House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 2 July 1659

Pages 700-702

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturday, 2d July, 1659.

Embassy from Denmark.

LETTERS of Credence from Frederick the Third, King of Denmark, for Henry Withelme Rosenwinge his Amvoye, directed Parliamento Reipublicæ Angliæ; dated in his Tower of Hafnes, 28 Maii, Anno 1659; was this Day read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to give to the Amvoye of the King of Denmarke such Audience as they shall think fit; and hear what he hath to say; and report it to this House, with their Opinion what they think fit to be done.

Envoy from Duke of Holsteine.

Letters of Credence from the Duke of Holsteine, for his Amvoye-Extraordinary John Henry Keillman, directed, Parliamento Reipublicæ Angliæ; given at his Castle of Tominga, the 10th of June 1659: was this Day read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to give Audience to the said Amvoye-Extraordinary from the Duke of Holsteine; and to hear what he hath to offer; and report their Opinion therein to the House.

Action against Ogle.

Sir Arthur Hesilrige reports from the Committee to whom the Petition of Henry Ogle Esquire was referred, That Mr. Collingwood did it by Command of his Father and himself; and his Father had endeavoured this Two Years to serve a Writ upon Mr. Ogle, upon a particular Promise: Which was brought to a Trial at Newcastle Assizes about Two Years since: In which Tryal upon some Mistake in the Declaration, his Father was nonsuited; Mr. Collingwood takes it, it was for his Father's Arrears; Mr. Brownel, that commanded his Man to take out the Writ, affirms, it was upon an Action of the Case upon a joint Promise, for the Payment of 1,500l to Sir Robert, by Sir William Selby, Mr. Shaftoe, and Mr. Ogle; being all Commissioners for Raising of Forces for the Parliament in the Northern Association, about the Year 1645; and the said Commissioners raising a Proportion of a Regiment of Foot; of which Sir Robert Collingwood was Colonel, and wants his Arrears; and for which he now brings this Action against Mr. Ogle; and intends it against Mr. Shaftoe and Sir Wm. Selby, being dead.

Whereas it appears to this House, That Henry Ogle Esquire is imprisoned only upon mesne Process, at the Suit of Sir Robert Collingwood, upon an Action of the Case, upon a Promise made by him for the Payment of 1,500l to the said Sir Robert, by the said Henry Ogle, and other Commissioners for raising of Forces for the Parliament, for the Service of the Parliament in the Northern Association, about the Year 1645: It is Ordered by the Parliament, That the said Henry Ogle be forthwith set at Liberty, and discharged of his Imprisonment: And this Order shall be sufficient Warrant for the Keeper of Newgate to set him at Liberty, accordingly.

Ordered, That it be referred back to the said Committee; to examine the whole Business; state the Matter of Fact thereupon; and report it to this House, with their Opinion thereupon.


Mr. * reports a Bill for settling the Militia of the several Counties in England and Wales: Which was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That this Bill be now read the Second time.

The said Bill was now read the Second time, accordingly; and, upon the Question, committed to the same Committee that brought in the Bill: And all that come to have Voices: and to meet on Monday in the Afternoon in the Speaker's Chamber.

Ordered, That Mr. West be added to that Committee.

Durham Assizes.

Ordered, That the Bill for enabling Judges to hold Assizes at Durham, be read on Monday Morning.

Ambassy to Sweden, &c.

The House being informed, That the Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmarke, were at the Door;

They were called in: And, being attended with the Serjeant attending this House, with his Mace on his Shoulder, came up to the Clerk's Table; and, standing there, Mr. Speaker told them, "I am commanded by the Parliament to deliver you these Commissions: It is for a publick Employment: The one is, To be Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmarke: One other, To be Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the King of Swethland: The other, To be Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the King of Denmarke: It is expected, that, according to these Commissions, you should do the Service:" And thereupon, at the Clerk's Table delivered to them the said several Commissions.

Letter read.

A Letter from the Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal, of the First of July 1659, was this Day read.

Judges to take Oaths.

Resolved, That the Judges that go the Circuit shall take the Oath appointed by Act of Parliament in that behalf.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to supply the Places of such of the Judges as refuse to take the said Oath.

Resolved, That the Council of State do, on Tuesday Morning next, report to this House, the Names of Judges to go the Circuits, in the rooms of such of the Judges appointed to go the Circuits, who refuse to take the Oath before Tuesday next.

