House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 15 April 1679

Pages 595-597

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 15 die Aprilis, 1679.


Information against Mr. Castleton.

SIR Henry Ford reports from the Committee appointed to examine the Matter of the Information against Mr. Castleton, That the Committee had taken the Matter of the said Information into their Consideration; and had agreed upon a Report: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was again read; and is as followeth; viz.

In Obedience to the Order of the House of the Twelfth Instant, the Committee have met to examine the Complaint of Mr. Chetwind against Mr. Castleton, about defaming by several Aspersions, Mr. Stephen Dugdale the King's Evidence.

And Mr. Chetwind, appearing before them, did instance in many Discourses which had been used by Mr. Castleton, to that Effect: Unto which Mr. Castleton made Answer, That, upon the first Tidings of Mr. Dugdale's Evidence given in the Country, there were various Reports here spread about, to Mr. Dugdale's Disadvantage, in reference to Money lost by him at Racing, and as if he had behaved himself dishonestly in that Matter; as also towards the Lord Aston: And he did acknowledge, that he made mention to Mr. Chetwind of these Rumours and Reflections upon Mr. Dugdale, as they were spoken of by other Men; but that he was so far from affirming any thing himself, that he presently writ Letters into Staffordshire; and, upon the Answers he had from some Friends there, he did publish, as much as any Man, the Credit of Mr. Dugdale in all Places; and was one of the first that did visit Mr. Dugdale on his Arrival here. And, in Confirmation hereof, Mr. Chetwind did own to the Committee, That Mr. Castleton did, soon after his first Discourses, come to him, and declare, as to Mr. Dugdale's Credit, that he was fully convinced. And Mr. Dugdale also, being at the Committee, did declare, That he was not sensible, that Mr. Castleton was his Enemy, or had done him any Wrong. So that the Committee, finding no other material Complaint than this of the Calumny, are humbly of Opinion, That Mr. Castleton may be discharged from his present Restraint.

And whereas the said Mr. Castleton did represent the great Misfortune he lay under, in having been seized in Custody by the same Warrant wherewith Mr. Redding was taken for Matters of Treason and high Misdemeanor: And that the Report hereof is so far scattered in all Places to his Disadvantage, that most People have called for their Papers out of his Hands; and that he is likely to be ruined in his Livelihood, and Way of Employment, unless the House shall be pleased, by some Vote, to remove the publick Censure which seems to lie upon him, by being involved in that Warrant: The Committee have thought fit to enter into some tender Consideration of this Particular, in regard Mr. Castleton appears, by very many Testimonies, to be a good Protestant, and a Man of sober Life: But they do submit his Desires herein, to the Pleasure and Determination of the House.

Ordered, That Mr. Castleton be discharged from the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms, paying his Fees.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Alderman Wright have leave to go into the Country.

Committee of Secrecy.

Ordered, That the Committee of Secrecy have Leave to sit from time to time, during the Sitting of the House.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Blagrave have Leave to go into the Country for a Fortnight.

Ordered, That Mr. Chetwynd have leave to go into the Country, in order to the Recovery of his Health.

Lords Proceeding respecting Lords in the Tower.

Sir Thomas Stringer reports from the Committee appointed to inspect the Journal of the House of Lords, and see what Entries have been there made, touching the giving Copies to the Lords in the Tower, of the Evidence against them, That the Committee had prepared a Report: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was again read; and is as followeth:

The Committee, in Obedience to the Commands of this House, have met; and have inspected the Journal of the House of Lords; and find, That, on Wednesday the Ninth of April Instant, it is entered in the Lords Journal Book as followeth;

"The Lord Chancellor let their Lordships know, that the House hath ordered, That the several Indictments found against them by the Grand Jury, should be brought into the Lords House by Certiorari: And that their Lordships may take Copies of the Articles of Impeachment against them; and that they shall have Liberty to search and take out Copies of Records and Journals, in order to their Defence."

And a Debate arising thereupon;

Resolved, That the said Debate be adjourned till this Day Sevennight.


