Extracts from the Accounts: Town Treasurer, 1555-6

Pages 315-327

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.

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Town Treasurer, 1555-6

Town Treasurer's Accounts, 1555-56.

THE COMPT of Maister Archibald Grahame, Thesaurer to the Towne of Edinburgh, burgh, in the yeir of God ane thousand fyve hundreth fiftye and sex yeris; and his entres to the said office begynnand at Mychaelmes in the yeir of God jm vc fiftye and fyve yeris, and endis at Mychaelmes in the yeir of God Jm vc lvj, as said is.


[The five Common Mills were let this year to Maister James Lyndsay for 1750 merks, the Wyld Aventors to James Cranstoun for 850 merks, and the Petty Customs to John Weir for 445 merks. The other ordinary items of revenue are the same as in the previous year, with the exception of the first entry here given:—]

Item, the compter chargis him with the malis of the aucht over north buithis under the tolbuyth, viz., Williame Boithwellis, Johne Realtounis, Isobell Litillis, Isobell Flemyngis, Johne Youngis, Jonet Ryndis, Maister Johne Prestounis, and Williame Andersonis wyff, in the yeir iiijlib; summa xxxijli
Item, the compter chargis him with vijs vjd gottin for the dewteis of Kathering Purdy as air to Jhone Purdy, hir fader, for her entre to ane half on thre aker on the mure, vijs vjd
Item, the compter chargis him with xxxs gottin fra Adame Purves for his entre to thre akers of the mure be resignatioun of James Nicolsoun and Kathering Purdy, xxxs
Summa of the haill charge, is twa thousand ane hundreth xxxvjli xiiijs ijd


Heir followis the said Maister Archibald Grahame's discharge ordinar:—

[As in the previous years, the ordinary discharge consists of the annual fees to the Provost, Bailies, and Councillors, and their officials, and of the annuals to churches and churchmen. There are set down 40 lib. "to the thre assissors as thair fee;" 20 lib."to Johne Barroun for his pensioun for singing in the queir;" 5 lib. "to Sir Patrik Dowglas, prebendar of Sanct Salvator's alter for his annuell;" and 10 lib. 13s. 4d. "to Johne Young for the clerk's chalmer." The whole ordinary discharge is stated at 373 lib. 6s. 8d.:—]

Discharge be preceptis:—

[A few only of the entries of payments under precepts are here given:—]

Item, to Williame Kar, custumar, be ane precept datit xiij Decembris, iiijxxxiijli vjs viijd
Item, to the provest, be ane precept datit the xvj Decembris, vxx xiijli
Item, to the Quenis grace Monsieur Dossall, be ane precept datit xvj Decembris, vxxli
Item, to the Quenis grace, be ane precept datit septimo Februarij, xvjl
Item, allowit to the comptar, be ane precept datit septimo Februarij, xxvijli viijs
Item, to the firmorars of the wyld aventurs, be ane precept datit xx° Februarij, xli
Item, to Jaques Hog, trumpitor, be ane precept datit penultimo Februarij, vs
Item, to Jaques, Frencheman, be ane precept datit xvij Aprilis, anno, &c., lvjto, xxs
Item, to Jacques, Frenscheman, be ane precept datit xvc Maij, xs
Item, to him and his twa sonis, be ane precept datit xv Maij, xxs
Item, payit to four serjands that convoyit the Holand men to the sheref of Fyf, be ane precept datit xix Junij, vjli
Item, to Walter Dawlin, kepar of the New Well, be ane precept dated xviij Augusti, xxs
Item, the foure menstrallis that playit on Sanct Jelis day, be ane precept datit xj Septembris, xls
Item, to Alexander Guthre, be ane precept datit tertio Novembris, xxvli
Item, to Maister James Lyndsay for the biging of the new myln, be ane precept datit secundo Decembris, iiijxxli
Item, to him for expenssis maid on the mylnis, be ane precept datit secundo Decembris, xljli xiiijs viijd
Item, to Jaques, Frenscheman and his twa sonis, be ane precept datit xvj Decembris, iijli
Summa of the haill preceptis, vjcxxvijli xiijs

