Pages 320-321
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 8, 1660-1667. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Mercurii, 27 die Novembris, 13° Car. Regis 2d.
Foreign Wool-cards.
ORDERED, That the Committee to whom the Bill against importing of foreign Wool-cards, Card-wire, and Iron-wire, was committed, be revived; and be adjourned to meet on Thursday next, at Two of the Clock, in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber.
Ordered, That all other Committees, that were to meet Yesterday, be revived; and do meet this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, at the Places formerly appointed.
Covent Garden Parish.
Upon reading of the Petition of the Inhabitants of St. Paul's Covent Garden;
Ordered, That the said Inhabitants of St. Paul's Covent Garden, and of St. Martin's in the Fields, and all other Persons interested, be heard before the Committee to whom the Bill for confirming an Act, made for making Covent Garden a Parish, is committed, before they do make Report of that Bill.
Norfolk Dukedom.
A Bill for confirming an Act for restoring the Earl of Arundell, Norfolk, and Surrey, to the Dignity and Title of Duke of Norfolke, was this Day read the Second time.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the said Bill be committed to Lord Falkland, Sir Rich. Onslow, Sir George Ryve, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Gawdy, Sir Robert Howard, Lord Bruce, Lord Herbert, Lord Richardson, Mr. Robert Phillips, Lord Cornebury, Colonel Legg, Lord Angier, Sir Tho. Strickland, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Clifford, Lord Dromore, Sir Robert Holt, Mr. Steward, Mr. Hen. Coventry, Mr. Newport, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Edm. Pocley, Sir Rob. Brooke, Sir Wm. Doyley, Dr. Birkenhead, Mr. Scudamore, Sir Henry Bennett, Lord St. John, Mr. Bulteele, Mr. Spry, Mr. Goring, Colonel *, Mr. Thurland Mr. Churchill, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Mr. Robert Crooke, Sir Henry North, Mr. Chichesley, Sir Charles Blount, Sir James Smith, Lord Ancram, Mr. Chetwin, Mr. William Coventry, Sir Hugh Windham, Sir Thomas Leigh, Sir Anth. Cope, Mr. Peckham, Mr. Wm. Sandys, Mr. Trelawney, Sir John Talbott, and all the Members of this House that serve for the Counties of Norfolke and Surrey: And they are to meet To-morrow, in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber, at Two of the Clock: And to send for, and take into Consideration, the Act made by the King, with the Advice of the Lords and Commons in the last Assembly; and also the Copy of the Letters Patent granted to the first Duke of Norfolke; and the Indictment of the last Duke; and such other Papers and Records, as they shall find necessary.
Maurice's Petition.
Upon reading of the Petition of Thomas Maurice Esquire, a Member of this House;
Ordered, That the Case of the said Mr. Maurice, in Relation to the Manor of Boyton Hall in Essex (a Lease whereof for One-and-twenty Years was granted unto him by Roger Nightingale, one of the Petty Canons of St. Paul's Church, London, lately deceased) be recommended to his Majesty's Commissioners for Relief of Purchasers; to take the same into Consideration, and give such Relief as they shall find Cause: And, in the mean time, it is desired, by this House, that the Dean and Chapter of St. Paule, or the Successor of the said Roger Nightingale, do forbear to grant any new Lease of the said Manor to any other Person: And, if the aforesaid Commissioners cannot reconcile the Difference, then they are desired to certify Matter of Fact, with their Opinions, to this House.
Courts of Justice.
Ordered, That the Bill for reforming Abuses in the Law, and Courts of Justice, be read the Second time To-morrow Morning.
Ordered, That Sir Thomas Meers do, on Friday next, by Nine of the Clock in the Morning, make Report of the Bill for confirming the Act concerning Ministers.
And then the House resolved into a Committee of the whole House, further to debate the Matter of his Majesty's present Supply.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Serjeant Charleton took the Chair.
After which Mr. Speaker again took the Chair.
And the House taking that Matter into Debate;
Resolved, upon the Question, That there be Eighteen Months Assessment, at Seventy thousand Pounds a Month.
Resolved also, upon the Question, That the Eighteen Months Assessment shall commence from the Five-andtwentieth of December next.
Resolved further, upon the Question, That the Eighteen Months Assessment be raised by Six Quartorly Payments; and the First Payment to be the Five-and-twentieth of March next.
Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor General, Serjeant Maynard, Serjeant Keeling, Serjeant Charllon, Serjeant Rainsford, Mr. John Vaughan, and Mr. Prynn, be desired to prepare and bring in a Bill, pursuant to these and the former Votes: And the Matter is specially recommended to the Care of Serjeant Charleton.
Relief of Loyalists.
Ordered, That the Persons undernamed be appointed a Committee, to consider, and propound to this House, such Ways as they shall think fit, for a further Supply, Reparation, and Ease of his Majesty's loyal and suffering Subjects, who have faithfully and constantly served his Majesty, or his Royal Father; Serjeant Charleton, Sir Baynham Throckmorton, Sir Tho. Strickiand, Mr. Clifford, Sir Hugh Windham, Lord Bruce, Lord Falkland, Sir Robert Howard, Mr. Wm. Sandis, Sir Tho. Wendy, Mr. Glascock, Colonel Kirkby, Mr. Mountague, Colonel Sandis, Colonel Leg, Sir Maurice Berkeley, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir Courtney Poole, Mr. Lowther, Mr. Robert Crooke, Sir Charles Hussey, Lord Fanshaw, Mr. Fane, Mr. Churchill, Colonel Glles Strangwaies, Colonel Fretchvile, Sir Solomon Swale, Sir Lancelott Lake, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir Adrian Scroope, Sir John Talbott, Mr. Henry Coventry, Sir Allan Broderick, Sir John Goodrick, Sir Francis Clerke, Sir Rich. Ford, Dr. Birkenhead, Sir Roger Bradshaigh, Sir Tho. Doleman, Mr. Clerke, Sir Robert Bolls, Sir Tho. Meres, Sir Will. Harward, Colonel Edward Windham, Sir Tho. Leigh, Lord Cornebury, Mr. Reames, Mr. Scudamore, Colonel Francis Windham, Sir Hen. Puckering alias Newton, Lord Brereton, Colonel Robinson, Sir Edm. Peirce, Sir Henry Bennet, Sir John Dunccmbe, Colonel Whitley, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Tomkins, Mr. Price, Colonel Shackerley, Mr. Newton, Mr. Eyre, Sir John Robinson, Mr. Lewis Palmer: And they are to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock in the Speaker's Chamber: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records.
And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock.