Pages 175-186
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1528-1557. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1871.
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21 January 1552-3.
[Merchants detained prisoners in England.]
The quhilk day, in presens of Williame Craik, prouest, Andro Henrisoun, Adam Fulartoun and Dauid Tait ar becumin souerteis for the hale merchandis of Edinburgh, and James Jossce, Archibald Edzer, Charlis Patersoun, Johnne Bankis, Johne Hill, Niniane Bawte, and Johne Lyntoun, oblist for thair pairtis releif thame thairof; siclike Johne Aslowane is becumin souerte for the hale merchandis of Sanctandrois, Andro Methuen and Andro Thomsoun ar oblist to releif him thairof; siclik the said Andro Henrisoun is becumin souerte for George Yorstoun in Dumfries and the said George to releif him thairof; the said Johne Bankis is becumin souerte for the hale merchandis of Coupar, Allane Johnesoun, Dauid Greg, and Dauid Williamsoun oblist to releif him thairof; and siclike the said James Jossce is becumin souerte for the hale merchandis of Dunde, and James Rollek oblist to releif him thairof; forsamekle as thair is ane grete pairt of the merchandis of the saidis burghis and of vtheris in thair cuming with the saidis personis laitle throw Ingland haldin thair be Maister Quhertoun the saidis souerteis ar oblist to furneis for the saidis borrowis respectiue the hale expensis that salhappin to be maid vpoun the frething of the personis haldin in Ingland and thair expensis thair, and euery persoun thai and all vtheris merchandis bayth haldin and cumin hame to be elik in expensis, and the saidis persouns respectiue ar oblist to releve the saidis persouns thairof.
26 January 1552-3.
Villa, Lauder.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis sittand in jugement, anent the supplicatioun gevin in be James Lawder prebender of thair queir, grantis licence to the said James to pas furth of the realme to the pairtis of Ingland, [and] France, thair to remane for the space of ane yeir nixt efter the dait heirof, to the effect that he may haue and get better eruditioun in mvsik and playing nor he hes; providing alwys that the said James caus ane chaiplane to keip his fundatioun of Sanct Kathyranis alter be ane preist quhill the said yeir be done; and in cais the said James return nocht within ane yeir his said prebendarie to waik, and the saidis prouest baillies counsale and commvnite to haue power to dispone thairupoun, quhairof the said James consentit.
28 January 1552-3.
[Expenses to Stirling and Linlithgow.]
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Alexander Park to content and pay to the pursmaister that furnist the said prouest baillie and ane pairt of the counsale thair expensis in passing in the townis effaris to Striueling and Linlythgow at twa sindry tymes the soume of xj li. x s., quhilk beand payit, etc.
1 February 1552-3.
[Commissioners as to taxation.]
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale and ane pairt of the dekynnis of craftis nemmit and gaif power to William Craik, prouest, Maister Thomas Marioribankis, Alexander Guthrie, James Bannatyne, Johne Symsoun, William Muirhead, Johne Dougall, Dauid Kinloch and James Young to pas to my Lord Sanctandrois thesaurer, and commoun with his lordschip towart the desyre of thair taxtis of the grete taxt of xxvjm li. and xvjm li., and gif na forther remeid can be had thairof to aggre and compone thairupoun.
4 March 1552-3.
Anent the commoun bel.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale thinkis expedient and ordanis that the commoun bel haif ane string cummand thairfra to the nether end of ane pillar in the kirk, and to be lokkit in ane almery, and that to haif sex keyis, ane thairof to the prouest, foure to the foure baillies, and the sext to the belman, that the samyn bell may bell may be roung at all tymes quhen tyme occurris.
Anent the walpynnis in buithis.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall of this burgh, becaus of the greit slauchteris and vtheris cummeris and tulyeis done in tyme bygane within this burgh, and apperandlie to be done gif na remeid be prouidit thairto, and for eschewing thairof, that ilk maner of persone merchandis craftismen and all vtheris occupyaris of buith or chalmeris in the he-gait other heych or laych, that thai haue lang walpynnis thairin, sic as hand ex, jedburgh staif, halbart, jawalyng and siclik lang walpynnis with knaipskawis and jakkis, and that thai cum thairwith to the he-gait incontinent efter the commoun bell rynging or that thay se ony cummaris of slauchteris tulyeis or apperance thairof, and concur with the officeris of this burgh for stancheing thairof, vnder the pane of tene pund to be tane of ony personis that failyeis heirin within viij dayis nixt heirefter; and for obseruing heirof that ilk baillie mak scerching anis in the moneth throwch all his quarter, and quhair he fyndis ony personis dissobayand this statute that he poynd thame for the said vnlaw; and siclik gif it salhappin ony maner of persone of this burgh ather duelland on the he gait or ony othair plaice of this burgh beand aduertist of sic cummaris or heirand the commoun bell ryng and absentis or hydis thame self and cumis nocht incontinent to the place quhair the cumar or tulye is, that the persone doand the samin, cognitioun beand tane of his nychtburhis thairof, be punist at the will of the officeris and jugis of the burgh and depryuit of his fredome for euer.
