House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 5 August 1659

Pages 747-749

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Friday, August the 5th, 1659.


Skippon to be Commander in Chief.

MAJOR-General Skippon, a Member of Parliament, came, from his Place, up to the Clerk's Table: And, standing there, Mr. Speaker acquainted him with the great Trust reposed in him by the Parliament and Commonwealth; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expected Faithfulness from him, according to his Trust, to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And thereupon Mr. Speaker delivered him his Commission to be Major-General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces within the City of London, the late Lines of Communication, and Weekly Bills of Mortality.

Militia Appointments.

Major-General Skippon reports, A List of the Names of Commission-Officers of the Six Foot Regiments of the Militia-Forces of the City of London, of Captain-Lieutenants, Lieutenants, and Ensigns; viz.

Green Regiment.

Colonel Owen Rowe; Samuell Charlton, Captain-Lieutenant; Robert Robinson, Ensign.

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Price; Wm. Walden, Lieutenant; John Traherne, Ensign.

Serjeant-Major Robert Mallory; Tho. Cartwright, Lieutenant; Augustine Lynne, Ensign.

Robert Whitby, Captain; Anthony Bennet, Lieutenant; Wm. Cawdry, Ensign.

Edward Greene, Captain; Samuel Stanton, Lieutenant; Wm. Bayly, Ensign.

Tho. Bromhall, Captain; Edmund Perwich, Lieutenant; Henry Bannister, Ensign.

Yellow Regiment.

Colonel John Owen; Tho. Swanwick, Captain-Lieutenant; Edward Fivell.

Lieutenant-Colonel Tho. Randoll; Alexander Preston, Lieutenant; Tho. Tibbitts, Ensign.

Serjeant-Major Robert Ofley; Henry Stroode, Lieutenant; John Wilson, Ensign.

Richard Boult, Captain; * *, Lieutenant; * *, Ensign.

Thomas Bourne, Captain; Nicholas Coxeter, Lieutenant; John Bowden, Ensign.

Robert Walton, Captain; Tho. Johnson, Lieutenant; Samuel Royse, Ensign.

Richard Penner, Captain; Wm. Beamond, Lieutenant; Edward Townesend, Ensign.

White Regiment.

Colonel Geo. Langham; Wm. Shardlow, CaptainLieutenant; Henry Johnson, Ensign.

Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Clement; John Garrett; Rich. Brudenall.

Serjeant-Major Robert Ostler; Wm. Wheatley, Lieutenant; John Pufford, Ensign.

Mathew Randoll, Captain; Walter Hayes, Lieutenant; Ezechiel Tanner, Ensign.

James Stanford, Captain; John Odell, Lieutenant; Tho. Dewdney, Ensign.

Geo. Gosfright, Captain; Tho. Holland, Lieutenant; John Westly, Ensign.

Humphrey Davy, Captain; John Yonge, Lieutenant; Richard Yorke, Ensign.

Red Regiment.

Colonel John Foach; John Barnard, Captain-Lieutenant; Adam Cauton, Ensign.

Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Kiffin; Robert Malbone, Lieutenant; Tho. Ashby, Ensign.

Serjeant-Major Jervas Blackwell; Nath. Atwell, Lieutenant; Joseph Burton, Ensign.

Wm. Jelley, Captain Geo. Cox, Lieutenant; Tho. Peirson, Ensign.

Edward Palmer, Captain; John Lutman, Lieutenant; Richard Tilden, Ensign.

Tho. Powell, Captain; John Lee, Lieutenant; Peter Smith, Ensign.

Philip Travers, Captain; Tho. Fowke, Lieutenant; * Walters, Ensign.

Orange Regiment.

Colonel John Fenton; Richard Pemble, CaptainLieutenant; Peter Stint, Ensign.

Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Blennerhassett; John Dade, Lieutenant; Tho. Middleton, Ensign.

Serjeant-Major Christofer Birkhead; Tho. Rodway, Lieutenant; Charles Langworth, Ensign.

Henry Creech, Captain; Richard Packer, Lieutenant; Fr. Coney, Ensign.

John Mills, Captain; * *, Lieutenant; * *, Ensign.

Tho. Edgley, Captain; Tho. Mahew, Lieutenant; Roger Willis, Ensign.

Blue Regiment.

Colonel John Mewe; John Whatcot, Captain-Lieutenant; John Collins, Ensign.

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Parre; Tho. Jelley, Lieutenant; Benjamin Stretton, Ensign.

Serjeant-Major Mark Coe; Geo. Emerson, Lieutenant; Daniel Griffith, Ensign.

Tho. Rowe, Captain; John Palmer, Lieutenant; Edmund Deane, Ensign.

Henry Fendall, Captain; * *, Lieutenant; * *, Ensign.

Edward Bellamy, Captain; Walter Gilbert, Lieutenant; Robert Bellamy, Ensign.

