House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 17 December 1651

Pages 51-52

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Wednesday, 17th December, 1651.


Great Seal.

THE Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal, according to former Order, brought in the old Great Seal to the House.

And, by Direction of the House, the Three Lords Commissioners being come to the Bar, Mr. Speaker delivered unto them the new Great Seal, upon their former Commission; with Direction to cause the old Great Seal to be broken.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take order, that the Sum of Three hundred Pounds be paid unto Thomas Symons, which was agreed, by the Committee appointed for that Purpose, to be paid unto him, for the Two Great Seals made by him, and the Materials thereof: And that the said Council do take Consideration of what further Recompence is fit to be given unto him for his extraordinary Pains therein; and give Order for Payment unto him of such Sum of Money as they shall think fit, in respect thereof.

General's Statue.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take into Consideration the Pains of * * * *, in making the Statue of the General; and give him such Gratuity as they shall think fit: And to take order for the Payment thereof, accordingly.

Excise on Beer, &c.

Ordered, That the Vote passed on Friday last, touching the Excise of Beer and Ale, be printed and published.


Colonel Downes reports, from the Committee of the Army, Amendments to the Bill for an Assessment of 90,000£. a Month, for Six Months for the Army: Which were read the First and Second time.

Ordered, That such of the Persons named Commissioners in this Bill, as are dead, be omitted.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to present to the Parliament the Names of such other Persons in every County, as the Committee shall think fit to be Commissioners.

The second Amendment to be made in the Ninetieth Folio and Tenth Line being again read;

Ordered, That this Clause be committed to Mr. Solicitor, Sir James Harrington, Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Long: And that they do withdraw, and bring in some Amendments to this Clause, upon the Debate of the House.

All the rest of the Amendments, as well the several Proportions in the Bill on the several Counties, as the particular Amendments in the Paper, with some Alterations, being put to the Question, were agreed.


The humble Petition of Thomas Mathew was this Day read.

E. of Salisburie.

Resolved, That Mr. John Corbett do, on Thursday Sevennight, make Report of the Earl of Salisburie's Business.

Army Pay.

Sir Henry Vane junior reports, from the Council of State, a Paper, touching the Monies to make up the Pay of the Armies in England, Ireland, and Scotland, in these Words; viz.

Army Pay.

Monies charged upon the respective Treasuries: Which, together with the Assessments, doth, by way of Estimate, make up the Pay of the Forces in England and Scotland, unto the Day of the Expiration of the present Three Months Assessments, being the 25th of this instant December; and the Forces in Ireland after the Rate of 34,500£. per Mensem, to the 24th of March last; and after the Rate of 20,000£. per Mensem, to the said 25th of December, from the said 24th of March last; viz

BY Order of Parliament, dated the 19th of November 1650, there stands charged on the Monies to be raised by the Sale of Delinquents Lands, appointed to be sold; viz. for making up 34,500£. per Mensem, for the Forces in Ireland, unto the 24th of March 1650 £. s. d.
150,000 - -
By like Order, dated the 6th of August 1651, there stands charged on several Treasuries for Pay of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, from the 24th of March 1650, to the 20th of October 1651; besides the then Six Months Assessments of 120,000£. per Mensem, and the Arrears of all former Assessments 383,396 2 6
£. s. d.
On Fee-farm Rents 200,000 - -
On the Excise 100,000 - -
On Goldmiths Hall 83,396 2 6
From the said 20th of October 1651, to the Expiration of the present Assessment, all the said Forces have been provided for out of the present Three Months Assessments of 120,000£. per Mensem: And the said Assessments will yield further, towards the growing Pay of all the said Forces, from the 25th of this instant December, about 50,000 - -

The Charge of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland for Six Months and Fourteen Days; viz. from the said 25th of December 1651, to the 25th of June 1652, will be, by Estimation, as followeth; viz.

Per Mensem. For Six Months and Fourteen Days. Total.
£. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d.
For England and Scotland 84,070 15 - 546,459 17 6 689,959 17 6
For Ireland 20,000 - - 130,000 - -
For Charges of collecting Assessments, per Estim. 13,500 - -
Towards which
The Remainder of the present Three Months Assessment is above 50,000 - - 590,000 - -
Six Months Assessments, after the Rate of 90,000£. per Mensem, being appointed, amounts to 540,000 - -
There will further want to be provided, for the Time above £. 99,959 17 6

Which may most conveniently be charged on the Receipts at Goldsmiths Hall, next in Course after the aforementioned 83,396£. 2s. 6d.; if the Parliament so think fit.

Resolved, That the Sum of One hundred Thousand Pounds be charged upon the Receipt of Goldsmiths Hall, next in Course after the 83,396£. 2s. 6d. formerly charged upon that Receipt: To be paid to the Treasurers at Wars; and to be by them issued by Warrant from the Committee of the Army for the Pay of the Forces in England, Ireland, and Scotland, until the Five-and-twentieth Day of June 1652: And that the Commissioners for Compounding do issue their Warrants to the Treasurers of that Receipt for Payment thereof, accordingly.


Mr. Solicitor reports from the Committee appointed to withdraw, Amendments to the Clause committed to them: Which were read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Resolved, That the said Bill, so amended, be ingrossed; and brought in on Friday Morning next, the first Business; nothing to intervene.