13 March 1552-3.
Anent the statute of aill.
Item, it is statute and ordaint be the prouest baillies and counsall of this burgh; forsameikill as the haill broustaris of this burgh, or at the leist the maist pairt thairof, ar fund culpabill of the statutis of this burgh and pwnist for the first falt thairof, and that the secund panis specifiit in the statutis is the straiking furth of the caldorun boddome; quhairfoir I warne all maner of personis that hes or vs to haif ony maner of caldrownis in hyregang in this burgh that thai prouyde remeid thairto, becaus the saidis prouest and baillies assuris all maner of personis that thai will straik furth the caldrownis boldomis apprehendit in ony personis handis quha brekis the statutis in tymmis cuming.
15 March 1552-3.
Precept, Corstorphin.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurer Alexander Park to content and pay to the prebendaris of Corstorphin the soume of x li. as for the half of thair xx li. awing yeurlie to tham furth of the commoun gude of the yeir of God jm vcxlv yeris, quhilk beand payit, etc.
17 March 1552-3.
Precept, Carmichael Freris.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis Alexander Park, thesaurer, to deliuer to the dene of gild x li. that he may thairwith pay the Blak Freris xx li. awing to tham at this last Festrynisevin for thair bell, conform to the act maid thairupon, quhilk beand payit, etc.
18 March 1552-3.
Anent the commoun gude.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale [and the] dekynnis of craftis that quhat persoun, prouest, baillie, of the counsale or dekin that salhappin in ony tyme cummyng to grant or consent to the doungetting of ony pairt of the commoun geir to the fermoraris or takkismen thairof vtherwis nor thai ar set and rowpit and souerteis takin thairfor, that the samyn persoun or personis grantand or consentand thairto salbe haldin to refound and pay alsmekill of his awne propir gudis and geir to the commoun gude agane; and this to be proclamit yeirlie the tyme of the rowping of the commoun rentis.
14 April 1553.
It is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that all maner of baxteris within this burgh baik thair breid gude and sufficient stufe, and that the four penny laif wey xxx vncis vnder the pane of xviij s. for the first falt, deling the secund, and the thrid spanyng of tham fra the occupatioun, and that ilk baxter haif his merk on his breid; and that the outlandis baxteris breid of foure pennyis wey xxxiiij vncis, vnder the pane of deling thairof, and that thair be na breid except ij d., iiij d., vj d., and viij d. breid, and that thair be sufficient number of twa penny breid as vs wes of befoir vnder the pane foirsaid.
Precept thesaurar.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale allowis to the thesaurar Alexander Park the sowme of lij s. debursit be him for the making of the almery of the commoun bell, quhilk beand payit, etc.
20 April 1553.
Precept, Kincaid.
The prouest ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to content and pay to Agnes Kincaid and Johne Mair bir spous thre li. in compleit payment of the Witsonday termes maill nixttocum of the scule maill, quhilk beand payit, etc.
25 May 1553.
Statute of butter and cheis.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall of this burgh, for eschewing of the grete derth of butter and cheis to be sauld and coft within this burgh in tymes tocum, that thair be visytouris maid to vesy the mercattis thairof, ilk vlk ane baillie and twa of the seriandis of this burgh, and keip the mercat that na maner of regratouris forstallaris nor huikstaris be sene in the mercat other to by or sell quhill xij howris at none be past, vnder the pane of banessyng of the town, and that the personis quhatsumeuer bringaris of butter and cheis to the marcattis to sell that thai sell the samin for the preces following and na darrar, vnder the pane of escheit thairof, viz., the trone stane wecht of butter for viij s., and the stane wecht of cheis for iiij s.; and that na personis indwellaris within this burgh nor vtheris our Souerane Ladeis leges by other butter or cheis bot of the preces foirsaidis vnder the pane of xviij s. to be tane als oft as thai failye; and that the marcat thairof begin at vij houris in the mornyng, and na sonar, and als that thair be na marcat maid of butter nor cheis bot opinlie at thair places and marcat ordenit thairto, and gif ony beis apprehendit sauld prevely by the mercat places the samin to be eschete to the sellar and xviij s. of the byar, be banissing of the towne and vther pwnissioun at the will of the officeris of the burgh.
