Extracts from the Records: 1502

Pages 93-96

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.

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25 January 1501–2.

[Contract of Marriage between King James IV. and the Princess Margaret of England.]

Verba contractus matrimonalis per verba de presenti per Patricium comitem de Boithuill procuratoram S. D. N. Regis et Mergarete Regine, per notarios Anglie editum, anno jm vc primo, xxv Januarii.

[Words of the marriage-contract per verba de presenti by Patrick Earl of Bothwell, procurator of our Sovereign Lord the King, and Queen Margaret, set forth by the notaries of England, in the year one thousand five hundred and one, 25th January.]

I, Patrick Erle of Boithuell, procuratour of the rycht excellent rycht hie and michtie prince James, be the grace of God King of Scotland my Souerane Lord, haffand sufficient auctoritie power and command to contract matrimone, per verba de presenti, in the name and for my said Souerane Lord, with ye Mergret, first begottin dochter of the richt excellent rycht hie and michtie prince and princes Henry, be the grace of God King of Ingland and of France and Lord of Irland, and Elizabeth, Quene of the samyn, as be the procuratory of my said Souerane Lord at this present tyme opinlie red and publist mare planelie apperith, be vertu of the samyn procuratory and as procuratour to my said Souerane Lord James, King of Scotland, and in his name and behalf and be his speciale commandment contractis matrimone with ye Mergret and takis ye in to and for the wyff and spous of my said Souerane Lord James, King of Scotland, and all vtheris for the procuratour forsaid forsaikis induring his and yure lyffis naturall, and thairto as procuratour forsaid I plicht and gevis you his faith and treuth be the power actoritie forsaid committ and gevin to me. Et cum hoc deuentum est per dictum comitem et procuratorem ad proclamationem horum uerborum.— [And after the said earl and procurator had uttered these words] "and therto as procuratour forsaid I plicht and gevis you his faith and treuth be the power and auctorite aforsaid committit mittit and gevin to me," demum prenobilis vir comes et procurator manum suam dexteram deosculans manu dextere prefate clarissime domine Mergarete applicuit—[the noble earl and procurator finally kissing his right hand applied it to the right hand of the said illustrious Lady Margaret.]

Actualis contractus sponsaliorum per verba de presenti per principissam dominam Mergaretam per notarios Anglie. xxv Januarii anno Domini jmvc primo.

[Actual contract of espousals per verba de presenti by the princess, the Lady Margaret [set forth] by the notaries of England, 25 January in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and one.]

I, Mergret the first begottin dochter of the richt excellent rycht hie and michti prince and princes Henry, be the grace of God King of Ingland and of France, and Lord of Irland, and Elizabeth, Queyne of the samyn, wittandlie and of deliberat mynd, hauand xij yeris compleit in aige in the moneth of Nouember last bipast, contractis matrimone with the rycht excellent rycht hie and michti prince James, King of Scotland, in the person of yow Patrik Erle Boithuell procuratour to the said prince James, King of Scotland, and takis the said James, King of Scotland into and for my husband and spous, and all vtheris for him forsaikis durand his and myn lyffis naturalie, and thairto I plicht and gevis till him in your persoun as his procuratour forsaid my faith and treuth. Et statim post proclamacionem horum uerborum—[And immediately after the proclamation of these words] "and thairto I plicht and gevis to him in your persoun and as his procuratour my faith and treuth," eadem clarissima domina Mergreta manum eius dexteram in manu dextera nobilis comitis et procuratouris antedicte coniunxit—[the same illustrious Lady Margaret joined her right hand with the right hand of the foresaid noble earl and procurator.]

Nota donacionis siue summe dotis dande a Regi Anglie domino regi Scotorum viz. triginta milia aureorum nobilium Anglie vocatorum angell noblis in eisdem nobilibus vnoquoque nobili valent viginti grossis bone et legalis monete Anglie nunc cursum habentis in Anglia, [Memorandum of the donation or amount of dowry given by the King of England to the Lord the King of Scots, viz, thirty thousand gold nobles of England, called angel nobles, each of the said nobles being of the value of twenty pounds of good and lawful money of England now having currency in England], to be paijt at thir termes, viz. at the day of the solemnite and marriage in proper persounis or within vi dais therefter x m. noblis; and within yere and day therefter in Coldingham x m. noblis, and a yeir efter that in Coldingham x m. angellis in compleit payment.

