Pages 739-744
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Saturday, July the 30th, 1659.
Militia Appointments.
THE House this Day took into Consideration the Names of Persons formerly presented in a List, to be Commission-Officers of the Militia in Westminster: Which Names were read; and, upon the Question, approved: And it is
Ordered, That the Council of State do forthwith prepare their Commissions: The List is as followeth; viz.
* * * *
Resolved, That this House doth approve of Wm. Warren Esquire to be Lieutenant-Colonel, and of Edward Allen to be Serjeant-Major in the Foot-Regiment in the Tower Hamlet, under the Command of Wm. Bridges, in the room of Richard Kittlebeter and Thomas Wilkinson.
The House also took into Consideration, the Names of Commission-Officers for a Foot-Regiment in the Hamlets of the Tower of London, formerly reported and read: Which Names were again read; and, upon the Question, approved.
Ordered, That the Council of State do forthwith prepare Commissions for the said respective Officers; and present them to the House forthwith.
Mr. Trenchard reports from the Committee, to whom the Petition touching Ballast was referred, The Opinion of the said Committee touching the same: Which was read; and was as followeth; viz.
That the Patent is a Monopoly, and altogether illegal:
That these new-invented Engines for taking up of Ballast are very pernicious, and not to be allowed: And that no Ballast be taken out of the River of Thames, but such as may be digged upon the Shallows with Spades or Shovels:
That the City of London, who is Conservator already of the River of Thames, be intrusted with the Care of looking to the Ballasting of Ships also; and that an Act be tendered to that Purpose.-
Member to attend.
Colonel Wauton reports from the Council of State, That the Parliament be humbly moved to send a Letter to Colonel Popham, forthwith to attend the Parliament.
Resolved, That a Letter be sent to Colonel Popham, forthwith to attend the Parliament; and that Mr. Speaker do sign the same.-
Resolved, That the pretended Patent, made to John Desbrowe and Edward Mountague Esquires, of the Office of Ballaster, and of Lading, Lastage, and Ballasting of Ships and Vessels in the River of Thames, is null and void.
Resolved, That this pretended Patent be taken off the File, if it be a single Roll; or otherwise, that it be rased out.
Ordered, That the Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer do see the said pretended Patent rased out of the Roll, accordingly.
Resolved, That the Exercise of the Office of Ballast, under Pretence of this Patent, by * Boreman and * Luddington, is a Monopoly, and a Grievance.
Major-General Skippon acquaints the House with a List of Names of Commission-Officers from the Militia of the City of London: Which was read; and is as followeth; viz.
Marke Coe Serjeant-Major to Colonel John Mew of the Blue Regiment:
Joshua Lasher for Lieutenant, and Garrett Golding for Cornet, to John Child Major of a Regiment of Horse.
And the said Officers, being put to the Question, were approved.
London Militia.
Major General Skippon also acquaints the House with the Desire of the Commissioners of the Militia of London, That the Commissioners do desire, That the Parliament would please, by their Order, to authorize such as the said Commissioners shall agree upon, for Lieutenants and Ensigns, to act in their several Capacities, till they can be approved and commissionated by the Parliament, as effectually as if they were already so approved and commissionated.
Resolved, That such Persons as the Commissioners for the Militia in the City of London shall agree upon for Lieutenants and Ensigns, be, and are hereby, authorized to act in their several Capacities, till they can be approved and commissioned by the Parliament, as if they were already approved and commissioned.
Union with Scotland.
Mr. Solicitor reports from the Council of State, That the House be moved, That the Bill of Union of Scotland with England, be read the Second time.
The Bill for Union of Scotland with England was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed to a Grand Committee.
Resolved, That the House be resolved into a Grand Committee on Tuesday Morning next, upon the Bill of Union of Scotland with England: And that Mr. Speaker do forbear to take the Chair.
Army Commissions.
The House being informed, That several Officers of the Army were at the Door;
They were called in: And, coming up to the Clerk's Table, in usual manner, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust reposed in them; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expected Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And thereupon Mr. Speaker delivered them their Commissions; viz.
To Cornet Thomas Diggell, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in Colonel Lambert's Regiment:
To Cornet Edward Symons, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in Colonel Ireton's Regiment.
