House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 24 February 1660

Pages 850-852

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Friday, 24th February, 1659.

Preacher appointed.

ORDERED, That Mr. Manton be desired to be assisting in carrying on the Work of publick Thanksgiving before the Parliament, on Tuesday next, at Margarett's Church Westminster, for the Union of the Parliament; and restoring the Members of Parliament to the Discharge of their Trust.

Colonel Leigh to give him Notice hereof.

Gen. Monck, Commander in Chief.

A Bill constituting George Monck Esquire to be CaptainGeneral, and Commander in Chief, of all the Land Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Sir Anth. Irby, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Wm. Wheeler, Sir Tho. Dacres, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Ansley, Sir John Temple, Mr. Scoen, Mr. Pym, MajorGeneral Browne, Mr. Dacres, Mr. Serjeant Glyn, Mr. Povey, Mr. Pryn, Lord St. John, Mr. Pury, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Justice Hill, or any Five of them: And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber: With Power to send for Persons, Papers, and what else may conduce to the Business.


Resolved, That Colonel Hutchinson be discharged from being Sheriff of the County of Nottingham: And that John Rayner Esquire be Sheriff of that County, according to former Order.

Resolved That Colonel Crooke be discharged from being Sheriff for the County of Oxford: And that Wm. Gore Esquire be Sheriff of that County, according to former Order.

Resolved, That Mr. Waters the Sheriff appointed for the County of Yorke do stand.

Resolved, That Edward Williams Esquire be and is nominated and appointed Sheriff for the County of Brecknock.

Resolved, That the Sheriffs for the last Year, not otherwise altered by the Parliament this Day, do continue Sheriffs, until the Parliament take further Order.

Customs and Excise.

Colonel White reports Amendments to the Bill for continuing the Customs and Excise: Which were twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Resolved, That Mr. Nathaniell Manton be, and is hereby, constituted and appointed one of the Commissioners for Excise, in the place of Mr. Bulstrode: And that Mr. Bulstrode be, and is hereby, discharged from being a Commissioner for the Excise.

Resolved, That Captain Stone be, and is hereby, constituted and appointed one of the Commissioners for Appeals, in the place of Captain Adam Baynes: And that Captain Adam Baynes be, and is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner for Appeals.

Resolved, That Mr. Scoen be, and is hereby constituted one of the Commissioners for the Appeals, in the place of Luke Robinson Esquire: And that the said Mr. Luke Robinson be, and is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner for Appeal.

Resolved, That Jervase Bennett Esquire be, and is hereby, constituted one of the Commissioners for Appeals, in the place of Dr. Wm. Parker: And that Dr. Wm. Parker be and is hereby discharged from being a Commissioner for Appeals.

Colonel White also reports A Clause, to be added to the Bill for Continuing of the Customs and Excise, in these Words; viz. "Provided always, and be it nevertheless Enacted and Ordained, That no Duty or Sum of Money shall be paid or payable for the Custom or Excise of any Woolen Cloth, Woolen Stockings, or Stuff mixed of Woolen and Linen, of the Manufacture of England, upon the Transportation thereof from England into Ireland, or any the Ports thereunto belonging; so as the same be spent and used by the People of Ireland, and not thence transported to any Foreign Parts beyond the Seas; but shall go, in like Manner, free, as if the same were to pass from Port to Port in England; any Law, Statute, Custom, or Ordinance to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding."

Which Clause was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, agreed unto; and ordered to be Part of the Bill.

Colonel White reports Another Clause to be added to the said Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided, and it is hereby declared, That the same Commissioners, Collectors, and Governors of the said Excise and Customs, which were employed in Ireland respectively, at or upon the 29th Day of September 1659, were and hereby are, continued Commissioners, Collectors, and Governors, of the said Excise and Customs in Ireland, to all Intents and Purposes: any thing in the said Act to the contrary notwithstanding: And that the said Commissioners, Collectors, and Governors of the Excise and Customs, shall continue until:"

Which was read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That the Commissioners, Collectors, and Governors of the Excise and Customs in Ireland shall continue until the 24th of June 1660.

And the said Clause, so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Another Proviso was tendered, to be Part of the said Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided always, and be it Enacted, by this present Parliament, and the Authority thereof, That no Brewers Tuns or Vessels shall be gauged by any other Gallon, than such as contain Four full Exchequer Ale-Quarts: And that the common Brewers of this Nation shall not be forced to account for the Excise of Beer or Ale by them brewed and made, after any other Measure or Standard, save only according to such Gallon as contains in it Four full Exchequer Ale-Quarts, as aforesaid:"

Which was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, agreed unto; and ordered to be Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was tendered to this Bill, to be Part thereof, in these Words: viz. "Provided always, this Act or any thing therein contained, do not extend, or be construed to extend, to any the old or new WoolenDraperies, being the Manufacture of England; but that the same be free from all Customs, Excise, Subsidies, Tax, Tallage, or other Impositions whatsoever; the old Customs and Duties settled by former Parliaments, only excepted."

Which was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Resolved, That this Bill be ingrossed, and brought in, the first Business, this Afternoon; nothing to intervene.

Loan by the City.

Resolved, That the Assessments for the Army shall be the Security to be given to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council of the City of London, for the Monies which shall be advanced by them for the Use of the Army and Navy.

Resolved, That an Act be brought in, for Settlement of the Assessments for the Army for their Security, accordingly.

