House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 2 January 1652

Pages 62-63

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Friday, the 2d of January 1651.


Isle of Jersey.

A LETTER from James Heyne, from the Castle Elizabeth in the Isle of Jersey, with a Copy of the Articles upon the Rendition of the said Castle; with an Inventory of all the Ordnance, Arms, Ammunition, and Stores of Provisions in Elizabeth-Castle at the time of Surrender thereof: Which were all this Day read.

The Question being put, That Sir Philip Carterett be admitted to compound for the Isle of Sarke;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, That the Parliament doth approve and confirm, the Articles for Rendition of Elizabeth-Castle in the Isle of Jersey; and every Particular therein: Sir Philip Carterett being excepted from Compounding for the Isle of Sarke.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of an Establishment for the Isle of Jersey; and what is fit to be done for the Government thereof; and present the same to the House: And how those supernumerary Soldiers that are come over, and likewise those which remain, over and above such as are necessary for the Defence of that Garison, may be disposed of for the best Advantage of the Commonwealth: And to give Order therein, as they shall think fit.

Grant to Harding, &c.

Resolved, That the Sum of One hundred Pounds be given to Major Harding, and Ensign Watson; to be equally divided between them: And that the Council of State do give Order for the Payment thereof unto them accordingly.

Isle of Jersey.

Ordered, That the Trustees for Sale of the Estates forfeited for Treasons, be required to forbear to contract for any of the Lands or Estate of Sir Philip Carteret, in the Isle of Jersey.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for Compounding be authorized and required to send over to, or appoint Commissioners in, the Isle of Jersey, to compound with the several Persons there, according to the Articles for Rendition of the Castle called Elizabeth Castle.

Ordered, That, out of the Composition to be made with Persons comprized within these Articles, the Sum of One thousand Pounds of the first Monies that shall come in thereupon, be paid unto the Hands of Doctor Guerdaine; to be distributed amongst the several Persons who were driven from Jersey for their Affection to the Parliament; in such sort as Mr. Gurdon, Mr. Oldsworth, Mr. Rous, and Mr. Holland, or any Two of them, shall direct.

Isle of Sarke.

Ordered, That the Trustees for Sale of the Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, be authorized and required to forbear to contract for or sell the Isle of Sarke.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take special Care, that the Isle of Sarke be safely kept and preserved for the Use and Benefit of the Commonwealth.

Isle of Guernsey.

Articles, made the 17th Day of December 1651, upon the Rendition of Castle Cornett, in the Isle of Guernsey, were this Day read.

Resolved, That the Parliament doth approve of, and confirm, the Articles for Rendition of Castle-Cornett in the Isle of Guernsey; and every Particular therein.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care to see the said Articles performed accordingly.

Army, &c. Committee.

Ordered, That the Act passed Yesterday, for appointing a Committee of the Army, and Treasurers at Wars, be forthwith printed and published.

Russell's Accompts.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for Accompts at Worcester House, to examine and state the Accompts of the several Officers of Colonel Russell, in the Isle of Guernsey, according to the usual Rules: And to give them Debentures accordingly.

Forfeited Estates.

Mr. Say reports from the Committee for removing of Obstructions in the Sale of the Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, touching Allowance for incident Charges in carrying on that Work.

Ordered, That the Treasury for Sale of the Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, be charged with such Sum and Sum of Money as shall be thought fit by the Committee of Obstructions, not exceeding the Sum of Five thousand Pounds, for incident Charges, for carrying on the Work about the Sale of the said Lands and Estates: And that the Order of the said Committee, under Five of their Hands, shall be a sufficient Warrant to the Treasurers from time to time to make Payment of such Sum and Sums of Monies: And the same, with the Acquittance and Acquittances of the Person or Persons appointed by the said Committee to receive the same, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers in that Behalf.

Scotch Affairs.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of, and appoint, a fit Person to receive, from the Master of the Rolls, the Writings and Records ordered to be sent to Scotland, by Indentures; and likewise the Bonds: And that the Master of the Rolls do deliver them unto such Person accordingly.

The Lord Commissioner Whitelock reports from the Council of State:

Tower Record Officers.

That the Council, according to the Reference of the Parliament, of the 6th of August 1651, have taken into Consideration, where the Two hundred Pounds per Annum, thereby ordered to be paid to the Clerks of the Records in the Tower, shall be had; do, thereupon, humbly offer it to the Parliament, as their Opinion, That the said Two hundred Pounds per Annum may be ordered, if they shall think fit, to be paid at present out of the exigent Monies of the Council; until such time as the publick Treasuries of this Commonwealth shall be freed from Anticipation: That the Money may be paid from thence, as it shall grow due to them in Course.

Ordered, That the Council of State be authorized and required, out of the exigent Monies of the said Council, to pay unto Mr. Wm. Ryley the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, upon Account of his Salary; and that his Acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge for the same: And that the said Council do consider, where the Salary of Two hundred Pounds by the Year, to him formerly ordered, may be charged; and report the same to the House.

Irish Affairs, &c.

Ordered, That the Business for Ireland, and the Isle of Man, be taken up on Tuesday Morning next, the First Business, nothing to intervene: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.

Tuesday, the 6thof January, 1651.


Commissioners of Excise.

THE Question being propounded, That Mr. Hodges be one of the Commissioners of the Excise, in the Stead of Mr. Snelling, deceased;

And the Question being put, That this Question be now put;

The House was divided.

The Noes went forth.

