House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 18 May 1659

Pages 656-658

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Wednesday, the 18th May, 1659.


Complaint against Col. Jones.

THE humble Petition of Bledry Morgan, Gentleman, with Articles annexed, intituled, Articles of transcendent Crimes, Injuries, Misdemeanors, Oppressions, and high Breach of Trust committed by Colonel Philip Jones; were this Day read.

The humble Petition of Richard Williams, and Margaret his Wife, the Relict of Walter Lloyd, deceased, on Behalf of themselves, and Mary Lloyd, and Katherine Lloyd, the Daughters and Coheirs of the said Walter Lloyd, deceased, being Infants under the Age of Ten Years, against the said Colonel Philip Jones, and Elizabeth Price, was also this Day read: But the Petitioners not being ready to own the Petition, it was delivered back to the Members that tendered it to be read.

Bledry Morgan, being at the Door, was called in to own his Petition: And being at the Bar, did own the Petition and Articles; and said, he knew many of the Articles himself; and hopes to prove the rest.

Resolved, That this House do resume the Debate of this Business upon the said Petition of Bledry Morgan, and Articles of Misdemeanors, on Monday Morning next.


Mr. Scot reports from the Committee of Safety, The Names of Persons to be Commissioners for ordering and managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy; and an Act for constituting the said Persons Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy: Which said Act, being intituled, An Act for constituting Commissioners for ordering and managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy, and the Names of the Commissioners reported; were read the First time.

Resolved, That this Act be now read the Second time.

The said Act, and Names of Commissioners, was now read the Second time accordingly; and, upon the Question, committed to Sir Henry Mildmay, Mr. Fagg, Sir Henry Vane, Mr. West, Sir Thomas Wroth, Mr. Scot, Mr. Marten, Mr. Boone, Colonel Bennet, Mr. Say, Mr. John Corbet, Mr. Pury senior, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Henry Nevill, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Mr. Love, Mr. Robert Goodwyn, Sir Wm. Brereton, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Nelthorp, Colonel Rich, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Holdsworth, Colonel Ludlow, Colonel Dowe, Mr. Garland, Mr. Holland, Mr. Ralegh, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Skynner, Mr. Blagrave, or any Five of them, To meet To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

The House adjourn till Three a Clock in the Afternoon.

Wednesday, May the 18th 1659. Afternoon.


ORDERED, That it be referred to a Committee, to examine the Journal Book since the last Sitting of this House, to consider, What is fit to be expunged out of the said Book; and present their Opinion therein to this House: Viz. Mr. John Corbet, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Pury the elder, Colonel White, Mr. Love, Mr. Boone, Mr. Garland, Mr. Lechmere, Mr. John Goodwin, Mr. Nelthrop, or any Two of them.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to present the Names of such Persons to this House, as they think fit to be Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer for the City of London, and of Gaol-Delivery of Newgate for the City of London, and County of Middlesex; with the Titles of the said respective Persons: Viz. unto Mr. Reynolds, Sir Arthur Hesilrig, Colonel John Jones, Mr. Say, Colonel Lister, Colonel Downes, Mr. Ralegh, Alderman Pennington, Colonel White, Colonel Wauton, Mr. John Goodwyn, Alderman Atkin, or any Three of them: Who are to withdraw into the Speaker's Chamber; and report to the House forthwith.

Army Pay.

Mr. Scot reports from the Committee of Safety, That for the more speedy Pay of the Forces, the Parliament will be pleased to order, That John Blackwell and Richard Deane, Esquires, do forthwith, and from time to time, as Money shall come to their Hands, appointed for Pay of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the contingent Charges, pay off and satisfy all and every such Sum and Sums of Money, as before the Seventh of this instant May, they were ordered to pay by Warrants charged on them by Colonel John Clerk, Richard Lucy, John Hildesley, Jervas Bennet, Edward Horsman, and James Phillips, Esquires, or any Three of them, for the Uses aforesaid, according to the Tenor and Effect of the said Warrants, and the Orders and Directions given by the Persons before-named, concerning the same.

Ordered, That John Blackwell, and Richard Deane, Esquires, do forthwith, and from time to time, as Monies shall come to their Hands, appointed for Pay of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the contingent Charges, pay off and satisfy all and every such Sum and Sums of Money, as, before the Seventh of this instant May, they were ordered to pay by Warrants charged on them by Colonel John Clerk, Richard Lucy, John Hildesley, Jervase Bennet, Edward Horseman, and James Phillips, Esquires, or any three of them, for the Uses aforesaid, according to the Tenor and Effect of the said Warrants, and the Orders and Directions given concerning the same, as if the said Persons had been authorized so to do by Parliament.