Letter read.

A Copy of a Letter of Don Antonio Pimentel, for the Marquis of Caracena in Poyetieres, dated 6 July 1659, was this Day read,

Envoy to France.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal, be, and are hereby, impowered and required to pass such Commisson unto Mr. Lockhart, to be employed to the French King with such Character as the Council of State shall think fit: And Mr. Speaker is hereby impowered and authorized to sign a Docket for passing of the said Commission under the Great Seal: And that the same be left in the Hands of the Council of State, to dispose of as they shall think fit.

Army Commissions.

The House being informed, That divers Officers of the Army were at the Door;

They were called in: And, coming to the Clerk's Table, in usual manner, Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the great Trust the Parliament reposed in them; and that the Parliament did expect Faithfulness from them to the Parliament and Commonwealth of England: And thereupon delivered unto them their Commissions; viz.

To Colonel Richard Mosse, his Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot:

To Captain-Lieutenant Henry Giles, his Commission to be Captain-Lieutenant of the said Regiment:

To John Chapman, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas Andrews, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel of the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Wm. Lockley, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Ensign John Knouth, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

To Major Thomas Higgs, his Commission to be Major of the said Regiment:

To Lieutenaat Edward Fuller, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Ensign Wm. Weston, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

To Captain William Gilhampton, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Thomas Rumbeloe, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Ensign James Hollibrede, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

To Captain Ralph Prentice, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Abraham Ogden, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Ensign John Cock, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

To Captain Wm. Pride, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Wm. Merideth, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Robert Gold, his Commission to be Ensign:

To Captain HenryCrispe, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Wm. Newham, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Ensign Francis Lea, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

To Captain Francis Mercer, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Wm. Townesend, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Ensign John Harris, his Commission to be Ensign:

To Captain Edward Patten, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Edward Bernard, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Ensign Thomas Dennis, his Commission to be Ensign:

To Captain Richard Kempe, his Commission to be Captain of a Company in the said Regiment:

To Lieutenant Robert Suckett, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

To Ensign Wm. Alsopp, his Commission to be Ensign:

To Quarter-master Richard Boone, his Commission to be Quarter . . . . and Marshal of the said Regiment:

To Isaac Harris Surgeon, his Commission to be Surgeon to the said Regiment:

To Richard Kentish, his Commission to be Chaplain to the said Regiment:

To Judge-Advocate * Cartwright, his Commission to be Judge-Advocate of the Army in England:

To Lieutenant John Fugell, his Commission to be Lieutenant:

To Ensign John Haick, his Commission to be Ensign.

Seamen's Petition.

The House being informed, That divers of the Seamen were at the Door, with a Petition;

They were called in: And, being at the Bar, one of the Petitioners said; "Mr. Speaker, We are bold, on the behalf of ourselves, and many Thousands Owners, Captains, and Commanders of English Shipping, and other Seafaring Men, to present our humble Petition: Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition of the Owners, Captains, and Commanders of English Shipping, and other Seafaring Men of this Nation, in behalf of themselves and many others."

Ordered, That this Petition be referred to a Committee; to examine the Particulars; and report to this House, What they think fit to be done therein; Viz.

Colonel Walton, Mr. Robinson, Major Lister, Mr. Darley, Mr. West, Mr. Fagg, Colonel White, Mr. Garland, Mr. Nelthrope, Colonel Pyne, Mr. Smith, Colonel Waite, Mr. Hallowes, Colonel Morley, Sir John Bourchier, Colonel Downes, Colonel Peter Temple, Colonel Birch, Mr. Harby, Colonel Bennet, Colonel Martyn, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Mr. Gold, Mr. Strickland, Colonel Purefoy, Mr. Pury, Colonel Harvey, Mr. Anlaby, Mr. Skynner: And such of the Commissioners of the Admiralty as are Members of this House; and such as serve for Port Towns: And to meet on Monday in the Afternoon, at Three of the Clock, in the Duchy-Court.

Gen. Ludlow.

Sir Arthur Hesilrig reports from the Members of the Council that were of the Committee for Safety, That Lieutenant-General Ludlow be nominated, and humbly presented to the Parliament for their Approbation, to be Lieutenant-General of the Horse, and Commander in Chief of the Forces in Ireland.

Ordered, That this Report be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next.