23 February 1501–2.

Privilege of Edinburgh anent merchandice brocht hame be strangeris.

All strangeris cumand in at the port of Leyth with merchandice and gudis, sall, at thair entries, mak just compt and leill entrie of thir haill gudis to the provest, baillies, counsall, and communitie of the burgh of Edinburgh, and sould have na merchandice and gudis langar in Leyth nor thay be discharit and hoistit furth of schipbuird noryit mak ony mercat thairof in Leyth to ony maner of persounis, bot onlie within our Soverane Lordis said burgh, as in the stapill of all sic gudis and geir, baith for the proffeit of our Soverane Lordis custome, and als in respect of the privilege and infeftment of fre burgh within the port of Leyth, gevin to the said burgh be our Soverne Lordis maist nobill progenitouris of gude mynd.

22 April 1502.

[Freight of ships.]

The quhilk day the provest baillies and counsall, with ane greitt pairt of the communitie of merchandis, hes statute and ordanit for the commoun proffet of the toun that in tyme tocum na maner of merchand nor nychtbour of this burgh tak vpoun hand to mak ony frauchting of ony schip in tyme tocum to pas in Flanderis, or mak ony priuate conditioun thairintill, bot alanerlie in presens of the provest baillies and counsall, or ane pairt of thame within the Tolbuith, and that thai fraucht it commonlie for the hale merchandis and to thair proffitt; and quha can be apprehendit doand the contrair hereof sall pay v li. to Sanct Gelis wark, to be rasit and inbrocht but fauouris.

12 May 1502.


(The lyke statute [16 October 1500] that nane of certane townes suspect of pest repair heir nor be harbereit.—Tr.)

18 August 1502.

The gathering in of the extent.

The quhilk day, the provest and counsale hes commandit and chairgit the baillies in our Souerane Lordis name to pas incontinent compel and distreyne all and syndre the personis that ar extentit in the last taxt for thair pairtis thairof, and inbring the same for the payment thairof till our Souerane Lordis factouris, efter the tenour of our Souerane Lordis lettres direct thairvpoun, as thay will answer to his Hienes, and als in lykewayis that the baillies pas with ane of the baillies of the last yeir and ingather the rest of that extent as efferis, efter the forme of our Souerane Lordis lettres foirsaid.

20 August 1502.


The provest baillies and counsale statutes and ordanis for the commoun weill of the towne, that na maner of persoun tak vpoun hand to pas, speik, and commoun with ony maner persounis, infectit persouns within this towne, but gif it be with ane officer or a quarter maister of the towne, vnder banesing or byrning as sall be thocht expedient; and at na persoun be fundin passand on the hie gaitt after ix houris in the nycht without a byrning lycht or a rationabill caus vnder the said panys.

[Harbering suspect persons, &c.]

(Ane statute maid that nane ressett ony cummand fra suspect places; that ilk ane reveil the seik in thair hous; that na seruandis by or tak ony clayth by the knawlege of thair maisteris that thai may reveill to the towne; and that na wedwyffes use or tak ony weddis; and that ane or twa of the principall in ilk close attend heirto. —Tr.)

9 November 1502.

Setting of lands.

The provest baillies and counsale hes statute and ordanit for the guid rewle and commoun proffeitt of this towne twicheing the infirmity of the pestilence, that na maner of persoun havand land within this towne and bounds thairof that in tyme to cum thai mak ony assedatioun, nor resaue na maner of tennent man or woman into thair said lands bot sic persouns of honestie and fame as thai will stand for, but licence of the provest or baillies, vnder the payne of xx s. of ilk hous to St Geillis wark, and at the said persouns havand thair said land that thai devoyde thame of sic insufficient tennents at this Mairtymes, and gif thai haif bene infect thai to gar clenge the samyn vnder the sam payne. (The rest of this act concernis vagabounds and wed-wyffes,—Tr.)

31 December 1502.

Banist, Harvy, for ryving of the actis of the toun.

The qubilk day [blank] Harvy wes convict be ane assys and resoun of his awin confessioun of the ryving of the actis of the toun and lychtlying of the officeris authoriteis in that case, thairfore he wes adiudgit to be had to the trone and strekin throw the hand and banist the fredome of the toune indurand the will of the provest and baillies; and that wes gevin for dome.