Pages 173-186
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
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3 February 1517–18.
[Anent the election of a depute common clerk.]
Tertio die mensis Februarii anno Domini jm vc xvijmo indictione sexta, pontificatus domini nostri Leonis diuina prouidencia Pape decimi anno quinto. In honorabilium virorum balliuorum consulum et magistrorum artificum communitatis burgi de Edinburgh representantium aliorumque proborum virorum burgensium dicti burgi, in pretorio eiusdem congregatorum, nostrorumque notariorum publicorum et testium subscriptorum presentiis personaliter constitutus honorabilis vir, Johannes Hammiltone tunc tempore dicti burgi presedens, pro tribunali in prefato pretorio sedens, quoddam scriptum sibi et balliuis dicti burgi directum a nobili et prepotenti domino Jacobo comite Arranie domino Hammilton, vno regentium regni Scotie, et prefati burgi preposito, manu sua vt apparuit subscriptam coram consulibus et probis viris antedictis in medio produxit et coram eis publice perlegi fecit. In quo mandatum fuit per dictum dominum prepositum prefatis presidenti et balliuis quatinus ipsi cum auisamento consulum et communitatis dicti burgi deputatum seu scribam sufficientem in officio clericatus communis dicti burgi sub principali communi clerico eiusdem elegerent loco quondam Henrici Strathauchin, qui dum vixerat fuit scriba et deputatus sub principali clerico, prout in eodem scripto plenius continetur. Vigore cuius requisiuit vota dictorum balliuorum consulum magistrorum siue principalium artificum aliorumque proborum communitatis dicti burgi ad premissa. Et statim honorabilis vir, magister Adam Ottirburne, communis clericus eiusdem burgi, inter alios in consilio sedens, surrexit, asserens se esse communem clericum dicti burgi per prepositum balliuos consules et communitatem eiusdem per prius ad hoc communiter electum, cum potestate deputandi in eodem, prout in literis sub sigillo communi dicti burgi sibi desuper confecte plenius vt asseruit continetur, et obtulit se in dicto officio communis clericatus in persona propria ministraturum, prepositoque balliuos consulibus et communitati eiusdem in eodem, cum omnibus fidelitate et humilitate seruiturum, propter quod affirmabat nullum alium deputatum in prefato officio suo sine ipsius consensu quoquomodo elegi siue instituti deberi. Et longo tractatu inter presedentem balliuos consules et communitatem desuper habito, tandem ad votum eorundem processum fuerit, hii probi viri subscripti vota sua pro dicto magistro Adam circa premissa hoc modo reddiderunt prout sequitur in vulgari. In primis Francis Touris, Jhone of Marioribankis, et Nichole Carnecros thre of the said baillies of the said burgh, Dauid Mailuile, Archibald Douglas, William Clerk, James of Preston, William Adamsone elder, Robert Logane, Walter Chepman, Johne of Carmichel, and Andro Moncur consolors of the said burgh, William Ra kirkmaster for the hammermen, Johne of Muedlous k. for the talyeouris, Stephin Bell k. for the skynnaris, Ja. Litiljohn k. for the cordineris, William Cristisone k. for the fleschoris, Walter Flecht k. for the barbouris, Johne of Riddale k. for the wobstaris, representand the communite of thare craftis, William Foular dene of gild, William Carmichell, Adam Stewart, Johne Adamsone elder, Johne Irland, Adam Hoppar, Maister Franceis Boithvell, Thomas Home, Thomas Bard, James Yong, William Brovne alias Albany herrald, William Mele, William Rind, William Elphinstone and Thomas Cuke, merchand, all conforme togidder and ilkane of thame be thame self grantit and confessit that the said Maister Adam wes thair common clerk, chosin therto be fre election for his live tyme, and that he had thair letteris vnder thar common sele therapon, and said thai wald kep the samyn in all poinctis and na wis cum incontrare therof and that he wes ane abill man till vse the said office, and to mak the tovne seruice therin in his propir persone, gif he likit to do the samyn, lik as he offerit him reddy diuers tymes to do thair in thair presens; John Adamsone younger the ferd bailie. and James of Johnstone said for thair votis that thai wald the common sele war kepit, and that my lord principale povestis request or command war fulfillit. Et preterea communis populus ibidem congregatus de votis suis a presidente interrogatus se, consulibus conformans et dicto Magistro Ade consenciens cognominem suum viz. Ottirburne, Ottirburne, alta voce pro maiori parte protulerunt. Acta erant in pretorio dicti burgi hora quasi prima post merediem etc. Presentibus ibidem prouidis et discretis viris, magistris Edwardo Cunygham, Jacobo Foulis, Johanne Rynd, Jacobo Carmure capellanis; dominis, Willelmo Wardlaw, Alexandro Scot, Willelmo Johanne Bertraham. Laurencio Kirkpatrik, Andrea Mowbra, Georgio Leth, et Jacobo Clerk, cum multis aliis.
