House of Commons Journal Volume 8: 13 December 1661

Pages 331-332

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 13 die Decembris, 13° Car. Regis:


Poor Relief.

Ordered, That the Bill brought in for the better Relief of the Poor, within the Counties of Lancaster, Chester, Derby, Yorke, and Westmorland, be read.

Matthews' Case.

Ordered, That the Case of * Matthews be referred to the Committee of Elections, to examine, and report it to the House.

Slingsby's Estate.

A Bill to enable a Sale of the Lands of Sir Robert Slingsby, for Payment of his Debts, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That this Bill be read again, the Second time, on Monday next.


Ordered, That the Report of the Bill of Highways be heard To-morrow.

Hackney Coaches.

Ordered, That the Bill for the restoring and regulating the Abuses of Hackney Coaches be read To-morrow.

Somersett Dukedom.

The House then resuming the Debate upon the Report of the Bill for confirming the Act for restoring the Marquis of Hertford to the Title and Dignity of the Duke of Somersett;

A Proviso was brought in to be added to the Bill: Which, being read, was, upon the Question, laid aside: And

Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Bill, with the Amendments reported and agreed unto, be ingrossed.

Confirming private Acts.

Then this House took into Debate the Amendments to the Bill for confirming private Acts, sent from the Lords.

Which being severally twice read;

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree to the First Amendment, being in the 1 Skin, 2 Line, after the Word "Lords," and before the Word "and," put in these Words, "Spiritual and Temporal;" and to the Third, for leaving out, after the Word "Wife," in the 1 Skin, and 31th Line, all the Words to the Word "and," in the 30th Line of the 2d Skin.

And the Second Amendment, being in 1 Skin, after the Word "others," in the 27th Line, and before the Word "and," in the 28th Line, to insert these Words, "one other Act for the Naturalizing of Dorothea Helena Countess of Derby, Wife of the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Derby; and Emelia, called Countess of Ossery, Wife of the Right honourable Thomas Butler, called Earl of Ossery, Son and Heir-apparent of the Right honourable James Marquis of Ormond, and Earl of Brecknocke; and Margarett Lady Culpepper, Wife of the Right honourable Thomas Lord Culpepper, Baron of Thorsway; and the Right honourable Charles Kirkhoven, Lord Wolton, and Dame Emilia his Sister, Children of Catharine Stanhop, Countess of Chesterfeild, by John Kirkhoven, Lord of Hemflett: One other Act for restoring to Charles Lord Gerard, Baron of Brandon, all his Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, whereof he was in Possession, on the 20th Day of May 1642, or at any time sithence: One other Act for restoring Henry Lord Arundell of Warder, to the Possession of his Estate;"

This House conceiving, that, according to the Course of Parliament, the same, being an Addition, ought to have been sent down ingrossed in Parchment;

Resolved, That a Conference be desired with the Lords touching the same: And Mr. Solicitor General, Mr. Pryn, Sir Anth. Irby, Attorney of the Duchy, Serjeant Keeling, Sir Robert Atkins, Sir William Lewis, Mr. Goodrick, and Mr. Thurland, are to manage the said Conference.

Confirming Ministers.

The House then resumed the Debate upon the rest of the Amendments to the Bill for confirming the Act for Ministers.

The Eleventh Proviso being, "Provided always, That a Verdict, and a Judgment thereupon had, in the Court of Common Bench, during this present Session of Parliament, by Joseph Crowther, Doctor in Divinity, Parson of the Rectory of Tredington in the County of Wigorn, or his Under Lessee for the said Rectory, against *

Durham Clerk, is not intended, nor shall be in any sort impeached, or made invalid; but that the same shall remain, continue, and be in full Force and Effect; this Act, or any thing therein contained, to the contrary thereof notwithstanding: And that the said Dr. Crowther, according to his said Judgment, be, by the Sheriff of the said County, put into the actual Possession of the said Rectory, so recovered, as aforesaid;" the same was twice read.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree with the said Committee, to the said Proviso: And that the same be made Part of the Bill.

And the Twelfth Proviso being, "Provided also, and be it enacted, That the Commissioners appointed by the Act, intituled, An Act for the Confirming and Restoring of Ministers, or any Three or more of them, are hereby authorized to put in Execution any Clause or Power of the said Act, until the First Day of March next ensuing, so as they do nothing contrary to the Intent and Meaning of this present Act; the same was also twice read.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Words "of the said," in the 3d Line of the said Proviso, be put out; and that there be inserted, instead thereof, these Words, "in the said former Act, or in this present Act contained:" And that the Words "March next ensuing," in the same Line, be also put out, and "July 1662," inserted, instead thereof.

Which said Amendments were accordingly made at the Clerk's Table.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the said Committee, to the said Proviso, so amended: And that the same be made Part of the Bill.

The Thirteenth Proviso being, "Provided also, and be it Enacted, That neither this Act, nor the said Act, intituled, An Act for the Confirming and Restoring of Ministers, shall extend to confirm any Person in any Rectory, Benefice, or other Ecclesiastical Promotion, who was not ordained, according to the Rites and Constitutions of the Church of England, before the 25th Day of December, in the Year of our Lord 1660; or who hath omitted to administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in his Parish Church, for Two Years last past together;" the same was also twice read.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Words "was not ordained, according to the Rites and Constitutions of the Church of England, before the 25th Day of December, in the Year of our Lord 1660," in the Third Line of the said Proviso, be put out; and that there be inserted, instead thereof, these Words, "hath not been, or shall not be, ordained, by some Archbishop, or Bishop, of the Church of England, Scotland, or Ireland, before the 25th Day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1662:" And that the Words following the Word "Church," in the last Line of the said Proviso, be left out; and that there be inserted, instead thereof, these Words, "or Chapel, according to the Form of the Liturgy of the Church of England, for one whole Year last past."

Which Amendments were accordingly made at the Clerk's Table.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House do agree with the Committee, to the said Proviso, so amended: And that the same be made Part of the Bill.

Resolved, That the further Debate of the remaining Provisoes to the Ministers Bill be adjourned till To-morrow Morning; and then proceeded in, according to the former Order.

Great Level of Fens.

Ordered, That the Business for the Great Level of the Fens, called Bedford Level, be adjourned till Tuesday next; and be then taken into Debate; as it was to have been To-morrow.

Private Acts.

Ordered, That the Committee for private Acts be revived; and do sit on Tuesday next, in the Afternoon.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock.