Extracts from the Records: 1524

Pages 217-220

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.

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9 January 1523–4.

Regratours banist.

Forswamekill as Helene Bayne that heir standis is notourly kend ane commoun regrater, and will nocht forbeir, and now laitlie this day apprehendit byand eggis and brokin the statutes of the town, quhairfore the provest baillies and counsall banissis hir this towne induring thair willis, and nocht to cum thairin quhill scho obtene licence vnder the payne of deid, and to devoyde within xxiiij houris, and als the provest baillies and counsale commandis and chairges that na maner regreters be fundin brekand the statutes within this towne fra this furth vnder the said payne on banissing, and at na buirdis nor standis be fundin on the Hiegaitt fra this tyme furth with cheis eggis butter vnder the payne of escheting.

9 August 1524.


The quhilk day, the baillies counsale communitie and dekynnis of craftis decernis and ordanis, and als thinkis expedient for the commoun weill of this gude toun, and all our Souerane Lordis lieges reparand thairto, that all the flechouris quhilk vassis the land mercat, fremen and vnfremen that duellis within this toun, haif full fre faculte and licens till slaa thair stuf nolt and scheip within thair awin houssis that thay pay maill for on Setterday and vther dayis neidfull, and to sell the samyn commonlie in the mercatt till all our Souerane Lordis lieges on the tua mercat dayis lymmyt thairto, viz. Sounday and Monunday allanerlie, without onye stop or impediment to be maid to thame thairfore be the fleschour crfat or vtheris in thair names in tymes to cum; and ordanis that the act maid to the said craft or flechouris the ix day of October the yeir of God Jm iiijc Ixxxxvj yeris haue na strenth force nor effect in tyme to cum, because it wes vnderstandin that the samyn wes maid and is agains the commoun weill and proffit of this gude toun.

13 August 1524.


The quhilk day, the prouest baillies and counsal ordanis that Jhonne Stevinsoun flechour, or the chaiplane of the said craft, pas at all tymes with ane officer of the toun throw all the vnfremen of the said craft and serch and seik thame grf thay sell thair stuf in thair houssis or ony vther places of the mercat dayis lymmit to tham, and certifie the toun thairor, and iustice salbe ministrat to tham, and gyf onye of the said vnfremen steikis thair durris wilfullie sua that thay may haue na entres to seche thame as said is, it salbe lefull to the said offiecer beand with thame to mak oppin durris and nocht be the of the said merket dayis.

18 August 1524.

Mandatum Regis.

Provest baillies counsall and communitie of our burgh of Edinburgh, we pray and als chairgis yow to gif firme credence in our name to our familiar seruitour aduocat and justice clerk Mr James Wischert conceryuyung the office of the said procuratorie and bailyereis, and that ye do as he sall thairin schaw yow in our name. Subscrivit with our hand at our Palice of Halieruidhous the xviij day of August instant.

Mr Framces Bothuell at the command of the king left his office of Provestrye.

The quhilk day, Maister James Wischert justive clerk till our Souerane Lord the KIng, declarit be his credence in presens of the provest and counsall that it wes the mynde and will of our said Souerane Lord that the provest cedit and left his office of provestrie in the townis hand, and that in presens of the counsall and men of guid, Maister Francis Bothuell provest, at the command and will of our Souerane Lord the King, cedit and left his office of provestrie in the townis hand, protestand that the leving of it swa be na dirogatioun nor hourt nocht the priuelege of the toun, and thairvpoun askit instuementis. Witnes the laird of Glen, Mr Adame Ottiuburne, Mr James Lawsoun, Mr James Haliburtoun Gilbert Lauder, James Dickesoun.

The samyn day, Mr James Weschert in presens of the baillies counsall and communitie requirit and als chairgit thame in our Souerane Lord the Kingis name that thai sould cheis my Lord Maxvell thair provest, and als chairgit the said lord beand present that he sould accept the said office of Provestrie.


Robertus dominus Maxwell effectus est burgenis et conceditur gratis.

Quo die nobilis et potens dominus Robertus domunus Maxwell de mandato Supremi Domin nostri Regis electus est prepositus burgi de Edinburgh communi voce.

[Robert Lord Maxwell is made burgess, and it is granted gratis.

On which day the noble and potent lord, Robert Lord Maxwell is, by commond of our Supreme Lord the King, chosen provost of the Burgh of Edinburgh by the common voice.]

19 August 1524.

Statutum ville.

The quhilk day, the provest baillies counsall and communitie ordanis all the nychtbouris of this burgh craftismen and vtheris till forgather in thair best arry, bodin for weir, at Moneday or ony vther day neidfull till pas with my lord provest to mak the Kingis Grace seruice, and to convene at the Netherbow vnder the pane of ane vnlaw; and alsua ordanis thame to be reddy boddin for weir at all tymes quhane neid is, and forgather hastelie betuix the Tolbuith and the mele mercatt at the clynk of the common bell, till awayt vpoun my lord provest for the stanching of truble gif it sal happin, vnder the pane of ilk peroun that beis away of escheit of all thair guidis.

6 September 1524.

Villa actioun officiall.

The quhilk day, teh provest baillies and counsall statutes and ordanis that na maner of nychtbour nor induellar within this burgh call nor summoun ane vtehr befoir the official in the consstorie for na actioun nor mater that may be decydit befoir the provest and bailies, and specialie for na materis that concernis the commoun guid of the toun, bot all sic materis be callit befoir the provest and baillies, and that na actioun pas to the consistorie bot thai causis that concernis the priuilege thairof.

29 October 1524.

The water baillie of Edinburgh.

The water baillie of Edinburgh may hold his courtis upon the schoir of Leith, under the stair of the Kingis wark.