House of Commons Journal Volume 9: 10 June 1685

Page 732

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 9, 1667-1687. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 10 die Junii, 1685. 1 Jac. IIdi.


Army Accompts.

MR. Speaker reports to the House, That he had received a Letter from Sir Gilbert Gerard, assuring him, That he the said Sir Gilbert would forthwith come to Town, and deliver all his Accompts to the Committee appointed to receive and examine the same.

Cricklade Election

Sir Chr. Musgrave reports from the Committee of Elections and Privileges to whom the Matter of the Election of Burgesses to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Cricklade in the County of Wilts, was referred, That the Committee, having taken the same into their Consideration, had directed him to make a Report in Writing: Which he read in his Place; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same being again read, is as follows; viz.

It was agreed by Counsel on all Sides, That the Right of Election for the Borough of Cricklade is in the Freeholders, Copyholders, and Leaseholders, for Three Years.

Whereupon, and after a full Examination of the whole Matter, the Committee came to the Resolutions following;

Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That Charles Fox Esquire, the Sitting Member, is duly elected to serve as a Burgess in this present Parliament for the Borough of Cricklade in the County of Wilts.

Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That Thomas Freake Esquire, the present Member, is not duly elected to serve as Burgess in this present Parliament for the said Borough of Cricklade.

Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That Edmund Webb Esquire is duly elected to serve as a Burgess in this present Parliament for the said Borough of Cricklade.

The First of the said Resolves being read a Second time;

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That Charles Fox Esquire, the Sitting Member, is duly elected to serve as a Burgess in this present Parliament for the Borough of Cricklade in the County of Wilts.

The Second of the said Resolves being read a Second time;

And the Question being put, That this House do agree with the Committee in the said Resolve;

The House divide.

The Noes go forth.

Tellers, Sir Cha. Windham, for the Yeas, 224.
Colonel Windham,
Tellers, Sir Fra. Russell, for the Noes, 60.
Sir Edmund Jennings,

And, so it was carried in the Affirmative.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That Thomas Freake Esquire is not duly elected to serve as a Burgess for the said Borough of Cricklade.

The Third of the said Resolves being read a Second time;

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That Edmund Webb Esquire is duly elected to serve as a Burgess in this present Parliament for the said Borough of Cricklade.

Ordered, That the Clerk of the Crown do attend this House To-morrow Morning, with the Return for Cricklade, in order to the Amending of the said Return.

Supply Bill; Duty on Tobacco, &c.

A Bill for laying an Imposition on Sugars and Tobacco, for a further Supply to his Majesty towards the Repair of the Navy, and Ordnance, and Stores for the same, was read.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time on Friday Morning next.

Montgomery Election.

The House then, according to their Order of the Thirtieth of May last, proceeded to a Hearing, at the Bar, of the Merits of the Election and Return of a Burgess to serve in this Parliament for the Town of Montgomery.

And the Counsel being called in, and heard at large upon the said Matter;

And afterwards being ordered to withdraw;

Resolved, That the Election of a Burgess, to serve in Parliament for the Shire Town of Montgomery, doth not belong to the Burgesses of Montgomery only.

Resolved, That the several Burgesses of the several Boroughs of Llanidloes, Poole, and Llanvilling, in the County of Montgomery, have a Right to vote in the Election of a Burgess to serve in Parliament for the Shire Town of Montgomery.

Resolved, That William Williams Esquire is not duly elected a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Shire Town of Montgomery in the County of Montgomery.

Resolved, That the late Election of a Burgess, to serve in this present Parliament for the Shire Town of Montgomery in the County of Montgomery, is a void Election.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue out his Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown, to make out a new Writ, for electing of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Shire Town of Montgomery in the County of Montgomery, in the room of the said Mr. Williams.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Leave be given to Sir Henry Butler, a Member of this House, to go into the Country, for Recovery of his Health.

Committee of Privileges.

Ordered, That the Committee of Elections and Privileges be adjourned.

And then the House adjourned to Nine of the Clock, To-morrow Morning.