To Captain Tho. Wright, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot in Colonel Gibbon's Regiment.
The House adjourned till Two a Clock in the Afternoon.
Saturday, July 30th, 1659; Afternoon.
COLONEL Walton reports from the Council of State, concerning the Business of Jamaica, That, in pursuance of an Order of the Council of State of the Seventeenth of June, whereby it is referred to the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy, to consider of the whole State of the Business touching the Forces in Jamaica, and of the Ships that are there; and to report the same to the Council, with their Opinion: The said Commissioners, upon Examination, do find, That, by an Establishment made in July 1657, there were appointed Six Frigates, constantly to be kept at Jamaica, for Securing of that Island, and answering the Occasions thereof; viz. One of the Third Rate, One of the Fourth, Two of the Fifth, and Two of the Sixth: The Whole to bear Seven hundred and Fifty Men; to be continued there not above Twelve Months; and then to be relieved by the like Numbers, to be sent in their rooms: And that Two of the said Frigates should immediately be sent away, Two other within Three Months, and the rest Three Months after that: And as any of them did arrive at Jamaica, all that remained there, above the proposed Number, should be sent back: As also, That the Three Brigantines, then in the Service, should be brought within the said Establishment of Seven hundred and Fifty Men: And it was also ordered, That a proportion of Victual for Four thousand Men, for Six Months, should be provided, and sent thither, for Supply of the Sea and Land-Forces there; one Moiety thereof to go along with the said Two Frigates, and the Remainder Three Months after:
That, accordingly, there hath, since that time, been sent away Five Frigates, hereafter mentioned; which, with the Blackmore Ketch then in those Seas, and now returned to the Spithead, makes up the Number established: And likewise, there hath been sent Three thousand Mens Victuals for Six Months: That, by the last Musters of the Land-Forces sent from thence, there appears to be the Number of Two thousand Two hundred and Thirty Officers and Soldiers; but whether effective, they have Reason to suspect:
That by the last Letters from thence, Abstracts whereof are hereto annexed, the Commander in Chief writes, That he is in want of all sorts of Rigging, and other Provisions for Supply of the Ships there; but makes no mention of any Want the Land-Forces are in.
Men. | |
Marston-Moor | 260 |
Diamond | 160 |
Coventry | 110 |
Hector | 90 |
Chesnut | 45 |
Brigantines. | |
Cagway | 40 |
Pearl | 25 |
Dolphin | 15 |
Blackmore, now returned | 50 |
795 |
Abstracts of Letters received from Jamaica, from the Commander in Chief; dated the Twentieth of April 1659.
Advertiseth, "That the Supplies of the Diamond came very seasonably; and were immediately taken out of the Victuallers, and put on board the Ships at Jamaica, which were then destitute of Provisions; and then sent them forth, to interrupt the Trade that is driven by the Spaniards between Carraccas and Carasao; and to get some Prize; which he almost despairs of in regard of the Dawbing there is between the Dutch and Spaniards:
That the State's Frigates are in continual Want of Cordage, Pitch, Tallow, and all other Stores; as also of Shallops; which they greatly need; being of constant Use to carry Water and other Provisions to the Fortifications:
That he hath attempted the Making of Brick, but finds it too chargeable to proceed therein; and therefore desires the next Ship that comes, may be ballasted with Bricks, for the Use of the Forts, and some Plaster of Tarras, to make Cisterns to hold Water; and that he may also have some Coals sent him.
That he might have some Credit given him, to buy Masts at New-England, for Supply of the Frigates, as Occasion requires: And that such Acts of Parliament as concern the Affairs in those Parts, might also be transmitted him:
Desires Directions touching such Negroes as shall be met with on board Dutch Ships, they being brought by them to the Spaniards, and by them made use of, and put on Shore in this Island, to annoy us in our Quarters."