Heir followis the compteris discharge extraordinar:—

Item, on Mairtinmes evin the x day of November anno, &c., lv yeris at the rowping of the commoun gude, for four gret torchis and candill, xxxs
Item, to ane boy to pas to Kylspindy to the provest, with ane wreting of the Quenis, vs
Item, to the warkmen in drinksilver on Hallow evin, xxiiijs
Item, for ane chymnay to the counsall hous weyand four stane iij quartars, price of the stane xs; summa xlvijs vjd
Item, to the lokman for towis, the secund day of November, xd
Item, to Robert Scott for ane wreting concernyng the Cannogait, vjs viijd
Item, the xv day of November for ane coit, ane pair of hois, dowblet, ane bonet, ane pair of schone, to the lokman, iijli xs
Item, the penult day of November, for busumis and towis to the lokman, xiiijd
Item, the xvj day of November, to the masseris for ane decreit for deliverance of ane man maid the trublane in Leyth, xs
Item, for ane discheione in Archibald Pennicukis hous in Leyth at the halding of ane curt, to the provest and counsall, payit xxiiijs
Item, for the fluring of the over irnehous, xviijs
Item, to the Blackfreris, at the townis command, quhen thair cheptor wes halden, vli
Item, to Homill quhen he wes stekit up for clenging of the pest geir, xs
Item, to the lokman for towis, the first day of Januar, xiiijd
Item, to James Nicholl for ane halbart quhilk wes gevin to James Hendersoun, officer, xxs
Item, to Louk Moresoun for the keping of the Cowgait Port, xxxs
Item, xxij Januar, quhen the commissars of burrowis convenit in the tolbuyth, twa quartis wyne and twa mainschottis, price vs iiijd
Item, on the morne efter, als mekill, vs viijd
Item, for twa punsionis to be scaffalding to the tolbuyth, vjs
Item, the penult day of Januar, gefin to ane officiar for ane precept of parliament, ijs
Item, for ane boy to ryn to Striviling to adverteis the Quenis grace of the cuming of the Burdious flet, vjs
Item, for the pointing of the south-west pairt of the fleschehous, for sclatis, lyme, and sarkin, and warkmanscip, iijli
Item, the fourt day of Februar, for dichting of the closet of the tolbuith, xijs
Item, for making of futegangis in the tolbuyth at the parliament, and ane daill to mak thame, xs
Item, for ane new greit lok to the Port of Sanct Marie Wynd, xviijs
Item, for ane greit band to the samin poirt, weyand xviij pund, price of the stane xijs; summa xiijs vjd
Item, to the lokman, the fourt day of Junij, for towis, xiiijd
Item, the xxj day of Junij, to ane officer for twa preceptis of chaker, iiijs
Item, the secund day of Julij, gevin to the lokman for towis, xiiijd
Item, the aucht day of Julij, for thre hingand lokis to the new well, price of the pece iiijs; summa xijs
Item, to Johne Hammiltoun for ryding to Fastcastell with ane charge to the lard of Restalrige, xxiiijs
Item, for dichting of the closet at the tolbuyth stair futt, the nyntene day of August, viijs
Item, for cordis to the bull on Sanct Jelis day, xijs
Item, for ane cairt to cary Portus throw the towne, vjs
Item, for towis to bind hir in the cart, ijs
Item, for ane cart to cary the fallow that brak his leg furth of the tolbuyth throw the town, quhen he wes scurgit, iiijs
Item, for towis to him, xiiijd
Item, for my expensis and Jhone Litillis quhen we raid to the Quenis grace to the Glammis, concerning the Frencheman that brocht in the first wyne, at the townis command, vli
Item, to the Blackfreris and the Gray, for thair preching yeirlie, xij barralis beir, price thairof xviijli
Item, to Archibald Betoun for the maill of the grammer scole, viijli
Item, for the officeris expensis watand upoun the man of Leyth that wes tane for the slauchter of the man in Leyth, xvjs
Item, to Sir Johne Cammell iiij gallonis wyne viij sindry dayis, and to the Bischop of Galloway ane galloun; summa of wyne xls
Item, to the officiars that gef the chargis to the baillies of Leyth, vjs viijd
Item, for the Lordis of the Chekker discharge at the paying of burrow malis, xlvjs
Item, for the burrow malis, iijli
Item, to Johne Wallace and Williame Foullis, xxijs
Item, to Thomas Teuch, xviijd
Item, for torchis and candill this last Martymes evin, in the thesaurar's absence, xxxs
Item, for the making of thre rude and ane half of calsay at the Borrow Loche, price of the rude xxxviijs; summa vjlixiijs
Item, for mending of the lok of the Watter Yet. iijs
Item, for thre eln and ane quarter of grein to be ane burd-claith to the counsallhous, price of the eln xvjs; summa lijs
Item, for ane dusoun of greit cussionis, xxxvjs
Item, for steking up of the loch dyk, twa horss ane day to leid feill to stop the watter, vjs
