Dauid Chalmer, ane of the lordis of our Soueranis sessioun, and presentit ane gift maid to him be our Soueranis of the commoun clerkschip of this burgh, vnder the testimoniall of their graces greit seill, and desyrit the saidis prouest baillies and counsall to admit him and his deputis conforme to his gift, and to the profeitis and commoditeis thairof conform to his prouisioun, and als presentit letters of our Souerane lordis of sessioun deule execute and indorsit vpoun thame quhair thai wer chargit of befoir to do the samyn wnder the pane of putting of thame to the horne, and gif thai falyeit to put thame to the horne, escheit and inbring all the movabill gudis, etc., of the quhilk letteres be declarit that he had supersedit the executioun thir aucht kdayis bypast hoiping tham to haue admittit him as said is, quhairof he saw bot delay albeit he had intimat his said gift to thame of thame of befoir, quhairfor he certefeit thame he culd and wald do na les nor put thame instantle to executioun gif thai did nocht the samyn; and maister Jhone Prestoun, dene of gild, for the haill toun and himself, and in thair names, protestit for remeid of law, and that the admissioun of the said maister Dauid to this office at this tyme preiuge nocht thair priuilegis, be ressoun thai gaif the samyn for the feir kof hornyng, and protestit that thai mychat be fre quhensumeuir the samyn vakit to dispone thairvpoun at thair plesour as thai haue done in all tymes past, and allegeit the office culd nocht vaik at this present, bot at the ferrest the dewite thariof induring the tyme Alexander Guthre wes at the horne, and the said maister Dauid in the contrair; quhilkis haill baillies, dene of gild, thesaurer, counsall and dekynnis, with the haill personis abone specefeit, except my lord prouest (quha declarit he wald nocht voit nor ressaue him) gaif and grantit and be thir presentis gifis and grantis to the said maister Dauid Chalmer the said office of commoun clerkschip, with the profeitis commoditeis and dewyteis thairof induring the tyme that it sall happin the said Alexander to be our Soueranis rebell and at hir horne only, wnder protestatioun for remeid of law as said is, and thairvpoun the said maister Jhone Prestoun, in name forsaid, askit instrumentis; and the said maister Dauid Chalmer protestit that his ressait and admissioun wes conforme to his gift presentit this day and nocht induring the tyme of the said Alexanderis being at the horne, and that he mycht bruke and jois the said clerkschip conforme to the samyn in all poyntis and na vtherwayis askit instrumentis.

15 April 1566.

Anent the continuatioun of the superiorite of Leith.

In presens of [the bailies, council and deacons of crafts,] comperit Sir Symone Prestoun of Craigmiller knycht, prouest of this burgh, and produceit and presentit ane writing of our Souerane Lady the Quenis grace, subscryvit with hir hand and wnder hir signet, of the quhilk the tenour followis: Prouest baillies and counsall of our burgh of Edinburgh: We greit yow weill. Forsamekill as we wrait laitlie to yow to delay and superseid taking possessioun kand vsing the jurisdictioun of our toun of Leithe, be ressoun throw the vrgent and wechty effairs quhilk we haue now instantle in hand our lasour will nocht permit ws to tak ordour at this tyme anent the outquiting of our said toun, and we can nocht bot marvell sa obstinatly to ganestand that our reasonabill desyre and requeist; quhairfoir it is our will and we requyre and command yow that, incontinent efter the sycht heirof, ye prorogatt the act and obligatioun maid anent the redemptioun and outquiting of our said toun and vsing of the jurisdictioun yit for the space of vther sex monethis nixt efter the presenting of this our letter to yow and mak ane act thairvpoun that we be nawayis frustrat nor disapoyntit, assuring yow gif ye faill we can nocht stand content thairwith, bot ye will constrane ws aganis our awin will to acquite your obstinacie accordingly. Subscryvit with our hand, at Edinburgh, the xiij day of Aprile and of our regne the first and xxiiij yeris 1566. Quhilk wryting, beand red in all thair presens, thai ordanit the samyn to be registrat and insert in thair counsall buke, and the pryncipall to be deliuerit to maister Jhone Prestoun, dene of gild, to be had to the register hous and thair to be kepitt.

