Pages 752-754
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Tuesday, the 9th of August, 1659.
State of the Government.
THE House, according to former Order, was this Day resolved into a Grand Committee upon the Government.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Garland took the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Mr. Garland reports from the Grand Committee upon the Government, That the said Grand Committee desire the Leave of this House, that they may sit, upon this Business, on this Day Sevennight: And that this House will be pleased to order Mr. Scobell, late Clerk of the Parliament, to search for the ingrossed Bill for appointing a new Representative.
Resolved, That the House be resolved into a Grand Committee, upon the Government, on this Day Sevennight.
Ordered, That Mr. Scobell, late Clerk of the Parliament, be, and is hereby required to search out the ingrossed Act for a new Representative: And that he deliver the same unto Thomas St. Nicholas, Clerk of the Parliament, on or before this Day Sevennight.
Clerk of Parliament.
A Bill for making Thomas St. Nicholas Esquire Clerk of the Parliament, and authorizing him to take into his Possession the Records, Books, Papers, and Writings, in the Custody of Henry Scobell Esquire, as late Clerk of the Parliament, was this Day read the First time.
Ordered, That this Bill be read the Second time Tomorrow Morning.
Atkinson pardoned.
The humble Petition of John Atkinson, a Person condemned by a Council of War, was this Day read.
Resolved, That John Atkinson, condemned by a Council of War, be, by the Mercy of the Parliament, pardoned: And he the said John Atkinson is hereby pardoned, accordingly.
Ordered, That this Order be sent to the LieutenantGeneral; and that he see, that the said Order be observed; and that Security be forthwith given, That the said John Atkinson shall never hereafter speak or act against the Parliament or Commonwealth: And that the Committee of the Council for Examinations do take care, that reasonable Security be taken of him, accordingly.
Temple's Petition.
The humble Petition of Alexander Temple, of *, Esquire, and Mary his Wife, was this Day read.
Ordered, That this Petition be referred to a Committee; viz. Lord St. John, Lord Whitlock, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Nevill, Colonel Harvey, Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Cawley, Lord Monson, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Robert Goodwin, Mr. Hay, Mr. Millington, Colonel Martin, Lord Lisle, Sir Tho. Wroth, Sir Jo. Bourchier, Colonel Barker, Colonel Downes, Mr. Garland, Mr. Darley; or any Five of them: And are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber, To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock: With Power to send for Persons, Papers, and Witnesses.
Militia Commissioners.
Ordered, That Lawrence Singleton be a Commissioner for the Militia for . . . City and County of the City of Glocester; and that he be, and is hereby, impowered and authorized to act as a Commissioner for the said County of the City of Gloucester, as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if he had been rightly named a Commissioner in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners in the said Act named are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.
Ordered, That Gilbert Millington Esquire be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham; and that he be, and is hereby impowered and authorized to act as a Commissioner for the said Town and County, as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if he had been named a Commissioner in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners in the said Act named, are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.
Ordered, That * Mullyns, named a Commissioner for the Militia in the Bill for settling the Militia in England and Wales, his Name being mistaken in the said Bill, be amended; and that he be, and is hereby impowered and authorized to act, as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if he had been rightly named in the said Act.
Ordered, That the Mayor and Sheriffs for the Time being, Colonel Okey, John Weaver Esquire, Richard Salwey Esquire, John Stephens Recorder, Richard Vickaris, Miles Jackson, Joseph Jackson, Henry Gibbs, Edward Tyson, Arthur Farmer, Robert Yeate, Captain John Pope, Captain Wm. Grigge, Captain John Bowen, Mr. Tomothy Parker, Mr. Thomas Harris, and Mr. George Lane, be added Commissioners for the Militia for the City of Bristoll; and that they be, and are hereby impowered and authorized to act as Commissioners for the Militia for the City of Bristoll, as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been named Commissioners in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners in the said Act named are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.