[On the third day of the month of February, in the year of our Lord 1517, the sixth indiction, in the fifth year of the pontificate of our Lord Leo the Tenth, by divine providence Pope. In presence of honourable men, the Baillies, Councillors, and Deacons of crafts of the Community of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and representing the other honest men, the burgesses of the said burgh, assembled in the Tolbooth thereof, and of us notaries public and witnesses underwritten, personally appeared an honourable man, John Hammiltone, at that time President of the said burgh, sitting in judgment in the foresaid Tolbooth, who produced and caused openly to be read before them a certain writing directed to him and the baillies of the said burgh by a noble and mighty lord James Earl of Arrane, Lord Hammilton, one of the Regents of the kingdom of Scotland, and Provost of the foresaid burgh, signed as appeared with his hand; by which writing it was commanded by the foresaid Lord Provost, that the foresaid President and Bailies should elect immediately, with advice of the councillors and community of the said burgh, a deputy or sufficient writer in the office of common clerk of the said burgh, under the principal common clerk, in place of the deceased Henry Strathauchin, who, while he lived, was writer and deputy under the principal clerk, as in the said writing is more fully contained. By virtue whereof he required the votes of the said baillies, councillors, masters or deacons of crafts, and other honest men of the said community in the premises. And immediately an honourable man, Master Adam Ottirburne, common clerk of the said Burgh, sitting among others in council, rose up, asserting himself to be common clerk of the said burgh, previously elected thereto by common consent of the provost, bailies, councillors, and community thereof, with power of appointing deputes therein, as in the letters under the common seal of the said burgh thereupon made to him, is, as he asserted, more fully contained, and offered to officiate in the said office of common clerk in his proper person, and to serve the said provost, baillies, councillors, and community therein with all faithfulness and humility; wherefore he affirmed that no other deputy ought in any way to be elected or instituted in his foresaid office without his consent; and a long discussion being thereupon had between the president, baillies, councillors, and community, at length they proceeded to vote. The following honest men gave their votes for the said Master Adam in the premises, in the manner which follows in the common tongue. First, Francis Touris, etc.,ut supra. And moreover, the populace there assembled being asked for their votes by the president, for the most part confirmed the councillors, and acknowledged the said Master Adam by his surname with a loud voice— Ottirburne, Ottirburne. These things were done in the Tolbooth of the said burgh about the first hour before noon, being there present honourable and discreet men, Masters Edward Cunygeham, James Foulis, John Rhynd, James Carmure, chaplains; Sirs, William Wardlaw, Alexander Scot, William Brovne; chaplains, John Stephinson, Alexander Scot, George Stele, John Bartraham, Laurence Kirkpatrick, Andrew Mowbra, George Leth, and James Clerk, with many others.]
17 April 1518.
[Dispensation from the office of Littlejohn.]
Decimo septimo die mensis Aprilis anno Domini jmvc xviii hora xii. The quhilk [day] in presens of the president balleis counsall and communite, master Francis Boithwell producit my lord Erle of Aranis principall provestis writingis and charge till excuse him fra the office of Litiljohn, to the quhilk he was chosin for this yeir, desyrand the samyn to be obeyit, and the tenor tharof to be insertit in this instrument. The qubilk tenor of the said writting followis:—President baillies and counsall of Edinburgh we greit yow weill. It is vnderstand to ws that maister Frances Boithwell your nichtbour is chosin to be Litiljohn for to mak sportis and joscositeis in the toun, the quhilk is a man to be vsit hiear and gravar materis, and als is apon his viage to pas beyond sey his neidfull erandis. Quharfor we request and prayis and als chargis yow that ye hald him excusit at this tyme. And we be this our wrytingis remittis to him the vnlaw gif ony he has incurrit for nocht excepping of the said office, dischargeing yow of ony poynding of him tharfor. Subscriuit with our hand at Linlithgw the xii day of Aprile the yeir of God jm vc and xviii yeris (subscriptio) Youris, James Erle of Arane.