[Choosing of officers.]
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsall, Dauid Kinloch comperand for the maist pairte of the dekyngis personalie present desirat the prouest baillies and counsall to reforme the act maid be the Conuentioun of Borrowis twichand the chesyng of the officeris of burgh safar as it hourt the saidis craftismen, becaus the saidis prouest baillies and counsall declarit that the samin behowuit to be reformit be the samin personis quha maid the samin, the said Dauid protestit that the samin hurt nocht thame and for remeid thairof quhen it efferit.
9 June 1553.
Precept, Stewinsoun.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies counsale and dekynnis ordanis the thesaurer Alexander Park to content and pay to Alexander Stewinsoun the sowme of v li. for his Witsonday fe bygane of his seruice maid in the queir, quhilk beand payit, etc.; and dischargis him in tyme cumyng.
30 June 1553.
[Of this date there is an act similar to that regarding "breid," of 14th April last, excepting that the fourpenny loaf baked by baxters within burgh is to weigh "xxxvj vncis," and that of outland baxters "xl vnces."]
Item, that na maner of maltmen within this burgh tak vpoun hand fra Monunday nixt tocum furth to sell oney darrer malt nor the nyne furlettis grundin malt for xxxvj s., vnder the pane of v li. to be tane of thame als oft as thai failye.
13 July 1553.
Mowbray, Villa.
The prouest baillies and counsale consentit and oblist tham and thair successouris to remoif furth of the buith now occupiit be thair clerkis, pertenyng to Ewfane Mowbray, at the nixt feist of Witsounday but ony warnyng or impediment; and scho thairfor consentit that thai remanit thairin quhill that Witsounday term.
4 August 1553.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to pay for the expens of the prouest and commissaris that past to the conventioun at Struieling at the counsalis command x li., quhilk beand payit, etc.
The quhilk day, the prouest and baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Alexander Park to pay to Alexander Masoun the soume of aucht merkis for the Witsounday termes male last bypast of the buith now occupijt be the clerkis, quhilk beand payit, etc.
2 September 1553.
Villa, Graham. Park.
The quhilk day, in presens of the prouest baillies and counsale, Robert Graham oblist him to furnis siluer to the thesaurar to compleit the bulwerk safar as is begun to gude compt and raknyng and sall deliuer him l li. in hand.
7 October 1553.
[Acts anent bread, etc.]
[Of this date, acts were passed relative to "breid," "malt," "aill," "meill," "fische, butter, cheis, eggis," "candill," "flescheouris," "candilmakaris," "aittis, hay," and "middingis," in terms similar to those of 10th October 1551.]
Item, it is statute and ordanit that na maner of personis haif ony swyn within this burgh in ony pairt thairof passand lows bot to be haldin in houssis and bandis, certifying the awnaris thairof that gif the samyn beis fund lows on the Hie gait or Cowgait or commoun vinellis, the samyn salbe slane be the lokman, and ordanis him to do the samyn vnder the pane of tinsale of his office and pvnissing of him; and that thair be na cruvis on the Hie [gait], Cowgait, commoun vinellis nor vnder stairis, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first falt, eschete af thair swyne for the nixt falt.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that na maner of walkaris of this burgh watter thair claith on the Hie-gait Cowgait or commoun vinellis in tyme cummying, vnder the pane of viij s. to be tane of thame als oft as thai failye, and that thair be na of thair watter caryt throw the Hie-gait on the day lycht, vnder the said pane.
Ratificatioun of certane ackis.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale that the actis and statutis maid the x of October 1551 yeris anent wawpynnis in buithis, standis on the hie gait, wagaboundis and powltrie be proclamit of the samyn form as thai ar maid of and ratifijs and apprevis the samyn in all poyntis.
Buttir, eggis, cheis.
Item, it is statute and ordanit that na maner of huikstaris of this burgh tak vpon hand in tyme cummyng to sell buttir, eggis, cheis, to the nychtbouris of this burgh to our Souerane Ladyis liegis other in small or in grete bot of the prices following, viz., the pund fresche buttir for ix d., the pund salt buttir viij d., the pund cheis iiij d., and thre eggis for ane penny, vnder the pane of viij s. for the first falt, the secund deling of thair stufe, and the thrid spanyng of thame fra the occupatioun for euir.