A Complaint being made, of a Breach of Privilege committed against Sir Scrope How, a Member of this House, by one Adam Powle Under Sheriff of the City of Worcester, in arresting Robert Hill, a menial Servant of the said Sir Scrope How, at the Suit of one John Sommers an Attorney, contrary to the Rights and Privileges of Parliament;

Ordered, That the said Adam Powle, and John Sommers, be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, to answer their Breach of Privilege committed against Sir Scroope How, by arresting Robert Hill, his menial Servant, contrary to the Rights and Privileges of Parliament.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir John Guyes have leave to go into the Country.

Fires in City of London.

Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to inquire concerning the late Fires that have happened in and about the City of London; and to report the same to the House: And that the Committee of Secrecy do transmit to this Committee all such Papers and Examinations as they have in their Custody, relating to the Discovery of such Persons as have been the Occasion of such Fires.

And it is referred to Sir Charles Harbord, Sir Robert Peyton, Sir Robert Cleyton, Sir Thomas Player, Sir Nathanael Herne, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Trevor Williams, Sir John Coryton, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Woogan, Sir Tho. Stringer, Mr. Foley, Mr. Mansell, Mr. Duboys, Sir Thomas Clerges, Sir Joseph Tredenham, Colonel Birch, Mr. Pitt, Sir John Wynn, Serjeant Rigby, Sir Philip Egerton, Sir Anth. Irby, Sir Patience Ward, Sir Chr. Musgrave, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Papillon, Alderman Bakwell, Colonel Whitley; and all the Members that serve for the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwarke; or any Three of them: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Three of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber: And are impowered to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.

Army Accompts.

Sir George Downing reports from the Committee appointed to inspect and state the Accompts relating to the Army, That the Committee had met; and had agreed upon a Report to be made to the House: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same was again read; and is as followeth; viz.

£. s. d.
If the Officers of the Three Regiments of Horse, and of the Seven Regiments of Foot, That are disbanded, be paid but to the respective Days upon Which they were disbanded, there will be less due to them than is set down in the Paper given into the House by the Paymaster of the Army 788 16 -
Which Sum of 788£ 16s. being deducted out of the Sum of 193,241 18 2
The Remain will be the Sum of £.192,453 2 2

A Motion being made, for a Supply to be given to his Majesty, for paying off and disbanding all the Forces now in Arms in this Kingdom, raised or brought over from Foreign Parts, since the Twenty-ninth of September 1677;

Resolved, &c. That this House will, To-morrow Morning at Ten of the Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to take into Consideration the Motion that was made, for a Supply to be given to his Majesty, for paying off and dismissing all the Forces now in Arms in this Kingdom, raised or brought over from Foreign Parts, since the Twenty-ninth of September 1677.

Norfolke Election.

Ordered, That the Matter touching the Election for the County of Norfolke be heard at the Bar of this House on Monday next, the first Business.

And then the House adjourned till Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.

Post meridiem ejusdem diei.

Dr. Nelson's Petition.

ORDERED, That the Committee to whom the Consideration of the Petition of Dr. John Nelson is referred, be revived; and do sit To-morrow Morning at Eight of the Clock, in the Place formerly appointed: And that Sir John Knight and Sir Anthony Irby be added to the said Committee.

Leicester Election.

The House then proceeded to hear the Matter of the Election for the County of Leicester: And having examined the Remainder of the Evidence on the Part of the Sitting Members;

The Question being put, That the House do now proceed upon the Debate touching the Election for the County of Leicester;

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

The Question being put, That the Lord Roos is duly elected to serve in this present Parliament, as Knight of the Shire for the County of Leicester;

The House divide.

The Noes go forth.

Tellers, Sir John Talbot, for the Yeas, 78.
Mr. Gray,
Tellers, Sir Eliab Harvey, for the Noes, 116.
Colonel Birch,

And so it passed in the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That the Lord Sherrard is well and duly elected to serve in this present Parliament, as Knight of the Shire for the County of Leicester.

Resolved, &c. That Sir John Hartop is not duly elected to serve in this present Parliament, as Knight of the Shire for the County of Leicester.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.