Robert Smith, Captain; * *, Lieutenant; * *, Ensign.

Which Names were read; and, upon the Question, approved.

Assizes, &c.

A Letter from the Lord Chief-Baron Wild, and Mr. Serjeant Hill, the Judges of Assize from Gloucester, Second August 1659, was read.

Ordered, That the Commissions of the said Judges, to keep an Assize at Monmouth, be forthwith renewed, prepared, and sealed.

Resolved, That it be left to the said Judges of Assize, if they find it safe and secure, to go on, and hold the Assizes in other Counties which they are designed unto, that then they proceed and hold the said Assizes; otherwise to forbear, as they shall think fit.

Ordered, That the Letter from the said Judges from Gloucester, and the Consideration of Exeter, be referred to the Council of State: And that Colonel Bennet do attend the Council of State therewith.


Colonel Marten reports, A Declaration by the Parliament, concerning the present State of Affairs in the Three Nations: Which was this Day read.

Ordered, That this Declaration be read again on Monday next, between Ten and Twelve a Clock.

Militia Commissioners.

Ordered, That John Ovy, Edward Vivers of Banbury, John Iles, and Alderman Berry, be added Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Oxford: And they be, and are hereby, impowered and authorized to act as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been named Commissioners in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners named in the said Act are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.

Ordered, That Abel Beechin, Sir Cheney Culpepper, Dr. Wm. Barker, Bartholomew May, Andrew Tucker, Captain Wm. Dunske, James Iden, Anthony Bodle, Richard Uridge, Richard Bartlet, Wm. Pope, Ralph Hacker, and Frimly Sully, be added Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Kent: And that they be, and hereby are, impowered and authorized to act as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been named Commissioners in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners named in the said Act are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.

Ordered, That Colonel Okey be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the Counties of Gloucester, Bristoll, Wilts, and for the County of the City of Gloucester: And that he be, and is hereby, impowered and authorized to act as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if he had been named a Commissioner in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales; and as fully as any other Commissioners named in the said Act are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Doyley Knight be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the County of Norffolk: That Mr. Rich of Penwarne, be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the County of Cornwall: That John Blackmore Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Croker, George Walters Esquire, John Whitchalfe Esquire, Major Searle, Captain Francis Roll, and Captain Wm. Venner, be added Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Devon: That John Whitehorne, Timothy Allen, Bernard Sparkes, and John Coke, Gentlemen, be added Commissioners for the Militia for the City of Exon: That John Hatcher, Major Theophilus Hart, and Tho. Rosseter, be added Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Lincolne: And that Dudley Pope, Robert West, and John Barnes, be added Commissioners for the County of Cambridge: And that they be, and are hereby, impowered and authorized to act as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if they had been named Commissioners in the Act for settling the Militia in England and Wales, and as fully as any other Commissioners named in the said Act are, by the said Act, enabled and impowered to do.

Ordered, That * Palmer, named a Commissioner in the Act for settling the Militia for the County of Leicester, being mistaken, and made Bulmer, in the said Act, be amended: And that John Thornton, named a Commissioner in the said Act for the County of Northampton, being mistaken, and made John Thernton, in the said Act, be amended: And that the said * Palmer and John Thornton be, and are hereby, impowered and required to act as Commissioners for the Militia in the said Counties, as fully as if they had been rightly named in the said Act.

Army Commissions.

The House being informed, That the Adjutant-Generals of the Army were at the Door;

They were called in: And, being come up to the Clerk's Table, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust reposed in them; and that the Parliament expected Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And thereupon delivered them their Commissions; viz.

To Geo. Sedascue, his Commission to be AdjutantGeneral of Horse and Foot in England:

To John Nelthorpe, his Commission to be AdjutantGeneral of Horse and Foot in England.

Delinquents Estates.

Mr. West reports, An Act for Sale of the Lands of Thomas Bellingham of New-Timber, in the County of Sussex, and Richard Porter, of Lansells, Delinquents: Which was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Colonel Bennet, Mr. Walter Strickland, Mr. Robinson, Colonel White, Mr. West, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir Peter Wentworth, Mr. Pigott, Mr. Holland, Mr. Jo. Goodwin, Colonel Feilder, Mr. Garland, Colonel Peter Temple, Colonel Ja. Temple, Mr. Leman, Colonel Downes, Colonel Barker, Colonel Harvey, Mr. Hayes, Colonel Morley, Mr. Ralegh, Earl of Pembrooke: And are to meet on Monday in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Duchy-Court: With Power to send for Persons, Papers, and Witnesses; and to hear all Parties.

Army Appointment.

Mr. * reports from the Commissioners for nominating Commission Officers, That Lieutenant John Newton be Captain of that Company of Foot which was late Captain Bonnell's, in Colonel Hewson's Regiment: Which was approved of.

Lancaster Assize.

An Act for holding an Assize for the County of Lancaster was this Day read the First and Second time.