Sir Henry Vane reports from the Committee of Safety, The Opinion of the said Committee, That the Parliament will be pleased to pass an Act for the present, For Constituting of Judges of the Admiralty; and to enable them to act, decree, hear, determine, and adjudge, in all Matters and Things, as Judges of the Admiralty, for such time as the Parliament hath appointed the Judges of Westminster-Hall.

Persons humbly presented by the Committee to whom the Nomination of Persons for Civil or Military Employment is referred, as fit Persons to be Judges of the Admiralty;

John Godolphin Doctor of the Laws, Charles Geo. Cock, Esquire.

Probate of Wills.

Sir Henry Vane also reports from the Committee of Safety, The Opinion of that Committee, That the Parliament will be pleased to pass an Act for the present, For constituting Judges for Probate of Wills, and granting of Administrations; and to enable them to act, proceed, decree, hear, and determine all Matters and Causes belonging to, and lately depending, or that shall depend, in that Court, for such Time as the Parliament hath appointed the Judges of Westminster-Hall.

Persons humbly presented by the Committee to whom the Nomination of Persons for Civil or Military Employment is referred, as fit Persons to be Judges for Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations;

Charles George Cock Esquire, John Sparrow Esquire, Samuel Moyer Esquire.

Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to prepare Bills, according to the Substance of the said Reports: Viz. unto Mr. Lechmere, Mr. Garland, Mr. Corbet, Mr. Love, Mr. Pury, Mr. Boone, Dr. Palmer, Mr. Blagrave, Mr. Garland, or any Two of them; to meet To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber: And to bring in Acts, accordingly.

Irish Adventurers.

Sir Henry Vane reports from the Committee of Safety, The Opinion of that Committee, That an Act be prepared, For settling the Lands in Ireland on the Adventurers and Soldiers.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Members of this House that are of the Council of State, to take the whole Business, touching the settling the Lands in Ireland on the Adventurers and Soldiers, into Consideration; and to prepare an Act thereupon; and present it to this House.


Sir Henry Vane also reports from the Committee of Safety, That my Lord Lochhart declares his Freedom, and promises his uttermost Industry, to maintain and defend Dunkerk, and the Forts thereupon depending, for the Commonwealth of England, till further Order from those that administer the said Commonwealth:

To keep the Officers and Soldiers thereof, as also of the three English Regiments now in the French Service, in due Obedience and Submission to the present Government, so long as he shall remain in Command over them:

To deliver up the said Place and Forts, with all Things thereto belonging, to such Person or Persons as the said Supreme Power shall appoint, whensoever it shall be judged convenient so to dispose thereof.

Hoping this State will keep Dunkerk, wherein the Honour and Interest of England is so much concerned, he further promises, That, if ever it be in Danger, in what other Condition soever he be, he will readily accur to its Defence, though only as a private Man, with a Musquet on his Shoulder.

He humbly desires, That sufficient Ammunition may be forthwith supplied to that Place and Forts; together with Provisions for One whole Year; that, while the old is spending, the Magazines may be constantly replenished with new:

That some fundamental Course may be taken to continue the Soldiers Subsistence, and keep up the Spirits of the Officers with some Refreshment of Arrears at present, and Assurance of the rest in due time, according to the Establishment made in December last.

He will send the Accompts of the Garison, with the just State of Officers Arrears, whensoever demanded; together with his own Advances for paying the Soldiers, carrying on necessary Works, and recruiting the Horse; also his Engagements for furnishing the Garison with Coats, Hay, Oats, &c.

He makes it his earnest Request, That his Salary, as Ambassador, run in Arrears to near upon Five thousand Pounds, may be paid; his Debts, upon that account, being very great, and his Credit almost sunk.

For the better securing Dunkerk, and the Forts thereabout, from all Attempts, during this Instability of Things, he hath prevailed, That the Three Regiments at Amiens may be placed in some French Quarters near Dunkerk: They were ordered to march towards Flaunders, Monday the 15 / 26th of May instant.

The Truce for two Months between France and Spaine beginning the First of May, wherein Dunkerk is also comprised, if the State of England pleases, he will observe till further Order.

Lastly, he humbly intreats, That Two Bills of Exchange he was lately forced to draw, to supply the Necessities of the Garison, amounting to Seventeen hundred Pounds, may be discharged.

Ordered, That the Consideration of this Report, for so much thereof as concerns the Safety and present Supply of the Garison be referred to the Council of State, to do therein as they shall think fit: And, for the Residue of the said Report, that it be also referred to the Council of State; to examine the Business; and report their Opinion therein to this House.

Com rs of Oyer and Terminer.

