Extracts from the Accounts: Deans of Guild, 1553-4

Pages 343-352

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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Deans of Guild, 1553-4


Heirefter followis the Compt of Johne Symsoun, Dene of Gild, of his Charge in the yeir of God Jm vc fifty foure yers; his entres beand the viij of October the yeir of God Jm ve and liij yers precedand:—


In primis, I am to be chargit with the Silver of the Pece of procuratoun:—

[Details are set forth, similar to those in the previous year's accounts. In the collections for that year, no special mention is made of Yule, the 25th of December 1552 having been a " Sonday;" but in this year there is entered:—"On Yule Day, the xxv day [of December], ressavit fra James Lyndesay and Alexander King, iiijli. viijs iijd."]

Summa of the haill charge of the pece of this yeir, jcvjli iijvd

Dean oi Guild's Account 1553-54,

Item, I am to be chargit this instant yeir with the nowmer of the Schippis quhilk the buke bers, iiijxx xij schippis at xiiijs the pece.

Summa, lxiiijli viij

Item, I am to be chargit with the Burgesses and Gilds this instant yeir as the buke bers:—

[The names of fourteen burgesses and guild-brethren are entered, and the sums received vary from 6s. 8d. to 10 lib.]

Summa of the burgesses and gilds, iijxx xijli

Item, I am to be chargit with the Cordiners' Choppis of the kirkyard:—

In primis, thre of the eistmost of thame yeirlie, giffand ilk chop ij merks, and xv of thame ilk pece giffand yeirlie xxs; and the westmost, quhilk is callit Johne Mitchellis chope, giffand xs yeir, becaus it is at the erd and nocht bet, quhilk extends in the haill to xixli xli

Item, I am to be chargit with the Choppis of the kirk:—

In primis, Johne Gilbert's chope yeirlie, xxxs
Item, George Tumour's chope, xxxs
Summa, iijli

I am to be chargit with the Layers of the kirk for this yeir as Patrik Govynnis compt bers:—

[These accounts give the names of fifteen adult persons buried within the church of St Giles, and there are four entries of " barnis " layers.]

Summa of the layres vli viijs

I am to be chargit with the foure Grete Candilstiks in this instant yeir:—

[Twenty-five names are set down under this head, among which are, " for the lard of Rosling," the lard of Kynfawnis," "Lazarus CoqueL"]

Summa of the grete candilstiks, viili

I am to be chargit with the foure Silver Candilstiks and the Croce:—

In primis, I haif ressavit fra Patrik Guvane, for the foirsaids candilstiks and the silver croce, the sowme of xlviijs iiijd
Item, gottin on Sanct Gelis day, and Eelict Sonday for Sanct Gelis day, in fre money, vijd
The haill sowme of my charge this instant yeir extends to ijciijxxxixli xviijsiiijd

Heir followis the Discharge of the Dene of Gild's compt above writtin, the yeir foirsaid, 1554:—

In primis, I am to be dischargit at the hands of Andro Mansion, wrycht, for the rest of the completing of the sowme of the stallis of the queir, the sowme of viijxx xli
Item, to James Nicoll, for vj dozone and ½ eistland burd, price of the pece vjs viijd: summa xxvjli
Item, to Richard Trowp, with the vij serjands, and Thomas Hall, for thair feyis pertenyng to the dene of gild, xxiijli
Item, for ane dosone of knaphald, xxvjs
Item, for the carying of thame fra Leyth, xijs
For the out taking of all the stallis furthe of the queir, iijs
Item, the expenssis maid of the calffotting of Sanct John's isle, Sanct Anthoni's isle, with pik, tar, coffing hards, olie, collis, and warkmanschip thairof, xxxjs viijd
Item, for xiiij faddome of corde to hing the pan in the meids of the kirk, iiijs iiijd
Item, ane greit loke to the wolt dure of Sanct Thomas ile, vs vjd
Item, bocht the xij day of October, foure laids of Cousland lyme, vs iiijd
Item, vij laids sand, xxxd
Item, Johne Broune and his marrowis, sawars, for foure draucht of geistis, ilk draucht xd, xld
Item, for xxiiij quarter drauchtis of eistland burds, ilk draucht ijd, summa of the saids drauchtis, vijs iiijd
Item, for ane geist, to Johne Westoun, and carying of it, xixs

Heir followis the viij dayis expensis, precedand the xviij day of November, of the raising of the Throuchis and Payment of the Queir, of this instant yeir:—

