Pages 866-868
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Thursday, 8th March, 1659.
ORDERED, That the Bill for the Militia be forthwith ingrossed, and brought in To-morrow Morning, the first Business.
Militia Commissioners.
Ordered, That Colonel Birch do report the rest of the Names of Commissioners for the Militia, as soon as he cometh into the House.
Peck's Claim.
Ordered, That the Bill for Securing of the Payment of Four thousand Two hundred Eighty-one Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Four-pence to Henry Peck Esquire, be read To-morrow Morning, the first Business.
Lancaster, &c. County Palatine.
Ordered, That the Amendments to the Bill for the County-Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster be reported Tomorrow Morning, next after Mr. Peck's Bill is read.
Approbation of Ministers.
Colonel Harley reports, Amendments to the Bill for Approbation of Ministers: Which were twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.
Ordered, That the said Bill be ingrossed.
Popish Recusants.
Mr. Pryn reports, a Proclamation for putting the Laws and Statutes against Jesuits, Popish Priests, and Recusants, in speedy and effectual Execution: Which was read.
Ordered, That it be referred to Serjeant Glyn, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Lord St. John, Serjeant Maynard, Colonel Harley, Serjeant Twisden, Mr. Solicitor Ellys, Mr. Pryn, or any Two of them, to bring an effectual short Proclamation for putting the Laws and Statutes against Jesuits, Popish Priests, and Recusants, in speedy and effectual Execution: And Serjeant Glyn is to take care of it.
Ordered, That the Lord Chief-Baron Wild do report the Bill for settling the Revenue of Recusants Lands, on Saturday Morning, the first Business.
Militia Commissioners.
Names of Commissioners for the Militia for Oxford were read. And it is
Ordered, That these Names be added to the Commissioners Names formerly passed: And that the Additions of the former Commissioners, which were mistaken, be amended.
Colonel Birch reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Northampton: Which were read; and, upon the Question, approved.
Ordered, That Mr. Miles Fleetwood be added a Commissioner for Oxfordshire.
Colonel Birch also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Northumberland: Which were read; and approved.
He also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Lancaster: Which were read; and, upon the Question, approved.
Ordered, That Mr. Richard Tolson be added a Commissioner for the Militia for Cumberland.
Ordered, That Robert Bendish and John Goslyn be added Commissioners for the Militia for the City of Norwich.
Colonel Birch also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Rutland: Which were read; and approved.
He also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Huntington: Which were read; and approved.
Resolved, That Mr. Giles Hungerford be added a Commissioner for Hampshire.
Resolved, That Mr. John Osborne be added a Commissioner for Bedfordshire.
Colonel Birch reports Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the Town of Newcastle: Which were read; and approved.
He also reports Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Brecknock: Which were read; and approved.
He also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Cardigan: Which were read; and approved.
He also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Pembrooke, and Town and County of Haverford-West: Which were read, and approved.
He also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the County and City of Bristoll: Which were read; and approved.
He also reports, Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the City of Oxford: Which were read; and approved.
Resolved, That John Harpur, Nehemiah Collins, Jeremy Halloway, Robert Hawkesworth, and James Power, be omitted out of the Militia in the City of Bristoll.
Additional Names of Commissioners for the County of Cumberland were read: and approved.
Resolved, That Gawen Wren be omitted out of the Militia for Cumberland.
Ordered, That Charles Lord Howard be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the County of Yorke.
Ordered, That the Lord of Dorsett, Lord Delaware, Sir Wm. Wheeler, Mr. Thomas Povey, Mr. Prestley, Sir Wm. Plater Knight and Baronet, Heneage Finch, Mr. Wm. Clerk, Mr. Henry Middleton, George Manley, Colonel John Downe, and Mr. Peck, be added Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Middlesex.
Ordered, That the Lord Hawton and Mr. Bristowe be added Commissioners of the Militia for Nottinghamshire.
Resolved, That John Marsh Esquire be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the County of Kent.
Resolved, That Richard Coppyn and John Yong of Colbrook, be added Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Devon.
Resolved, That Humphrey Monox be added a Commissioner for the Militia for Bedfordshire.
Resolved, That the Lord Berkley be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the County of Surrey.
Resolved, That Tho. Middleton Esquire be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the County of Essex.
Resolved, That Samuell Whitwick and John Whitwick Esquires be added Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Berks.