Item, for casting of faill, vs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, a day, iijs
Item, for sex laid lyme, vjs
Item, for twelf laid sand, vjs
Item, for making of ane pulpet to Maister Alexander Sym in the Magdelin Chapell:—
Item, for ane greit jeist to be standeris to the samin, xxs
Item, for sawing of it, ijs
Item, for thre eistland burdis, the price of the pece viijs; summa xxiiijs
Item, for sawin of the samin, ijsvjd
Item, to Johne Reid, twa ulkis wirkand on the samin, xls
Item, to Johne Purves, wricht, wirkand sicklyk twa oulkis on the samin, xxxvjs
Item, for nalis to it, ijs
Item, for ane gibbet that Curle wes hangit on at the Corss, iiijs
Item, for nalis to it, xiiijd
Item, for making of the gavil of the tolbuith stair, xs
Item, for nalis to it, xxijd
Item, for twa eistland burdis, xvjs
Item, for sawing of thame, xviijd
Item, for carting and bringing up of ane toun of wyne fra the Abay for the Quenis grace, gottin fra Alexander Guthre, iijsvjd
The auclit dayis expensis in the bakking of bulwark in Leyth, precedand the first of December 1555:—
Item, to xij barrowmen in this oulk, ilk man in the oulk ixs; summa vli viijs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, to wyn the stanis with ane gavillok, xxs
Summa of this oulk, vjli viijs
The aucht dayis expensis to dyk up the bulwart quhen it sandit, preceding the xiiij day of December 1555:—
Item, for xiiij mennis wagis this oulk, ilk man in the oulk ixs; summa vjii vjs
Item, for ane rude and ane half of schip-tymmer to be baking to the bulwart, price of the rude and nalis iiijlib; summa vjii
Item, for bering of the schip-tymmer fra the brig to the bulwart, vii
Item, to Sir Johne, maister werk, this oulk, xli
The expensis maid of the cutting and outlatting of the watter in the Play-feild:—
Item, for twa men ane oulk, ilk man in the oulk ixs; summa xviijs
Item, to the calsay maker to flag it, vjs
Item, gevin to Jhone Sym, at the townis command, be ane act datit secundo Novembris, for making of the last twa pannellis of the Newhevin, xxli
Item, to Maister Jhone Prestoun, that wes restand awing him of his compt that yeir he wes thesaurar, as his compt beris, jcxliijii iijd
Item, the comptar is to be dischargit of the sowme of xijii as for the malis of thre of the over buiths on the north syd of the tolbuith, viz., [blank] quhilkis are annalut and wedset, xijii
Item, the comptar is to be dischargit of v merkis pay it yeirlie of annuall furth of Isobell Litillis buyth to the airis of umquhill Jhone Jhonestoun, for the fische merkat, iijli vjs viijd
Item, the comptar is to be dischargit of four flesche stokkis mallis extending to iiijli, becaus samony stud waist the yeir of the comptaris office, iiijli
Item, the comptar is to be dischargeit of the sowme of vjli xiijs iiijd, becaus he lent to the baillies, at Lambes in the yeir of his office, the sowme of twa hundreth and fiffcie merkis to pay the townis pairt of ane extent, quhiJk wes rasit in July nixt prececland, to pay the men of weir on the West Bordors, and the comptar gat allanerlie fra the four baillies of this yeir instant, viz., Williame Kar, Alexander Barroun, Maister Jhone Prestoun, and Alane Dikkesoun jclxli; summa restand vjli xiijs iiijd
Summa of the haill extraordinar, and uther dewties foresayd, is iijc iijli xijs iijd
Heir begynnis the expensis on the Gret Yet of the Tolbuith, with the Barris of the over Tolbuiyth:—
The expensis of the first oulk, quhilk wes the viij day is precedand the xx day of December, Jm vc lv yeris:—
Item, for twa dozane pend vijs
Item, for brynging up of ane dosone esler fra Maister Johne Prestoun's wark to the tolbuith iijs
Item, for uplaying of thame in the tolbuith, xijd
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Item, for uplaying of iij dosoun daillis in the tolbuith that come fra the Newhevin, xijd
Summa of this oulk, [xxxijs]
The aucht dayis expensis precedand the xxvij day of December:—
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Summa of this oulk, xxs
The aucht dayis expensis precedand the fourt day of Januar:—
Item, to Adame Purves, wricht, xxs
Item, to Johne Reid, wricht, xxs
Item, to Adame Purves's servand, xvjs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Item, twa pund Frenche glew, iiijs
Item, for twa pund of candill, xxd
Item, for killing soundis, vjd
Item, for thre draucht of estland burd, xijd
Item, for ane dozone of estland burd, iiij1i xvjs
Item, for twa lang jestis to be the soill and the lintell to be the bar of the over tolbuyth, xls
Item, for the wrychtis and maisteris collatioun, vs
Summa of this oulk, [xjli iiijs ijd]