Irish Adventurers.
Ordered, That the Bill for settling Lands on the Adventurers and Soldiers in Ireland be reported on Saturday Morning next.
Militia Appointments.
A Letter from the Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Oxford was read.
A List for Oxfordshire Militia; Two Troops, consisting of One hundred and Twenty; and a Regiment of Foot, Seven Companies, Seven hundred Men, in the Regiment; was read: And all the Officers named in the said List; were, upon the Question, approved: Viz.
Major Robert Huntington to be Captain of one of the Troops; Mr. John Smith to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Richard Tidmarsh to be his Cornet; Wm. Walton to be his Quarter-master.
Mr. John Phelpes to be Captain of the other Troop; Mr. Richard Boult to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Constantine Barnett, of Sandford, to be Cornet; Mr. Edward Milam, to be his Quarter-master.
A Regiment of Foot, Seven Companies, Seven Hundred Men in the Regiment; Colonel Scroope to be Colonel of the Regiment; Mr. Richard Wright his Lieutenant; Mr. Tho. Elwood his Ensign.
Major Tho. Butler to be Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Mathew Weston to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Josias Diston to be his Ensign.
Major Richard Castle to be Major; Mr. Fran. Tyler to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Tho. Castle to be Ensign.
Mr. Richard Harris to be eldest Captain; Mr. Wm. Tyler to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Tho. Ovy to be Ensign.
Mr. Mathew Martin to be a Captain; Mr. Charles Adkins to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Tho. Tisdale to be his Ensign.
Mr. Anthony Smith to be a Captain; Mr. Jeremy Digby to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Ralph Austine to be his Ensign.
Mr. Daniel Lord to be a Captain; Mr. Kniveton Usher to be his Lieutenant; Mr. Benjamin Ward to be his Ensign.
Mr. James Cooke to be a Quarter-master to the Regiment of Foot.
Mr. Thomas Andrewes to be Marshal to all the Forces both of Horse and Foot.
Ordered, That the Council of State do prepare Commissions for the said Commission-Officers for the Militia in the County of Oxford; and that Mr. Speaker do sign the same: And that they be sent to the Commissioners of the Militia in the Country; and by them delivered to the said respective Officers: And that they see them take the Engagement: And that the said Commissioners do certify the same to the Parliament, or Council of State.
Militia Appointments.
A List of Commission Officers of Colonel John Dixwell, and Colonel Ralph Welden, their Regiments of Foot; and a List of the Officers of the Regiment of Horse, presented by the Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Kent, was read; and is as followeth; viz.
Colonel John Dixwell, his Regiment.
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Scot; Major Michael Belke; Captain Fra. Butcher, Captain Edward Owre, Captain Bartho. May, Mr. Tho. Knowles, Mr. Henry Paramore, Captain Wm. Lancaster, Captain Jacob Turner, Captains.
Colonel Ralph Welden's Regiment.
Mr. Phineas Pett, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Butcher, Major; Captain Martin Pike, Mr. Tho. French, Mr. Richard Uridge, Captain Wm. Stretton, Mr. Samuell Raven, Mr. Robert Withinbrooke, Mr. Robert Powell, Captains.
A List of the Officers of the Regiment of Horse.
Major Tho. Foach; Captain Andrew Tucker, of Sandhurst, Captain Tho. Monnis, Captain John Browne, Captains.
Resolved, That Phineas Pett, be re-committed.
Resolved, That Major John Butcher be re-committed.
Resolved, That Mr. Tho. Knowles to be a Captain be re-committed.
All the rest of the said Officers, being severally put to the Question, were approved.
A List of Commission-Officers for the Militia for the County of Northampton was read; and is as followeth; viz.
That there shall be Four Troops of Horse, Seventy in a Troop; one Troop of Dragoons, of One hundred and Twenty; and Four Companies of Foot, of One hundred and Twenty in each Company; raised within the County of Northampton with all convenient Speed; to be employed according to the Ends mentioned in the Act for settling the Militia, dated July 26; 1659.
