House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 13 July 1659

Pages 715-717

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 13 July 1659', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660 (London, 1802), pp. 715-717. British History Online [accessed 17 January 2025].
Page 715
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Page 717

In this section

Wednesday, July 13th, 1659.

Richard Cromwell.

THE Question being put, That the Report in the Hands of Colonel John Jones be now made;

It passed with the Negative.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland do make the Report, touching the Eldest Son of the late Lord General Cromwell, on Saturday Morning next.

Lodgers, &c. in London.

Mr. West reports, Amendments to the Bill for Householders within the Cities of London and Westminster, &c. to give an Account of what Lodgers, Arms, and Horses, they have: Which were twice read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.

Ordered, That this Bill be ingrossed.

Embassy from Portugall.

Ordered, That Sir Oliver Fleming, Master of the Ceremonies, have Notice of the Vote made Yesterday, That the Lord Ambassador from the King of Portugall have Audience on Thursday next: And give the Lord Ambassador Notice thereof.

Ordered, That Sir Oliver Flemming, Master of the Ceremonies, do take care, that the Parliament-House, and the Court of Wards, be prepared and fitted for the Reception of the said Lord Ambassador.

Delinquents, &c. in London.

An ingrossed Bill against Delinquents was this Day read the Third time.

Ordered, That Major Salway, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Colonel Martyn, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Mr. Strickland, or any Three of them, do withdraw, and look over and consider, How this Bill may be perfected; and report it forthwith.

Prohibiting Horse-races, &c.

Mr. Scot reports from the Council of State, That the Council conceive it necessary, that a Proclamation be issued, prohibiting all House-races, Cock-matches, Bullbaitings, Hurlings, and other Meetings of like Nature, as being a Means to colour the Designs of such as endeavour or intend the Disturbance of the publick Peace: And that all Persons, who have been in Arms against this Commonwealth, be, by Proclamation, required to repair to their respective Habitations within Days, and prohibited to travel from the Places of their Abode above Five Miles, for the Space of; except they shall have Licence thereunto from the Parliament, or Council of State, or such Person or Persons as they shall appoint.

Resolved, That a Proclamation be issued, prohibiting all Horse-races, Cock-matches, Bull-baitings, Out-hurlings, publick Wrestlings, and other Meetings, of like Nature, until the First Day of October next, 1659.

Durham Assizes.

Ordered, That the Act for holding an Assize at Durham be forthwith printed and published.

The House adjourns till Two a Clock in the Afternoon.

Wednesday, July the 13th, 1659; Afternoon.

Army Commissions.

THE House being informed, That divers Officers of the Army were at the Door.

They were called in: And, coming to the Clerk's Table, in usual manner, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust the Parliament reposed in them; and that the Parliament do expect Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth of England: And thereupon delivered to them their Commissions; viz.

To Captain Wm. Lindley, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in Colonel Okey's Regiment.

To Cornet * Thuckey, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Cornet Richard Yates, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Henry Rossington, his Commission to be Surgeon to the same Regiment:

To * Humphrey Brewster, his Commission to be Governor of Languard-Fort:

To Captain John Samerton, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in Colonel Swallowe's Regiment:

To Lieutenant John Dieu, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the same Regiment:

To Major John Merriman, his Commission to . . Major of Colonel Rich his Regiment of Horse:

To Captain Richard Holliwell, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Captain John Barker, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Captain John Barrington, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Captain-Lieutenant John Toomes, his Commission to be Captain-Lieutenant of this Regiment:

To Lieutenant Thomas Sumner, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Captain John Breman, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Captain Charles Duckett, his Commission to be Captain of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Lieutenant Geo. Southwell, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Quarter-master Richard Cornwell, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Lieutenant Gabriel Hopkins, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Quarter-master Daniel Davies, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Captain Nicholas Cordy, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in Colonel N . . . . . . . . Regiment:

To Lieutenant Francis Jenkins, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in this Regiment:

To Ensign Wm. Hawkins, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in this Regiment:

To Ensign John Rivers, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in this Regiment:

To Benjamin Worsley, his Commission to be Commissary-General of the Musters and Forces in Ireland:

To Edward Roberts, his Commission to be AuditorGeneral of the Army and Forces in Ireland:

To Lieutenant Richard Halloway, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in Colonel Rich his Regiment:

To Lieutenant Timothy Clare, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Cornet Edward Robert, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master James Garvison, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master Wm. Garret, his Commission to . . Quarter-master of a Troop in this Regiment:

To Colonel Robert Overton, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:

And another Commission, to be Governor of Hull:

To Lieutenant Richard Guibert, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in Colonel Packer's Regiment:

To Lieutenant John Lawson, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Cornet Edward Kensell, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Cornet Timothy Cloudesley, his Commission to be Cornet of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master Thomas Atkinson, his Commission to be Quaster-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master Peter Andrewes, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master Tho. Acton, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master Edward Richardson, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Quarter-master Geo. Bradshawe, his Commission to be Quarter-master of a Troop in the same Regiment:

To Lieutenant Edward Bicksleyes, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Troop in Colonel Hewson's Regiment:

To Sandy Sutor, his Commission to be Surgeon to Colonel Hewson's Regiment:


Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for nominating Commission-Officers, to supply the Officers in Colonel Morleye's Regiment; and to bring in their Names and Commissions To-morrow Morning.