11 October 1553.
Auent nychtbourheidis
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale hes statute and ordanit for stancheing of the grete wrangis and burtis done and to be done be the nychtbouris of the burgh and vtheris biggand or reperelland landis within the samyn that gif it salhappin ony persone to big or reparelland his landis in tymes cummyng and thairby hurtis ony of his nychtbouris landis in the doing thairof and wrangis his nychtbour thairby, cognitioun being tane thairupon on the land be the dene of gild and the counsale, and decreit gevin, that the pairty being fund to haif done the wrang to reform the samyn and als to pay xx s. to Sanct Gelis werk by the vther dewiteis aucht, and that the officeris of the burgh incontinent efter the decreit geving poynd thairfor.
13 October 1553.
[Auditors of accounts.]
The prouest baillies and counsale nemmit and chesit the auditouris of comptis vnderwrittin to heir the haill comptis of the yeir tocum and of the thesaurer and dene of gild bygane:—William Craik, Johne Symsoun, Johne Sym, Maister James Lyndesay, Francis Tennand, Eduard Litill, David Kinloch, Johne Loch.
27 October 1553.
[Unfreemen's goods.]
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale sittand in jugement ratifiis and apprevis the act maid anent the cullouring of vnfremenis gudis and partissing with men of Leyth, the v day of Februar the yeir of God jm vc xxij yeris in all poyntis, and als ratifijs the act maid anent the discharge of the bying of gudis fra strangearis or thai be bocht be the towne the v day of Januar the yeir of God jm vc xlv yeris in all poyntis, and ordanis the samyn twa ackis to be of new publist and proclamit.
31 October1553.
Souerteis. Fleschouris.
The quhilk day, in presens of Duncane Levingstoun and William Muirheid, baillies, the personis vnderwrittin flescheouris of this burgh ar becumin souerteis for vtheris for keiping of the statutis be the lordis anent the flesche, vnder the panis contenit thairin, viz., Thomas Doby souerte for Johne Vr and the said Johne souerte for him; Richard Henrisoun souerte for James Henrisoun and the said James souerte for him.—[Here follow thirteen similar entries.]
8 November 1553.
Anent sawaris.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale hes statute and ordanit that na maner of saweris within this burgh tak vpoun hand to take ony mair pricis for the sawing of tymmer in tyme cuming bot as efter followis, viz., for the draucht of ane oiscland burd iiij d.; the draucht of ane daill vj d.; the draucht of ane rauchter ij. d.; the draucht of ane geist of xxiiij fute vj d., and the langar and schortar effeirand thairto; the draucht of ane spar ij d.; vnder the pane of viij s. and that thai find cautioun for fulfilling heirof.
29 November 1553.
Anent the counsale.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale statute and ordanit that all the counsale in tyme cummyng convene but ony warnyng ilk Friday at x houris and consult vpoun the commoun effairis of the towne and gif ony beis absent without licence of ane of the jugis, he to pay for the first falt ij s., the secund falt iij s., and the thrid falt v s., and ilk tyme fra thinfurth v s.; and that Johne Sym be collectour heirto, and mak compt thairof iiij tymes in the yeir, and to be distribute at the counsalle and jugis plessour, and gif he beis fundin negligent to pay xl s.; and siclike gif the counsale beis warnit to ony vther day and comperis nocht the absentis to pay as said is.
1 December 1553.
Precept, Kincaid.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Robert Graham to content and pay to Agnes Kincaid for the sculehous maill of the Mertymes last bypast iiij li. quhilk beand payit, etc.
Anent frauchting.
The quhilk day the prouest baillies and counsale statute and ordanit that the dene of gild in all tyme cummyng fraucht na schippis to France bot for iij frankis the mortcharge and iiij frankis the lycht gudis the tvn with v s. of awarys, foure and a-half thairof to the schip and the vther half s. to the maister of Sanct Ninians alter in Deip, and siclik to the weir xx s. gr. with awarys.
Villa, Leyth.
The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsale hes statute and ordanit that in tymes cummyng na maner of freman of this burgh mak ony vnfreman or induellar within Leyth his factour other to tak gudis afeild beyound sey or to bring him hame gudis in ony sort, vnder the pane of xx li. to be tane of the doar in the contrar alsoft as he failyeis, to be applyit to the commoun werkis, and that publicatioun be maid heirof. (xi Decembris 1553, Proclamat).
