Pages 255-256
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Tuesday, the 8th of February, 1652.
Bristoll Merchants.
THE humble Petition of the Society of the Merchants-Adventurers of the City of Bristoll, was this Day read.
Calve Skins and Butter.
Mr. Aldworth reports from the Committee of the Navy;
WHEREAS the Company of Merchants-Adventurers in the City of Bristoll have presented their humble Petition unto this Committee, thereby setting forth the great Vexation and Trouble they are put unto, by the Prosecution of one Measey, who hath exhibited several Informations against them in the Exchequer, for Transporting of Calves Skins, and Butter, contrary to the Statute, as he pretends, notwithstanding Licences granted them in that Behalf; and therefore praying Relief in the Premises:
This Committee, upon Examination of the Matter of Fact, finding that by the Book of Rates, passed in the Year 1642, Calve-Skins and Butter are rated, among other Goods and Merchandizes that are exportable; and that the Petitioner had Licence from this Committee, in the Years 1645 and 1648, to export the said Commodities, upon Payment of Custom, until further Order of Parliament; so as such Calve-Skins exceeded not the Weight limited in the Book of Rates, and the Butter not above the Price allowed by Statute: And it also appearing, that the Merchants of Bristoll have, for above Sixty Years past, usually carried forth Butter, when as the same exceeded not Three-pence per Pound; and that the Petitioners have been encouraged to transport the said Commodities, upon the Liberty granted to them, as aforesaid: And this Committee being impowered, by Ordinance of Parliament of the 15th of August 1642, to hear and determine all Differences that shall happen between any Merchants, and the Officers of the Customs;
Resolved, by this Committee, That it be reported to the Parliament, as the Opinion of this Committee, that the House will be pleased to give Order for Discharge of the said Informations.
Ordered, by the Parliament, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, and that they be impowered, to call all Parties concerned, or some of them, before them; and to hear and determine the Business touching the Petitioners Transportation of Calve-Skins, and Welch Butter; and to do therein as they shall think fit: And all further Proceedings in the Court of Exchequer, against the Petitioners, or any of them, upon any Suit or Information grounded upon the Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, for their Transportation of Calve-Skins, and Welsh Butter, be stayed, and no further Prosecution therein, until the Parliament do take further Order.
Penal Laws.
Ordered, That it be referred to a Committee to consider of the antient penal Laws, and present their Opinion to the Parliament, for their further Consideration, which of them are fit to be continued, and which are fit to be taken away; and in what Manner, for the Benefit and Ease of the People.
Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy: And that Mr. Solicitor do take care hereof.
Sir Henry Vane reports, The present State of the Fleet, together with the Proceedings of the Commissioners, in pursuance of the Commands of the Council, upon their going to Chatham.
He also reports A List of the State's and MerchantsShips in the River of Thames, at Chatham, and Quinborough, to go out in the present Expedition, together with such as are in the West: Which was this Day read.
Resolved, That the Parliament doth approve of these Proceedings of the Commissioners for managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy, now presented unto the House.
Resolved, That the Thanks of the Parliament be given to the Commissioners for managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy, for their exceeding great Care and Pains in this Business.
And Mr. Speaker did, accordingly, give unto Sir Henry Vane, Mr. John Carew, and Colonel Thompson, the Thanks of the House, to them, and the rest of the Commissioners, for their great Care and Pains in this Service.
Thanks to Navy.
Ordered, That a Letter be written to the Generals at Sea, to be signed by Mr. Speaker, taking notice of the Sense the Parliament hath of their exceeding great Care and Readiness in this public Service, and to give them the Thanks of the House: And that Mr. Marten do prepare a Letter to that Purpose; and that Mr. Speaker do sign the same.
Grant to Aiscue.
Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy be authorized and required to give Order and take care, for the Payment of the Sum of Five hundred Pounds, formerly ordered to Sir George Aiscue, out of the Sugar-Prizes, according to the former Order.
Grant to Blake.
The Parliament, taking Notice of the extraordinary Expence of General Robert Blake, in his Employments the last Year, being the only General at Sea, do order, That the Sum of Five hundred Pounds be paid unto the said General Robert Blake, or whom he shall appoint, over and above his Allowance of Three Pounds a Day, as General: And that the Committee of the Navy be authorized and required to take care, and give Order, that the same be paid out of the Sugar-Prizes.
Exporting Wool.
Ordered, That Licence be given to Mr. Hugh Wood, to transport, at the Port of London, one Bag, and no more, of English Wool, not exceeding Three hundred Weight, to the Prince Leopald, Brother to the Great Duke of Tuskany.
Shipwrights, &c.
Resolved, That the House taking Notice of the good Service of the Commissioners of the Navy, and Master Shipwrights, and other Officers in this present Expedition, do order, That the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy do write unto them, and let them know, the Parliament's good Acceptance of their Readiness and good Service in this Business.
Resolved, That there be Two Assistants allowed to the Master Shipwright at Chatham; and that the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy do see the same done, accordingly.
Ordnance Office.
Ordered, That the Report for the Officers of the Ordnance, be made on Thursday Morning next, the first Business.
Sir R. Gurney.
Ordered, That the Business, touching Sir Richard Gurney, be taken into Consideration on Thursday next, after the Business of the Officers of the Ordnance.
Correspondence with Emden;
A Translate of the Letter from the Consul and Senate of the City of Emden, dated the Day before the Calends of January 1652, was this Day read.
Ordered, That this Letter be referred to the Council of State; and that the said Council be impowered and authorized to hear the Messenger that brought the Letter from the said Town; and to prepare an Answer to the said Letter, and present the same to the Parliament.
with Swizzerland.
A Translate of the Letter from the Consuls Scultett, Laudamaus, and Senators of the Cantons of Swizzerland, professing the Gospel, that is to say, Zurich, Berne, Glaron, Basil, Schaffusen, and Abbatiscilla; and also Confederates, of the same Religion, among the Grisons; and of Geneva, Sangallo, Mulhusen, and Bienna; was this Day read.
Ordered, That this Letter be referred to the Council of State, to draw an Answer thereunto; and present it to the House for their further Consideration.