Pages 342-343
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Monday, the 31st of October, 1653.
Duchess of Hamilton's Claims.
WHEREAS, by Vote of Parliament, of the of Lands of Inheritance, of Five hundred Pounds per Annum, in Scotland, was to be settled on Lieutenant-General Monck, and his Heirs, out of the Lands forfeited in Scotland: And whereas the Manor of Kineale, late Parcel of the Estate of Duke Hamilton, was surveyed at Five hundred Pounds per Annum, over and above Reprizes, and the said Lieutenant-General Monck hath, by his Agents, been in Possession thereof about Two Years: And whereas the Duchess Hamilton pretends an Interest of Jointure in the said Manor; It is Ordered, by the Parliament, That it be referred to the Committee for removing Obstructions, to hear and examine the said Duchess's Claim; and to state the Matter of Fact; and certify it to the House by the last of December next.
Colonel Rous reports from the Committee for Petitions, The humble Petition of Henry Killegrew Merchant: Which was this Day read.
He also reports, The humble Petition of Philippa Coriton.
Resolved, That the Petitioner be admitted to compound for so much of the Estate of Henry Killegrew deceased, as is yet unsold, at Two Years full Value.
He also reports the Petition of Elizabeth Rutter, Relict of John Rutter, of Kingsley, in the County of Chester, deceased, on Behalf of herself, and Two Sons, Infants of tender Years: Which was this Day read: With the humble Petition of that Committee, That the Petitioner have Liberty to resort to Drury-House, for the Buying of her late Husband's Lands, notwithstanding her former Address to Haberdashers-Hall, and paying Five hundred Thirty-three Pounds and Ten Shillings there, being the Moiety of a Fine of One thousand Sixty-seven Pounds, imposed upon her for the Composition; and have the said Sum, so paid, allowed her in her Purchase at DruryHouse, in regard she will not be able otherwise possibly to reimburse herself, her Sons being Infants, &c.
He also reports, The humble Petition of the Overseers and Rulers of the Company of Watermen, together with their whole Society: And also, The humble Petition of the ancient Hackney Coachmen, of London and Westminster: Both which were now read.
Ordered, That both these Petitions be referred to the Committee of Petitions, to prepare a Bill; and report it to the House.
Embassy from Sweden.
Mr. Lawrence reports, Letters Re-credential, both in English and Latin, to be given to the Lord Lagerfeldt: Which were now read; and agreed.
Ordered, That the Council of State do prepare the said Letters Credential: And that Mr. Speaker do sign the same: And that the same be sealed with the Seal of the Parliament.
Council of State.
The House took into Debate the Settling of the Council of State.
Resolved, That Sixteen of the present Council of State shall stand.
Resolved, That Fifteen of the Council shall be changed.
The Question being put, That To-morrow, at Nine of the Clock, the House do proceed to make Election of the Council of State;
It passed in the Negative.
Resolved, That the House do proceed to the Election of the Council of State To-morrow, at Ten of the Clock in the Morning, in the same Manner as was used by the late Parliament, by Papers.
Fiddy's, &c. Petition.
The humble Petition of Thomas Fiddy and Nicholas Duck, of Scarborough in the County of York, Fishermen, in Behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Poor Fishermen of the said Town, and other Towns concerned therein, was this Day read.
Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee, to consider of this Petition; and examine the Business; and state the Matter of Fact; and present it to the House.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Trade; with Power, if they see Cause, to stay the Proceedings in the Exchequer for the Matters . . .
Scotch Affairs.
The House resumed the Debate upon the Report made from the Council of State, the 24th of October Instant, touching Scotland.
Resolved, That Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Goodyere be Commissioners in all the Commissions mentioned in the Report aforesaid.
Resolved, That Mr. Alexander Person, of Southall in Scotland, be in the same Commissions wherein others of the Scottish Nation are: And that the former Vote be amended to this Purpose.
Resolved, That the several Persons of the Scottish Nation, who are in Commission for Civil Matters, shall also be in Commission for Criminals: and the Commissions kept distinct.
Resolved, That a Clause be added to the Commission for the Business of the Universities, to give Power to the Commissioners to dispose of the Profits of all vacant Places, whether in the Universities, or belonging to the Ministry, to such pious Uses as the Commissioners shall judge fit; the said Commissioners still having special Regard to such Places from whence the said Profits do arise.
That, in respect the Clerks, Officers, and Dependants, of the Courts of Justice in Scotland, do take no Fees, but have Salaries appointed them, to be paid unto them out of the Treasury, arising from the Fees of the said Court; for which the Three Thousand Pounds formerly appointed is not sufficient, in respect of new Clerks and Officers, and their Servants, who are found necessary to be appointed for the Carrying-on of the Business of the said Court; that the Commissioners for Administration of Justice be impowered to draw Warrants immediately upon their own Treasury, for Payment of the Salaries of the additional Officers above-mentioned; not exceeding, in all, Four thousand Pounds per Annum.
Resolved, That the Parliament doth agree with the Report of the Council of State, touching the Eighth Proposal made to the Council by Wm. Thompson, for an Imposition of 4d. Scotts, upon Ale and Beer: And that Sir James Hope do bring in an Act for that Purpose; and likewise Commissions, upon the former Votes.
Resolved, That the Commissioners for Administration of Justice in Scotland have Power to cause the Impropriators to sell the Tythes in Scotland, according to the Law there.
Katherine's Hospital.
Colonel Hewson reports from the Council of State; That the Council being informed, That the Place of Master of Katherine's Hospital is a Place of considerable Profit and Advantage, and well worthy of some Person of approved Godliness, Discretion, and undoubted Affections to the Commonwealth; and that Mr. Mountague, who is in the present Possession thereof, is a Person, in some Respects, unfit for the Execution of the Place; do humbly tender it to the Parliament, to take Consideration thereof; and to make such Disposition of the Place of Master of Katherine's Hospital, as they shall judge fit.
Resolved, by the Parliament, That Thomas Cox Doctor of Physick, be constituted and appointed Master of Katherine's Hospital, for his Life: And that the Lords Commissioners for the Great Seal of England be authorized and required to pass a Patent, under the Great Seal of England, in common Form, unto the said Dr. Cox, to be Master of the said Hospital, accordingly.