Pages 567-569
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Monday, the 22d of June, 1657.
Assessment for Scotland.
A BILL for raising of Fifteen thousand Pounds in Scotland, was this Day read the Third time.
Resolved, That Edward Whalley Esquire, Commissary-General, be added a Commissioner for the County of Hadington.
Resolved, That the Blank, in the First Line of the Thirty-third Folio, be filled up with these Words; viz. "To the Commissioners of his Highness' Exchequer in Scotland."
The Question being put, That these Words, in the last Press of the Bill, viz. "for or of them" do stand;
It passed with the Negative.
Resolved, That the last Blank, at the latter End of the Bill, be filled up with these Words; viz. "To the Commissioners of his Highness' Exchequer in Scotland."
Resolved, That the Word "Sterling" be added in the Fourth Line of the ingrossed Bill, next after the Word "Pounds."
Resolved, That these Words, viz. "1657" be added in the Fifth Line, next after the Word "March."
Resolved, That these Words, viz. "then next following," be added in the same Line, next after the Word "June."
And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.
Ordered, That this Act be presented to his Highness the Lord Protector for his Consent.
A Bill for an Assessment, &c. was this Day read the Third time.
Divers Names of Commissioners, ingrossed in several Parchments, were now tendered to this Bill.
Resolved, That the several Names of Commissioners, now tendered in Parchment, be added to this Bill, to the several Counties and Places for which they were named.
A Clause was tendered to this Bill in these Words; viz. "And be it further Enacted, That the one Moiety of the Assessment charged upon the County of Cardigan in an Act of this present Parliament, intituled, An Act for an Assessment upon England, at the Rate of Sixty thousand Pounds by the Month for Three Months, from the Twenty-fifth Day of March 1657, to the Twentyfourth Day of June then next ensuing, shall be only levied, collected, and paid; and the other Moiety of the said Three Months Assessment, together with the Moiety of all former Assessments, charged upon the said County of Cardigan since the Twenty-fifth of December 1649, and remaining in Arrear, shall be wholly remitted; and the said County of Cardigan shall be, and is hereby declared to be, fully acquitted and discharged therefrom; any thing in the said Act, or former Acts or Ordinances, or Orders and Declarations, to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding:" Which was twice read.
Resolved, That this Proviso be Part of the Bill.
Sir James Mackdowell reports from the Committee for Scotland, Another Clause to this Bill, ingrossed in Parchment, concerning the Levying of Six thousand Pounds a Month for Scotland: Which was read; and, upon the Question, ordered to be Part of the Bill.
Another Clause, ingrossed in Parchment, was tendered to this Bill, concerning the Levying of Nine thousand Pounds by the Month for Ireland: Which was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, ordered to be Part of this Bill.
A Title was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "An Act for an Assessment at the Rate of Five-andthirty thousand Pounds by the Month upon England, Six thousand Pounds by the Month upon Scotland, and Nine thousand Pounds by the Month upon Ireland, for Three Years, from the Twenty-fourth of June 1657, for a temporary Supply towards the Maintenance of the Armies and Navies of this Commonwealth:" Which was read; and, upon the Question, agreed unto.
And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.
Ordered, That this Bill be tendered to his Highness the Lord Protector for his Consent.
Hatton's Buildings.
A Bill for giving Liberty to Christofer Hatton Esquire to erect Buildings in Hatton-garden, before the Year 1660, was this Day read the First and Second time.
Resolved, That these Words, "and finished," be added in this Bill.
Resolved, That these Words, viz. "since the Twentyfifth of March 1620," be added to this Clause.
The Question being put, That this Bill, thus amended, be committed;
It passed with the Negative.
Resolved, That this Bill be ingrossed.
Resolved, That the Bill of Excise be read the Third time this Afternoon, the first Business.
Importing Bullion.
Mr. Noell reports Amendments to the Bill for Importation of Bullion: Which were read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, re-committed to the same Committee: To sit the First Tuesday of the next Meeting of the Parliament, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Duchy-Chamber.
Monday, 22d of June, 1657.
AN additional Bill for improving the Excise, or new Impost, was this Day read the Third time.
The humble Petition of the Master, Wardens, and Company of Vintners, of the City of London, and Westminster, was this Day read.
The Question being put, That "Three Pounds" shall stand in the Bill for the Wine remaining in the Vintners, Wine-Coopers, and Retailers Hands;
The House was divided.
The Noes went forth.
Lord Whitelock, | Tellers for the Noes: | 54. |
Col. Jones, | With the Noes, | |
Mr. Marbury, | Tellers for the Yeas: | 43. |
Major Burton, | With the Yeas, |
So it passed in the Negative.
The Question being propounded, That, instead of the Sum of "Three Pounds," the Sum of "Forty-Shillings" be set upon the said Wines;
And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;
The House was divided.
