Pages 169-170
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Jovis, 24 Novembris, 1670.
Dawes' Petition.
A PETITION of Sir John Dawes Baronet was read.
Resolved, &c. That the Petition be referred to Sir John Brampston, Sir Robert Carr, Mr. Seymore, Sir Thom. Clifford, Sir Nicholas Carew, Colonel Reames, Mr. Garraway, Colonel Titus, Lord Allington, Colonel Reames, Sir * Windham, Mr. Morrice, Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Jonath. Trelawny, Sir John Birkenhead, Sir Will. Doyley, Sir Robert Long, Sir Adam Browne, Sir John Duncombe, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Anth. Irby, Sir Will. Lowther, Mr. Phillips, Sir Geo. Downing; to examine the Matter of the Petition; and report it, with their Opinions therein, to the House: And they are to meet, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.
Serjeant Charlton reports from the Committee of Privileges, the Case of a Breach of Privilege committed against Mr. Price, a Member of this House; that Mr. Price having had a Verdict at Law for his Title to certain Lands and Houses, called Burhop; and Mrs. More being in the Possession thereof, on his Behalf, was, by the Means of Mr. John Goodyer and Richard Woolley, turned out of Possession; and the Under Sheriff tampered with, to delay Restitution of Possession: And after a Writ of Hab' fac' Possession' brought by Goodyer; which was made out by Woolley, notwithstanding Goodyer was advised not to proceed, for that there was a Verdict at Law for Mr. Price: And that, upon the whole Matter, it appearing to the Committee, that there was a forcible Entry and Detainer;
The Committee were of Opinion, that there was a Breach of Privilege both in the said Goodyer and Woolley.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Committee, that John Goodyer and Richard Woolley are guilty of the Breach of Privilege objected against them.
Resolved, &c. That the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, or his Deputy, do apprehend and take into Custody John Goodyer and Richard Woolley, for their Breach of Privilege committed against Mr. Price, a Member of this House.
Bill to be read.
Ordered, That the Bill tendered by Sir Thomas Strickland, be read To-morrow Morning.
Manufacture for preserving Shipping.
Ordered, That the Report of the Bill for Preservation of Shipping, be heard To-morrow Morning.
Privilege- Jekell's Prosecution of King.
The House being informed, That Mr. Jekell, Mr. Burton his Counsel, and Mr. Ogden his Attorney, ordered Yesterday to be taken into Custody, had, this Morning, rendered themselves into the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms; and were now at the Door;
They were called in:
The Vote of the House, passed on Monday, was read unto them:
Who being afterwards withdrawn; and the House informed, that Mr. Jekell had already given Direction for the not prosecuting of his Suit; and that, in Observance and Obedience to the Vote of the House, he would desist in the Prosecution thereof;
Resolved, &c. That the said Mr. Jekell, Mr. Burton his Counsel, and Mr. Ogden his Attorney, be discharged from their Commitment.
Resolved, &c. That the House resolve into a Committee of the whole House To-morrow Morning, Ten of the Clock, to proceed in the further Consideration of his Majesty's Supply.
Duke of Albemarle's Estate.
Ordered, That Mr. Ford and Mr. Cheney be added to the Committee to whom the Bill on the Behalf of the Duke of Albemarle was committed.
Oakehampton Writ.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do certify the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England of the Death of Sir Thomas Hele Baronet, who lately served as a Member of this House for the Borough of Oakehampton in the County of Devon; desiring him, that a Writ may issue forth, under the Great Seal, for a new Election of a Member to serve in this present Parliament, in his Place and Stead.
And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight of the Clock.