The quhilk wrytingis the said maister Frances allegit war nocht fulfillit nor obeyit, and tharefor he protestit that quhat euer was done in the contrar turn him to na preiudice, and for remeid of law tyme and place quhare it efferis.
4 May 1518.
[Abbot of Narent.]
(Anent the Abbot of Narent, callit Abbot de Narentia, se in the convict buik, 26 April 1493, Ibid. [i.e.. in the convict buik beginnand July 1505], siclyk 4 May 1518, Ibid. quhair he is callit Robin Huid and Little Jhone.—Tr.)
22 September 1518.
The president baillies and counsale decernis and ordanis the seriands to pas this nicht and bring in of the mure James Smyth, and caus him to pas to the houssis that ar infectit with the seiknes, and begyn at ix houres at even, and thairafter continuallie clenge the said houssis within tyme of nicht quhill v houris of the morning; and that siclyke all deid cors deand in the said seiknes be eirdit at the samyn tyme, and to continew swa furth quhill clengeing be maid of all infectit houssis within this burgh, and gif the said James Smyth fyndis any claythis or vther siclyke stufe within the said houssis, that it sall be lefull till him till intromett with the samyn as his escheitt, or birn thame at his plesure, that he fyndis owtwith lokfast rowmes, and at he do his exact diligence hereintill as he will answer vpoun his lyfe; and at the saidis seriands stand besyde him and se that perfyte diligence be done be him in the clengeing of the said howssis, and at nane howssis be clengeit, nor infectit persouns that deyis eirdit, nor na persouns that ar infectit be putt furth of the towne nor tayne in agane but vnder sylence of nycht, as the saidis seriands will answer to the towne thairvpoun.
8 October 1518.
Kirk ordering.
The quhilk day, the president baillies and counsale statutes and ordanis, for the guid rewle to be had in thair College Kirk of Sanct Gele, that the seruandis of the gild and the haly bluid bedrall euer ilk day keip the queir of the said kirk fra all vile personis the tyme of the maytinis, hie mes and evin sang, and at thai keip the haill kirk and thole na maner beggares to cum within the said kirk nother at maytenis, hie mes, or evin sang, vnder payne of depriuatioun of thame of thair offices for euir, and vtheris to be putt in thair steidis.
Dichting of the calsay.; Tar barrellis.
It is statute and ordanit be the president baillies and counsale, for the honesty of thair burch and for the eschewing of daynger of seiknes, that all maner of persouns inhabitaris of this burgh purge and clenge thair calsayes to myd channell fornent thair dwelling places houssis or buithis, als weill on the Kowgaitt venellis as on the hie gaitt, of all maner reddis myddings or vther filth, betuix this and Mononday at evin at nixt cumis, vnder the payne of viij s, to be tane of thame that faltis but favouris, to be wairit vpoun the dichting of the said calsayes and mending of the samyn, and als that all tar barrellis and wad pypes be remouet of the hie calsay within the said terme, vnder the payne of escheitt of the samyn.
Towne wallis.
It is statut and ordanit be the president baillies and counsale that na muk, fuilzie, cairnis of staynis nor myddings be laid neir the commoun wallis of the towne, nother within nor vtowth, be the space of xij futes within the wallis nor xxiiij futes vtouth, and at na tulfais be biggitt to the said wallis, vnder the payne of xl s. of that persoun that faillis heirinto, and escheting of the said stufe destructioun of the said tulfais.
Payce of breid of outlandis baxteris.