Mr. Say reports from the Committee formerly ordered to withdraw, A List of the Names of Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer for the City of London; and of GaolDelivery of Newgate for the City of London, and County of Middlesex: Which were read; viz. John Ireton Esquire, Lord Mayor of the City of London; Aulgernon Earl of Northumberland; Phillip Earl of Penbrooke; William Earl of Salisbury; Lieutenant-General Charles Fleetwood; William Viscount Say and Seale; Phillip Lord Wharton; William Lord Gray of Warke; Oliver St. John, Serjeant at Law; Edward Atkins, Justice of the Common-Pleas; Sir Thomas Widdrington, Serjeant at Law; Robert Nicholas, Serjeant at Law; John Parker, one of the Barons of the Exchequer; Richard Newdigate, one of the Justices of the Upper-Bench; John Archer, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas; John Bradshawe, Serjeant at Law; Erasmus Earle, Serjeant at Law; Robert Reynolds Esquire; Edmund Prideaux Esquire; William Ellis Esquire; Thomas Atkin, Alderman of London; Thomas Andrewes, Alderman of London; Thomas Foote, Alderman of London; John Kendrick, Alderman of London: John Fulk, Alderman of London; Thomas Vinor, Alderman of London; Christopher Pack, Alderman of London; Robert Titchborne, Alderman of London; John Dethick, Alderman of London; Richard Chiverton, Alderman of London; Sir James Harrington, Knight and Baronet; John Greene Esquire, Recorder of London; Tho. Allen, Alderman of London; William Thompson, Alderman of London; John Frederick, Alderman of London; Tempest Milner, Alderman of London; John Robinson, Alderman of London; Richard Kings, Alderman of London; Walter Bigge Esquire; Aron Guerdon, Doctor of Physick; Henry Proby Esquire; Edward Bulstrode Esquire; John Corbet Esquire; Francis Phillips Esquire; William Lane Esquire; John Allen Esquire; Christopher Goodfellow Esquire; Edward Rich Esquire; Owen Roe Esquire; Josias Barnars Esquire; Richard Downton Esquire; William Robinson Esquire; Theophilus Bidolphe Esquire; Edmund Page Esquire; Gibbon Goddart Esquire; Thomas Howell Esquire.

Resolved, That Robert Reynolds Esquire be one of these Commissioners.

Resolved, That Gibbon Goddard Esquire, and Thomas Howell Esquire, be added in this List of Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, for the City of London and GaolDelivery of Newgate in the City of London, and Middlesex.

Resolved, That Edmund Page Esquire be one of these Commissioners.

Resolved, That the Names contained in the List be the Names of Commissioners for Oyer and Terminer, and Goal-Delivery, for the City of London, and Newgate in the City of London and Middlesex: And that Mr. Speaker do pass a Commission unto them, under the Great Seal of England, to that Purpose.

Council of State.

Mr. John Corbet reports, A Bill, intituled, An Act for the constituting a Council of State: Which was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto the former Committee.

Ordered, That Mr. Bennet, Colonel White, Mr. Lister, Mr. Holland, be added to the said Committee.

Ordered, That the Committee of Safety continue till Monday next, unless the Council of State sit in the mean time.

Union with Scotland.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Members of this House of the Council of State, or any Five of them, to consider of the Union between Scotland and England upon the Grounds formerly declared by this Parliament; and that they prepare an Act for the said Union; and present it to the House.

Sheriff of Brecon.

Mr. Scot reports from the Committee of Safety, That it is the Opinion of the said Committee, That Lewis Jones Esquire is a fit Person to be Sheriff of the County of Brecon.

Resolved, That Lewis Jones Esquire be, and is hereby, nominated and appointed Sheriff of the County of Brecon: And that a Supersedeas be awarded to discharge Edward Williams, formerly named Sheriff of the said County, for this Year.

Petition and Address of Army.

Resolved, That the Petition and Address of the Army be taken into Consideration on Saturday next.

Com rs of Sewers.

A Bill to enable Commissioners of Sewers to act as Commissioners of Sewers, until Commissions be issued for constituting Commissioners of Sewers, was this Day read the First time.

Resolved, That this Bill be now read a Second time.

The said Bill was read the Second time, accordingly.

Resolved, That these Words, viz. "on the Nineteenth of April 1653," be inserted into this Bill, instead of these Words, viz. "on the Sixth Day of May 1659, or at any time within Three Months before."

Resolved, That these Words, "or might," be added, in the Fourth Line next after the Word "did;" and that these Words, viz. "from and immediately after the said Sixth Day of May aforesaid," be omitted in the Eleventh Line: Which said Amendments were twice read; and assented unto.

And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.

Resolved, That the said Act be forthwith printed and published.

Letter from Gen. Monck.

A Letter from General Monck, and other Officers of the Army in Scotland, dated the 12th Day of May 1659, was this Day read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Members of this House of the Council of State, or any Five of them, to prepare a Letter of good Acceptance and Thanks from this House, in answer to the Letter of General Monck, and other Officers of the Army in Scotland; to be signed by Mr. Speaker.

Ordered, That the said Letter from General Monck, and the Officers of the Army in Scotland, be printed and published.