And the Question being put, That this Bill be committed;

It passed with the Negative.

The Question being put, That this Bill be ingrossed;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, That this Act do pass as a Law.

Resolved, That this Act be printed and published.

Lancaster, &c. Seals.

Ordered, That the Seal for the County Palatine of Lancaster be brought into this House on the First Day of November 1659; and then cancelled and no more used: And that the Profits of the said Seal be, in the mean time, sequestered to the Use of the Commonwealth.

The Question being propounded, That the like Order be made for the Seal of the County-Palatine of Chester, as was made for the County-Palatine of Lancaster;

And the Question being put, That this Question be now put;

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put; It was

Resolved, That the Seal of the County-Palatine of Chester be brought into this House on the First Day of November 1659; and then cancelled, and no more used: And that the Profits of the said Seal be, in the mean time, sequestered to the Use of the Commonwealth.


The House proceeded in the Report formerly made by Mr. Scot, concerning Wm. Shepheard and Rice Vaughan Esquires.

Resolved, That Wm. Shepheard Esquire be JusticeAssistant to the Chief-Justice of Chester, &c. in the place of Thomas Fell Esquire, deceased.

Resolved, That Rice Vaughan Esquire be JudgeAssistant to the Judge for the Three Counties in North Wales; viz. Merioneth, Carnarvon, and Anglesey.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for the Great Seal of England do issue forth Patents to these Judges, to go the aforesaid Circuits, according to Law; to continue until the First of January 1659.

Call of the House.

Resolved, That the House be called on Monday Morning next.

Transactions with Holland.

A Paper from the Lord Wm. Newport, Lord Ambassador to the Lords the States General of the United Provinces, of the 14 / 4th of August 1659, was this Day read.

Ordered, That this Paper, from the Lord Ambassador from the Lords the States-General, be referred to the Council of State; to take the same into their speedy Consideration; and to give such Order therein, as they shall think fit.


Sir James Harrington reports from the Council of State, The Accompt the Council Yesterday received from Colonel Croxton by a Messenger from Chester: And that it be humbly offered to the Parliament, as the Opinion of the Council, That Regiments of Foot be forthwith raised, under the Command of the Colonels hereafter named: And that the said Colonels have Liberty to nominate their inferior Officers, and to receive Commissions from the Council; the said Regiments to be employed for the Defence of the Counties wherein they shall be raised, and elsewhere, for the Service of the Parliament and Commonwealth: Viz.

Kent. Colonel Kelsey to raise one Regiment of Foot in Kent, of such Persons as shall voluntarily list themselves in this Service, to the Number of 1,000
Colonel Kendrick 1,000
Colonel Blunt 1,000
Suffolk. Colonel Fothergill 1,000
Cornwall. Colonel Anthony Rowse 1,000
Yorke. Colonel Robert Overton 1,000
Colonel Bright 1,000
Essex. Sir Tho. Honnywood; and Lieutenant-Colonel Dudley Templer to be his Lieutenant-Colonel 1,000
Durham. Colonel Sir Tho. Liddal 1,000
Dorset. Colonel Bingham 1,000
Lancaster. Colonel West 1,000
Colonel Rigby 1,000
Cheshire. Colonel Croxton 1,000
Colonel Bradshaw 1,000

Captain Scot to raise what Foot he can at Lambeth, and Parts adjacent.

Letter read.

A Letter from Colonel Thomas Birch from Derby, of the Second of August 1659, was this Day read.

Army Appointments.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Commissioners for Nomination of Commission-Officers, A List of Names of Commission-Officers for a Regiment of Horse: Which was read; viz.

Colonel Edward Whalley; Roger Hickman, CaptainLieutenant; Nicholas Wakefeild, Cornet; Wm. Heane, Quarter-master.

Theophilus Hart, Major; James Keeys, Lieutenant; Wm. Stephenson, Cornet; Wm. Clitherow, Quarter-master.

Wm. Gough, Captain; Tho. Knowles, Lieutenant; John Ledyard, Cornet; Francis Perret, Quarter-master.

John Coplestone, Captain; John Hawes, Lieutenant; Edward Starre, Cornet; Edward Taylor, Quarter-master.

Captain Tho. Puglesty; John Kennet, Lieutenant; Joseph Morlen, Cornet; Griffith Salisbury, Quarter-master.

Robert Fox, Captain; Roger Southey, Lieutenant; John Legge, Cornet; Richard Chambers, Quarter-master.

The Question being put, That Colonel Edward Whalley be Colonel of this Regiment;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Henry Vane, Tellers for the Noes: 29.
Mr. Nevill, With the Noes,
Colonel Sydenham, Tellers for the Yeas: 22.
Sir Wm. Strickland, With the Yeas,

So it passed with the Negative.

The Question being propounded, That Colonel Mathew Allured be Colonel of this Regiment;

And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put: It was

Resolved, That Colonel Mathew Allured be Colonel of this Regiment.