It is statute and ordanit be the president baillies and counsale that forsamekill as it is statute be the lordis of Parliament that it salbe lesum to strayngeris to cum with thair breid to this burgh and sell the samyn on twa merkat dayes in the owlk Wedinsday and Fryday, and becaus the said strayngeris and vnfremen [nother] stentis waikis nor wairdis nor beris na vther portabill chairges within this burgh, that thairfore it is statute that the iiij d. laif of quheitt breid sawld be the said vnfremen sall wey iiij vnces mair than the iiij d. laif baikin within this burgh, and at the samyn be of fyne stufe weill baiken and dryet, and the gray breid vj vnces mair than the gray breid baiken within this burgh, vnder the payne of escheitt of the breid.—(In the convict buik begynand in Julij 1505.—Tr.)
22 October 1518.
Ane statute heiranent imediatle writtin (fn. 1) beris vnder the payne of escheting the wyne and deilling thairof to the puir folks.
16 November 1518.
[Decree of the Lords of Council against Robert Bertoun and others, indwellars in Leith.]; [Decree against Bertoun, etc.]
Anent the supplicatioun gevin in be the provest, president, ballies, counsale, and communite of the burgh of Edinburgh aganis Robert Bertoun induellar in Leith, comptrollar to our Souerane Lord, that quhar the said Robert gaif in ane supplicatioun befor the Lordis of Counsell makand mentioun that he was hevely murmurit be the saidis provest, president, ballies, counsell and communite of diuers gret faltis and wrangis committet and done be him aganis the nychtbouris of the said toune and priuilege of the samyn, and tharefor desyring thame to be callit befor the lordis, and gif he had maid falt to be pvnist thairfore, and gif thai had murmurit him without caus thai to be pvnist siclyke; and the said provest, president, baillies, counsale and communite of the said burgh beand callit thairto, thay gaif in certane articles berand ane pairt of the saidis greit iniuries and innormiteis done be the said Robert aganis the merchandis and nichtbouris of the said toun of Edinburgh, the priuelege of the samyn and commoune wele of the haile realm, upoun the quhilk thai desyrit sentence and decrete, like as at mair lenth is contenit in the said supplicatioun and articles maid thairapoun. The provest, president, baillies, and ane pairt of the counsale and men of gud of the said town being personalie present for thame self and comperand in the name and behalf of the remanent of the saidis nychtbouris and haile communite of the said town, and the said Robert Bertoune comptrollar inlyke being personaly present, thair richtis, resounes, allegatiouns and lawis hard sene and vnderstand, and thairwith beand reply avisit. As to the first article gevin in in the name and behalf of the nychtbouris of the said town of Edinburgh berand that the said Robert in contrar the commoune law and priuilege grantit to fremen of burrowis is merchand to the maist part of all the woll on this syde the watter of Fortht, and daily byis all maner of merchandice, sic as woll, hides, claith, skyn, salmon, wyne, walx, vittalis, and all maner staple gudis, he beand unfreman and duelland vtwith the burgh, in contrar the commoun law and priuilege foresaidis: To the quhilk he answerit that he and the men of Leith had tymis bygane vsit siklyk, and thairfor he traistit he had done na wrang thairintill: The Lordis of Counsell decretis and deliueris that the said Robert Bartoun comptrollar, and all the induellaris in Leitht, and vther vnfremen, sall decist and ceis fra all bying of woll, hyde, skyn, claith, and all merchandice in the cuntre fra vnfremen, bot that all sic merchandice cum to the said burgh and be coft fra the fremen of the samyn efter the forme and tenour of the actis of parliament and lawis of the realme maid thairapoun. And anent the secund article, quhair it is allegeit that the said Robert pakkis and pelis the saidis gudis aboue written in Leitht, quhilk is ane vnfre town, and schippis the samyn, thai nocht being brocht to the said principale frie burgh and weyit witht the Kingis wechtis, in grete preiudice to the Kingis grace anent his custumes, and to the said town anent thair priuilege and dewitis: To the quhilk the said Robert ansuerit that in tymis bygane he had that priuilege of the Kingis grace quhom God assolye, and now becaus he was comptrollar he traistit he had done