By another Letter of his, dated Twenty-fifth of April 1659, he informs,
"That since his writing the former, The Diamond Frigate is arrived, whom he sent to ply between Hispaniola and Porto Rico; and hath brought in a Spanish Vessel of Five Guns, loaded with Forty Tons of Cocoa, bound for New-Spaine: By which Vessel, and by Letters therein taken, he has Intelligence, That, in February last, Eight of the Galloons were dispersed on the Coast of Bermudas, to several Ports; and intended to sail for Spaine about July next; whom he will look after, if Provisions come for careening and trimming the Frigates:
That the Marston-Moor, Hector, and Cagway, which were sent to Windward, brought in Yesterday Two Ships of Sixteen Guns apiece; the one empty, the other with Thirty Ton of Cocoa:
Our People entered the Town of Comina, and burnt it; and from thence went to Porto Cavillo, where they burnt a Spanish Vessel; and from thence to Coro, which they took; and besides the Plunder, followed the Enemy into the Woods, where they took Twenty-two Chests of the King's Money, being Four hundred Pounds in a Chest; and much other Plate, to the Value of Forty thousand Pounds; but nothing is brought in hither but the Cocoa: However, he intends to examine the Business, and to give Account thereof by the next.
By another Letter received from Mr. Burroughes, Steward-General; dated Twenty-third April 1659.
He writes, "That the Marston-Moor, Hector, and Cagway are arrived with Two Prizes, and an Abundance of Wealth, that they have plundered from the Enemy at Comina and Coro, valued at Two hundred thousand Pounds, and better:
That Captain Minge, Commander of the MarstonMoor, says, he hath brought into the Harbour Fifty thousand Pounds in coined Money, besides Rings, Plate, and Jewels: That the Seamen broke into the Hold of one of the Prizes; and took out, by Force, Ten or Fifteen thousand Pounds:
That little Advantage is like to accrue to the Island by this Purchase, save only the spending of their Money."
Twenty-fifth June 1659.
The Captain of the Blackmore Ketch, now at Portsmouth, informs, "That the English in the Island are in a very good Condition; and, through their Industry, have brought all things into good Order; and are in a good healthy Condition."
The Times when the Five Frigates were dispatched from hence.
Hector sailed from Plymouth, 10 November 1657.
Marston-Moor sailed from the Downes, with Two thousand Mens Victuals for Six Months, and other naval Stores.
Coventry sailed from Plymouth, 6 July 1658.
Diamond and Chesnut sailed from Falmouth, 1st October 1658, with One thousand Mens Victuals for Six Months.
The humble Petition of divers well-affected Officers and Soldiers of the Island of Jamaica, in behalf of themselves, and others in England, was this Day read.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, To consider of the whole Matter; and How the Island of Jamaica may be made most serviceable to this Commonwealth; and to consider of the Seamen and Land-Forces; and How they may be paid: And that the said Petition be also referred to the Council of State, to consider, How the Petitioners may be satisfied; and report their Opinion therein to this House.
Invalid Soldiers, &c.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care, that the Two Months Pay formerly ordered to the Widows and maimed Soldiers, at Ely House, and the Savoy; be made up to them, and forthwith paid out of the Treasury for the Navy.
Ordered, That Colonel Peter Temple, Colonel James Temple, Colonel Bingham, Colonel Dove, Lord Pembrooke, and Mr. Wild, be added to the Committee touching the maimed Soldiers, and Widows, of Ely-House, and the Savoy.
Army Appointment.
Ordered, That Richard Penner be, and is hereby impowered to beat his Drums, and carry his Colours, and act as Captain in Colonel Owen's Regiment, as fully as if he had received his Commission, until his Commission can be made, and delivered unto him.
Information of Conspiracy.
Major Salwey reports, from the Council of State, A Letter from Hugh Jenkins, Deputy-Governor of Hereford-castle, of the Twenty-eighth of July 1659, touching some Persons rising in that County, and the Taking of some of them Prisoners: Which was read: And also Letters from Mr. Nevill and Mr. Blagrave, discovering the Intention of Enemies of this Commonwealth; and that the Council have caused the Lady Mary Howard and Mrs. Sumpner, to be apprehended; and have committed them, in order to their Trial.
Resolved, That this House doth approve of what the Council of State have done, in the Commitment of the Lady Mary Howard and Mrs. Sumpner, in order to their Trial.
Resolved, That the Lady Mary Howard, Daughter to the Earl of Berkshire, and Mrs. Sumpner, do stand committed; and that they be brought to a speedy Tryal.
Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to consider, How, and in what Manner, they may be brought to their speedy Tryal; and report their Opinion to this House; Viz. To Mr. Attorney-General, Mr. SolicitorGeneral, Lord Chief-Justice St. John, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Colonel Lister, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Holland, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Major Salwey, Mr. Robinson, Mr. John Goodwin, Colonel White, Colonel Hutchinson; or any Five of them: And all the Gentlemen of the Long Robe to be of this Committee: And are to meet on Monday in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.
Raising Dragoons.
Mr. Solicitor Reynolds reports from the Council of State, That it be referred to the Officers of the Army to whom the Disposal of the Horses lately seized was referred, or any Three of them, to make Stay of Six hundred Horses fit for Dragoons; and to give Tickets to the Persons claiming the same, expressing the Names of the Persons, and the Value of the Horses.
That it be referred to the Committee of Safety, to direct, How Six Companies of Dragoons may be forthwith raised and mounted, out of the several Regiments of Foot about the City of London; and to give Order for the doing thereof forthwith accordingly.
Resolved, That this House doth approve of what the Council of State have done, in the Seizing and Disposal of Six hundred Horses for Dragoons; and in giving the Owners the Publick Faith for the Payment of them the Value of the Horses.
Resolved, That this House doth approve of what the Council of State have done, in referring it to the Committee of Safety, to direct, How Six Companies of Dragoons may be forthwith raised and mounted, out of several Regiments of Foot about the City of London: And, It is
Ordered, by the Parliament, That Six Companies of Dragoons be raised and mounted, out of the several Regiments of Foot about the City of London.
Army Appointments.
Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Commissioners for nominating Commission-Officers, A List of Persons for Commission-Officers for a Regiment of Foot; viz.
Robert Overton, Colonel; John Ramsey, CaptainLieutenant; Robert Shipman, Ensign.
John Wigan, Lieutenant-Colonel; Wm. Maudesley, Lieutenant; George Shore, Ensign.
John Nary, Major; Wm. Lowther, Lieutenant; Peregrine Richardson, Ensign.
Tho. Sotherne, Captain; Geo. Treherne, Lieutenant; Anthony Draper, Ensign.
Robert Scrape, Captain; Michael Waterhouse, Lieutenant; Christopher Scrape, Ensign.
Ralph Bernard, Captain; * Horne, Lieutenant; Wm. Yates, Ensign.
* Goodgroome, Captain; John Clarke, Lieutenant; Wm. Booth, Ensign.
Francis Rawson, Captain; Samuell Stiles, Lieutenant; James Hewitt, Ensign.
Wm. Dawson, Captain; David Hamond, Lieutenant; Robert Belwood, Ensign.
Wm. Figes, Captain; Robert Laverack, Lieutenant; Henry Boad, Ensign.
Jeremiah Marsden, Chaplain; Stephen Blith, Surgeon; John Stansfeild, Quarter-master and Marshal:
Which were read, and approved.
He also reports, Another List of Commission-Officers for a Regiment of Foot; viz.
Geo. Monck, Colonel and Captain; Robert Winter, Captain-Lieutenant; Wm. Brangman, Ensign.
Wm. Gough, Lieutenant-Colonel; Joseph Fellow, Lieutenant; John Rooke, Ensign.
* * Major, Robert Carter, Lieutenant; John Saunders, Ensign.
Ethelbert Morgan, Captain; John Painter, Lieutenant; James Hubbard, Ensign.
Francis Nicholls, Captain; Tho. Mansfeild, Lieutenant; Tho. Goodwin, Ensign.
George Parker, Captain; John Wells, Lieutenant; John Clarke, Ensign.
Benjamin Groome, Captain; Nicholas Parker, Lieutenant; Robert Burrowes, Ensign.
Geo. Walton, Captain; James Wilson, Lieutenant; Roger Lawrence, Ensign.
Roger Hachman, Captain; Augustine Richards, Lieutenant; John Harrison, Ensign.
Wm. Downes, Captain; Christopher Browne, Lieutenant; Wm. Underhill, Ensign.
Mr. * Price, Chaplain; Nicho. Priddy, Surgeon; Henry Dennis, Quarter-master and Marshal.
Which Persons Names were read; and every one of them, being put to the Question, were approved on.
