House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 1 January 1653

Pages 240-242

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturday, the First of January, 1652.


Com r of Assessments.

ORDERED, That Thomas Ray Gentleman, the Mayor of Salisbury for the Time being, be added a Commissioner for the Monthly Assessments in the County of Wiltes: And that he be, and is hereby, impowered to sit and act accordingly.


Ordered, That the Act for Salt-petre be read on Tuesday Morning next, the first Business.

Order amended.

Ordered, That Mr. James Challoner's Order be amended, and made for Repair of the Lodge in the MiddlePark.

Sale of Forests.

Ordered, That the Bill for Sale of Forests be reported on Tuesday Morning next, after the Bill for Salt-petre.


Resolved, That the growing Receipts of the Excise, next after the Monies charged for Payment of the Forces in Scotland unto the 1st of January 1653, be appropriated unto the Use of the Navy.

Resolved, That, over and above the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds, which is hereby appointed and ordered to be paid out of the Monies to be raised upon the additional Bill, for Sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, to the Treasurers at War, to make up the Pay of the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and Incidencies thereunto which shall be wanting, in the Eighty thousand Pounds a Month, allotted for that Purpose out of the Bill of Assessments for the next Six Months, and over and above what is already charged by the Parliament upon that additional Act for the Forces; or otherwise the whole Monies arising, and which shall arise, upon the said additional Bill; shall go and be applied to the Use of the Navy and Forces.

Resolved, That as well the Monies already appointed, as that shall be appointed by Parliament for the Use of the Navy, be issued for this Year ensuing, by Warrant from Commissioners, for inspecting the Treasuries, unto the Treasurer of the Navy for the Time being; and that the Warrant of the said Commissioners for Inspection of the Treasury, and the Receipt of the Treasurer of the Navy shall be a Discharge to the respective Treasuries that are or shall be charged with any Money for the Use of the Navy, to pay such Sums from time to time as the Commissioners for the Treasury shall direct, for the Uses aforesaid.

Resolved, That the Commissioners for ordering and managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy, be appointed to make Certificates from time to time to the said Commissioners of the Treasury, what Sums of Money are requisite to be paid or assigned by their Warrant, for the carrying on the Service; and that Warrants be, by the Commissioners of the Treasury, issued accordingly.

Resolved, That all Bills signed by the Commissioners of the Navy, or any Three or more of them, for the Service of the Navy, shall be a sufficient Warrant for the Treasurer of the Navy, for paying the same accordingly.

Money for Navy.

An Act, authorizing the Commissioners for the Excise to pay Monies for the Use of the Navy, was this Day read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That the Blank be filled up with these Words, "the Commissioners for inspecting the Treasuries."

Resolved, That, instead of the Word "Persons," the Word "Commissioners" be inserted in the Eighteenth Line.

And the Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.

Irish Officers.

Ordered, That Colonel Sidney do, on Tuesday next, report the Business touching the Officers and Soldiers in Ireland; and nothing to intervene: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.

Navy Issues.

An Act, impowering the Commissioners for inspecting the Treasuries to issue Warrants for Payment of the Monies appointed for the Use of the Navy, was this Day read the First and Second time.

And the Question being put, That this Bill be committed;

It passed in the Negative.

And the Question being put, That this Bill be ingrossed;

It passed in the Negative.

And the Act, being put to the Question, passed: And ordered to be printed and published.

Duchy of Lancaster.

Resolved, That the Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Lancaster, be continued till the first Day of April next.

Ordered, That the Committee to whom the Business touching the Jurisdiction of Counties Palatine, was referred, be revived; and that they meet on Tuesday next in the Afternoon, and report to the House with all Speed: And Mr. Lechmere and Mr. Long are added to that Committee, and to take the special Care hereof.

Duchy of Lancaster.

An Act for continuing John Bradshaw, Serjeant at Law, Chancellor of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster, and Bartholomew Hall Esquire, Attorney-general of the Duchy of Lancaster, and for continuing the Jurisdiction of the said Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster; was this Day read the First and Second time.

Resolved, That these Words be inserted into this Act; viz. "and no longer."

And the Act, so amended, being put to the Question, passed: And ordered to be printed and published.


