House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 9 June 1659

Pages 677-678

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Thursday, June 9th, 1659.

Great Seal.

A LETTER from John Bradshaw, one of the Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal, dated the Seventh of June 1659, was this Day read.

Ordered, That this House doth hereby dispense with John Bradshaw one of the Commissioners for Custody of the Great Seal, as to his Attendance on the said Office, during the Continuance of his Indisposition of Body.

Letters read.

A Letter from General Monck, dated the Second of June 1659, was this Day read.

Ordered, That, in Answer to this Letter, a Letter be sent to General Monck, signed by the Speaker; and that Sir Arthur Hesilrig do prepare the said Letter; and that Mr. Speaker do sign the same, accordingly.

A Letter from General Mountague, of the Twenty-seventh Day of May 1659, was this Day read.

Naval Commissions.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for the Admiralty do forthwith prepare Commissions to be sent to the Commanders of the Fleet in the Sound; and that Mr. Speaker do sign the said Commissions; and that the Commissioners of the Admiralty do take care, that the said Commissions be sent to the Commanders, accordingly.

The House being informed, That Captain Potter, whose Commission was prepared, was at the Door;

He was called in: And the Serjeant at Arms attending this House, coming into the House before him, with his Mace upon his Shoulder, the said Captain made his Obeisance, and came up to the Table: And, standing there, Mr. Speaker acquainted him, What Trust the Parliament and Commonwealth have reposed in him; and that they expect he should with Fidelity discharge the great Trust reposed in him: And then delivered to him a Commission to be Commander of The Great President Frigat.


Ordered, That it be referred to the Members of this House that were of the Committee of Safety, to examine, Whether Lieutenant-Colonel Elton be a Person within the Qualifications declared by Parliament.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Members of this House that were of the Committee for Safety, to examine, whether * * be Persons within the Qualifications declared by Parliament.

Fleetwood Commander in Chief.

Lieutenant General Fleetwood, a Member of this House, this Day came from his Place up to the Clerk's Table: And, standing there, Mr. Speaker acquainted him, That the House hath passed an Act constituting him Lieutenant-General and Commander in Chief of all the Forces raised, and to be raised, in England and Scotland: And told him, That the Act remains upon Record; but that he had there a Transcript thereof, signed by him, as Speaker, in the Name of the Parliament: And acquainted him with the great Considence and Trust that the Parliament and Commonwealth reposed in him, of which they did not doubt his faithful Discharge: And then Mr. Speaker, did deliver unto him the Transcript of the said Act, being his Commission, at the Clerk's Table.

Embassy to Sweden. &c.

Colonel Morley reports from the Council of State, That these Persons be humbly reported to the Parliament, as fit to be Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmark; viz. Colonel Algernon Sydney, General Montague, Sir Robert Honywood, and Thomas Boone Esquire: And that a separate Commission be sent to Sir Philip Meadowe to be Resident there.

Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Council of State, That Colonel Algernon Sidney be one of the Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmark.

Resolved, That Colonel Edward Mountague be one of the Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmark.

Resolved, That Sir Robert Honnywood Knight be one of the Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmark.

Resolved, That Thomas Boone Esquire be one of the Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries to the Kings of Sweden and Denmarke.

Resolved, That a separate Commission be sent to Sir Philip Meadowe to be Resident there:

Army Commissions:

Lieutenant-General Ludlow, a Member of this House, came from his Place to the Clerk's Table: And Mr. Speaker there told him, That he knew the Trust and Confidence that this House reposeth in him; and doubted not of his faithful Discharge of his Trust: And therewith delivered him a Commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, and Captain of a Company of Foot.

The House being informed, That divers Officers of the Army were at the Door; whose Commissions were ready;

They were called in: And the Serjeant coming before them with his Mace on his Shoulder; after Obeisance made by them, they came up to the Clerk's Table: And Mr. Speaker, acquainting each of the Officers severally, What Trust the Parliament and Commonwealth reposed in them; and that the Parliament and Commonwealth expects Obedience and Fidelity from them; did deliver unto them their several Commissions: viz. Unto

Captain-Lieutenant Tho. Clerk, his Commission to be Captain-Lieutenant in Colonel Ludlowe's Regiment:

*, his Commission to be Ensign:

Lientenant-Colonel Wm. Farley, his Commission to be Lieutenant-Colonel in the said Regiment:

Lieutenant White, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company of Foot:

Thomas Blinken, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company of Foot:

Lieutenant Nicholas Shepheard, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company of Foot.

