Extracts from the Records: 1537

Pages 80-87

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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10 January 1536–7.


The quhilk day, the baillies and counsale hes feyit Jhone Jaksoun, commoun lokman of the towne, for ten merks money to be paid to him yeirly with ane yeirly lufferay and garmond at Yule of quhyte and blak colouris with the airmis of the towne, worth fyve merk vsuall money of the realme, the entrie of the said Jhone being at the Feist of Natiuity of our Lord last bypast.—(On ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)

27 January 1536–7.

[Convent of the Sciennes.]

The quhilk day, the baillies, sittand in jugement, decernis and ordanis Elizabeth Forbes and Robert Arrok of that ilk hir spous for his entres to content and pay to the priores and convent of the Sisteris of the Senis the sowme of tene merkis ij s. xj d. ob de claro of all termes bygane to Witsounday nixtocum of thair yeirlie annuale of sewin merkis vj s. ob, awing to the saidis priores and convent be the said Elizebeth and vmquhile Mr Henry Spittale hir spous, and now be the said Robert Arrok, for his entrenssis, of the twa tenementis pertening to the saidis Elizebeth and vmquhile Mr Henry, lyand at the est of Sanct Gelis kirk and at the Nether Bow, be wertew of the said priores aith referrit thairto be the said Robert Orrok takand the mater vpoun him for himselff and his said spous, and thairfoir ordanis the samyn to be payit within certaine [terme] of law.

31 January 1536–7.

[Supplication of Inverkeithing.]

The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale sittand in jugement, Marcus Suentoun burges of Innerkething, in name and behalff of the baillies and commwnitie thairof, presentit to the saidis baillies and counsale ane bill of supplecatioun gevin in to the Lordis of our Souerane Lordis Counsale be the saidis baillies and commwnitie of the burch of Innerkething, with the saidis lordis deliuerance thairvpoun, off the quhilk the tennour followis: My Lordis of Counsale, vnto your lordschipis humle menis and schavis we your seruitouris the baillies and commwnitie of the burch of Innerkething, that quhair in all tymes bygane quhen ony taxt accourit we and the inhabitaris of the burch of Kingorne wer ay ordanit to support and help the toun of Edinburgh to pay thair pairt of the said taxt, and quhen thai wer taxt to ane hundreth pund we war ordanit to pay iij li. thairof, and Kingorne xlij, howbeit our burch in all tymes bygane payit yeirlie to the Kingis Grace vj or vijc hundreth pundis striviling of custwme, and now it is dekeyit and fallin in povertie and pais nevir ane penny, and thair is nocht attour thre men thairin that may pay ane penny of taxt at this tyme, howbeit we are now taxt to xxv li., and Kingorne bot to xv li., and thai haif xxiij greit boittis and nyne schippis and ar ful of ryches, and we full of povertie and may nocht at this tyme pay the taxt put vpoun ws without oure vtir heirschip, heirfoir we beseik youre lordschipis for the caussis aboue writing put remeid to ws anent the payment of the said taxt, and tak cognitoun quhethair our burch [or the burch] of Kingorne [are] richear, and quhilk of ws may gudly pay maist, and according thairto taxt and extent ws and tharefter our power and substance, or ellis gyf command to the provest and baillies of Edinburgh to do the samyn according to iustice, and your ansuer we beseik. Heir followis the saidis lordis delyuerance of the said supplicatioun: Apud Edinburgh penultimo Januarij anno etc. vc xxxvj°. The lordis refferris this mater to the taxtaris of Edinburgh and to the provest baillies thairof and counsale. Be wertew of the quhilkis deliuerance the saidis baillies and counsale of this burch of Edinburgh haweand consideratioun perfyte cognitioun and knawlege of the premissis, powertie of the said toun of Innerkething, and ryply awyset, decernis and extentis the samyn to xvj li. viij s. of the viijc xxiij li. vj s. viij d. of the extent of this said burch of Edinburgh, that is to say twa pundis of the jcli., and extentis the said towne and burgh of Kingorne to xxiiij li. viij s. of the said extent of this burch of Edinburgh, that is to say thre pund of the jcli.

1 March 1536–7.

The thyrle multer of the townys akeris kyllis, and barnys.

The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsall decernis and ordanis that euery man havand aikeris of thair commoun mure mak samekill malt be yeir, and grynd the samyn at thair commoun mylnis sua that thair multer thairof be worth be yeir v li., the saidis persones being alwayes bundin and thirlit to the saidis commoun mylnis and to grynd all thair malt and cornys thairat, vnder the paynis contenit in the actis and statutis of the tovne, sua thair be na laufull impediment, quhilk multer salbe payit fra Witsonday nixttocum furth, and to fynd souerty heirfoir presentlie or within viij dayes nixt heirefter; and for keping of the premisses thir persones vnderwrittin, havand pairtis of the saidis commoun mvre and aikeris thairof, hes fundin souerteis as followes, viz. Dauid Hereot souerty for William Loche, and the said William souerty for the said Dauid, Alexander Adamesoun souerty for his brother William Adamesoun, the said William souerty to releve him, Mr Adam Otterburn souerty for Mr John Chepman, and the said Mr John souerty to releve him, John Watt souerty for John Scott, and the said John souerty to releve him, and the said John Watt souerty for Deme Bartoun that the premissis salbe fulfillit in maner foirsaid, William Symson souerty for Alexander Wilkesoun, Patrik Barroun souerty for Anthoyne Brussett, James Lauerok souerty for William Doby, and the said William souerty for the said Thomas be thair landis and gudes, Nicoll Carnecros souerty for James Mckgill.

