House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 19 April 1659

Pages 642-643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Tuesday, the 19th of April, 1659.


Fish Trade.

RESOLVED, &c. That all Bonds taken of English Merchants, for any Duty to be paid by them by virtue of the late Act of Parliament, giving Licence for transporting Fish in Foreign Bottoms, for any Fish laden by any such English Merchants lading any Fish in the Bottoms of this Commonwealth, and manned with the People of the same, be made void, and delivered up to the respective Persons who have entered into any of the said Bonds, their Heirs or Assigns, to be cancelled: And that all Recognisances entered into his Highness' Exchequer, by any Persons, upon any Writ or Writs of Delivery issued out of the said Court, for restoring any Fish, or Ships laded by English Merchants, in any the Bottoms of this Commonwealth, and manned with the People of the same, for not-payment of the Duty by the aforesaid Act appointed to be paid by Englishmen, be likewise made void and cancelled.

Countess of Worcester's Claims.

Mr. Annesley reports from the Committee appointed to attend his Highness about the Payment of Four hundred Pounds to the Countess of Worcester, in Satisfaction of all Demands due to her, for the Use of Worcester-house, till the Five-and-twentieth Day of March last; and of Three hundred Pounds more for the Rent of the said House for this present Year, to end the Five-andtwentieth Day of March next; That the Committee had attended his Highness; and acquainted him with the Orders of this House in that Behalf: That his Highness was pleased to give the Committee this Answer, That he assured himself the House had considered of her Interest; and that himself was therewith satisfied; and did take Notice of the Orders; and would give speedy Direction for her Satisfaction, accordingly.

Suspected Persons.

Mr. Annesley reports from the Committee appointed to propose some effectual Way, How his Highness, the Parliament, and the Nation, may be secured against any Attempts from Persons that have been in Arms against the Parliament; and other dangerous Persons, who have lately resorted to the City of London, and Parts adjacent; A Declaration, requiring all such Persons to depart the Cities of London and Westminster, and late Lines of Communication, by the Space of Twenty Miles: The which was read; first, intirely; and afterwards, in Parts.

The Preamble was first read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

The Second Clause was read: And It was

Resolved, &c. That the Blank, in this Second Clause, be filled up with these Words, "Five Pounds."

Resolved, &c. That, after the Words "for the Time being," in this Clause, and before the Words "for every," these Words, "or any Justice or Justices of the Peace," shall be added, and made Part of this Declaration.

Resolved, &c. That this Clause; "to be paid to such Discoverer by the Sheriff or Sheriffs of the respective Counties where such Person or Persons shall be found guilty, as aforesaid; and to be allowed to the said respective Sheriffs, upon Certificate under the Hand of the Judge, or Two Justices of the Peace, before whom such Person shall be found guilty, upon the Passing of their Accompts;" be added unto, and made Part of this Declaration, after the Words "Five Pounds." And the whole Clause, so amended, was, upon the Question, assented unto.-

Message to other House.

Mr. Stephens carried the Votes made Yesterday, concerning the General Council of the Officers of the Army, and concerning such as are not to have any Command or Trust in Armies or Navies of this Commonwealth, to the other House, for their Concurrence.-

Suspected Persons.

The Third Clause of the Declaration was read; and was, upon the Question, assented unto.

The First Proviso was read; and these Words; viz. "or have given Security for their peaceable and good Behaviour," upon the Question, omitted.

Resolved, &c. That, in this Proviso, after the Words "or been pardoned," this Clause, "and have acted nothing prejudicial to the Commonwealth sithence their said Composition or Pardon," be added, and made Part of this Declaration.

The Question being put, That these Words, "or who are or shall be legally summoned or called, by Writ or otherwise, to attend the Courts in the Term-Time, upon Suits there depending," shall stand in this Proviso;

It passed with the Negative.-

Message to other House.

Mr. Stephens brings Answer from the other House, That he had delivered to them the Votes sent by him; and that he received this Answer from them, That they will take the same into Consideration; and return an Answer thereunto by Messengers of their own.-

Suspected Persons.

