Pages 648-649
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Wednesday, May 11th, 1659.
Justices of Peace, &c.
THE Bill for enabling and authorizing certain Persons to be Justices of the Peace, and Sheriffs, was read the Third time.
Resolved, That, where it is expressed "Keepers of the Liberties," it be made "Keepers of the Liberty;" and that, where it is expressed "Ireland, and Scotland," in Two Places in the said Bill, it be amended, and made "Scotland, and Ireland," in both Places.
And the said Bill was so amended at the Table: And, upon the Question, it passed.
Ordered, That the said Bill be forthwith printed and published.
Ship Fig-tree.
Mr. Nevill presents a Petition, intituled, "The humble Petition of Thomas Papillon and Peter Lawrens, on the Behalf of the Proprietors of the Ship Fig-tree of Amsterdam, Mr. Cornelius Claessen, and her Lading:" Which was read.
Ordered, That it be referred to Mr. Tho. Challoner, Mr. Nevill, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Nelthorp, Colonel Purefoy, Mr. White, Colonel Downes, Mr. Lechmere, Lord Commissioner Whitlock, Mr. Love, Mr. Hallowes, Colonel Morley, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Sir Jam. Harrington, Mr. Goodwin, Colonel Dove, Captain Skynner, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Holdsworth, Mr. Garland, Mr. Holland, or any Five of them, to examine Matter of Fact: With Power to discharge the Ship in the Petition mentioned to be under the Embargo of the Commissioners of the Customs, if they see Cause; or to report Matter of Fact to the Parliament: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And they are to meet in the Duchy-Chamber, at Three a Clock in the Afternoon; and so from Day to Day.
Deano Forest.
Colonel White reports from the Committee of Inspection, the Information of Major Wade: That, upon the Third Day of this Instant Month, divers rude People, in tumultuous Way, in the Forest of Deane, did break down the Fences, and cut and carry away the Gates of certain Coppices, inclosed for Preservation of Timber; turned in their Cattle; and set divers Places of the said Forest on Fire; to the great Destruction of the young growing Wood.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Sheriff, and Justices of Peace, of the County of Gloucester, to take especial care to suppress and prevent all Tumults and riotous Meetings within the Forest of Deane: And that the publick Peace be preserved according to Law.
Ordered, That Lord Commissioner Whitlock, Colonel White, Mr. Holland, Sir John Lenthall, Mr. Lechmere, Mr. Strickland, Mr. John Corbet, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Colonel Thompson, Mr. Wanton, Mr. Tho. Chaloner, Sir Wm. Brereton, Colonel Morley, Colonel Bingham, Mr. Love, Mr. Marten, Mr. Say, Mr. Holdsworth, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Nevill, Colonel Rich, or any Five of them, be a Committee, to take care of the Preservation of the Timber and Woods of the Commonwealth in the Forest of Deane, and all other Forests of this Commonwealth: And to send for Persons, Papers, and Records: And are to meet, To-morrow in the Afternoon, in the Court of Words.
Committee of Safety.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Safety, to raise what auxiliary Forces they shall think fit and convenient for securing the Peace of the Nation, and to continue them for such time as the said Committee shall think fit, not exceeding one Month: And the said Committee have Power to issue out such Monies as they shall see Cause, for the raising and paying the said Forces, not exceeding Five thousand Pounds.
Upon Report from the Committee of Safety, of renewed Informations given them, of Endeavours, by disaffected Persons, to raise Disturbance in several Parts of the Nation;
Ordered, That the said Committee do take Care for searching, seizing, and securing, such Persons, and their Horses and Arms, for the present Preventing of Danger, and securing the Peace of the Commonwealth; giving a speedy Account thereof to the Parliament.
Ordered, That the Committee of Safety take into speedy Consideration, How there may be a Militia constituted in the respective Counties of this Commonwealth, and Arms put into the Hands of such as have given Testimony of their Faithfulness to the Parliament and Commonwealth: And that Respect be therein had, How the same may be raised and managed, with least Charge to the People.
Army Commissioners.
Lieutenant-General Ludlow reports from the Committee of Safety, as followeth;
Wednesday, 11th May, 1659.
By the Committee of Safety.
UPON Consideration of the present State of the Land-Forces of this Commonwealth, upon the Death of the late Lord General, and with respect to the Granting of Commissions for the future;
Resolved, as the Opinion of this Committee, That, for the better Constituting and Establishment of the LandForces of this Commonwealth, Five Persons, whereof the Commander in Chief to be one, be authorized as Commissioners; and they, or any Three or more of them, do nominate the Commission-Officers of the said Forces, and present the same to the Parliament, or Council of State, for the time being, for their Approbation: And, being approved by the Parliament or Council, that the Commander in Chief do issue out Commissions, accordingly; and to sign the same, by Direction of the Council of State, by Authority of Parliament.
Lord Charles Fleetwood.
Lord John Lambert.
Major-General Jo. Disbrowe.
Sir Arthur Hesilrigge.
Colonel James Berry.
Lord Charles Fleetwood to be Lieutenant-General and Commander in Chief of the Land-Forces in England and Scotland.
Ordered, That the present Debate upon the Report of Lieutenant-General Ludlow from the Committee of Safety, be adjourned to To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock.
Upon Report of Colonel Thompson from the Committee of Inspection;
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker sign Protections, according to the Form now tendered, for the Protecting of Joseph Drewe, Wm. Cash, and Robert Turner, in their Coming and Attending on the Committee of Inspection, and Continuance, and Returning; the said Protections to endure for One Month, and no longer.
The Form of the said Protections:
WHEREAS Mr. Wm. Cash is appointed to attend the Committee of Parliament for inspection, &c. These are to certify all those whom it may concern, That by Order of Parliament, the said William Cash, in his Coming and Attending on the said Committee, and in his Continuance here, and Returning whence he comes, is protected from all Arrests: And all Persons whom it may concern, are to take notice hereof, at their Perils: Provided, that this Protection continue, and be in Force, for the Space of One Month, and no longer. Given under my Hand and Seal this Eleventh Day of May 1659.