Pages 364-365
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Sabbati, 15 die Februarii, 14 Car.
Bp. of Ely's Estate.
A BILL to confirm a Lease of the King's Head Tavern in Chancery Lane, made by the Lord Bishop of Ely, for the Term of Forty Years, unto Elizabeth, Barbara, and Frances Barker, was this Day read the First time.
And the House taking into Consideration, that it was not in the Power of the said Bishop to grant a Lease for the Term of Forty Years, but only for Twenty-one Years, Three or Lives; and that Mrs. Barker, expecting the Lease to be good, had paid a considerable Fine, and covenanted to new-build the House.
Ordered, That Mr. Ashburneham, Mr. George Clarke, Mr. Goodrick, Sir Solo. Swale, and Sir Hugh Bethell, Five of the Members of this House, do attend the Lord Bishop of Elye; and desire him, from this House, to make Mrs. Barker a Lease of the said House, called the King's Head Tavern, for Three Lives: And that his Lordship would take Consideration of the Covenant for new building the House; and use Mrs. Barker reasonably.
Okeover's Estate.
An ingrossed Bill to enable Mr. Okeover to sell Lands to pay his Debts, was this Day read the Third time.
Resolved, That the said Bill do pass: And that the Title shall be, An Act to enable Rowland Okeover Esquire to sell certain Lands in the County of Derby.
Privilege-Subpænaing Serjeant.
Ordered, That Mr. Lucas and Oakley be taken into Custody, to answer his Breach of Privilege, in causing Mr. Norfolke, the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, to be served with Subpæna out of Chancery.
Upon Information to this House, that one Thomas Shemonds had caused an Action of Ejectment to be brought, in the Name of one Francis Whitehead, his seigned Lessee, against one Henry Lyne, his own Ejector; and left a Copy of the Declaration with Thomas Fry, Servant of the Lord Newburgh, a Member of this House; to try the Title of certain Lands called Bagshott Park and Lodge, now in the Possession of the Lord Newburgh;
Ordered, That the Consideration of this Matter be referred to Mr. Speaker: And if he find, that the Title of the Lord Newburgh is concerned in the Action brought by the said Thomas Shemonds, as aforesaid, to certify so much to my Lord Chancellor: Who is desired thereupon to give Order for a Supersedeas to issue, to supersede the said Action: And in the mean time the Attorney for Shemonds, and the Sheriff of the County where the Lands lie, to have Notice of this Order, that all further Proceedings in the said Action may be forborne.
Copleston's Estate.
Sir Robert Brooke reports from the Committee to which Mr. Copleston's Bill was committed, That they had perused the Bill; and found no Defect therein, or Cause to amend the same.
Resolved, That the said Bill be ingrossed.
Browne's Estate.
Sir Edmond Peirse reports from the Committee to which the ingrossed Bill, sent from the Lords, to enable Sir Anthony Browne to sell Lands, for Payment of Debts, was committed, That they had carefully perused the Bill; and found no Defect therein, or Cause of Alteration or Amendments.
Resolved, That this Bill be read the Third time on Monday next.
Knollis' Estate.
A Bill for enabling of Thomas Knollis Esquire to sell the Manor of Bowcombe, for Payment of the Debts of Sir Henry Knollis, deceased, his elder Brother; and for the raising of Portions for his younger Children; was this Day read the Second time.
Resolved, That the same be committed to Lord St. John, Sir John Duncombe, Sir Lancelot Lake, Sir Thomas Lee, Sir Henry Worsley, Sir Tho. Allen, Lord Ancram, Sir James Smith, Mr. Gawdy, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir Henry North, Sir John Holland, Sir Francis Clarke, Sir Edm. Peirse, Sir John Rowse, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Buckland, Mr. Harvey, Sir John Goodrick, Mr. Goodrick, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Culliford, Mr. Yorke, Mr. Knight, Mr. Bulkley, Colonel Kirkby, Mr. WilliamSandys, Mr. Crooke, Dr. Birkenhead, Colonel Robinson, Sir Tho. Bludworth, Sir Wm. Lowther, Mr. Eyre, Mr. Stanhop, Mr. Mountague, Sir Geo. Stonehouse, Mr. Jay, Sir Theophilus Biddulph, Mr. Walgrave, Sir Solomon Swale, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Hungerford, Sir Edm. Pooley, and all the Members that serve for the County of Southampton: And they are to meet on Monday next, in the Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber, at Two of the Clock: And to send for Persons, Papers and Records.
Bills from Lords.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir William Childe and Sir Toby Woolrich;
Mr. Speaker, The Lords have sent you Two Bills, with several Alterations and Amendments to both of them: The one, intituled, A Bill for dividing the Two Hundreds of Dudston and King's Barton, from the County of the City of Gloucester, and re-uniting them to the County of Gloucester: And the other, A Bill for Endowment of several Churches, by the Lord Viscount Scudamore: And desire the Concurrence of this House to the Alterations and Amendments made to the said Bills.
Poor Relief.
A Bill for constituting Corporations in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in the several Cities and Counties within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, and Town of Barwick upon Tweede, for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor, and for the Preventing of Poor, by the settling of them; and for the better Execution of the Laws against Rogues and Vagabonds; was this Day read the Third time.
And some Amendments being now agreed to be made therein, were, accordingly, done at the Clerk's Table: And
The House then Ordered, That it be referred to the Members of this House that serve for, or are Members of, the City of London, to prepare, and bring in, a Clause, that may make a Provision for the Corporation of the City of London, of what Number they shall consist, against Monday Morning.
Resolved, That the further Debate of this Bill be adjourned till Monday Morning, at Nine of the Clock.
Chambers, &c. Estate.
Ordered, That the Bill for Chambers, and others, to levy and receive Two thousand Six hundred and Ninety Pounds, out of the Manors, Lands, and Estate of John Hutchinson Esquire, be read on Thursday next, when the House is full.
Captives at Algiers, &c.
Ordered, That all such Members of this House as serve for Devonshire and Cornewall, be added to the Committee to which the Petition of the poor Captives of Algiers is referred; and have Voices at that Committee so far only as concerns the said Captives.
Privilege-a Person discharged.
Upon Information, by my Lord Ancram, that one Robert Sherborne (who was committed to the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms, by Order of the Twentieth of January last, for causing Declarations at Law to be delivered by one George Gosnald, an Attorney, to the Tenants of certain Lands conveyed by Sir Edward Mansfeild to his Lordship in Trust, thereby to try the Title . . the said Lands, although he knew his Lordship to be a Member of this House before such Declarations were delivered) had submitted, and given Satisfaction to his Lordship: Who declared, that he was willing the said Sherborne should be discharged.
Ordered, That the said Robert Sherborne be discharged of his Commitment, paying his Fees.
10 per Cent. Interest.
Then the House, according to an Order of the Fourteenth of February instant, resolved into a Committee of the whole House, to take into Consideration the Bill for Toleration of taking Ten Pounds per Cent. upon Loans to his Majesty.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Sir Robert Atkins took the Chair of the Committee.
And after some Debate upon the said Bill, in the Committee;
Mr. Speaker again took the Chair.
And after much Debate upon the said Bill;
The House again resolved into a Committee of the whole House, further to debate the said Bill.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Sir Robert Atkins again took the Chair.
And after some further Debate upon the said Bill;
Mr. Speaker took the Chair: And
Sir Robert Atkins made Report, That the Committee desired, that the House would again resolve itself into a Committee, on Monday Morning, to proceed in the further Debate of the said Bill.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House will, on Monday Morning, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to proceed in the further Debate of the said Bill.
And then the House adjourned till Monday Morning at Eight of the Clock.