Ensign Tho. Watson, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company of Foot:

Captain James Preice, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot:

Lieutenant Robert Goffe, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

Ensign Henry Easterne, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

Captain Robert Lewson, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot:

Lieutenant Robert Gast, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company of Foot:

Ensign Wm. Wilkinson, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company of Foot:

Captain Robert King, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot:

Lieutenant John Keene, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company of Foot:

Ensign Francis Eyres, his Commission to be Ensign of a Company of Foot:

Captain Tho. White, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot:

Richard Cullington, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

Ensign Francis Archer, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

Captain Henry Hedworth, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot:

Lieutenant Robert Rampton, his Commission to be Lieutenant of a Company of Foot:

Ensign William Gellibrowne his Commission to be Ensign to that Company:

Captain Tho. Palmer, his Commission to be Captain of a Company of Foot:

Lieutenant Tho. Adams, his Commission to be Lieutenant of that Company:

Ensign Luke Cornwall, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company:

Lieutenant Wm. Greenway, his Commission to be Lieutenant of the Company of Joseph Cooke:

Ensign Gilbert Mitchell, his Commission to be Ensign of that Company of Foot:

Richard Goodgroome, his Commission to be Chaplain of that Regiment:

Andrew Rashwood, his Commission to be Quartermaster and Provost marshal of that Regiment:

Henry Cole Surgeon, his Commission to be Surgeon to the said Regiment.

Alisbury Petition, &c.

The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen from the Town of Alisbury, were at the Door;

They were called in: And, being come to the Bar, one of the Petitioners said, he was commanded by the Inhabitants of the Town of Alisbury, to present an humble Petition from the Town of Alisbury, which they humbly desired may be read.

After the said Petitioners were withdrawn, the said Petition, being intituled, "The humble Petition and Address of the Well-affected of the Borough and Parish of Alisbury, in the County of Bucks," was read.

The Petitioners were again called in; and Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer;


"The House hath read your Petition; and find it a Petition with much Judgment and Discretion; and many good Expressions of your good Affections throughout: And they have commanded me to give you Thanks for your good Affections and good Expressions: And I do give you the Thanks of this House, accordingly."

Portsmouth Petition.

The humble Petition of divers well-affected Persons, Inhabitants of the Town of Portsmouth, and Places adjacent, was this Day read.

Ordered, That Mr. Wallop be desired to return the Thanks of this House to the Petitioners for their good Affections, and good Expressions.

Irish Commissioners.

Major Salway reports from the Council of State, the Opinion of the Council, That Colonel Mathew Tomlinson is a fit Person to be a Commissioner for managing the Affairs of Ireland.

Resolved, That the House doth agree with the Council of State, That Colonel Mathew Tomlinson be one of the Commissioners for the managing the Affairs of Ireland.

Resolved, That Miles Corbet Esquire be one of the Commissioners for the managing the Affairs of Ireland, for Three Months: And, it is

Ordered, That the said Mr. Corbet do then return into England, to give an Account of the Management of the Affairs in Ireland to the Parliament.

Col. Alured.

The humble Petition of Colonel Mathew Alured was this Day read.

Ordered, That this Petition be referred to a Committee to examine the Business; and that they do make a speedy Report thereof, with their Opinion, to this House: Viz. Mr. Robinson, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Mr. Darley, Colonel Lister, Mr. Ralegh, Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Chaloner, Colonel Martyn, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Scot, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Strickland, Sir Jo. Bourchier, Colonel Morley, Mr. Smith, Lord Chief Baron Wild, Colonel Barker, Mr. Holland, Mr. Hallowes, Colonel Purefoy, or any Three of them: And are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber, this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock: And Mr. Robinson is desired to take care hereof.

Irish Commissioners.

Colonel Sydney reports from the Council of State, A Bill, giving several Powers to Commissioners for Ireland, within named; and declaring several Laws, Ordinances, and Acts of Parliament, to be in Force in Ireland: Which was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question committed unto Mr. Scot, Lord Chief-Justice St. John, Colonel Sydney, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Lord Chief Baron Wild, Alderman Atkin, Colonel Morley, Colonel Ludlow, Colonel Thompson, Colonel Birch, Mr. Say, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir John Bourchier, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Garland, Mr. Anlaby, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Weaver, Sir James Harrington, Colonel Pyne, Colonel Jo. Jones, Colonel Marten, Colonel Purefoy, Colonel Barker, Mr. Wild, Colonel Sydenham, Colonel Eyres, Mr. Leman, Mr. Wogan, Colonel Done, or any Five of them: And are to meet in the Speaker's Chamber, at Three of the Clock this Afternoon; and report it to the House with Speed.

Colonel Sydney reports also Instructions for * * Commissioners for Ordering and Settling of Affairs in Ireland; which Instructions they, or any Three of them, are to put in Execution: Which were read.

Ordered, That these Instructions be referred to the aforesaid Committee; to consider thereof; and report them, with their Opinion therein, to the Parliament.

Publick Accompts.

Colonel Sydney also reports, A Paper touching taking Accompts for Monies not accounted for, and giving Discharges.

Ordered, That this Paper be also committed to the said Committee; to consider thereof: And that they do bring the same in again, with the aforesaid Act and Instructions.