In primis, Gilbert Cleuth, Nicoll Andersoun, maissonis, ane oulks waigeis, xls
Item, ane barroman with thame, this oulk, viijs
Item, thre uther barromen redand and beirand eird to the quieir, waigeis ilk man on the day xvjd; summa xxs
Item, for ane riddill and ane schoule with ane irne to it, xxviijd
Item, for candill to the barromen and maissonis this oulk, xxxviijd
Item, for naillis to the wrichtis, xxxijd
Item, to Maister Johne Prestoun for ane hundreith tylde, xvs
Item, to young Johne Auchmowtie for twa hundreith and ane half tylde, xxxijs iiijd
Item, for carying of thame fra Leith, ijs
Item, to Johne Broun, sawar, and his marrow, sawars, for twa dayis wark, xijs
Item, for drinksilver to the warkmen this oulk, iijs
Summa of this oulk, vijli xd

Item, this viij dayis expenseis, precedand the xxv day of the said moneith of November:—

Item, for viij laids Cousland lyme, xs
Item, for twa dosone sand, viijs
Item, for ane aikin spair, xxxd
Item, to Gilbert Cleuch and Nicoll Andersoun, maisonis, thre dayis waigeis, xxs
Item, ane barroman with thame and with the wrichtis this oulk, viijs
Item, thre uther barromen feit to plane the throuchis and payment of the queir this oulk, vjs viijd
Item, for candill to the maisonis this oulk, xiiijd
Item, for xij elnis of new payment to the queir, and carying of thame, xxxijs
Item, for ane hundreith planscheor naillis and ane hundreith dur nallis, iiijs
Item, for carying of the greit ledder to the glassin-wricht to the windok of the eist gavill, viijd
Item, for drinksilver this oulk, iijs
Summa of this oulk, iiijli xvjs

Item, this viij dayis precedand the second day of December of this instant yeir:—

Item, to Gilbert Cleuch and Nicoll Andersoun, maisonis, thre dayis waigeis, xxs
Item, to ane barroman with them thre dayis, iiijs
Item, for candill to thame, xiiijd
Item, for sawing of thre quarter drauchtis of eistland burd, ixd
Item, for ane hundreith planchoure naillis and ane hundreith dur naillis, iiijs
Summa of this oulk, xxixs xjd

Item, this viij dayis expensis precedand the ix day of December:—

Item, to Johne Banks, smyth, for twa quhit plait lokks, with thair bands, ryngs, roissis, and quhit nellis to the buke almoreis of the queir, xijs
Item, to him for xij irne boltis to the stallis, iiijs
Iteni, for half ane hundreith planscheour naillis, iiijs viijd
Item, to Johne Ahannay, smyth, for xij irne boltis to the stallis, ijcgreit planscheor naillis, with mending of the loke to Sanct Thomas isle, xiijs
Item, to Nicoll Andersoun, twa dayis waigeis, vs iiijd
Item, to ane borroman with him twa dayis, xxxijd
Item, for viij faddome of corde to the ledderis, ijs iiijd
Item, for ane pund of glew, xviijd
Item, for caring of the greit standart, vjd
Summa of this viij dayis, xlvjs

Item, this viij dayis precedand the xvij day of December,as ut supra:

In primis, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poynting of the haill kirk with the illis, afoir Youle, xxviijs
Item, for foure laids of lyme, viij laids sand, with watter, vijs viijd
Item, to Mungo Hunter, smyth, for ane bar loke with thre keyis to the south dure of the queir, and mending of the lok of the organe loft, xijs
Item, to him for xxvj stobbis of irne for the transs of the queir, iiijs
Item, for skowring of the braissin wark afoir Youle, and clainging of the gutteris laith about the kirk and redding of the queir, and drinksilver to the glassin wrichtis cheilder, vs iiijd
Item, for foure quarter drauchtis of daillis and naillis to the wrichtis, iijs
Summa of this oulk, lvjs

Item, this viij dayis precedand the xxiiij day of December:—

Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwricht, for ane pannell of ane glassin windoke aboun the queir, contenane of new glass xij futtis and ane half, price of the fute xviijd; and to him for ane pannell of glass to the Halyblude ile contenand vij fute of new glass, and in Sanct Gabriellis ile ane pannell contenand vj futtis and ane half of new glass, price of ilk fute of new glass xviijd; item for viij futtis of auld glass new set in leid, price of ilk fut setting vjd; summa of all this glass, xliijs
Item, for xviij laids of Cousland lyme, xixs iiijd
Item, for fyve dosone sand, xxs
Item, for iiij dosone watter to this lyme, xxxijd
Item, to James Reidheid, sawar, and his marro, for xiiij brond draucht of eistland burd, price of ilk draucht vjd; and to him and his marro for xviij quarter draucht of eistland burds, ilk draucht iijd; and twa draucht of aikin tymmer xijd; summa of this tymmer, xijs vjd
Item, for xv punds of glew, xvjs vjd
Item, for mending of the wrichtis watter tube, vjd
Item, to Andro Mansion's childer at Fantronis even in drinksilver, vjs
Item, for thekin of Johne Michellis choip in the kirkyaird, and betting of the samyn, vjs
Item, for twa eistland burds, xiijs iiijd
Item, to Johne Ahannay, smyth, for iijcsmall brind naillis, price of ilk hundreith xvjd; and ane hundreith dur naill, price of the hundreith xvjd, and twa hundreith of dure nail schank, price of the hundreith xviijd; and for ane hundreith planscheor naillis xxxd; item, for xl greit naillis to the wreichtis and vj greit irne stappillis iiijsiiijd; item, for iij dosone of small naillis xxxijd; summa of the smyth, xviijs xd
Item, the beitment of the Hospitall of Sanct Mary Wynd, for iij laids lyme, viij laids sand, ane dosone of water, vijs iiijd
Item, to ane sklater for his laboris of the saids chaippell, xiijs
Item, for ane hundreith sklaittis, xs