Bassendenis buyth roupitt.

The quhilk day, in presens of the president baillies and counsall, James Bassentyne offeris for the north voultt of the Nether Bow to be his buyth the sovme of tuenty merkis vsuall money of this tovne, and v merkis of yeirlie maill being maid sikker thairof.

Scottish yaird outwith the West Poirt.

The quhilk day, in presens of the president baillies and counsall, Jhonn Scott offerit for the pece land lyand outwith the West Poirt, betuix his landis on the west pairtt and the wall of this tovne on the eist pairt, the landis of James Lawson on the south pairtt and the landis of Jhonn Gilpatrik on the north pairtt, the sovme of ten merkis in handis to haif the said pece land in fie and heretage frie for ever.

Tovnis landis and aikeris roupitt.

The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsall ordanis to roupe the north wolt of the Nether Bow desyrit be James Bassenden to be ane buith, and the pece land lyand outwith the West Poirt desyrit be Jhonn Scott, and quha that offeris maist thairfor to the tovnis proffeit and vtilitie to haue the same; and ordanis to roupe the vacand commoun aikeris of the mvre desyrit be Jhonn Carkettill, and quha willis geve maist penny thairfor salbe hard, etc.

Protestatio. Flemyng. Aikeris.

The quhilk day, in presens of the president and baillies sittand in jugement, comperit Patrik Flemyng eldare, and offerit him rady to fulfill the actis and statutes of the tovne maid vpoun the persones that tuke the commoun aikeris at the first taking thairof, and gif forther be statute that he be nocht hurt, and for remeid, [etc.]

3 March 1536–7.

The xij pairtes of the Burrowmvre sett to Makgill and Grahame.

The quhilk day, in presens of the president baillies counsall and dekynnis underwritten, that is to say, Nicoll Carnecors, president, Patrik Barroun of Spittelfield, Symoun Prestoun, William Vddart and George Cant, baillies, Andrew Edyear dekyn of the tailyeouris, Anthoyne Brussett dekyn of the barbouris, James Johnston dekyn of the smythis, Thomas Myrreleis dekyn of the cordinaris, James Kill dekyn of the wobsteris, William Chamlot dekyn of the walkeris, Archibald Leche dekyn of the furrouris, Thomas Rynde dekyn of the goldsmythis, James Caruour dekyn of the wrichtis, William Adamesoun, William Littill, Alexander Adamesoun, Eduard Kyncaid, John Carkettill, Mongow Tennend, Jhonn Purves, William Dik, Robert Watsoun thesaurer, Hew Douglas and Maister Dauid Yreland, comperitt James Makgill and Robert Grahame and offerit for tuelf pairts of the commoun mvre that mycht be fund vacand be the tovne the sovme of viijc merkis, and thair culd nocht be sa mony fund vacand to geve proportionally for thame as efferis to the said sovme revartand thairof as wantis of the saidis pairtis, for heretabill infeftment to be maid to thame in few ferme be the tovne of the saidis pairts, and obleist thame coniunctlie and seueralie for payment of the said sovme efferand to the pairtis to be gevin to thame; and thairfoir the saidis president baillies counsall and communitie, havand consideratioun of the polecie and dyueris vtheris actis necessar to be done within the tovne at onr Souerane Lordis and the Quenis graces hame cumming, dyueris consultatiouns and contractis being had of befoir quhairvpoun the said polecie and actis suld be maid, and als havand consideration that thair was littill or nane of thair commoun gude befoirhand to do the same, sua that it behuifit to set ane pairt of thair commoun mvre quhilk was maist proffitable and leist skaith to the tovne and commoun gude thairof, the saidis xij partis of thair commoun mvre being roupit opinlie throw the tovne dyueris tymes and nane comperand that offerit samekill for the same as the saidis Robert and James offerit in hand, attour ane yeirly few of v s. for ilk aiker, and thairfoir with consent and assent hes gevin and grantit and be thir presentis gevis and grantis to the said James Makgill and Robert Grahame equalie be equal diuisioun, and to thair airis and assignyes, in few ferme heretablie, all and syndry the saidis tuelf partis of aikeris of the landis of thair commoun mvre for the said sovme of viijcmerkis in hand, and ane yeirlie few of v s. to be payit to the tovne for ilk aiker thairof, efter the forme and tennour of thair infeftmentis to be maid to thame thairvpoun vnder the commoun seill of the tovne, quhilkis the saidis president baillies counsall and communitie oblesis thame and thair successouris to geve in dew forme as efferis.