He also reports, Another List of CommissionOfficers for a Regiment of Foot; viz.
Wm. Mitchell, Colonel; Tho. Jackson, CaptainLieutenant; Dixi Hickman, Ensign.
John Wade, Lieutenant-Colonel; Robert Saunders, Lieutenant; George Fearweather, Ensign.
Richard Elton, Major; Nathaniel Burden, Lieutenant; Wm. Musgrave, Ensign.
John Northend, Captain; Bernard Aumond, Lieutenant; John Wood, Ensign.
Alexander Bernard, Captain; Robert Legard, Lieutenant; Tho. Piggot, Ensign.
Tho. Croxton, Captain; Benjamin Croxton, Lieutenant; Cheney Bostock, Ensign.
Richard Aske, Captain; Wm. Barkley, Lieutenant; Robert Loung, Ensign.
Humphrey Brewster, Captain; Edward Jones, Lieutenant; * * Ensign.
Richard Castle, Captain; Rowland Gethings, Lieutenant; John Symonds, Ensign.
Christopher Whichcot, Captain; Francis Weston, Lieutenant; Richard Pepper, Ensign.
John Troutbeck, Surgeon.
Which Names were read; and, upon the Question, approved of.
He also reports, Another List of the Names of Commission-Officers for a Regiment of Foot; viz.
Roger Sawrey, Colonel and Captain; John Gosling, Captain-Lieutenant; Wm. Moore, Ensign.
Abraham Holmes, Lieutenant-Colonel and Captain; Abraham Shocklye, Lieutenant; Tho. Hamnett, Ensign.
Peter Crispe, Major and Captain; John Hickson, Lieutenant; Natha. Croft, Ensign.
Yaxley Robson, Captain; John Feninge, Lieutenant; Wm. Turner, Ensign.
Leonard Lidcott, Captain; Edward Evans, Lieutenant; Parscivaill Thompson, Ensign.
Edward Lunn, Captain; Joseph Baggot, Lieutenant; James Ellatson, Ensign.
John Parker, Captain; Simon Butler, Lieutenant; Mongo Rothery, Ensign.
Tho. Spencer, Captain; Ralph Frewin, Lieutenant; Isaack Slainton, Ensign.
Edward Harman, Captain; Robert Gillison, Lieutenant; John Sparrow, Ensign.
Walt. Thimbleton, Captain; Griffith Parry, Lieutenant; Tho. Somaster, Ensign.
Daniell Jackson, Chaplain; Richard Berry, Surgeon; Wm. Foster, Mate; James Hoyle, Quarter-Master and Marshal united.
Which Names were read, and approved of.
He also reports, George Sedascue and John Nelthrope, Esquires, to be Adjutant-Generals for Horse and Foot of the Army in England:
Dr. Wm. Staine to be Commissary-General of the Musters.
Francis Moore to be Cornet of that Troop of Horse whereof Captain * is Captain, in the Regiment of which the Lord Lambert is Colonel:
John Evans to be Ensign in that Company of Foot whereof Captain Sampson Larke is Captain, in the Garison of Plymouth, instead of Ensign Patte:
That Robert Dixon be Cornet in Captain Grove's Troop, in Colonel Lilburne's Regiment.
Which Names were read, and approved of.
He also reports, the Names of Commission Officers for several Regiments of Foot, &c.: Viz.
Ralph Cobbitt, Colonel; Arthur Yong, Lieutenant Colonel.
Tho. Read, Colonel; John Clobery, Lieutenant Colonel; James Motlow, Major.
Charles Fairfax, Colonel; Waldine Lagoe, Lieutenant Colonel; Daniel Davison, Major.
Timothy Wilkes, Colonel; Robert Read, Lieutenant Colonel; Wm. Knowles, Major.
Henry Smith, Colonel; Miles Man, Lieutenant Colonel; John Hill, Major.
That * Hughes be Captain of a Company of Foot in the Regiment whereof Colonel Timothy Wilkes is Colonel:
That Colonel Thomas Morgan be Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons:
That John Farmer be Major to that Regiment.
Which Names were read, and approved.