Colonel Downes reports from the Committee of the Army:

IN pursuance of an Order of Parliament of the 6th of December instant, this Committee having conferred with the Lord General, and the Officers of the Army, touching the Abatement of the Charge of the Land Forces, by disbanding so many of them as may consist with Safety; and agreed with them in several Particulars of that Nature, to be humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament; it is Ordered, That Report thereof be accordingly made to the Parliament as followeth;

That Eight hundred and Forty Horse, out of the several Regiments of Horse in England and Scotland, One single Troop of Horse, and Two Troops of Dragoons in Scotland, may be disbanded:

That the Twelve Regiments of Foot, and several loose Companies in Scotland, being in all Fifteen thousand, may be reduced to Twelve thousand Five hundred:

That a Marshal's Man may be reduced out of each of the Regiments of Horse in England and Scotland:

That all Farriers, Sadlers, and One Surgeon's Mate, may be reduced out of each of Nine of the Fourteen Regiments of Horse in England and Scotland:

That a Waggon-master, Surgeon's Mate, Gunsmith, and Mate, and Ten Drums, may be reduced out of each of the Six Regiments of Foot in England:

That Three hundred private Soldiers, Ten Drums, Waggon-master, and Quarter-master, may be reduced out of Sir Arthur Hesilrig's Regiment, in Tinmouth, Berwick, and Carlisle:

And, whereas there is at present Two Troops of Dragoons, each of One hundred, allowed by the Establishment to be in England, One Troop whereof only is in being, that the other may be taken out of the Establishment:

That the Scout-master-general's Pay, being at present Four Pounds a Day, may be reduced to Forty Shillings a Day, for himself and Deputies:

That the Pay of the Lieutenant-general of the Horse, whilst he is in Ireland, may be respited:

That there may be reduced out of the Train One Company of Firelocks, Thirty Pioneers, Seventy Waggoners, One hundred and Fifty Draught Horses, and One Quarter-master of Draught Horses:

That the Garisons of Arundell and Liverpoole be reduced to a Governor, an Ensign, a Gunner, Two Corporals, and Thirty Soldiers, in each Garison:

That the Garisons of Bristol, Windsore Castle, Warwick Castle, Lynn, Elye, Crowland, Boston, The Mount, Carmarthen, Carnarvan, and Chester Castle, and Cardiff, may be disbanded:

That the Allowance of Fire and Candle to the Guards in Conway, Ludlow, and Stafford, may be taken away:

That the Governor, and all other Officers appertaining to the Garison of Gloucester, may be reduced; the Garison dismantled; and the Three Companies of Foot, that now belong to that Garison, may be put into some of the Marching Regiments of the Army, and employed for the Service in the Field:

All which said Reducements, being approved of, and ordered by the Parliament, will lessen the Charge of the present Forces the Sum of Nine thousand Nine hundred Threescore aud Fourteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Ten-pence by the Month:

And, whereas the Charge of the Forces allowed by the present Establishment, is, by the Month, Eighty-thousand Five hundred and Ninety-three Pounds Ten Shillings and Two-pence; which, although by several Reducements made by the Council, by Advice with the Lord General, are at present brought unto Seventy-six thousand Five hundred and Fifty-two Pounds Seven Shillings and Six-pence a Month; yet they may again, by the like Order that reduced the Charge, be immediately made up to the full Number allowed by the Establishment;

That, therefore, it be humbly offered to the Parliament if they think fit, that the Reducements proposed for the lessening of the Charge, by the said Sum of Nine thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-four Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Ten Pence, may be ordered to be done before the 10th Day of January next: And that, from and after that Time, no Alteration or Addition of Forces may be made to exceed the monthly Sum of Sixty-six thousand Five hundred and Seventy-seven Pounds Eight Shillings and Eight-pence.

Resolved, That the Parliament doth agree with the Committee in this Report.

Ordered, That it be referred back to the Committee of the Army, to see the same put in Execution accordingly.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to see that the Garisons, which by these Votes are to be dismantled, be made untenable, so as may be without Prejudice to the Publick: And they are required to see the same done accordingly.

Ordered, That the Council of State, upon Advice with the General, have Power to make such Alterations and Variations in the Forces of Horse and Foot, as they shall think fit, so as they do not exceed the monthly Sum of Sixty-six thousand Five hundred and Seventy-seven Pounds Eight Shillings and Eight-pence.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.