na wrang thairintill, suppos he vsit it in sum pairt and pait his custume as effeirit thairfor: The Lordis foresaidis decernis the said Robert Bertoun, and all vther persounes duelling vtwitht the said burgh, inlykwis to decist and ceis fra all pakking and peling within the said town of Leith, or in ony vther vnfrie town within thair boundis and fredome of thair said burgh, bot at all sic merchandice and gudis be brocht to the said burgh of Edinburgh, and thair to pak and pele thair gudis, and pay thair custumes and dewitis within the said burgh as accordis, efter the forme of the saidis actis of parliament. As to the ferd article, quhar the said Robert, in hurt and preiudice of the Kingis liegis and haile realme and specially againis the priuilege of the said burgh of Edinburgh, byis wynis, walx, vittalis, tymmir, irne, lynt, pik, ter, and all vther staple gudis cummand to the said port of Leith be strangearis and regrates the samyn apoun our Souerane Lordis lieges: To the quhilk the said Robert ansuerit and saidit that he brocht of his awin auentour, he sauld the best he culd, but as for vther stuff he regratit nocht, except that he tuk to the Kingis vs efter the form of the Kingis lawis and actis of parliament: The Lordis inlykwis decretis and deliueris that the said Robert, and all vtheris the Kingis legis, sal decist and ceis fra all maner of bying of sic merchandis cumand in at the port of Leith, or ony vther port within the fredome of Edinburgh, on to the tyme that the maisters and merchandis of sic schippis cumand in, cum to the officiaris of the said burgh of Edinburgh and enter thar gudis in the bukis of the town; and thairefter the comptrollar, thesaurer, or vtheris the kingis officeris takand als mekle of all sic gudis as salbe necessar for oure Souerane Lord or my Lord Gouernouris awin propir vse allanerlie, nocht bydand apoun the making of the pricis thairof; the officeris of the toun makand the said pricis efter the forme of the act of parliament maid thairupoune be King James the third; and than the comptrollar and thesaurer to pay as the pricis is maid, and our souerane Lordis liegis to haue thair pairt of all sic gudis of the samin price maid be the officeris and na derrare. Alswa anent the fift article, allegeand that the said Robert oppressis hevely the burgessis inhabitantis the said burgh of Edinburgh, in that wyse that quhare his schippis ar ladyn in France or Flanderis he refusis to custume thair gudis on to the tyme that his schippis be first furnist; the quhilk article the said Robert denyit; Nochtwithstanding the Lordis foresaid ordanis him and all vtheris to decist and ceis fra all sic thingis in tyme to cum sa that the inhabitantis of the said burgh be nocht compellit to lay thair gudis bot to quhat schippis thai pleisis best. Item anent the sext artikle, quhar it is allegit that the said Robert byis hering, keling, selchis, and vther fisch cumand in at the said port of Leith, and saltis and pelis the samin in grete hurt and preiudice of oure souerane Lordis liegis in thair sustentatioun, and sendis the samin in Ingland and vther places; ordanis him and all vther inlikwis to decist and ceis thairfra in tyme to cum, conforme to the act of parliament, bot samekle as is necessar to the Kingis vse and my Lord Gouernouris allaneralie. And anent the last artikle, allegeand that the said Robert be himself and his seruandis byis talloun in sundry pairtis of the realm and sendis the samin furth of the realm quharethrow the exhorbitant derth of talloun is risin; the quhilk the said Robert denyit: The Lordis forsaid ordanis the act and statnt maid thairupoun be kepit in tyme to cum in euery point, and the panyis thairof execut with all rigour. And attour ordanis that the said Robert and all vther persouns vnfremen mak na mercat of na maner of gudis within the fredome of the said burgh, bot within the said burgh, according to the act of parliament herapoun, and that letteres be direct herapoun in dew forme be opin proclamatioun at all pairtis neidfull as efferis; and assoilzeis the said Robert fra the punctis aboue within safer as is allegit that he has committit or done in tymes bygane incontrar the actis of parliament or commoun wele as he allegit ignorantly gif ony be committit, and fra all cryme that may be input to him thairthrow in times cuming.
10 December 1518.
Seal of Cause to Merchants.