Resolved, &c. That in the Third Paragraph in this Declaration, these Words; viz. "within Seven Days after Publication of this Declaration;" be omitted: And that, instead thereof, these Words; viz. "from and after the last Day of April 1659;" be inserted, and made Part of this Declaration.

The last Proviso was read.

And the Question being put, That these Words, "for the Space of Six Months from the Date thereof," shall stand;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That, in this Proviso, after the Word "Force," these Words; viz. "until the Twentieth Day of October 1659;" shall be added, and be Part of this Declaration.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree to this Declaration, thus amended.

Privilege-Case of Nevill and Strowde.

Resolved, &c. That this House do determine of, and give their Judgment in, the Cause between Mr. Henry Nevill, and Mr. Strowde late Sheriff of the County of Berks, on Saturday next.

Grand Committees.

Upon Sir Arthure Hesilrige's Report from the Grand Committee for Trade; It is

Resolved, &c. That, after the Ending of this present Week, the Grand Committee for Grievances, and Courts of Justice, do sit on every Thursday and on every Friday in the Afternoon, weekly: And that the Grand Committee for Trade do sit and meet on every Wednesday in the Afternoon, weekly.

Publick Revenue.

Mr. Scawen reports from the Committee for inspecting into the Accompts and Revenue of the Commonwealth, A Collection of what Debts are owing to the Commonwealth, and of Money in Cash, and of Monies received by the Treasurer of the Navy, for the Supply of this Year's Service, out of the Customs and Excise, unto the Twenty-fifth of March 1659, and since the Report delivered into the House, from the same Committee, of the Debts of the Commonwealth: Which Sums of Money will lessen the Debt of the Commonwealth, for so much as they come unto: The which Report was delivered in Writing, at the Table; and read.

Resolved, &c. That this Paper, of Debts owing to the Commonwealth, be referred to the Consideration of a Grand Committee of the whole House.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to a Grand Committee, to take into Consideration, How the Arrears of the Armies and Navies may be speedily satisfied.

Resolved, &c. That the House be forthwith resolved into a Grand Committee, to take the Matters now referred to a Grand Committee, and also the other Particulars, concerning the Accompt reported by Mr. Scawen on Saturday last, and other the Particulars, then also referred to a Grand Committee, into Consideration.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Upon the Report of Mr. Reynolds from the Grand Committee.

Resolved, &c. That the Grand Committee of the whole House have Leave to sit upon the Business referred to them, To-morrow Morning, at Eight of the Clock: And that Mr. Speaker do then forbear coming to the Chair, until Eleven of the Clock.


This House adjourns itself till To-morrow Morning, at Eleven of the Clock.

Publick Revenue.

The Paper of the Debts due and owing to the Commonwealth, this Day read, was in these Words; viz.

A Collection of what Debts we find owing to the Commonwealth, and of Money in Cash, and what Money we find received by the Treasurer of the Navy, for the Supply of this Year's Service, out of the Customs and Excise, unto the Twenty-fifth of March 1659, and since the Report of the Committee delivered in to the House, of the Debts of the Commonwealth: All which Sums of Money will lessen the Debt of the Commonwealth, for as much as they come unto; viz.

£. s. d.
By the Farmers, Sub-Commissioners, and others, employed in the Excise from the Year 1649 to the last of March 1659 41,761 19 2
By the Farmers of the Excise of Beer and Ale, and Inland Commodities, due on the 25th of March 1659 150,704 14 8
By Mr. Noell, upon his Farm of the Custom of Sea-Coal, due the Twenty-fifth of March 1659 12,000 - -
By the Compounders for New Buildings 46,254 9
By Receivers-General, by Estimate, due the Twenty-fifth of March 1659 25,000 - -
By Monies paid out of the Customs and Excise to the Treasurer of the Navy, before the Twenty-fifth of March 1659 70,229 6
In Cash, in the Hands of the Treasurer at Wars 3,717 18 -
In Cash, in the Hands of the Customers, on the Twenty-fifth of March 1659 9,272 7
The whole Sum £. 358,938 10 11¼