Item, this viij dayis precedand the xiiij day of Marche:—

Item, to Walter Bynnyng, paynter, for paynting of xviij pannallis of the queir, and the twa greit pannallis of the north gavill of the queir, with osure, and furnesing of all uther stufe to thame, xxviijs
Item, for mending of the ledder and runging of it, xijd
Item, to the preists for singing of the Passioun on Palme Sonday, xxxd
Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwricht, for ane pannell in Our Ladey ile, contendand vj futts of new glass, price of ilk fute xviijd; ane uther pannell of new glass in Sanct Gabriellis ile, contenand ij futtis, price of the fute xviij; and vj futtis of auld glas new sett in leid in the samyn ile, price of ilk fute setting vjd; item, twa pannellis in Sanct Thomas ile, callit Prestonis ile, with vj futtis and ane half of new glass, price of ilk fut xviijd; and in that samyn ile viij futtis auld glass new set in leid, price of ilk fut setting vjd; and drinksilver till his servand for poynting of the glassin windokis on the haill south syde of the kirk afoir Pasche, ijs; summa of this glass, xxxs ixd
Item, to Johne Broun, sawar, and his marro, for ten braid drauchtis of eistland burd, price of ilk draucht vd; and to him for xxxij quarter drauchtis of eistland burd, price of ilk draucht ijd; summa of the sawars, ixs vjd
Item, to Johne Ahannay, smyth, for vjc dur naillis, price of ilk hundreith xvjd; summa viijs
Item, to Patrik Bikkartoun, maisoun, and his servands, for laying of the stane greifs in Sanct Thomas ile, vjs
Item, for beiring of reid in the said ile, and the reding of tymmer furth of the samyn, and clenging of the samyn, xxxd
Item, to Patrik Govane and Doctor Smyth at Pasche, ijs
Item, for beiring of xxxj barrois of erd in Prestonis ile, and filling of the hollis of the samyn, xxd
Item, to Thomas Home for dichting of the gutteris at Pasche, ijs
Item, for vj laids of Cousland lyme and ane dosone sand, xjs viijd
Item, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poynting of the haill bodey of the queir, quhilk contenis viij ruds of wark, price of ilk rude poynting work ijsiiijd; item, Sanct Johnis ile, quhilk contenis ane rude thre elnis, price of the rude poynting wark ijsiiijd; item, the bodey of the kirk betwix the stepil and the west gavill thairof, quhilk contenis nyne rude of wark, price of ilk rude poynting ijsiiijd; item, in the myde ile betwix Sanct Katharenis and Sanct Stevin's ile, contenis vij rude worke, price of ilk rude poynting ijsiiijd; item, Sanct Ninianis to Sanct James' ile, quhilk contenis foure rude and twenty aucht elnis, price of ilk rude poynting wark ijsiiijd; item, betwix Sanct Thomas ile and Sanct Gabriellis ile, quhilk contenis twa rudis of wark, price of ilk rude poynting wark ijsiiijd; item, Prestoun's ile, contenis fyve rude of poynting wark, price of ilk rude xxviijd; summa totalis of poynting wark, iiijli vjs iiijd