Till all and sindry quhais knaulege thir present letteres sall tocum: The prouest, baillies, counsall, and commuinite of the burgh of Edinburgh greting in God euirlasting: Wittis your vniuersiteis forsamekle as thair wes ane supplicatioun gevin befoir ws in jugement for the part of the haill merchandis and gild brethir of this burgh desyring at ws the Ile now laitly biggit within our paroche kirk of Sanct Geill on the south syde of the samyn, in the honour of the Haly Blud to be assignit and gevin to thame and thair successouris and thai and thair faculte to be patronis thairof, that thai mycht honour and repair the said Ile to the honour of God, the Haly Blud and polecy of our said kirk; and als desyring ane ordour to be put amangis the merchandis fraternite and gild brethir of this burgh for the tryne of merchandice, the gud and commone weill of the haill merchandis of the realme and that we suld interpone our autorite supple and mantenance thairto, and to haif diuers and sindry vthir priuilegis, like as wes at mair large contenit in thair said supplicatioun; with the quhilkis we beand weill and riply auisit, thocht the samyn expedient and proffitable to be grantit to thame: Quhairfoir we considering that the saidis merchandis and gild bretheris desyris tendis nocht anerly to the honour of God and policy of our said kirk, bot als weill to the dayly augmentatioun and incressing of the tryne ordour and gud reull of merchandice, policy, riches amite and gud luf amangis the saidis merchandis and gild brethir: We the saidis prouest baillies counsall and communite all in ane voce for the gud publice of our said burgh be thir our present letteres for ws and our successouris gevis and grantis to the forsaidis merchandis and gild brethir and thair successouris merchandis and gild brethir the forsaid Ile with the pertinence. with power to thame till honour and repair the samyn honorably as thai think maist expedient to the honour of God and the Haly Blud, and the forsaidis merchandis to be patronis of the said Ile and alter of the samyn, and to mak the Haly Blud to be thair patrone, and to haif the Octauis of Corpus Christi to be thair procuratioun dais; and the gift dispositioun and removing of the chaplanis to be foundit or institut be thame at the said alter to be at the electioun and dispositioun of thair maister of faculte consalouris and officiaris of thair faculte for the tyme. And attour, we for ws and our successouris gevis and grantis to the forsaidis merchandis brethir of gildry and thair successouris power now at the begynning of the said fraternite to cheis ane maister of faculte, certain officiaris and counsalouris as thai think maist expedient; and thairefter the said master of faculte counsalouris and officiaris in all tymes to cum to haif power to cheis the new maister of faculte counsalouris and membris of the said fraternite to indure for sic space as thai think maist expedient for the tyme: And after the ische of thair terme to cheis and new maister counsalouris and officiaris in thair steid as said is. The quhilkis maister counsalouris and membris of the said faculte sall fraught all the schippis ladin at our port and havin of Leith and nane vtheris to that effect, that thai may vesy and se that nane saill bot thai that are levit be the actis of parliament, the said maister counsalouris and officiaris allwayis cumand till our bukis and frauchtand the saidis schippis within the samyn as vse hes bene in all tymes bigane. And the said maister counsallouris and officiaris till haif power to put ordour to all maner of merchandice or stapill gudis pertenyng to the gildry, and to punis alsweill extranearis trespassand within our boundis as induellaris of this burgh attemptand aganis the priuilegis of the burrowis or aganis the common weill of the merchandis and gild brethir. And to haif power to hald courtis quhilkis sall be callit courtis of Gildry, and to punis the said transgressouris, vnlawis to vplift rais and inbring, and gif neid beis to poynd and distrenye thairfor and the samyn to be disponit to thair commone werkis as thai think maist expedient. The quhilkis merchandis salbe haldin to obey the forsaid maister in all thingis vnder sic panis as sall pleis the said maister counsalouris and membris of the said fraternite to imput for the tyme. And attour, the forsaid maister of faculte counsalouris and membris sall haif power to mak quhat reulis and statutis, and als oft, as thai think expedient, and as the cace occurris, for the commone weill of the haill merchandis of this realme alsweill beyond the sey as on this syde. And to haif deputis vnder thame in the partis beyond sey till punis all thame that attemptis aganis the reulis and statutis of the forsaid fraternite, or the actis of perliament maid or to be maid for the commone weill of merchandis and honeste of the realme, and to execute sic panis apon