Pages 632-634
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Saturday, the 9th of April, 1659.
Leave of Absence.
RESOLVED, &c. That Mr. John Sadler, one of the Members of this House, have Leave to go into the Country for a Month; notwithstanding the Order, and the Day appointed, for the Calling over of the House.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Gough, one of the Members of this House, have Leave to go into the Country, for a Month; notwithstanding the Order, and the Day appointed, for Calling over of the House.
The House being informed, That, in Obedience to the Order of this House, Mr. Dyke the Keeper of Newgate did attend, with Mr. Joseph Drew, sent Prisoner to his Custody, upon an Arrest, by Warrant from the Sheriff of Middlesex, upon a Bill of Middlesex, in an Action of Trespass at the Suit of one Josiah Ricroft; and that they were without at the Door;
They were called in.
Mr. Drew was brought in by the Serjeant at Arms, to the Bar; and Mr. Dyke the Keeper of Newgate came in with him: And Mr. Dyke, being required to give the House an Account concerning Mr. Drew's Imprisonment, acquainted the House, that Mr. Joseph Drew was his Prisoner, and was sent to him by the Sheriff of Middlesex, by virtue of a Warrant, whereof he produced the Copy; and that the Sheriff keeps the original Warrant himself.
The Copy of the Warrant, produced by the Keeper of Newgate, was, by the Command of the House, brought to the Chair: And Mr. Drew informed the House, that the Protection granted to him was shewed to one of the Under-keepers at Newgate, on Monday: And the said Mr. Dyke the Keeper did acknowledge, that the Protection was so shewed to one of his Servants; but that himself knew nothing of it, till he received the Order of the House, to attend with Mr. Drew at the Bar of this House.
Whereupon they were commanded to withdraw: And did withdraw accordingly.
The Copy of the Warrant for the Imprisonment of Joseph Drew, containing in it the Causes of his Detainer, was read; and was in these Words; viz.
Joseph Drew, brought to Newgate the Sixth of April 1659, by Thomas Boulron, one of the Bailiffs of Middlesex, by virtue of a Bill of Middlesex, returnable on Saturday next, after Fifteen Days of Easter, to answer unto Josiah Ricroft in a Plea of Trespass. Dated the Fourteenth of March 1658. Richard Dike, Keeper of Newgate.
It was further certified, and underwritten upon the said Copy of the Warrant, produced and delivered in by the Keeper of Newgate, that there is also in the Sheriff's Office of Middlesex, before the Day of the Taking of the said Joseph Drew, another Bill of Middlesex, at the Suit of John Smith, returnable on Wednesday next, after Fifteen Days of Easter: Also another Bill of Middlesex, against the said Joseph, at the Suit of John Sparrow, returnable on Wednesday next, after Fifteen Days of Easter.
Resolved, &c. That the Under Sheriff of the County of Middlesex be sent for in safe Custody, by the Serjeant at Arms attending this House: And that Mr. Speaker do sign a Warrant for the apprehending and taking the said Under Sheriff into Custody, accordingly.
The House being further informed, that Josiah Ricroft, at whose Suit the said Joseph Drew was a Prisoner, was without at the Door; by the Command of the House, he was brought in to the Bar: And being examined concerning his Knowledge of the Protection granted to Mr. Drew, and the Cause of his Action at Law against him, in the Presence of Mr. Drew, standing at the Bar by him, he the said Josiah Ricroft affirmed, that he had Knowlege of the Protection Yesterday: That he did release the Action last Night; and that he knows not where the Bailiff is that arrested Mr. Drew. That the Cause of the Action was Part for a Debt owing; and partly for Accompts between them: Whereupon they withdrew.
Resolved, &c. That the Sheriff of the County of Middlesex do bring in Thomas Boulron, his Bailiff, who arrested Mr. Joseph Drew at the Suit of Josiah Ricroft, in Contempt of the Protection granted to the said Mr. Drew from this House; and deliver the said Boulron to the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House.
The House being further informed, that another Person, who was present, and a Witness at the Time when the said Mr. Drew was arrested by the said Bailiff, was also without at the Door; and could testify as well the Contempt of the said Bailiff to the said Protection, as of very uncivil and scandalous Words spoken by him in Scorn of the Parliament, and their Authority; the said Mr. Drew, and the said other Person, were by the Command of the House called in to the Bar: And being examined concerning the said Contempt and scandalous Words; William Cash, the Witness, affirmed, that he was present after the Arresting of the said Joseph Drew, when the Protection was shewed to Thomas Boulron the Bailiff: That upon the shewing the said Protection to him, he the said Bailiff said, he had a better Authority than that Protection, in his Pocket, from the Sheriff of Middlesex: That one Smith, who was also present, and Under Sheriff last year, upon Notice of the Protection, did advise the Bailiff to beware what he did.