The Noes went forth.
Sir Thomas Pryde, | Tellers for the Noes: | 48. |
Sir Richard Onsloe, | With the Noes, | |
Sir James Mackdowell, | Tellers for the Yeas: | 53. |
Mr. Nevill, | With the Yeas, |
So it passed with the Affirmative.
And the main Question being put;
It passed in the Negative.
The Question being put, That, instead of the Sum of "Three Pounds," the Sum of "Thirty Shillings" be set upon the said Wine;
The House was divided.
The Yeas went forth.
Sir Edward Rhodes, | Tellers for the Yeas: | 52. |
Colonel Winthrop, | With the Yeas, | |
Mr. Noell, | Tellers for the Noes: | 49. |
Captain Stone, | With the Noes, |
So it was Resolved, That instead of the Sum of "Three Pounds," the Sum of "Thirty Shillings" be set upon the said Wine.
Ordered, That the Blank in the Third Folio, the last Line but one, be filled up with "Fifty Pounds."
Resolved, That the Rate upon Quails shall be "Eight Shillings the Dozen."
Resolved, That the Word "broad" be added next to the Word "Canvas," in the last Line save Five, in the Eighteenth Folio.
Resolved, That these Words, "Twelve-pence in every Twenty Shillings, as they are valued to pay Customs," be added in the last Clause in the Bill.
A Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided always, and be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, to and for all and every Person or Persons using or exercising the Trade of Brewer in London, or within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Parts adjacent, to discount and abate out of every Twenty-five Barrels, for the Excise whereof he or they shall any way stand or be chargeable or accounted, the Quantity of Five Barrels; and so after that Rate proportionably, for and in Consideration of filling Beer, Leakage, Returns, Christmas Beer and Ale; and for the strong Beer and Ale used to make the small Worts into Beer fit for Sale; and for Wastes in the Brew-house, Casualties, and other Losses, incident to the Trade and Occupation of a Brewer; and the great Charge, Loss, and Trouble in collecting, receiving, and paying the same."
Which was read the First time.
And the Question being put, That this Proviso be read the Second time;
It passed with the Negative.
Resolved, That these Words; viz. "that hath paid Excise," be added in the Tenth Line of the Thirteenth Folio.
A Clause was tendered to this Bill in these Words; viz. "And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That no Merchant or Importer whatsoever, of any Goods or Commodities, who have any Accompts depending in the Office of Excise, under which his or their Habitations are, and shall not, from time to time, clear his or their Accompts, according as is directed by this Act, or any other Act, Ordinance, or Order, relating to the Excise; or that have not visible Estates, whereby to pay and satisfy the Duty of Excise, for the Goods by him or them imported; shall be permitted to pass his or their Entries at the Custom-house, for the Commodities he or they shall from time to time import into any Port, Haven, Creek, or Member within this Commonwealth, by his or their Firme, or Signature, or have Credit for the Excise, or such Goods so imported, without first giving Bond, with approved Sureties, for the due Payment of the Duty of Excise for such Goods or Commodities he shall from time to time import, as aforesaid:" Which was read the First time;
And the Question being put, That this Clause be read the Second time;
It passed with the Negative.
Another Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz. "Provided always, That the said Commissioners for Appeals, and regulating the Excise, shall not indemnify any Person or Persons whatsoever, whether commissioned or not commissioned, for any Act or Thing by him or them done, or to be done or executed, in relation to the Excise; for the Doing or Executing of which Act or Thing he or they shall not be fully authorized by and according to this present Act, or some other Acts and Ordinances continued by this Act; any thing in this present Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding:" Which was read the First time.
Resolved, That this Proviso be read the Second time.
The said Proviso was read the Second time.
Resolved, That this Proviso shall be Part of this Bill.
A Proviso was tendered to this Bill, in these Words; viz: "Provided always, That this Act shall not extend to the laying any Excise upon Salt that shall be expended upon the Salting or Saving of any Herrings, Cod, Ling, Pilchards, or any other Fish; as also upon the Beer that shall be expended in taking the said Fish; or that shall be carried to Sea by any of the Persons employed in that Affair, during that Voyage; any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding:" Which was read the First time.
Resolved, That this Proviso be read the Second time.
And the said Proviso was read the Second time, accordingly.
The Question being put, That these Words, "as also," do stand;
It passed in the Negative.
Resolved, That, the Word "nor" be inserted, instead thereof.
The Question being put, That these Words, viz. "or that shall be carried to Sea by any of the Persons employed in that Affair, during that Voyage," do stand in this Proviso;
It passed with the Negative.
Resolved, That this Proviso, thus amended, shall be Part of this Bill.
And the said Bill, thus amended, being put to the Question passed.
Resolved, That this Bill be tendered to his Highness the Lord Protector, for his Consent.