[There follow the details of five other weeks', or " aucht days,' " expenses, of which a few only are here given:—]

Item, for brynging up of the greit Unteli, to the warkmen of the trone, xs
Item, for xixxx of grait tynd nalis to the greit yat of the tolbuith, price of the jc, xls; summa vjli vjs viijd
Item, for sex bandis with crukis afferand thairto, to the greit yet, wyeand sex stane and ane half, price of the stane xjs; summa, iiili vis
Item, for helping up of the greit tymmer yet, xijd
Item, for ane dosoun and ane half of half dallis to the bynkis to the over tolbuith, price of the dosone xvjs; summa xxiiijli
Summa of the yet of the tolbuith and the barris, Ivjli ijs iiijd
Heir follo wis the expensis maid be Maister Archibald Grahame, comptar, the yeir of his onice, in the biggyng of the Newhevin, quhilk began in the moneth of November, the yeir of God 1555 yeiris, particularlie as efter followis:—
The expensis of the first oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis precedƒnd the xix day of November:—
Item, for xvj pece tymmer, price of the pece xiiijs; summa xjli iiijs
Item, for cart hyre of thame to the Newhevin, viijs
Item, wrocht to Jhone Hannay, smyth, [blank] of irne in carvell nalis, xij stane, priceof the stane xijs; summa vijli iiijs
Item, to xxiiij borrowmen, ilk man in the oulk ix8; summa, xli xvjs
Item, toJohne Cunynghame, masoun, xiiijs
Item, to Williame Bawmanno, xiiijs
Item, to James Ramsay, xijs
Item, to James Hammiltoun, xijs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Item, to the wrichtis to mak the outmest pannell gude and to set up twa pannallis nixt the land, xjli
Item, to the warkmen of Leyth to help to sett up the pannell, xxiiijs
Item, for the carying down of the nalis to the Newhevin, vd
Item, to Sir Johne, the maister wark, twa oulkis the wrichtis wrocht task, xl8
Item, for small to wis to haill the tymmer, xxs
Summa of this oulk, xlixli ijs vd
The expensis of this oulk quhilk wes the viij dayis precedand the xxviij day of November:—
Item, to xxviij barrowmen, ilk man in the oulk ixs; summa xijli xijs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Summa of this oulk, xiijli xijs
The expensis of this oulk, quhilk wes viij dayis precedand the v day of December:—
Item, to xxviij barrowmen, ilk man in the oulk ixs; summa xijli xijs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Item, gevin to xxviij men for ane Soundayis wark at the tid, at xijdthe man; summa xxviijs
Summa of this oulk, xvli
The expensis maid this oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis precedand the xiij day of December:—
Item, to xxviij barrowmen, ilk man in the oulk ixs; summa xiijli xijs
Item, to David Grahame, masoun, xxs
Item, for taiking up of the cran, to wrichtis and smyths in drinksilver, xxs
Item, for cart hyre of vj cartis to bring up the brokin tymmer that left of the Newhevin to the nether tolbuith, ilk cairt byre at iiijs; summa xxiiijs
Summa of this oulk, xvli xvjs
Summa of the first bigyng of the Newhevin, lxxxxijlixvjsvd