The said Joseph Drew further affirmed, That the said Boulron the Bailiff spoke the uncivil and abusive Words following; namely, That he the said Bailiff cared not the Value of a Fart for the Protection.
The said William Cash further informed the House, That it was reported, that there were Actions against him, to Ten thousand Pounds: That he was heretofore a Servant to one Mr. Oxenbridge the Comptroller of the Prize Goods, before he did absent himself, and went out of England into the Parts beyond the Seas, to avoid the Danger of so great Actions. Whereupon, by the Command of the House, they withdrew.
Fraudulent Debentures.
Resolved, &c. That a Committee be appointed, to examine the Deceits and Abuses done to the Commonwealth, by false and fraudulent Bills and Debentures, and Bills and Bonds for the Publick Faith; and how to prevent such Deceits and Abuses for the future: And to report their Opinions thereupon to the House.
Resolved, &c. That the Number of the Committee to be appointed for this Service, shall be Seven.
Colonel Gorge, Sir William Doyley, Mr. Swinfen, Mr. Jenkinson, Mr. Minors, Mr. Foly, Mr. Sedgewick, are appointed to be the said Committee, to examine the Deceits and Abuses done to the Commonwealth, by false and fraudulent Bills and Debentures, and Bills and Bonds for the Publick Faith; and how to prevent such Deceits and Abuses for the future: And they, or any Four of them, are to meet about this Business in the Inner Court of Wards, this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, and Records: And are further to inform themselves herein by all good Ways and Means; and to report their Opinions thereupon from time to time to the House.
Resolved, &c. That no Purchaser of any of the Lands from the Commonwealth, nor any other Person concerned in this Business, shall be of this Committee.
The Names of the Seven several Persons appointed to be the said Committee were read; and every one of them, except Mr. Sedgewick, who was absent, stood up in his Place, and gave Satisfaction to the House, that they were none of them Purchasers, or otherwise concerned in the Matters referred to the said Committee.
Resolved, &c. That the said Committee, for the better Carrying on of this Service, be attended by the Auditors and other Officers and Accomptants who have Salaries granted to them from the Commonwealth: And that they do observe such Directions from time to time, as they shall receive from the said Committee.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Speaker do sign such Protections, and for such Persons as shall be desired by this Committee, for the safe Coming unto, Attending on, and Returning from the said Committee; and for the safe Continuance here of such Persons, for such time as the said Committee shall desire.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee of Accompts, and Trustees, at Worcester-house, do forbear to give any Bonds or Bills for Debentures, till further Order from this House.
Publick Revenue.
Mr. Scawen reports from the Committee for inspecting into the Accounts and Revenue of the Commonwealth; That in the Accompt reported, and delivered in to the House, and read on Thursday last, some Particulars might be further cleared and stated, for the Service and Satisfaction of the House.
Resolved, &c. That the Accompt brought in and reported by Mr. Scawen on Thursday last, be delivered by the Clerk to the Committee, by whom the same was stated, to review and clear the Particulars doubted of; and then to return the same back again to the House.
Mr. Scawen further reported, a State of an Accompt, for Three Months Pay, to be forthwith paid to the Army, for their present Supply, out of the Monthly Assessments and Excise: The which was read; and was as followeth:
April the 9th, 1659.
The Army of England are due for so much they are to receive for Three Months Pay, from the 29th of March to the 21th of June inclusive, at Eight-andtwenty Days to a Month, being Eight-four Days; viz.
Resolved, &c. That the Farmers of the Excise of Beer and Ale, and other Inland Commodities, that live or are in London, or within Five Miles thereof, do attend this House on Monday Morning next: And that they do then shew Cause, why they have not paid in the Arrears in their Hands, and due by them respectively to the Commonwealth on the Five-and-twentieth Day of March last: And that it be referred to Captain Stone, and the rest of the Commissioners for Appeals for Excise, to give the respective Farmers Notice of this Order.
Resolved, &c. That this Debate be adjourned till Monday Morning next.
The House adjourns itself to Monday Morning next, accordingly.