thame as thai think maist conuenient and as salbe diuisit be the saidis maister counsalouris and membris. And attour, the forsaidis maister counsalouris and membris of the said fraternite and thair successouris sall haif power to imput lift and rais taxtis and extentis greit or small apon the merchandis and at sic tymes as likis thame, and the saidis taxtis and extentis to dispone for the reparatioun of the said Ile, policy of our kirk, and the commone werkis and erandis of the forsaidis merchandis and thair successouris and tryne of merchandis alswell on the partis beyond sey as on this syde, and to punis, rais vnlawis or panis, and distrenye thairfor, as thai think maist honorable and proffitable. And als it sall nocht be leissum to vse nor to cheis the forsaid maister that sall happen to be for the tyme to beir ony common office of the toun for that yeir, nor to mak na maner of persoun burges nor gild without avis and consent of the said maister of faculte and his counsalouris. And als, gif ony tyme tocum thair be ony priuilegis or fredomis that we or our successouris may gif and grant to thame and thair successouris, the quhilkis ar nocht heir grantit in speciall, the quhilkis salbe desyrit be thame for the tyme is proffitable and honorable to the effect forsaidis, than as now and now as than we bind and oblissis ws be thir our present letteres to gif and grant the samyn in the best and autentik forme that can be diuisit als oft as we be requirit thairto; and als to fortefy supple and help the saidis communite of merchandis gild brethir for the impetracioun of quhatsumeuir priuilege or fredomes thocht to thame proffitable at our Souerane Lord the King, lordis of parliament and counsall, gif ony siclike beis that we may nocht gif to thame our self. And attour, becaus the forsaid faculte is thocht sa honorable and proffitable to be had within this realme, we bind and oblissis ws and our successouris be the faithis and treuthis of ouris and thairis bodys, that perpetualy in all tymes tocum the provost president and baillies of this burgh at thair chesing and making of their aithis sall expresly suer and mak faith to keip and caus be kepit to the forsaid maister counsalouris and fraternite and thair successouris all thair forsaidis priuilegis, and all statutis and reulis maid or to be maid be thame and thair successouris for the commone weill of the said faculte, manteine and defend the samyn at our power, and neuir tocum incontrair of thir saidis priuilegis in jugement nor vtouth, vnder the pane of infamite and periure als oft as we cum incontrar the saidis priuilegis; and statutis and nochttheles this our band and gift to remane ay in strenth and vigore. In witnes of the quhilk thingis we haif to thir present letteres hungin our commone sele at Edinburgh the tent day of the moneth of December the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth and auchtene yeris. Quamquidem literam principalem honorabilis vir Adam Hopper burgensis burgi de Edinburgh ac magister facultatis predicte pergamino scriptam ac sigillo communi burgi de Edinburgh sigillatam in presentia venerabilis et egregii viri magistri Jacobi Heriot canonici Rossensis ac officialis Sanctiandree infra Archidiaconatum Laudonie in ecclesiam collegiatam beati Egidii de Edinburgh loco consistoriali eiusdem solito et consueto pro tribunali sedente, sanam integram et illesam, non viciatam non cancellatam nec in aliqua sui parte suspectam, vicesimo-secundo die mensis Junii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo decimo nono, indictione septima, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris et domini nostri domini Leonis diuina prouidentia pape decimi anno septimo, mihi notario publico subscripto tradidit, perlegendam copiandam et in publicam transumpti formam redegendam humiliter supplicans, quatenus dictus dominus officialis hujusmodi literam sub publica forma transumpti et in forma juris per modum vidimus decernere dignetur; vnde ego notarius subscriptus ex precepto dicti domini officialis in partem perlegi, qua sic perlecta prefatus dominus officialis suam auctoritatem interposuit quod huic presenti transsumpto siue publico instrumento tanta fides adhibeatur publice, tam in judicio quod extra, in omnibus et per omnia, sicut suo originali, per modum vidimus et ita decreuit et mandauit. Superquibus omnibus et singulis prefatus magister facultatis a me notario publico subscripto sibi fieri petiit hoc presens publicum instrumentum seu publica instrumenta. Acta erant hec consistoriali predicto hora decima ante merediem vel eo circa sub anno mense die indictione et pontificatu quibus supra; presentibus ibidem venerabilibus et discretis viris magistris et dominis Ricardo Cok, Jacobo Kennedy, Jacobo Huntar, Thoma Maxwell, Willelmo Dik, et Jacobo Stantoun notariis publicis cum diuersis aliis testibus ad premissa vocatis pariter et rogatis.