That Wm. Raynborow Esquire, and Alexander Blake Esquire, be Colonels, one of Horse, and the other of Foot, as the Parliament shall appoint.
That Edward Marriott be Captain-Lieutenant; Wm. Hackney, Cornet; Tho. Judd, Quarter-master to the Colonel's Troop.
Major John Urling, Major and Captain of one Troop of Horse; Richard Plowman, Lieutenant; Lawrence Procter, Quarter-master.
Captain Wm. Collins, Captain of a Troop of Horse; Tho. Pryor, Lieutenant; James Nicholls, Cornet; and Robert Markham, Quarter master.
John Shephard, Captain of a Troop of Horse; Wm. Checkley, Lieutenant; Richard Robins, Cornet; Richard Medcraft, Quarter-master.
Richard Pinkard, Captain of Dragoons; Samuell Kaydale, Lieutenant; Wm. Browne, Cornet; and Tho. Goodman, Quarter-master.
Abraham Sparrow, Captain-Lieutenant of the Colonel's Company of Foot; John Lee, Ensign.
Wm. Baw, Captain of Foot; Wm. Chester, Lieutetenant; Charles Lions, Ensign.
Joseph Gamage, Captain of Foot; Francis Butline, Lieutenant; John Eaves, Ensign.
Tho. Flude, Captain; John Barrow, Lieutenant; Richard Huck, Ensign.
Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Northampton, as to the Number of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons.
Resolved, That Wm. Raynborow Esquire be a Colonel of a Regiment of Horse.
Resolved, That Alexander Blake Esquire be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot.
The Question being propounded, That Major John Urlin be Major and Captain of a Troop of Horse;
And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;
It passed with the Affirmative.
And the main Question being put; It was
Resolved, That Major John Urlin be Major and Captain of a Troop of Horse.
And all the rest of the Officers in the said List, being put to the Question, were approved of.
Militia Appointments.
A List of some Commission-Officers presented by the Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Rutland was read: And the Names of the said Officers, being severally put to the Question, were agreed unto; viz.
Mathias Barry, Captain of Horse; Mathew Lea, Lieutenant; Wm. Fox, Cornet; John Batson, Quarter-master.
Stephen Torey, Captain of Foot; Francis Carby, Lieutenant; George Reeve, Ensign.
Ordered, That the Council of State do prepare Commissions for the said Commission-Officers for the Militia in the several Counties of Kent, Northampton, and Rutland, aforesaid: And that Mr. Speaker do sign the same: And that they be sent to the Commissioners of the Militia in the respective Counties aforesaid: And by them delivered to the said respective Officers; and that they see them take the Engagement: And that the said Commissioners do certify the same to the Parliament, or Council of State.
Information of Conspiracy.
Sir James Harrington reports from the Council of State, That it be humbly offered to the Parliament, That, by Intelligence which the Council received Yesterday, and by Examinations taken last Night by the Lord Mayor of the City of London, it doth appear, that there is a Design carrying on in the City of London, to the Disturbance of the publick Peace, and in favour, as is to be suspected, of the late Insurrection and Rebellion in Cheshire, and those Parts; and, for this Purpose, the very Time and Place of Rising in this City, as also the Word which is to be given, are agreed upon; and, unless prevented, the Time is to be this Evening at Five of the Clock: That, as well by Letters, as Messengers express, that are come out of Cheshire, the Council hath certain Information, That Charles Stuart, by the Names of Charles the Second, hath been proclaimed at Wrexham, a Market Town, and other Places near Cheshire; and that many of the Cavaliers in the First War are joined, with Sir George Booth, in the late Insurrection; and do already fall to their wonted profane Courses of drinking Healths openly to Charles Stuart upon the bare Knees, and declare themselves in the Principles of the old Cavaliers, whatever other Disguises for the present are put upon their Design, to the Misguiding of many good People: The Council do therefore humbly offer to the Parliament, That, by some declaratory Votes of theirs forthwith to be published, the good People of these Nations, and in the City of London, may be undeceived, and be warned of the Danger of adhering unto or abetting the said Insurrections, and be encouraged to shew their good Affections to this Commonwealth in suppressing the same.
