Pages 373-374
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Mercurii, 26 Februarii, 14 Car.
Hitcham's Charities.
ORDERED, That the Report from the Committee to which the Bill for establishing certain charitable Uses, of Sir Robert Hitcham, was committed, be heard To-morrow.
Norwich Walls, &c.
Upon the humble Petition of the Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, and Commonalty, of the City of Norwich;
Ordered, That a Bill be brought in, for raising of Monies in the City of Norwich, for repairing the Walls, and cleansing the River in the same: And that the same be read To-morrow Morning.
Goldsmiths Wares.
Ordered, That the Bill for preventing the Stealing of Plate, Jewels, and Goldsmiths Ware, and also for the Reformation of sundry Inconveniences in the Goldsmiths Trade, be read To-morrow Morning.
Ludlow Election.
Serjeant Charlton reports from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Election for the Town of Ludlow, That the Committee had considered of the Petition of Samuell Baldwyn Esquire, against Serjeant Littleton; and that the Question was, touching the Manner of Summons; and whether the Right of Election was in a select Number, of Twelve Aldermen, and Five-andtwenty others of the Common Council; or in them, and all the Common Burgesses resiant in the Town: And that the Committee was of Opinion, That the Summons being according to the usual Manner, was good; and that all the Common Burgesses resiant had Right of Election, with the Twelve, and Five-and-twenty; and that Serjeant Littleton had the Majority of Voices; and was duly elected and returned, as Burgess for the said Town of Ludlow, and ought to sit in this House.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That the Summons was good; and that all the resiant Common Burgesses of the Town of Ludlow have Right of Election, as well as the Twelve, and the Five-and-twenty; and that Serjeant Littleton had the Majority of Voices; and was duly elected a Burgess for the said Town of Ludlow, and ought to sit in this House.
Camelford Election.
Serjeant Charlton reports from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, touching the Election for the Town of Camelford, upon the Petition of Mr. Greenvile, That the Committee, in regard of the Uncertainty of the Petition, were of Opinion, to dismiss the Cause.
Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That the Cause upon the Petition of Mr. Greenvill be dismissed.
Wells Key.
Mr. Steward reports from the Committee to which the Bill for repairing and preserving the Key of Wells in Norfolk was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill: Which he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and afterwards, delivered in at the Clerk's Table.
Which said Amendments, being several . . twice read, were, upon the Question, severally agreed unto.
Resolved, That the said Bill, with the said Amendments agreed to, be ingrossed.
Leave of Absence.
Ordered, That Mr. Steward have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.
Resolved, That Mr. Praed have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.
Scudamore's Losses at Play.
Sir William Lowther reports from the Committee to whom the Bill to make void certain Judgments, and other Securities, obtained from Mr. Scudamore by George and Thomas Colt, The whole Proceedings of the Committee, in the Examination of the Matter touching obtaining the Judgments and Securities; and also several Amendments to be made in the Bill: Which Amendments he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and after, delivered in at the Clerk's Table.
Which said Amendments being severally twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed to;
Resolved, That the said Bill, with the said Amendments agreed to, be ingrossed.
Reversing E. of Strafford's Attainder.
Sir Solomon Swale reports from the Committee to which the Bill, sent from the Lords, for reversing the Earl of Strafford's Attainder, was committed, That the Committee had carefully read the Bills by Paragraphs; and considered the same; and found no Cause to make any Amendment or Alteration, therein.
Ordered, That the Bill for the better Instructing People in their Duty of Allegiance, be read To-morrow.
Colvett's Patent.
Ordered, That the Bill for confirming Letters Patents, granted to John Colvett, for making Glass Bottles, and for preventing Frauds therein, be read To-morrow Morning.
Howard's Estate.
Sir Thomas Littleton reports from the Committee to which the Bill for Confirming of several Conveyances, made by Sir Robert Howard, was committed, several Amendments to the said Bill; and a Proviso to be added thereto: Which Amendments he read, with the Coherence, in his Place; and after delivered in at the Clerk's Table.
And the said Amendments, being severally twice read, were, upon the Question, agreed unto.
The Question being put, To agree to the Proviso;
It was resolved in the Affirmative.
The Question being put, That the Bill with the Amendments and Proviso so agreed unto, be ingrossed;
The House was divided.
The Yeas went out.
Sir Thomas Littleton, | Tellers for the Yeas: | 64. |
Sir Chichester Wraye, | With the Yeas, | |
Lord Herbert, | Tellers for the Noes: | 114. |
Lord Bruce, | With the Noes, |
So it passed in the Negative.
Exeter Stuffs.
Ordered, That the Bill for the Reforming and Preventing of sundry Abuses and Deceits in the Making of Serges, &c. in the City of Exon, and County of Devon, be read To-morrow Morning.
E. of Huntingdon's Estate.
Ordered, That the Bill to confirm the Sale of Lands made by the Earl of Huntingdon, be read To-morrow Morning.
Marq. of Winchester's Estate.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Thomas Estcourt and Sir Mundeford Brampston;
Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent you a Bill, intituled, An Act for confirming the Estate of John Marquis of Winchester, in certain Manors and Lands, whereof the Deeds and Evidences were burnt and lost in the Taking of the Castle of Basing; to which they desire your Concurrence.
Ordered, That this Bill be read To-morrow Morning.
This House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to resume the Debate of the Bill for the Militia.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Milward took the Chair of the Committee.
Mr. Speaker again took the Chair.
And Mr. Milward made Report, That the Committee had made some Progress in the said Bill; and desired, that this House would again resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, on Friday next, to resume the said Debate.
Resolved, That this House will, on Friday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to resume the further Debate of the Bill for the Militia.
Committee of Privileges.
Ordered, That the Persons under named be added to the Committee of Privileges and Elections; Sir Tho. Gowre, Sir Hen. Felton, Mr. Mompesson, Mr. Buckland, Mr. Pudsey, Mr. Mathew Appleyard, Mr. Scott, Mr. Oneale, Mr. Tanner, Mr. George, Mr. Warton, Mr. Cofferer, Mr. Wanklyn, Mr. Lewes, Mr. Fox, Sir John Robinson, Mr. Stockdale, Colonel Arundell, Sir Rich. Lloyd, Mr. Herle, Sir Metcalfe Robinson, Mr. Daniel.
Leave of Absence.
Ordered, That Sir Thomas Widdrington have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.
Ordered, That Mr. Higgons have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.
And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning at Eight of the Clock.