Precept Runsyman.
The prouest and baillies ordanis the thesaurar, Robert Graham, to content and pay to Patrik Runsyman the sowme of xl s. for his awne expensis his hors and laubouris in the ryding our the watter laitlie at thair command to Dunde, Cowper and Sanctandrois, quhilk beand payit, etc.
Precept, Freiris Minoris.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Robert Graham to delyuer to the Freris Minoris of this burgh twa dosane oistland burdis, quhilk beand deliuerit salbe allowit to him, etc.
8 December 1553.
Anent the pris of wyld mete and tame foullis.
It is statut and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsall of this burgh that na maner of persone indwellar within the samyn nor vtheris our Souerane Ladiis liegeis repairand thairto with wyldmete and tame foullis to sell, take vpon hand to sell oney darrar wyld mete nor tame foullis bot of the prices following, viz.; the best capon xvj d., the best hen x d., the best tame guis xx d., the best wyld guis, viz., harroke and skilling guis iij s., the clack and quynk xxviij d., the best cunnyng xviij d., the best pordrik xvj d., the best woidcoke viij d., the best pluver vj d., the best snype ij d., the best wyld duik xij d., the best teill iiij d., the best quhaip viij d., the best tuquheit iij d., the best pudzeoun ij d. obl., the best mure hen vj d., the best blak cok x d., the best gray hen x d., the best capercalye xij d., the best quailye iiij d., the dotrell iij d., the dosone lawerokis iiij d., the best chikkin v d., the powtre ourheid viij d., vnder the panes of eschete of the price of the guidis sauld darrar to be tane of the sellar and als pvnissing of him at the will and discretioun of the jugis; and siklike that na maner of persones burgesses fremen nor vtheris by oney wyld or tame foullis bot of the preces foirsaidis, vnder the pane of eschete thairof in the byaris handis.
Anent the wyne.
Item, it is statute and ordanit be the prouest baillies and counsale; forsamekill as thai haiffand consideratioun that the wynis ar sauld this yeir in vther pairtijs beyound sey in Burdeelis and vther pairtijs quhair thai vs to be bocht and of the fraucht and vncostis thairof, conforme to the auld act of parliament maid anent the making of priceis of wyne salt and tymmer, that na maner of persone fremen nor vtheris vnfremen nor strangearis reparand to the port of Leith bringand thairto wynis to sell, tak vpoun hand in oney tyme cuming to sell oney darrar wyne in grete bot of the preces following, nor that nane by wynis bot of the samyn preces, vnder the pane of xx li. to be tane of ather of the pairtijs byar and sellar of hiear preces for the first falt, the secund xl li., and the threid falt eschete of all thair gudis to be destribuit conforme to the commissioun grantit to the prouest and baillies thairupoun, viz.: thetwn Burdeolis wyne and Burdeollis bynd for xxij li. the twn, Hoypyis wyne and Hoypyis bynd alias callit Libnon bynd for xx li. the twn, Scherand Rochell and Binzak wyne and of that cuntre bind for xvj li., and als quhite wyne and claret thairby hes statute and ordanit that na maner of persone indwellar within this burgh tak vpon hand to sell oney darrar wyne in pynt nor quart bot of the preces following vnder the pane of v li. to be [tane] of thame that dois the contrar thairof, viz., the pynt Bourdeolis and Hoypyis wyne for x d., the pynt Schering Rochell and Binzak wyne for viij d.
15 December 1553.
Precept, Henrisoun.
The baillies and counsale ordanis the thesaurar Robert Graham to content and pay to Sir Eduard Henrisoun maister of thair sang scule the sowme of vj merkis for the Mertymes last bypast and Witsounday maill nixt tocum of the sang scule now occupijt be him, quhilk beand payit, etc.
[Extent of Innerkething.]
The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies sittand in jugement, William Blakburn baillie of Innerkething deliuerit to James Andersoun, seriand, at the townis command the sowme of xxv merkis in pairt of payment of the extent of the towne of Innerkething extending to xxx merkis of the last extent of jm li.; and thairfor the saidis baillies dischargit the said William and all the communite of the said burgh thairof foreuir.
Precept, Tennand.
The quhilk day, the baillies and counsale ordanis Alexander Park, thesaurer in the yeir bygane, to content and pay to Francis Tennand v merkis for Witsounday termes maill last bypast of the chalmer occupijt be the clerkis, quhilk beand payit, etc.