The House resumed the Debate upon the Report this Day made by Mr. Scot from the Council of State.

Ordered, That the Corporals and the Troopers of the Life-Guard shall have Increase of Six-pence a Day, each of them, added to their former Pay.

Ordered, That Two Trumpeters more be added to that Troop: And that they have Three Shillings and Six-pence a Day Pay, each of them.

Suspected Persons.

The House being informed, That the Council of State have given Instruction for the apprehending and securing suspicious and dangerous Persons to the Peace of this Commonwealth;

Resolved, upon the Question, by the Parliament, That the Parliament doth approve of what the Council of State have done therein.


Ordered, That this House do proceed upon the Bills for Settling the Militias in the Borough of Southwark, and of the Militias within the Hamlets of the Tower of London, and of the Militias in the several Counties, the first Business; nothing to intervene.

Irish Army Appointments.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Commissioners for nominating Commission-Officers, A List of the Names of several Persons for several Commands in Ireland; viz.

Lieutenant-General Ludlow to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot in Ireland:

Solomon Richards to be Lieutenant-Colonel to that Regiment of Foot, whereof Lieutenant-General Ludlow is Colonel:

Thomas Rawlins to be Major to that Regiment of Foot:

Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Smith to be LieutenantColonel to that Regiment of Foot, whereof Colonel Daniel Axtell is Colonel:

Major John Barret to be Major to that Regiment of Foot:

Colonel Henry Markham to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot in Ireland:

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Jones to be LieutenantColonel to that Regiment of Foot:

Major John Bennet to be Major to that Regiment of Foot:

Colonel Alexander Brayfield to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot in Ireland:

Lieutenant Colonel Wm. Keane to be LieutenantColonel to that Regiment of Foot:

Major Wm. Lowe to be Major to that Regiment of Foot:

Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Wheeler to be LieutenantColonel to that Regiment of Foot, whereof Colonel Robert Phaire is Colonel:

Major John Dennison to be Major to that Regiment of Foot:

Lieutenant-Colonel Symon Finch to be LieutenantColonel to that

* * * *

Judge Advocate, Ireland.

Resolved, That Richard Kingdome be Judge-Advocate in Ireland.

And the rest of the Officers, named in the said List last-mentioned, being severally put to the Question, were approved.

Delinquents, &c. in London.

Major Salway reports, from the Committee ordered to withdraw, Amendments to the Bill against Delinquents.

Resolved, That, in the Third Line, after the Word "Parliament," the Words "or Commonwealth" be added.

Resolved, &c. That, in the Fourth Line, after the Word "one," the Words "that ought to have made their Compositions, and have not" be added; and, after the Word "not," in the same Line, the Words "been pardoned by this Parliament" be inserted.

Resolved, That, in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Lines, these Words "and all others that have borne Arms in the Second War, or under Charles Steward the younger, or at any time since have taken up Arms to assist him against this Commonwealth; and have not, after such Offence, compounded, or have the Parliament's Protection," be omitted.

Resolved, &c. That in the Fifteenth Line, the Word "should" be put out; and, instead thereof, the Word "shall" be put in.

Resolved, That, in the One-and-twentieth Line, the Words "that shall" be put out; and, instead thereof, the Word "to" be inserted.

Resolved, That, in the Two-and-twentieth Line, after the Word "limited," the Word "respectively" be inserted; and, in the same Line that the Word "give" be made "giving."

Resolved, That, in the Twenty-fifth Line, next after the Word "aforesaid," the Word "and" be omitted; and, in the same Line, next after the Word "State," the Word "shall" be omitted.

Resolved, That, in the One-and-thirtieth Line, next after the Word "Act," the Word "respectively" be inserted.

Resolved, That, in the Thirty-fourth Line, after the Word "imprison," the Words "every such Person" be inserted; and, after the Word "Cause," in the same Line, that the Words "that so" be put out; and, instead thereof, the Words "to the end that" be inserted.

Resolved, That the Blank in the Thirty-eighth Line be filled up with the Words "Ten Pounds."

The Question being put, Whether any Words be added after the Word "accordingly;"

It passed with the Negative.

The Question being put, That the Word "this," in the Thirty-fifth Line, next before the Word "Law," do stand;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That in Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth Lines, after the Words "Ten Pounds," the Words "and shall also be looked upon as Persons well-affected to the Commonwealth" be omitted; and the Words "and such further Reward as the Council of State shall judge meet, in reference to the Service done to the Commonwealth thereby, and who are hereby authorized to direct such Payments out of the Contingencies of the said Council," be inserted.

And the said Bill so amended, being put to the Question, passed.

Ordered, That the said Bill be forthwith printed and published.

Ambassadors Imposts.

The House being acquainted by Mr. Speaker, with the Request of Francisco Giaviana, Resident here for the Republick of Venice, to free, for this time, from Impost and Custom, or any other Charge, a Quantity of Currans now coming from his Master, and sent him for his Maintenance here;

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State to free such Quantity of the said Currans from Impost, Custom, and other Charge, as they shall think fit.

Ld. Craven.

The humble Petition of William Lord Craven was this Day read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider, Whether it be fit, that Wm. Lord Craven be licensed to stay in England, or to depart: With Power to grant Licence, if they see Cause.