Colonel Sydney, Tellers for the Noes: 24.
Maj. Gen. Harrison, With the Noes,
Sir Wm. Masham, Tellers for the Yeas: 32.
Ld. Commissioner Lisle, With the Yeas,

So it passed with the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put;

It was Resolved by the Parliament, That Mr. Luke Hodges be one of the Commissioners of the Excise, in the Stead of Mr. Snelling, deceased.

Commissioners of Assessment.

Ordered, That Sir John Wray, Knight and Baronet, John Wray, Esquire, Wm. Stow, Robert Yarborough, and Richard Filkin, be added Commissioners for the Assessments in the County of Lincolne: And that they be and are hereby impowered to act therein accordingly.

Sheriff of Duresme.

Ordered, That Clement Fulthorpe, Sheriff of the County of Duresme, being mistaken, be made Christofer Fulthorp: And that the Journal Book be amended accordingly.

Sheriffs of Worcester.

Ordered, That Mr. Combes, Sheriff for the County of Worcester, have Leave to live out of the County, at his House in Warwickshire.

Irish Affairs.

A Letter from Sir Hardres Waller, from Lymrick, of the 26th of November 1651, was this Day read.

And a Letter from Thomas Harbert, from Waterford, of the 6th of December 1651, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Business touching Ireland be resumed, and taken into Consideration on this Day Sevennight, the first Business; nothing to intervene: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.

Irish Commissioners.

Ordered, That the Salary of One thousand Pounds apiece, formerly ordered to be paid to the Commissioners for the Parliament in Ireland, shall be no longer paid out of the Revenue in Ireland; but that their Salaries shall, for the time to come, be paid out of the Monies for Incidents:

Grant to Harding, &c.

Resolved, That the Sum of One hundred Pounds be given to Major Harding, and Ensign Watson; to be equally divided between them: And that the Council of State do give Order for the Payment thereof unto them accordingly.

Isle of Jersey.

Ordered, That the Trustees for Sale of the Estates forfeited for Treasons, be required to forbear to contract for any of the Lands or Estate of Sir Philip Carteret, in the Isle of Jersey.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for Compounding be authorized and required to send over to, or appoint Commissioners in, the Isle of Jersey, to compound with the several Persons there, according to the Articles for Rendition of the Castle called Elizabeth Castle.

Ordered, That, out of the Composition to be made with Persons comprized within these Articles, the Sum of One thousand Pounds of the first Monies that shall come in thereupon, be paid unto the Hands of Doctor Guerdaine; to be distributed amongst the several Persons who were driven from Jersey for their Affection to the Parliament; in such sort as Mr. Gurdon, Mr. Oldsworth, Mr. Rous, and Mr. Holland, or any Two of them, shall direct.

Isle of Sarke.

Ordered, That the Trustees for Sale of the Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, be authorized and required to forbear to contract for or sell the Isle of Sarke.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take special Care, that the Isle of Sarke be safely kept and preserved for the Use and Benefit of the Commonwealth.

Isle of Guernsey.

Articles, made the 17th Day of December 1651, upon the Rendition of Castle Cornett, in the Isle of Guernsey, were this Day read.

Resolved, That the Parliament doth approve of, and confirm, the Articles for Rendition of Castle-Cornett in the Isle of Guernsey; and every Particular therein.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care to see the said Articles performed accordingly.

Army, &c. Committee.

Ordered, That the Act passed Yesterday, for appointing a Committee of the Army, and Treasurers at Wars, be forthwith printed and published.

Russell's Accompts.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for Accompts at Worcester House, to examine and state the Accompts of the several Officers of Colonel Russell, in the Isle of Guernsey, according to the usual Rules: And to give them Debentures accordingly.

Forfeited Estates.

Mr. Say reports from the Committee for removing of Obstructions in the Sale of the Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, touching Allowance for incident Charges in carrying on that Work.

Ordered, That the Treasury for Sale of the Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, be charged with such Sum and Sum of Money as shall be thought fit by the Committee of Obstructions, not exceeding the Sum of Five thousand Pounds, for incident Charges, for carrying on the Work about the Sale of the said Lands and Estates: And that the Order of the said Committee, under Five of their Hands, shall be a sufficient Warrant to the Treasurers from time to time to make Payment of such Sum and Sums of Monies: And the same, with the Acquittance and Acquittances of the Person or Persons appointed by the said Committee to receive the same, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers in that Behalf.

Scotch Affairs.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of, and appoint, a fit Person to receive, from the Master of the Rolls, the Writings and Records ordered to be sent to Scotland, by Indentures; and likewise the Bonds: And that the Master of the Rolls do deliver them unto such Person accordingly.

The Lord Commissioner Whitelock reports from the Council of State:

Tower Record Officers.

That the Council, according to the Reference of the Parliament, of the 6th of August 1651, have taken into Consideration, where the Two hundred Pounds per Annum, thereby ordered to be paid to the Clerks of the Records in the Tower, shall be had; do, thereupon, humbly offer it to the Parliament, as their Opinion, That the said Two hundred Pounds per Annum may be ordered, if they shall think fit, to be paid at present out of the exigent Monies of the Council; until such time as the publick Treasuries of this Commonwealth shall be freed from Anticipation: That the Money may be paid from thence, as it shall grow due to them in Course.

Ordered, That the Council of State be authorized and required, out of the exigent Monies of the said Council, to pay unto Mr. Wm. Ryley the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, upon Account of his Salary; and that his Acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge for the same: And that the said Council do consider, where the Salary of Two hundred Pounds by the Year, to him formerly ordered, may be charged; and report the same to the House.

Irish Affairs, &c.

Ordered, That the Business for Ireland, and the Isle of Man, be taken up on Tuesday Morning next, the First Business, nothing to intervene: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.