Resolved, That Thomas Earl Rivers be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the Counties of Essex and Chester.
Resolved, That Erasmus Harby, Richard Taverner, John Clynton alias Fiennes, be added Commissioners for the Militia for Hertfordshire.
Resolved, That Theophilus Earl of Suffolk and Wm. Lord Sandys be added Commissioners for the Militia for Hampshire.
Commissioners Names for the Militia of North Wales were read; and approved.
Ordered, That all the Names of Commissioners for the Militia be ingrossed in the Bill.
Ordered, That Mr. James Moseley be added a Commissioner of the Militia for Yorkeshire.
Ordered, That Major John Alford be added a Commissioner for the Militia for Wiltshire.
Additional Names of Commissioners for the Militia for Carmarthenshire were read; and approved.
Additional Names of Commissioners for the Militia for North-Wales were read; and approved.
London Militia.
Resolved, That the Militia of London be passed in a distinct Bill by itself.
Ordered, That Mr. Pryn, Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Mr. Lechmere, Colonel Birch, Sir William Lewis, MajorGeneral Browne, be added to the Committee for the Bill for the Militia of London: And that they, or any Two of them, peruse the Bill for the Militia; and take out so much thereof as concerns the City of London: And that the Committee to whom the Bill for the Militia of London was referred, be revived: And meet this Afternoon; and report it To-morrow Morning.
Calling a Parliament.
A Bill for Calling and Holding of a Parliament at Westminster the 25th Day of April 1660, was this Day read the First time.
Resolved, That this Bill be read a Second time.
Resolved, That this Bill be read the Second time To-morrow Morning, at Ten of Clock.
Letter read.
A Letter, directed, "To the Right Honourable Sir Arthur Hesilrig, at the Council of State, at Whitehall," from Robert Thorneback, Cornet to Colonel Templer, dated the 26th of January 1659, was read.
Resolved, That this Letter be now read.
The said Letter was read, accordingly.
Resolved, That this Letter be referred to the Council of State.
Commissions for Judges.
The Lord Commissioner Widdrington gave an Account, to the Parliament, of the Obstructions that hindered the Passing of the Commissions for the Judges of the Courts for Probate of Wills, and of the Court of Admiralty.
Resolved, That all Fees and Perquisites payable to the Judges of the Court of Probate of Wills, and of the Court of Admiralty, be reserved, and answered for to the Commonwealth.
Resolved, That the Power of granting Administrations, and all other judicial Sentences, be by both the Judges for the Probate of Wills, and not by one of the Judges only: And that no judicial Act or Sentence shall be granted by the said Judges, but only in open Court.
Resolved, That the Matter touching the Charter-Party be omitted out of the Patents to be granted to the Judges of the Admiralty.
Sheriff of Bucks.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Gentlemen of Buckinghamshire, to bring in the Names of Three Persons, out of whom the Parliament may elect one to be Sheriff of the County of Bucks.
Captain Stoakes.
Mr. Knightley reports from the Council of State, That the whole Case of Fact, in relation to Captain John Stoakes, late Commander in Chief of the Commonwealth's Fleet in the Mediterranean, was, in pursuance of the late Council of State's Order, prepared by Mr. SolicitorGeneral Ellys and Doctor Walker: Which State by the said late Council, was ordered to be reported to the Parliament: And that Captain Stoaks' Petition, and the Case prepared aforesaid, be humbly reported to the Parliament, for their Direction therein.
The humble Petition of Captain John Stokes, late Commander in Chief of the Commonwealth's Fleet in the Mediterranean Seas, was read.
Ordered, That the Case of Captain John Stoakes be referred to the Court of Admiralty: And that they determine it according to Justice: And that the Proceedings at Law in the Upper-Bench, or elsewhere, by William Winter, against the said John Stoakes, be said in the mean time.
Commrs of Assessment.
Ordered, That John Hooker and Moses Kelinge Esquires, George Merefeild, Henry Feild, John Clendon, Gentlemen, and Ralph Halsall Esquire, be, and are hereby, nominated and appointed Commissioners for the Assessment for the City and Liberties of Westminster: And that they, and every of them, be, and are hereby, impowered and authorized to sit and act as Commissioners for the Assessments, as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been named in the Act, intituled, An Act for an Assessment of One hundred thousand Pounds by the Month, upon England, Scotland, and Ireland, for Six Months.