Pages 734-736
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Wednesday, 27th July, 1659.
Petition from Yorke.
THE humble Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Common-Council, of the City of Yorke was this Day read.
Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be given to the Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Common-Council, of the City of Yorke: And that Mr. Robinson be desired to give them the Thanks of this House, accordingly.
Regulating the Law.
Ordered, That, on Monday Morning next, the House do take into Consideration the Regulation of the Law, and Courts of Justice.
Money Business.
Ordered, That, To-morrow Morning, the House do take the Business of Money into Consideration: And that Reports from the Council of State, and from the Committee for Inspection of the Treasuries, touching Monies, be made To-morrow Morning, the first Business; nothing to intervene.
Treasury Commissioners.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Bill giving Instructions to the Treasurers is referred, do sit this Afternoon; and bring in the Amendments to the said Bill To-morrow Morning.
Publick Sales.
Ordered, That the Bill for Confirmation of publick Sales be brought in and read on Friday Morning next.
Army Appointments.
The House took into Consideration the List of Names of Officers for a Foot-Regiment in the Hamlet in the Tower of London; and of a Troop of Horse Yesterday reported, and read: Which was this Day again read.
Resolved, That Major Wm. Bridges be, and is hereby, approved.
Resolved, That Mr. Richard Kettlebeter be respited.
Resolved, That Mr. Tho. Wilkinson be respited.
And the rest of the Officers in the said List were read; and every one, upon the Question, approved of.
And the Officers of a Troop of Horse in the said List were again read; and approved of.
London Militia.
And this House also took into Consideration the List of Officers of Horse reported, by Major-General Skippon, from the Militia of London: Which was read.
Resolved, That Alderman John Ireton be, and is approved to be, Colonel.
And the rest of the Officers in that List, being read, were, upon the Question, approved of.
The House also took into Consideration the other List of Commission-Officers of Foot Yesterday presented by Major-General Skippon, to be approved of by this House: Which List was read.
Major-General Skippon acquaints the House, That Jervase Blackwell, before appointed Major to Colonel Mew, of the Blue Regiment, now is, upon his Request, transferred to be Major to Colonel John Foach, of the Red Regiment, Mr. Thomas Sherman, who was elected to that Place, declining the same: And that Tho. Bromhall is chosen a Captain, in the place of Tho. Best, who refuseth, in the Regiment of Colonel Owen Rowe.
Resolved, That Jervase Blackwell, before appointed Major to Colonel Mew, of the Blue Regiment, be transferred to be Major to Colonel John Foach, of the Red Regiment, in the place of Thomas Sherman; and that Thomas Sherman be omitted.
Resolved, That Thomas Bromhall be, and is approved of to be, Captain in the Regiment of Colonel Owen Rowe, in the room of Thomas Best.
And the rest of the said Officers of Foot in the said List, being put to the Question, were approved of.
Resolved, That John Fenton be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot.
Southwark Militia.
The House also took into Consideration the List of Names of Commission-Officers for the Militia of the Borough of Southwake, and Parishes adjacent, reported Yesterday by Colonel Thompson: Which was again read.
Resolved, That Tho. Walker Esquire be, and is approved to be, Colonel of a Regiment of Foot for the Militia for the Borough of Southwark.
And the rest of the Officers in the said List being severally put to the Question, were approved of.
Mr. Scot reports from the Committee for Nomination of Persons to Places of publick Trust, That Wm. Shepeard Esquire be nominated, and humbly presented to the Parliament, to be Justice-Assistant to the Chief Justice of Chester, &c. in the place of * Fell Esquire, deceased.
That Rice Vaughan Esquire be nominated, and humbly presented to the Parliament for their Approbation, to be Judge-Assistant to the Judge for the Three Counties in North-Wales, viz. Carnarvon, Anglesey, and Radnor.
Register of Sales.
That Mr. John Wheatley be nominated, and humbly presented, to the Parliament for their Approbation, to be Register for the Sale of Lands at Worcester-house, in the place and stead of Mr. Coleborne, deceased, whose Deputy the said Mr. Wheatley was, and officiated in the sole Execution of the said Office, all the time the said Mr. Colborne held the same.
Ordered, That John Wheatley Gentleman be, and is hereby, nominated and appointed, Register for the Sale of Lands at Worcester-house, in the place and stead of Mr. Coleborne, deceased; to hold and execute the said Office of Register in as full, ample, and beneficial manner, as the said Mr. Coleborne might and ought to have held and enjoyed the same.
Army Commissions.
Ordered, That Mr. Solicitor Reynolds be desired to carry the Commissions to the Governor of Portsmouth, for Edmund Hopwood Captain-Lieutenant, Elizeus Godwyn Ensign, John Norton Ensign, Peter Pettiet Ensign, Tho. Brague Chaplain, David Lucas MasterGunner, and Anthony Stephens Surgeon: The said Governor is to see, that the same be delivered to them according to the Order of Parliament.
Commissions to absent Officers.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Nomination of Officers, to take care to see, that Commissions be delivered, according to the Order of this House, unto such Commission-Officers, as are absent, and cannot conveniently come to have them delivered in usual Course, after they be signed by the Speaker.
Layton's Petition, &c.
The humble Petition of Roger Layton, of Richmond in the County of Surrey, was this Day read: And several Certificates annexed, of Ministers and Justices of Peace, and others, on the behalf of Luke Crompton, were also read.