Resolved, That Alderman Vyner, and Alderman Robinson, be nominated Treasurers in the said Act, for Receipt of the said Monies, to repay the said Monies to be advanced, as aforesaid.

London Militia.

Resolved, That the Quorum of the Commissioners for the Militia of the City of London be Nine.

Members Qualifications.

Mr. John Nelthorpe reports Qualifications of Members to be elected to sit and serve in Parliament: Which were read.

Resolved, That the Debate upon the said Qualifications be taken up on Monday Morning next.

The House adjourned until Three of Clock.

Friday, February 24th, 1659; Afternoon.

Lancaster Assize.

A BILL for holding an Assize for the County of Lancaster was this Day read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That the Blank in the Bill, for appointing a Keeper of the Seal of the County of Lancaster, be filled up with these Words; viz. "Wm. Lenthall, Speaker of the Parliament."

Resolved, That Mr. Mollineaux be Sheriff for the County of Lancaster.

And the said Bill, so amended, was, upon the Question, committed unto Colonel John Birch, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Francis Gerrard, Colonel Tho. Birch, Mr. Oxenden, Mr. Serjeant Glyn, Mr. Foxwist, Lord Chief-Justice St. John, Mr. Pryn, Captain Wingate, Colonel Lee, Mr. Shapcott, Colonel Dove, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Lechmere, Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. John Nelthorpe; or any Five of them: And are to meet in the Duchy-Court, Tomorrow in the Afternoon, at Three of the Clock: And that Mr. Attorney Lechmere do take care of it.

Ordered, That it be referred to the said Committee, to consider of the Chamberlain of North Wales: and of the Seal there: And report their Opinion therein to the Parliament.

Army Commissioners.

Mr. Serjeant Waller reports An Act for repealing an Act constituting Commissioners for Government of the Army, which was this Day read the First, and Second, and Third time; and, upon the Question, passed.

Resolved, That this be the Title to this Act; viz. An Act making void the Acts appointing Commissioners for Government of the Army; and for making Charles Fleetwood Esquire Commander in Chief of the Land Forces.

Ordered, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Gen. Monck, Commander in Chief.

Sir Wm. Wheeler reports Amendments to the . . constituting General George Monck Captain-General, and Commander in Chief of all the Land-Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland: Which were read the First and Second time; and upon the Question agreed unto.

Council of State.

Mr. Ansley reports Instructions to be given to the Council of State: Which were read the First and Second time.

The Clause touching the Oath to be taken by the Council of State, was read: and agreed unto.

The First Article of the said Instructions was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Second Article of the said Instructions was read.

Resolved, That these Words, "or may," be added, in this Clause, next after the Word "shall."

And the said Article, so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Third Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fourth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fifth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Sixth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Seventh Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Eighth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Ninth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Tenth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Eleventh Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Twelfth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Thirteenth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fourteenth Article was read.

Resolved, That the Blank in this Clause be filled up with these Words; viz. "Twenty-fourth of February."

And the said Article, so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Fifteenth Article was read.

Resolved, That, instead of the Word "shall," these Words; viz. "you shall have;" be inserted.

The Question being put, That these Words; viz. " * * * "

And the said Clause, so amended, being put to the Question, was agreed unto.

The Sixteenth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Seventeenth Article was read.

Resolved, That these Words; viz. "and all other Statues and Pictures, in any of the Houses belonging to the Commonwealth;" be added, at the End of this Article.

* * * *

The Eighteenth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Nineteenth Article was read.

Resolved, That the Blank, in this Article, be filled up with these Words; viz. "the Second Day of May."

And the said Article, being put to the Question, was agreed unto.

The Twentieth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The One-and-twentieth Article was read.

Resolved, That these Words, "executing and," be added, in this Clause, next after the Words, "for the."

The Two-and-twentieth Article was read.

Resolved, That these Words; viz. "One thousand Six hundred Fifty-nine;" be added, next after the Word "October."

The Three-and-Twentieth Article was read.

Resolved, That these Words; viz. "and other Officers for the Civil Government; and also these Words, "and other Officers for the Administration of Justice;" and these Words, "Scotland and Ireland;" be inserted in this Clause.

And the said Article, so amended, being put to the Question, was agreed unto.

The Four-and-twentieth Article was read.

Resolved, That these Words, "Popish Recusants," be inserted, in this Article, before the Word "Priests."

And the said Article, so amended, was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

The Five-and-twentieth Article was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Council of State.

An Act, constituting a Council of State, was read the Third time.

Resolved, That the Names of the Persons named the Council of State be inserted, in the Blank, in the Second Line of this Bill.

The Question being put, That a particular Time be limited for the Continuance of the Council of State;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Wm. Wheeler, Tellers for the Noes: 36.
Lord of Ancram, With the Noes,
Mr. Attorney-General, Tellers for the Yeas: 26.
Mr. Corbet, With the Yeas,

So it passed with the Negative.

Resolved, That the Blank for the Continuance of the Council of State be filled up with these Words; viz. "until the Parliament take further Order."

Resolved, That this Bill, so amended, be ingrossed.

Dissolving Parliament.

Resolved, That a Bill be brought in on Monday next, for the Dissolution of this Parliament: And that Mr. Ansley, Mr. Pryn, and Mr. Solicitor General, do prepare and bring in the said Bill.

Gen' Monck Commander in Chief.

Resolved, That the Bill constituting George Monck Esquire, Captain-General, and Commander in Chief, of all the Land-Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, be ingrossed.