Westoun, Steivinstoun.

In presens of the counsall forsaid, Jhone Westoun, thesaurer, desyrit Andro Steivinstoun, baillie, to delyver the first supplicatioun direct to the toun be oure Soueranis for the continuation of ony intromissioun with the toun of Leithe quhill Sanct Lukes day nixt to the counsall to be put in register, quha refusit to geve it bot said that he suld keip it him self, quhairvpoun the said Jhone Westoun askit actis of court.

8 May 1566.

Presentation, Henrysoun, capellanie. Domini Quintigerni.

The prouest, baillies, counsall and dekynnis gave and grantit, and be the tenour heirof gevis and grantis, to Edwerd Hendersoun the chaiplenry callit Sanct Mungois chaiplenry foundit at the alter of the samyn situat in the paroche kirk of this burgh now vacand in thair handis be deceis of vnquhile Sir James Terbet, last chaiplane thairof, for all the dayis of the said Edwerdis lyfe, with all profeitis, oblationis, emolimentis quhatsumeuir.


[The treasurer ordained to pay forty shillings to a locksmith "for certane lokkis furneist and coft be him to the Quenis grace lugeing the tyme hir grace wes in Robesonis innis and furneist at command of the baillies."]

17 May 1566.

Precept, Purves.

The prouest baillies and counsall ordanis Jhone Westoun, thesaurer, to content and pay to Alexander Purvers, walx maker, ij s. vj d. for ilk pece of tua dosane and allevin torches, extending in the haill to the sowme of iiij li.vij s. vj d., furneist be him to the gude toun at thair command vpoun the ix day of Merche the yeir of God jmvcand lxv yeris, to pas to the abbay to vise the Quenis grace immediatle efter the slauchter of vmquhile Seinzeour Dauid Ricio.

29 May 1566.


[The treasurer ordained to pay twenty-four pounds Scots "for half ane tun wyne deliuerit be him at the tounis command to Sir Symone Prestoun of Craigmiller knycht, thair prouest."]

8 June 1566.


[The treasurer ordained to pay to "the bedrellis of Sanct Marie Wynde the sowme of x s., for the Witsounday terme in the yeir of God jmvc and lxvj, quhilk the gude toun gevis yeirly in almes to thame."]

19 June 1566.

Precept, magister schole.

[The treasurer ordained to pay to William Robertoun, master of the High School, ten merks for the Whitsunday terms mail of the school and ten merks as his fee for that term.]

21 June 1566.

Dauid Hoppringillis restoratioun.

The provest [bailies and council] lattis furth of ward and puttis to libertie Dauid Hoppringill, ypothecar, being input in waird at the instance of the kirk for mareing of his spous Katheren Creychtoun efter the papis fassoun, he being of befoir adionit to the kirk of God and thair disciplyne, nochttheles the saidis provest baillies and counsall latt him to libertie at the command and charge of our Soveringis writting vnderwrittin, off the quhilk the tenour followis:— Provest baillies and counsall of our burgh of Edinburgh, and all wtheris our officiaris present and to cum. Forsameikill as we ar informit that our louit serwitour Dauid Hoppringill, ypothecar, hes mareit ane women callit Katharen Creychtoun, douchter to Thomas Crevchtoun, our masour, efter the vs and consuetude of our religioun, for the quhilk ye intend to call molest and troubill thame, nochttheles we for ressonabill caussis and considerationis moving ws, hes dischargit and be thir presentis dischargis yow and all wtheris our officiaris of all calling pursewing troubling and molestsing or excommunicating of the saidis Dauid, his spous, or ony of thame, arreisting poynding distrenyeing warding or intrometting with thame thair landis gudis or geir in ony wayis, for the said mariage, or ony wther actioun concerning our religioun, and of your offices in that pairt, as ye will ansuer to ws thairvpoun, be thir presentis. Subscriuit with our handis, at Edinburgh, the secound day of Junii 1566. Et sic subscritur: Marie, R. Henrie, R.


  • 1. There are no entries in the Council Record from 11th January to this date.