Vote against Conspirators.
Resolved, That Colonel Randolph Egerton, Robert Werden, Sir Geo. Booth, and Sir Tho. Middleton, being now in Arms against the Parliament and Commonwealth, and all their Adherents and Partakers, are Rebels and Traitors to this Commonwealth; and shall be proceeded against, as Rebels and Traitors.
Ordered, That some Persons do withdraw, and prepare a Declaration according to this Vote, and upon the Debate of the House; and present it forthwith to this House; viz. Major Salwey, Lord Whitlock, Lord St. John, Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. Scott, Colonel Martin, Mr. Robinson; or any Three of them.
Ordered, That the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Council, of the City of London, do attend the Council of State at Whitehall, at Three of the Clock this Afternoon.
Ordered, That the Lord Mayor have Notice of this Vote forthwith.
Seizing Horse.
Resolved, That this House doth approve of what Colonel Lilburne hath done, in Seizing of Horse for mounting his Foot, for the present Service of this Commonwealth, in Lancashire.
Army Appointments.
Resolved, That Colonel John Roseworme be, and is hereby, nominated and approved of to be Engineer-General to the Army.
Resolved, That John Streater be, and is hereby constituted and appointed Comptroller of the Train of Artillery.
Transactions with Holland.
Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports a Paper received from the Lord Ambassador of the Lords the States-General of the United Provinces, of the 5 / 15th August 1659.
He also reports another Paper, purporting a further Agreement, dated at the Hague, 4th August 1659.
Which were both read.
Resolved, &c. That the Parliament doth approve of the further additional Agreement to that made the 14 / 24th of July last, approved by the Lords the States-General of the United Provinces, the 5th of August instant, New Stile: And that Instructions be forthwith sent to the Commissioners Plenipotentiares with the King of Sweden, and Denmarke, precisely to observe the Contents of the said further Agreement, and cause the same to be put in Execution, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof.
Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care the same be put in Execution accordingly.
Tenants of malignant Landlords.
Colonel Birch reports Amendments to the Bill for Encouraging of Tenants to malignant Landlords to be faithful to the Parliament: Which were Twice read.
Resolved, That these Words, "Malignants, Delinquents, and," be added, next after the Word "many," in the Beginning of the Fifth Line; and that the Word "Popish," be made "popishly;" and that the Word "affected" be added.
Resolved, That the Debate upon this Bill be adjourned until To-morrow Morning.
Sir G. Booth, &c.
The Lord Whitlock reports from the Committee ordered to withdraw, a Proclamation against Randolph Egerton, Robert Werden, Sir Geo. Booth, and Sir Tho. Middleton, and all their Adherents and Partakers, declaring them to be Rebels and Traitors against the Parliament and Commonwealth: Which was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.
Ordered, That this Proclamation be forthwith proclaimed in Westminster, at Whitehall, the New Exchange, Temple Bar, Cheapside, and at the Old Exchange, by the Serjeant at Arms attending the Parliament: And that the Life-Guard, or some of them, do attend him to proclaim the same.
Ordered, That this Proclamation be printed and published.
Ordered, That the Council of State do acquaint the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the City of London, with this Proclamation, and with such further Informations as they have received concerning this Business.
Militia Commissioners.
Ordered, That Captain Prince, Captain Doughty, Wm. Greenewood, and Mr. Sclater, be added Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Derby; and that they be, and are hereby, impowered and authorized to act as Commissioners of the Militia in the said County, as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been named Commissioners in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners in the said Act named are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.