Soldiers Wives, &c.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of the Wives and Widows of the Officers and Soldiers now in the Parliament's Service in Jamaica, how they may be relieved; and report their Opinion therein to this House.
Letter read.
Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Council of State, a Letter from Tho. Pury the elder, and Tho. Pury the younger, dated at Gloucester the Twenty-seventh of July 1659: Which was read.
Force raised by Gloucester City.
Resolved, That the House doth approve of the Raising of Three hundred Foot, completely armed, by the City of Gloucester; and doth declare, that the same was good and acceptable Service.
Ordered, That a Letter of Thanks be prepared by the Council of State, to Mr. Pury, and the City of Gloucester, for their good and acceptable Service: And that Mr. Speaker do sign the said Letters.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care, that Pay be speedily provided for the Three hundred Foot Soldiers raised in the City of Gloucester.
Militia Commissions.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to deliver the Commissions signed by Mr. Speaker, to the Commission Officers of the Militia of the City of London, who are absent, and cannot conveniently come to take them in usual manner.
Army Appointments.
Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports the Names of Colonel John Peirson, Lieutenant Colonel Clement Keane, and Major Nicholas Kelk, to be Field Officers for a Regiment of Foot: Which were read, and approved.
Army Commissions.
The House being informed, that divers Officers of the Army, and of the Militia, were at the Door;
They were called in: And, being come up to the Clerk's Table, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust reposed in them; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expected Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And thereupon Mr. Speaker delivered them their Commissions; viz.
To Colonel Wm. Bridges, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot for the Militia of the Hamlets of the Tower.
To Lieutenant Colonel Wm. Warren his Commission to be Lieutenant Colonel to the said Colonel Wm. Bridges' Regiment of Foot for the Militia of the Hamlets of the Tower:
To Major Edward Allen, his Commission to be Serjeant-Major of that Regiment:
To Captain Tristram Maye, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in that Regiment:
To Lieutenant John Slater, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in that Regiment:
To Ensign Tho. Paget, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in that Regiment:
To Captain Symon Hutchinson, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in that Regiment:
To Ensign George Halloway, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in that Regiment:
To Captain John Cane, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in that Regiment:
To Ensign Wm. Hazzard, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Robert Wakeley, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Lieutenant John Adis, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in this Regiment:
To Quarter-master Robert Walley, his Commission to be Quarter-master to this Regiment:
To Captain Thomas Else, his Commission to be Captain in Lieutenant-General Fleetwood's Regiment:
To Colonel Thomas Morgan, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Dragoons:
To Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Gough, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel to Colonel Moncke's Regiment:
To Major John Farmer, his Commission to be Major to Colonel Thomas Morgan's Regiment:
To Colonel Ralph Corbett, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Colonel Roger Sawry, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Colonel Wm. Mitchell, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant-Colonel John Wade, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel to Colonel Mitchell's Regiment:
To Serjeant-Major Richard Elmot, his Commission to be Serjeant-Major:
To Captain-Lieutenant Thomas Jackson, his Commission to be a Captain Lieutenant:
To Serjeant-Major John Nary, his Commission to be Serjeant-Major to Colonel Robert Overton's Regiment:
To Cornet Francis Moore, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in Major-General Lambert's Regiment:
To Captain Alexander Bernard, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in Colonel Mitchell's Regiment:
To Captain Richard Aske, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Captain Robert Scrape, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in Colonel Owen's Regiment:
To Captain Francis Rawson, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the same Regiment.
To Captain Wm. Figes, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in Colonel Overton's Regiment:
To Captain-Lieutenant John Ramsey, his Commission to be Captain-Lieutenant of the same Regiment:
To Lieutenant Wm. Lowther, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Lieutenant John Clerk, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Ensign Wm. Yates, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Ensign James Huett, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Ensign Wm. Page, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in Major-General Lambert's Regiment:
To Ensign Robert Belwood, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in Colonel Overton's Regiment:
To Cornet John Dixon, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in Colonel John Lilburne's Regiment:
To Captain Richard Penner, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in Colonel Owen's Regiment:
To Colonel John Peirson, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant Colonel Clement Keene, his Commission to be Lieutenant Colonel of the same Regiment:
To Serjeant Major Richard Kelke, his Commission to be Serjeant Major of the same Regiment: