House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 19 July 1659

Pages 723-725

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Tuesday, the 19th of July, 1659.

Liverpoole Castle.

A BILL for demolishing of the Castle of Liverpoole was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto; viz. Colonel White, Mr. Garland, Mr. Robinson, Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Oldsworth, Alderman Atkins, or any Three of them: And are to meet To-morrow Morning, at Seven of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Business to be proceeded in.

Resolved, That no other Business be taken into Consideration in this House for one Fortnight, but the Settling the Militia, Matters of Money, Matters of Safety, and Settlement of the Commonwealth.

Northampton Petition.

The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen of the County of Northampton were at the Door;

They were called in: And, being come to the Bar, Major Rainsborough said, "We are desired, by the Sheriff, Justices of Peace, and Gentlemen of the County of Northampton to present to this honourable House their humble Petition; which we humbly pray, on their Behalf, may be read:" Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition of the High Sheriff, Justices of the Peace, and Grand Jury for the County of Northampton, met at the Assizes July 11th, 1659."

And the Petitioners being again called in, Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;


"The House have read your Petition, presented from the Body of the County, in whose Names you present it, viz. from the Sheriffs, Justices of Peace, and the Grand Jury from the County of Northampton, at the Assizes. For the Matters therein, I am to let you know, that they have them now in Agitation; and, for their Affections and good Expressions, I am commanded by the House to give Thanks to the whole County; and, in their Names, I do give the Thanks of this House to the whole County, accordingly."

Norwich Petition.

The humble Petition and Desire of the Mayor, Sheriff, Citizens, and Commonalty of the City of Norwich, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Thanks of this House be returned to the City of Norwich: And that Alderman Atkins be desired to give them the Thanks of this House, accordingly.

Army from Flaunders.

The House being informed, That divers Officers of the Army from Flaunders were at the Door;

They were called in: And one of the Officers, being at the Bar, said, "Mr. Speaker, We are commanded, from the Three Regiments which were in the Service of France, to present their humble Address to this House:" And therewith delivered a Paper: Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition of Sir Brice Cockraine, and the Commission-Officers of the Three Regiments of the Commonwealth Forces now under his Command."

Ordered, That this Petition be referred to the Council of State: And that they do take care of these Three Regiments in such Manner as may be best for the Service of this Commonwealth.

Ordered, That Captain Maning, Captain Scot, and Captain Richardson, have the Sum of Ten Pounds bestowed upon them apiece: And that it be referred to the Council of State, to see them paid the said Ten Pounds apiece, accordingly.

The Petitioners were again called in: And Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;


"The House have read your Petition: They have taken Care in it, and Consideration of it; and they find a very good Affection of the Officers expressed to this Commonwealth in this their Petition: And I am commanded to return them Thanks by you: And I desire, that you will return them the Thanks of this House, accordingly. They have likewise taken you, in particular, into their Consideration."

Admiralty Judges.

Colonel Thompson reports, A Bill for appointing Judges of the Admiralty: Which was read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That the Blank be filled up with "the Tenth of December 1659."

And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, was assented unto.

Probate of Wills.

A Bill for reviving an Act impowering Judges for Probate of Wills, and Granting of Administrations, was this Day read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That the Blank in this Bill be filled up with "the Tenth of October."

And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.

Ordered, That the said Acts for appointing Judges of the Admiralty, and for reviving an Act for impowering Judges for Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations, be forthwith printed and published.

Seditious Reports.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Council of State, That the Council being informed of several dangerous and untrue Reports tending to Sedition, made by Major Harley; who upon his Appearance before them, peremptorily refused to discover the Author thereof; and forasmuch, likewise, as, by the Confession of the said Major Harley, it appeared unto them, that he lately hath had Conference, and held Correspondence, with MajorGeneral Massey: * * * *

Resolved, That Major Harley do come to the Bar of this House at Three of the Clock this Afternoon, to answer such Questions as shall be demanded of him: And that the Serjeant at Arms, in whose Custody he is, do bring him to the Bar of this House, accordingly.

The House adjourned till Three of the Clock this Afternoon.

Tuesday, July the 19th, 1659; In the Afternoon

Army Commissions.

THE House being informed, That divers Officers of the Army were at the Door;

They were called in: And, coming up to the Clerk's Table, in usual manner, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust the Parliament reposed in them; and that the Parliament expected Faithfulness and Obedience from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth of England: And thereupon Mr. Speaker delivered them their Commissions; viz.

To Colonel Thomas Kelsey, his Commission to be Governor of the Castle of Dover:

To Captain James Whitlock, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in Lieutenant-General Fleetwood's Regiment:

To Quarter-master Erasmus Saunders, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Cornet Thomas Chambers, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Colonel Wroth Rogers, his Commission to be Governor of the City and Castle of Hereford.

Army Appointments.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports, from the Commissioners for Nomination of Commission-Officers, A List for Colonel Nathaniell Whetham to be Governor of the Garison of Portsmouth, Southsea-Castle, and the Isle of Portsea; and of the Names of other CommissionOfficers in the said Garison: Which were read; viz.

Colonel Nathaniell Whetham, Governor and Captain; Edmund Hopwood, Captain-Lieutenant; Elizeus Godwyn, Ensign.

Peter Murford, Deputy-Governor and Captain; Abraham Peters, Lieutenant; John Norton, Ensign.

Tho. Hurst, Captain; John Dobar, Lieutenant; Peter Petit, Ensign.

Mr. Thomas Brague, Chaplain; David Lucas, MasterGunner; Anthony Stephens, Surgeon; Tho. Newbery, Store-keeper.

He also reports, Another List of the Names of Commission-Officers; viz. of Colonel Phillip Twisleton to be Colonel of a Regiment of Horse; and of other Officers to be Commission-Officers of that Regiment: Which were read; viz.

Phillip Twisleton, Colonel; Hugh Polden, CaptainLieutenant; Wm. Gardner, Cornet; Wm. Dyer, Quartermaster.

Owen Cambridge, Major; Thomas Mims, Lieutenant; Timothy Poole, Cornet; Thomas Bottomley, Quartermaster.

Henry Beale, Captain; John Sherman, Lieutenant, Giles Barnardiston, Cornet; Percival Robinson, Quartermaster.

Thomas Deane, Captain; Wm. Morris, Lieutenant; Wm. Wallis, Cornet; John Berry, Quarter-master.

Richard Ashby, Captain; Richard Overs, Lieutenant; Thomas Spence, Cornet; John Drake, Quarter-master.

Richard Beke, Captain; Verney Bourchier, Lieutenant; John Holt, Cornet; John Wilson, Quarter-master; Samuell Bonnett, Surgeon.

Loans at Weavers-Hall.

Colonel Lister reports from the Committee for Inspection of the Treasuries:-Having according to the Order of Parliament of the Ninth Instant, received a List of the Names of the Persons who have Monies charged upon Weaver's-Hall; and a particular of the Sums for which Interest is to be paid out of the Receipts of Excise; do humbly offer to the Parliament, as the Opinion of this Committee, That the Restraint, in that Behalf, upon the Commissioners for Excise may be taken off; and that the Interest now due, and which shall become due, may, from time to time, be paid.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Committee, That the Restraint upon the Commissioners of Excise, as to the Payment of Interest for Monies charged upon Weavers-Hall, be taken off; and that the Interest now due, and which shall become due, may, from time to time, be paid.

Militia Commissioners.

Resolved, That Major William Rainsborough be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the County of Northampton.

A List of Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Sussex was this Day read.

Resolved, That Arthur Bettesworth and John Mountee be added Commissioners of the Militia in the County of Sussex.

Resolved, That Wm. Hay and Mr. Wm. Cawley the younger be added Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Sussex.

Resolved, That Major John Clerk, be added one of the Commissioners for the County of Sussex.

And the said List so amended, being put to the Question, was agreed unto.

Resolved, That Mr. Francis Dove be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the County of Wilts.

Resolved, That Robert Andrewes be added a Commissioner for Warwickshire.

Resolved, That Colonel Robert Lilburne be added a Commissioner for Durham.

Resolved, That Colonel Francis Marten be added a Commissioner for Oxon.

Resolved, That * * Gouldsborough be added a Commissioner for Essex.

Resolved, That Major Salwey be added a Commissioner for Cambridgshire.

Resolved, That Colonel Wm. Purefoy be added a Commissioner for Leicestershire.

Resolved, That John Gold, of Clapham, be added a Commissioner for the County of Surrey.

Resolved, That Wm. Baker of Uxbridge, and Mr. Richard Kempe of Staines, be added Commissioners of the Militia for the County of Middlesex.

Resolved, That Colonel Morgan be added a Commissioner for the County of Yorke.

A List of Names of Commissioners of the Militia for the County of Westmerland was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

A List of Names of Commissioners for the Militia for the County of Yorke was this Day read.

The Question being put, That Mr. Phillip Howard be added a Commissioner for the County of Yorke;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Mr. Ralegh, Tellers for the Yeas: 17.
Colonel Bingham, With the Yeas,
Sir John Trevor, Tellers for the Noes: 24.
Colonel Downes, With the Noes,

So it passed in the Negative.

And the said List, being put to the Question, passed.

Resolved, That Christofer Wilson, Henry Champion, Lieutenant * Lupton, Jonathan Everard, be added Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Nottingham.

A List of Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the City of Yorke, and County of the City of Yorke, was read.

Resolved, That Colonel Thomas Morgan be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the City of Yorke, and in the County of the City of Yorke.

And the said List was, upon the Question, agreed unto.

A List of the Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Denbigh, and for the Town and County Borough, was read, and agreed unto.

A List of Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the County of Pembrooke, the Town and County of Haverford-west, and for the County of Cardigan, was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Resolved, That Abel Beechy be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the County of Kent.

A List of Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the Counties of Monmouth, Glamorgan, Radnor, and Brecon, was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Resolved, That Phillip Viscount Lysle, Walter Strickland and Wm. Lewis Esquires, be added Commissioners for the County of Glamorgan.

Resolved, That Phillip Earl of Pembroke John Herbert, and Walter Strickland, be added Commissioners for the County of Monmouth.

Resolved, That Roger St. Leigh be added Commissioner for the Six Counties in North-Wales.

A List of Names of Commissioners for the Militia in the Six Counties in North-Wales was read; and agreed unto.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Richard Price be added a Commissioner for the Militia in the County of Cardigan, &c.

Resolved, That Captain Henry Courtney, Richard Erisy, James Erisy, and Hugh Courtney, be added Commissioners for the County of Cornwall.

Resolved, That Colonel Danvers be added a Commissioner for the County of Leicester.

Resolved, That Captain James Whitlock be added a Commissioner for the Militia for the County of Bucks.

Resolved, That Major Audley be added a Commissioner for the County of Cambridge.

Resolved, That Sir John Hartop be added a Commissioner for the County of Leicester.

Resolved, That these Names be ingrossed in the Bill for the Militia, against To-morrow Morning.

Seditious Reports.

The House being informed, That Major Harley, a Prisoner, was at the Door;

He was called in: And, being come to the Bar, after that Mr. Speaker had, by Command of the House, asked him several Questions, and he had made Answer thereunto; It was

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to examine the Matter; and either to discharge the said Major Harley, or to keep him still in Custody, as they shall find Cause.

False Rumours.

Ordered, That a Bill be brought in for preventing the Publishing or Spreading of false Rumours, and scandalous Reports: And that the Lord St. John, Lord Whitlock, Lord Commissioner Lysle, or any one of them, do bring in the said Bill.

Lodgers, &c. in London.

A Bill, ingrossed, for Housholders to give an Account of Lodgers, Horses, Arms, and Ammunition, was this Day read the Third time.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to consider of Additions and Amendments to be made in Parchment to this Bill; and bring it in To-morrow Morning: Viz. Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Sir Henry Vane, Major Salway, Mr. West, Sir James Harrington, Colonel White; or any Three of them: And to meet To-morrow Morning, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Treasury Commissioners.

Ordered, That the Bill, appointing Commissioners for the Treasury, be read To-morrow Morning, the first Business.