Et ego Thomas Foulis clericus Sanctiandree diocesis, publicus sacris Apostolica et Imperiali auctoritatibus notarius, et ipsius domini officialis et coram eo scriba, quia dicte literarum productioni et lecture et eiusdem cum presenti transsumpto collacioni, et prefati domini officialis decreti interpositioni, ceterisque premissis omnibus et singulis, dum sic vt premittitur dicerentur agerentur et fierent, vnacum prenominatis testibus presens interfui, eaque omnia et singula sic fieri et vidi scivi et audivi ac in notam cepi, ideoque hoc presens publicum instrumentum per modum transumpti confectum manibus alienis fideliter scriptum exinde confeci, signoque et nomine meis solitis et consuetis vnacum appensione seli et officialatus signaui rogatus et requisitus in fidem et testimonium omnium et singulorum premissorum.
Thomas Foulis.
[Which principal letter, written on parchment, and sealed with the common seal of the Burgh of Edinburgh, sound, whole, and uninjured, not vitiated, not cancelled, nor suspect in any part of it, an honourable man, Adam Hopper, burgess of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and master of the said faculty, in presence of a venerable and eminent man, Master James Heriot, Canon of Ross and Official of St Andrews, within the Archdeaconry of Lothian, in the Collegiate Church of St Giles of Edinburgh, sitting in judgment in the usual and wonted consistory of the same, on the twenty-second day of the month of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and nineteen, in the seventh indiction, in the seventh year of the pontificate of our most holy father and lord in Christ lord Leo the Tenth, by divine providence Pope, delivered to me notary-public subscribing, humbly supplicating that it be read, copied, and drawn up in the form of a public transumpt, in so far as the said Official may be pleased to decern that such letter be transumed in public and legal form after the manner of a vidimus. Wherefore I, notary subscribing, by command of the said lord Official, read the letter on my part, which being so read, the said lord Official interponed his authority that to this present transumpt or public instrument, after the manner of a vidimus, as much faith should be publicly attached, as well in court as out of it, in all things and through all, as to the original, and thus decerned and ordained. Whereupon in all and singular, the said master of faculty asked the present public instrument or these public instruments, to be made for him by me, notary-public subscribing. These things took place in the foresaid consistory in the tenth hour before noon, or thereabout, in the year, month, day, indiction and pontificate above-written. Present in the same place, the venerable and discreet men, Masters and Sirs Richard Cok, James Kennedy, James Huntar, Thomas Maxwell, William Dik, and James Stanton, notaries-public, with divers other witnesses to the premises called and summoned at the same time.
And I, Thomas Foulis, clerk of the diocese of St Andrews, notary-public, by sacred apostolic and imperial authority, and scribe of and before the same lord Official, because I was personally present, with the before-named witnesses, at the production and reading of the aforesaid letter, and at the collation thereof with the present transumpt, and the interponing of the decree of the foresaid lord Official, and all and sundry the premises aforesaid, whilst they were so said, transacted and done, as is premised, and saw, heard, knew, and took note that they were all and sundry so said and done; therefore, being asked and requested, afterwards executed this present public instrument, drawn up in the form of a transumpt, faithfully written by other hands, and have signed it with my sign and name, used and wont, along with the appending of the Official seal, in pledge and attestation of all and singular the premises.]
December 1518.
Haly Blude Ile gevin to fraternity of the merchants.
(The quhilk day, my Lord Provest, president, baillies, counsall and community hes gevin the Haly Blude Ile to the fraternity of the merchants and gild brethir of this burgh, and thai to be patronis thairof, and the octaues of Corpus Christi to be thair procuratioun dayes. And thairto hes grantit to thame dyvers vther priuileges as thair common seill gevin to thame thairvpoun proports.—Tr.)