Ordered, That Mr. Trenchard do report the Act touching Ballast on Saturday Morning next.
The House being informed, That Lieutenant-Colonel Heynes was at the Door;
He was called in: And being come to the Bar, said, That he was desired by the Officers and Soldiers of several Regiments of Horse and Foot in the Garison of Dunkirk, to deliver their humble Addresses to this honourable House.
And therewith delivered several Papers: Which, after he was withdrawn, were read;
The one was intituled, "The humble Address of the Officers and Soldiers of the Lord Lockhart's Regiment of Horse in the Garison of Dunkirke: &c."
One other of them was intituled, "The humble Address of the Officers and Soldiers of the Lord Lockhart's Regiment of Foot in the Garison of Dunkirke, &c."
One other intituled, "The humble Address of the Officers and Soldiers of Colonel Roger Alsopp's Regiment in the Garison of Dunkirk, and the Forts thereunto appertaining."
One other intituled, "The humble Address of the Officers and Soldiers of Colonel Henry Lillingston's Regiment in the Garison of Dunkirke, and the Forts thereunto belonging."
One other intituled, "The humble Petition and Address of the Commissaries, Gentlemen of the Ordnance, and the rest of the Train of Artillery of the Garison of Dunkirke and Mardike."
Ordered, That a Letter of Thanks be written to the Governor and Officers of the Garison and Forts at Dunkirk, for their good Affections and Expressions: And that Mr. Scot do prepare the said Letter: And that Mr. Speaker do sign the same.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care for to prepare a Settlement and an Establishment of the Garisons at Dunkirk; and to take care of the Soldiers that served in France; so as may be for the Advantage of the Service of this Commonwealth, and due Encouragement of the Officers and Soldiers there.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of Lieutenant-Colonel Heynes, as to his Charges in coming over from Flaunders.
Correspondence with Sweden.
Ordered, That the Letter from the King of Sweden be referred to the Council of State, to take care the same be translated; and brought in, and read, To-morrow Morning.
Gen. Skippon.
Ordered, That a Commission be prepared, and brought in, for Major-General Skippon, to be Major-General of the Militia-Forces for the City of London.
Militia Commissions.
The House being informed, That divers Officers of the Militia of the City of London were at the Door;
They were called in: And being come up to the Clerk's Table, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust reposed in them; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expected Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And thereupon delivered them their Commissions: Viz.
To Jeremy Ives, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in Colonel Ireton's Regiment:
To Lieutenant Jonathan Hooper, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in Colonel Ireton's Regiment:
To Robert Cabell, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:
To Colonel Owen Row, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant-Colonel Price, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of that Regiment:
To Major Robert Mallory, his Commission to be Major of that Regiment:
To Captain Robert Whitby, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Captain Edward Greene, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Captain Tho. Bromall, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Colonel Geo. Langham, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Clement, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of that Regiment.
To Major Robert Ostler, his Commission to be Major of that Regiment:
To Captain Geo. Goldsmith, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Humphrey Davy, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Mathew Randall, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain James Stanford, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Colonel John Foach, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant Wm. Kiffin, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel:
To Major Jervase Blackwell, his Commission to be Major of that Regiment:
To Captain Wm. Jelly, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot in this Regiment:
To Captain Phillip Trevis, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain * Palmer, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Thomas Powell, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Colonel John Owen, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Randall, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of that Regiment:
To Captain Robert Walton, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Tho. Bourne, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Richard Boult, his Commission to be Captain of Company in this Regiment:
To Colonel John Mew, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Parre, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of that Regiment:
To Captain Henry Fendall, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot in this Regiment:
To Captain Tho. Rowe, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain * Bellemy, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Colonel John Fenton, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:
To Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. Blever Hasset, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of this Regiment:
To Major Christofer Berkhead, his Commission to be Major of this Regiment:
To Captain Henry Creech, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain John Mills, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Captain Tho. Edgeley, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in this Regiment:
To Cornet Wm. Needler, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in Colonel Okey's Regiment:
To * Cobb, his Commission to be Chaplain to Colonel Okey's Regiment:
To Ensign John Lane, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in Colonel Gibbon's Regiment:
To Ensign Vincent Witherley, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Lieutenant Richard Gwynne, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the same Regiment:
To Dr. Gideon Harvey, his Commission to be Physician to the Army in Flanders.
Edenburgh Petition.
The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen from Scotland were at the Door;
They were called in: And Colonel Cobbet, being at the Bar, acquainted Mr. Speaker, That he had an humble Petition of divers honest well-affected Christian People of Scotland; which, on the Behalf of himself, and the rest of the Petitioners, he humbly desired might be read: Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition and Address of some well-affected Persons in Edenburgh, and other Places near adjacent in Scotland, in Name and Behalf of themselves, and several others in that Nation."
The Petitioners being again called in, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;
"The House have under Consideration the Bill of Union: And they have commanded me to let you know, That they shall speedily take the same into Consideration; and then shall take You into Consideration; and do that which shall be best for you and the whole Nation: They find many good Expressions of Affection in your Petition: And, for that, I am commanded to give you the Thanks of this House: And, in their Name, I do give you Thanks."
Union with Scotland.
Sir Henry Vane reports from the Council of State, A Bill of Union of Scotland with England: Which was this Day read the First time.
Ordered, That this Act be read the Second Time To-morrow Morning.
Col Overton.
Ordered, That the Report for Colonel Overton be made on Saturday Morning next.