Heir followis the expensis maid be Maister Archibald Grahame, compter, the yeir of his office, of the Newhevin, quhilk beginith agane in the moneth of Aprile in the yeir of God Jmvcand fyftie sex yeris, particularij as efter followis, as the compt thairof deliverit to him be Sir Jhone Wilsoun, maister of wark to the said Newhevin, purportis:—

[The works at Newhaven, which were commenced in August 1555 under John Preston as treasurer, were continued by Archibald Grahame till the middle of December, when they were suspended for the winter, and were resumed in the spring of 1556, as the immediately preceding entries show. The weekly expenses, for twenty–nine weeks, from the middle of April till the end of October 1556, and the outlay for iron work and timber, occupy sixteen pages of the accounts. Such of the entries are here given as serve to show the nature of the expenses:—]

The expensis of the first oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis precedand the xviij day of Aprile:—

Item, to xx barrowmen ane oulkis wages, ilk man in the ouk xs; summa xli
Item, to Sir Jhone Wilsoun, [maister] of wark, xxs
Item, for ane hundreth plencher nalis to the barrowis, xvjd
Summa of this oulk, xjlixvjs

The expensis of this oulk, quhilk wes viij dayis precedand the xxv day of Aprill:—

Item, to xxj barrowmen in the oulk xs; summa xlixs
Item, to Sir Jhone Wilsoun, xxs
Item, bocht fra Williame Fosteris wyff in Leyth viij garronis to be barrowis, price of the pece xxd; summa, xiijsiiijd
Item, bocht from the said William Fosteris wyff vj rauchteris to be clething to the barrowis, the price of thame, viijs
Item, for vj roungis to the said barrowis, ixd
Item, for ane hundreth plenchor nalis to the barrowis, bocht fra George Bennet, price ijsviijd
Item, for twa mattok schaftis to twa new mattokis, xd
Summa of this oulk, xijlixvsvijd

The expensis of this oulk, quhilk wes the aucht dayis precedand the secund day of Maij:—

Item, to xxj barrowmen, ilk man in the oulk xs; summa xlixs
Item, to twa quariors in this oulk, and to ilk quarrior xvjs: summa xxxijs
Item, to Sir Jhone Wilsoun, in the oulk, xxs
Item, for twa dosone of new schoullis, price of thame, xvjs
Item, for twa dosone of schole irnis, xvjs
Item, for half ane hundreth singill garoun nalis to the barrowis, price of thame, iijsiiijd
Item, for vj pund vj unce of steill to the pikkis and mattokis, bocht fra James Josse, price of the pund xiiijd; summa vijsvjd
Item, to James Wilsoun, quarior, for ane steill mell in wod of xvjs; the mell to be uphaldin als gude at the end of the wark as we gat it; summa xvjs
Item, for thre faddome of ane greit coird to barro the stanis with, price thairof xviijd
Summa of this oulk, xvjlixviijsiiijd
Item, bocht fra Martine Uddart ane dosone garronis to be barrowis, price of thame, xviijs
Item, bocht fra the said Martyne twa cliftis of ane tre, to be mattok achaftis, price of thame, iijsvjd
Item, to the warkmen in drinksilver, vjs
Item, for twa laid of brume to mend the sande housis, price thairof iijs
Item, for ane pund of kintellis to kint the samin brome on the housis, vjd
Item, gevin to ane boit of Leyth to bring xxvj pece of tymmer furth of Leyth to the Newhevin, and to warkmen that put it in and furth in the boit, xjs
Item, gevin to ane boit to bring twa lang treis furth of Leyth to the Newhevin, to be lintallis to the land pannell, ijsvjd
Item, gevin to John Cunynghame, wrycht, for himself in the oulk, xxvjs
Item, for his servand in the oulk, xviijs
Item, to Thomas Lyndsay, ilk oulk xxiiijs
Item, to his servand, ilk oulk, xvjs
Item, in drinksilver to the wrychtis, vs
Item, for ane bow stoup, iijsvjd
Item, for xxvij faddome of cordis, at the upsetting of the first pannell on the weist syde, to be gylomys, price of the faddome viijd; summa xviijs
Item, for ane cabill tow to the waindes, coft from Petir Carmichaell, price thairof, xls
Item, for stra to stop the mortis of the sollis, vjd
Item, for ane quart of tar to the nalis, ijs
Item, for ane bott that ramanit ane tyde upone the wrychtis at the uplifting of this said pannell, iijs
Item, to the warkmen efter the setting up of the secund pannell on the west syde, in drinksilver, at the provestis command, xijs
Item, payit to the foirsaid boitmen that carit the tymmer, for ane cord of thair awing quhilk wes brokin with the carying of this tymmer, as thai maid thair fayth wes wrocht vjs
Item, for calk to the wrychtis to strik the lynis on the tymmer, vijd
Item, to Gilbert baqlfour for ane hous maill to keip the warklumes, iijli
Heir begynnis the comptis of the irne wark of the Newhevin, the yeir of God Jm vc lvj yers; the xviij day of Maij:—
Item, in the first, wrocht be George Bennet, twa new mattokis weyand and stane v lib and ane half, price of the stane xijs; summa xvs xj½d
Item, wrocht be George Bennet on ane quarrior;s new mell, half ane stane of irne, price of the stane xijs; summa vjs
Item, on Friday, the xix day of Junij, wrocht ane stane and ane half of carvell nalis, price of the stane xijs; summa vjs
Item, wrocht ane auld pik new, and put on it sevin pund of irne, price of the stane xijs; summa vs iijd
Item, upoun Wednisday the ix day of September, wrocht iiij stane viij pund and half of irne in carvell nalis, price of the stane xijs; summa liiijs iiij½d
Item, laid upoun ane greit gavellok iij quarteris of irin, price of the stane xijs; summa ixs
Item, upon Wednisday, the iiij day of November, wrocht on the quariors' pikis, irne waigis, to maik them als gude as thai come to the wark, vj stane ix pound wecht and half, price of the stane xijixs; summa iijli xixs
Item, to Gorge Bennet for scharping of the pikkis and gaifloks all this yeir, xls
Heir begynnis the comptis of the tymmer bocht to the Newhevin, the yeir of my office, quhilk is the yeir of God Jm vc lvj yeris:—
Item, upoun fryday, the xix day of Junij, coft xxvj treis to the land pannell, price of the xiij iiijd; summa xvijli vjs viijd
Item, upoun Fryday the x day of Julij, bocht twa lang treis from George Clerksonis freind, price of the pece xxxs; summa iijli
Item, upoun Fryday the xxiiij day of Julij, bocht from Blasse Mowbray viij treis, price of the pece xviijs; summa vijliiiijs
Item, bocht fra Thomas Wilsoun iijxx xiiij pece of tymmer, price of the pece xiiijs;summa ljli xvjs
Item, for ane frie lawing, at the bying of this tymmer, to Sir William Magdowall, as his tiket beris thairupoun, vjs viijd
Item, mair, the said compter is to be dischargit with viijlipayit be him to Jhoun Dalmahoy, serjand of the Port of Leyth, as for his fe thairof; summa viijli
Summa of the hale expensis maid last upoun the Newhevin, and tymmer thairto, viijcxxijlixvjsd
Summa of the haill discharge is twa thousand twa hundred thre scoir sextene pundis vijsijd
Sua restis, awing to the comptar, ane hundreth threttie nyne pundis, xiijs

At Edinburgh, the second day of Junij, the yeir of God Jmvcand fiftie–sevin yeris The auditors of comptis underwretin convenit for hering and examinying of the said comptis of Maister Archibald Grahme, thesaurare, in the yeir bygane, preced– Michalmes last bypast, findis that the charge extendis to the sowme of twa thousand ane hundreth xxxvjli xiiijs ijd and the discharge thairof exten thousand twa hundreth thre scoir xvj pundis vijs ijd, and sua findis the said comptar supere the sowme of ane hundreth xxxixli xiijs quhilk the towne is awing to him, be thir presentis subscryvit with our handis.

[The Report is unsigned. The following note is on the margin:—]

This rest payit be Alexander Park, theasurer.

[Alexander Park, who was treasurer in 1552–53, was also treasurer for the year 1556–57]