The tovnis waist land outwith the West Port sald to John Scott.

The quhilk day, the president baillies counsall and communitie hes gevin and grantit to Jhonn Scott the pece land pertening to the tovne lyand within the fredome thairof outwith the West Poirt, betuix the landis of James Lawson on the south pairt, the landis of Jhonn Kilpatrik and Jonet Hillis his spous on the north, the wall of the said poirt on the eist pairt, and the landis of the said Jhonn Scottis on the west pairtt, for the sovme of ten markis in hand vsuall money of Scotland alanerlie, efter the tennour of the infeftment tobe maid to him thairvpoun, quhilk pece land was dyueris tymes rowpit throw the tovne and offerit to thame that wald geve maist thairfoir, and nane comperit that offerit samekill, and thairfoir the saidis president baillies counsall and communitie grantis to the said Jhonn Scott thair commoun seill thairvpoun in dew forme as efferis, etc.

Bassenden rentalit in the volt at the Nether Bow.

The quhilk day, the president baillies counsall and communitie hes gevin and grantit to James Bassenden the north wolt of thair Nether Bow to be his buith in tyme cummyng, and ordanis the said James Bassenden to be rentalit thairintill conforme to vtheris haifand the commoun buithis, and that for the sovme of tuenty merkis payit be the said James to the tovne of foir maill, and thairefter for payment of ane yeirlie maill in tyme cumming of v merkis vsuall money of Scotland, tobe payit to the thesaurer of the tovne for the tyme.

23 March 1536–7.

[Mr Adam Mwre, master of grammar school.]

(On ane lowse leiff, 23 Martij 1536, is contenit the appoyntment betuix the towne and Mr Adam Mwre, maister of thair Grammer Schole, quhairin is contenit that the said Mr Adame renunces all bygane pensiouns and actis made in his favour, for the quhilk thai gif him xx merk yeirly quhill he be provydit to ane benefice worth xx li. yeirly, and sall pay him xx li. for all bygane pensiouns, oblissand thame and thair successouris to [pay] the said pensioun of xx merk as said is, and to gif thair commoun seill thairvpoun.—Tr.)

10 April 1537.

[Feu of land to Sisters of the Senis.]

The quhilk day, Nicoll Cairnecors president, Symon Prestoun, George Cant, Patrik Barroun, baillies, counsale and community vnderwrittin, sittand in jugement, that is to say, Adame Otterburne, of Reidhall, knycht, Mr James Fowlis of Colintoun, Hew Dowglas, William Adamesoun, Robert Logane, Alexander Adamesoun, Alexander Belscheis, Mr Dauid Irland, Gilbert Lawder, Jhone Purves, Jhone Steuinsoun deykin of the flescheouris, Thomas Mereleis deikin of the cordineris, James Jhonestoun deykin of the smythis, James Caruour deykin of the wrichtis, Rychert Young for the goldsmythis, Stephin Bell and Henry Cranstoun for the skynners, James Kyl deykin of the wobsteris, William chamlott deykin of the walkeris, and Henry Lilly, consentit that the land lyand betuix the Seynis and the Borrowloch pertening to the fredome of this towne wer sett in few to the Sisteris of the Seynis, conform to the appunctuament to be maid with thame thairvpoun, for the vtility and proffeit of the towne.—(On ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)

16 June 1537.

Crames in the Tolbuith.

It is statute and ordanit be the baillies and counsall that na maner of cramers tak vpoun hand till cum within the Tolbuith to sell ony maner of merchandice, nor sett stands thairin, in tyme cuming, vnder the payne of xl s. als oft as thai failyie thairin, till be taikin but favouris, and ordainis the officeris to poynd and distreynyie for the sam gif neid beis.

26 July 1537.


The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies sittand in jugement, Jhone Sleith grantit and confessit that he loissit the pok of forest woll pertening to Mungo Tennend efter that the samyn wes schippit and stowit in his schip, and referrit him in the townis will for the falt committit be him aganis thair priuelege and fredome thairthrow; and in presens afoirsaid, Dauid Ferry is becumin souertie to enter the said Jhone, quhat tyme the toun requiris him, to mak sufficient mendis for the said failye according thairto, and Robert Quhippo becumis souertie to releif the said Dauid Ferrie at all handis, ilk ane of thame vnder the pane of jc li.

22 December 1537.

Fermoraris, maltmen, multer.

The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsall, sittand in jugement decernis and ordanis the fermoraris of thair commoun mylnis to tak and ressaue in all tymes cuming fra the maltmen, of ilk thre bollis of vngrundin malt ane pect of grundin malt for the multur of the samyn, conforme to the vse and wount, and ordanis ane just pect brunt and selit with the toun to be deliuerit to the saidis fermoraris efferand to the maltmenis mesour for metting of the malt and ressaving of thair said multur; and attour ordanis the said fermoraris to keip the flure of the malt mylnis during thair tymes dry for conserving of the malt that beis mett thairvpoun, or ellis to mak ane claith to lay vpoun the samyn to the effect foirsaid.—(This on ane lowse leiff.—Tr.)