Item, the expenssis maid on the Cordineris Choippis in the kirk yaird:—

Item, for viij laids of Cousland lyme, ane dosone sand, and watter furnist to it, xijs xd
Item, to Peter Baxter, sklater, for poynting of the haill saids cordineris choippis, ixs
Item, drinksilver to the sklatar's childer, ijs
Item, for scowring of the braissin wark of the queir at Pasche, xijd
Item, for viij dosone watter furnisit to the sklatars and to the poynting of the haill kirk, price of ilk dosone viijd; summa vs iiijd
Item, for beirring of foure scoir xij sklaitts fra the porter luge to the choippis of the kirk yaird, vjd
Item, to the said Peter Baxter, for the poynting of the haill ilering of the aislars of the haill kirk, vjs
Item, to Thomas Home for scowring and wattering of the haill kirk the tyme of the parliament, ijs
Item, to Mungo Hunter for ane quhit bar loke, with ane pair of quhit bands with ane ring and rois to the south-west queir dur, with ane stok loke to the west queir dur, and sex pinnis of irne, xiiijs
Item, for runging of the kirk ledder, xxxd
Item, for vij laids of Cousland lyme and xviij laids of sand, with twa dosone watter to the poynting and alaring of the aislars of the kirk, xjs viijd
Item, for half ane eistland burd for making of ane lettroun to the queir, iiijs viijd
Item, for beirring of the aislar stanis of the Walkar's alter to the maisoun luge, vjd
Item, to Thomas Home for wattering and deichting of the kirk on the Sacrament day, ijs
Item, to Walter Bynnyng for paynting of the foure greit armis, with the twa small armis of the queir, with oly coloris and gold, vli
Item, for ane mess buke to the hie alter, xxxiijs iiijd
Item, to Johne Rynd for ane tyne stoip for the watter to the mess, xxiijs
Item, for scouring of the brassin wark on Sanct Geillis day, and wattering and soupping of the kirk, iijs

Item, the expenssis maid on the west queir dur, to sawars and pyoneris:—

Item, thre eistland burds xxxjs; iiij irue botts iijs; to Mungo Hunter for thre pair [blank] bands of quhit wark with thair nallis xxxs; to ane maisoun vjs; to the wricht for making of the samyn dur xls; summa of the expenssis of the dur, vli vjs vijd
Item, for twa laids of Cousland lyme, iijs
Item, to Thomas Watsoun, glassinwricht, for beitment of ane pannell of glass to Sanct Salvator's ile, quhilk contenis of new glass v fute and ½ price of ilk fute new glass xviijd, and in the samyn pannell iiij futts auld glass new set in leid, price of ilk fut new set vjd; item, to him for ane pannell in the heich windo in the queir in the south side, quhilk contenis vj fute new glass, price of ilk fute xviijd, and vij fut and ane half auld glass new sett in leid, price of ilk fut of setting vjd; summa of the glass, xxiijs jd
Item, to the said Thomas Watsoun for his fie, iiijli
Item, to Johne Young, candilmakar, for viij stanis of candill to the warkmen of the kirk, iiijli vs iiijd
Item, to Alexander Robesoun for mending of the kaippis of the kirk, vs
Item, to Andro Auldmale, wricht, quha beand at the begynnyng of the stallis to the ending, vli
Item, gevin to Alexander Ahannay for ryngin of the bellis on Salmes evin, ijs
Item, to Thomas Home for his yeir's fie, xls
Item, to Doctor Smyth for his yeir's fie, xxs
Item, for bussomis to dicht the kirk with at Youle, Candilmess, Pasche, Whitsonday, and Sanct Geillis day, with the laif of the Sundayis of symmer, vs vjd
Item, for oley to the knok, viijs
Item, for dichting of the gutteris and spowtis above the kirk, xxxs
Item, to George Johnestoun for walx furnissing to the foure grete candilstiks this yeir, xxxjs
Item, to Patrick Tod, for his fe for keiping of the croce and silver candilstiks, xs
Item, for twa stanis of candil to the pann in the mydds of the kirk, and keiping of it, xxvs iiijd
Item, to Mungo Huntar for ane patill to patill the kirk with, vjs
Item, for the keping of the sepulture at Pasche, viij dayis, day and nycht, viijs
Item, for mending of the lok of the revestry dure, xvjd
Item, for girs, watter, fyre, and ane dow at Witsonday, xviijd
Item, for keiping of the funt at Witsonday, ijs
Item, for the paynting of Sanct Geil, xs
Item, for my fe and my chaplainis fe, xli xiijs iiijd
Summa of my haill discharge of this instant yeir extends to, iijc xiiijli viijs ijd
Sua am I superexpendit this instant yeir above my charge, xxxiiijli viijs xd

The ferd day of Januar, the yeir of God jmvcliiij yers, the compt of Johne Symsoun, dene of gild, in the yeir bygane, hard, sene, red, and ryplie avisit on be the auditors of comptis undirwrittin, in presence of the provest and baillies in the tolbuith thairof, the charge thairof beand laid extendit to ijclxxxlixviijsiijd, and the discharge to iijcxiiijliviijsijd, and sua finds that the gude towne restis awing to the said Johne, comptar, the sowme of xxxiiijliviijsixd. In witnes heirof all the saids auditors and jugis hes subscrivit thir presents.

Mr James Lindesay, bailie. Kynspindye, prowest of Edr.
Edward Hoipe, baillie. James Barron.
William Car.