House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 6 July 1659

Pages 705-706

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Wednesday, the 6th of July, 1659.

Hampton Court.

ORDERED, That the Sale of Hampton-Court, and of the Parks, Meadows, and Deer, be suspended and forborne, until this House shall take further Order: And the Trustees and Contractors, appointed to make Sale thereof, are hereby required to take Notice hereof; and to forbear to make Sale of the same, accordingly.

Reynold's Estate.

The humble Petition of Robert Reynolds Esquire, on the Behalf of himself, the College of Dublyn, the Hospital, Creditors, Kindred Legatees, and Servants, of Commissary-General Reynolds, your Petitioner's deceased Brother, was this Day read.

Ordered, That this Petition, the Will, and the Decree, and the whole Business, be referred to a Committee; to examine the Business; and state Matter of Fact; and report it to this House, with their Opinion therein: Viz. unto Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Mr. Say, Sir Thomas Widdrington, Lord Lisle, Lord St. John, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Brewster, Lord Whitlock, Colonel Harvey, Colonel White, Colonel Waite, Mr. Lechmere, Colonel Feilder, Sir Wm. Strickland, Mr. Hallowes, Mr. West, Mr. John Goodwyn, Colonel Barker, Mr. Hay, Major Salwey, Colonel Lister, Colonel Marten, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Pury junior, Mr. Fagg, Mr. Pury senior, Mr. Nevill, Mr. John Corbet, Mr. Robert Goodwyn, Mr. Leaman: With Power to send for Persons, Papers, and Witnesses: And that Notice hereof be given to Mr. Calthorpe, and the rest of the Defendants, or their Solicitor, Attorney, or Agent: With Power to examine upon Oath, as touching any Corruption mentioned in the said Petition: And to meet this Afternoon, at Three of the Clock, in the Queen's Court.

Petition from Worcester.

The humble Petition of divers well-affected Inhabitants of the City of Worcester was this Day read.

Ordered, That Mr. Lechmere be desired to give the Thanks of this House to the Mayor, Aldermen, and the rest of the Corporation and Inhabitants of the City of Worcester, for their good Affections expressed in this Petition.

Petition presented.

The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen were at the Door with a Petition;

They were called in: And one of the Petitioners, on the Behalf of himself, and the rest, said, "We humbly present you a Petition, to which we might have had many Thousand Hands; but the Matter rather deserves your serious Consideration, than any publick Attestation: And therefore we do humbly present it to this Honourable House:" Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition of divers well-affected Persons."

Resolved, That the Petitioners have the Thanks of this House.

The Petitioners were again called in: And Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer:


"The House hath read over your Petition; and find it without any private Ends, and only for Publick Interest: And I am commanded to let you know, that it lieth much upon them to make such a Settlement, as may be most for the Good of Posterity; and they are about that Work; and intend to go forward with it, with as much Expedition as may be: And, for your Parts, they have commanded me to give you Thanks: And, in their Names I do give you the Thanks of this House, accordingly."

Disbanded Forces.

Ordered, That Colonel Birch do make his Report touching the supernumerary Forces disbanded within the County of Lancaster, on Monday Morning next, the first Business.

Irish Claimants.

The House being informed, That divers Citizens of London were at the Door;

They were called in: And, being come to the Bar, Mr. Wm. Hawkins, one of the Petitioners, said, "I am commanded, by the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, to present This their humble Address to you:" And, after a short Preamble, delivered a Paper: Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition of the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland."

Ordered, That this Petition be referred to a Committee; to take Consideration of the whole Business; and to peruse these Acts of Parliament that concern these Adventurers; and to report to this House, How the Petitioners may receive Satisfaction, according to the said Acts of Parliament; and how the best Advantage may be made to the Commonwealth, of the Residue of the forfeited Lands: Viz. unto Mr. Pury the elder, Lieutenant-General Ludlow, Mr. Anlaby, Mr. Solicitor Reynolds, Colonel Feilder, Mr. Christofer Martin, Sir Wm. Brereton, Colonel Birch, Sir Michael Levisey, Mr. Pury the younger, Mr. Hallowes, Alderman Pennington, Sir Jo. Bourchier, Mr. Richard Darley, Mr. Lechmere, Mr. West, Colonel Morley, Mr. Skynner, Mr. Holland, Mr. John Corbet, Mr. John Goodwyn, Mr. Henry Darley, Mr. Robert Goodwin, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Fagg, Alderman Atkin: And all that come, to have Voices: This Committee, or any Five of them: And are to meet in the Duchy-Court To-morrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.


Mr. Scot reports from the Council of State, A Bill for Settling of the Estates of several Persons, in such forfeited Lands in Ireland, set out in Satisfaction of Debts due to Adventurers, Arrears of Pay to Soldiers, and other publick Debts: Which was this Day read the First time.

Durham Assizes.

A Bill for enabling Judges to hold Assizes at Durham was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, commited unto Sir Tho. Widdrington, Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Holland, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Say, Colonel White, Lord St. John, Mr. John Goodwin, Sir John Bourchier, Sir Henry Mildmay, Lord Whitlock, Colonel Lister, Mr. Solicitor Reynolds; or any Five of them: And are to meet this Afternoon, in the Speaker's Chamber.