House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 10 December 1652

Pages 227-228

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Friday, the 10th of December, 1652.


Price of Coals.

ORDERED, That it be referred to the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the Court of Aldermen, and that they be authorized and required, to examine, how the Price of Coals is raised to such extraordinary Rates; and the Abuse therein, and by whom; and to take an effectual Course for the present Remedy thereof, for the Good of the Poor: And, in case they shall find the same not to be within their Power to redress, that then they do state the Matter of Fact, and certify the same, with their Opinion therein, to the Parliament, with all convenient Speed: And Mr. Alderman Atkin is to take the especial Care hereof.


Colonel Thompson reports from the Council of State,

THAT this Council, having taken into Consideration the Supplying and Furnishing of the Stores with Gunpowder, for the Service of the Commonwealth, hath contracted with the East-India Company for such Saltpetre as they have now in their Hands; which they are to deliver, refined to the Height, and made fit for working into Powder, at the Rate of Five Pounds a Hundred Weight; one Third Part of the Price thereof to be paid them out of such Monies as remain due from the said Company to the State for Customs, so far as that will go; and what the said Monies, remaining in their Hands, shall fall short of the Price of the said first Third, to be paid out of the first Monies that shall be raised upon the Security of the One hundred thousand Pounds, charged on the additional Act for the Sale of Delinquents Estates; and for the other two Thirds, to be paid at Four and Four Months, upon the Security of the said Act, and that the Parliament be humbly moved to give Order to the Committee for the Navy, to allow and pay unto the said East-India Company, in Part of the said first Third Part of the Proportion of Petre, such Monies, remaining in their Hands, as shall appear to be due unto the State from them for Customs: And the said Sum, which should have been paid for Customs, may, if the Parliament so think fit, be reimbursed the said Committee, out of the Hundred thousand Pounds charged upon the Security of the above-mentioned Act.

Ordered, That the Parliament doth confirm the Contract made by the Council of State with the East-India Company, for such Salt-petre as they have now in their Hands; which they are to deliver refined to the Height, and made fit for working into Powder, at the Rate of Five Pounds a Hundred Weight; one Third Part of the Price thereof to be paid them out of the First Monies that shall be raised upon the Security of the One Hundred thousand Pounds, charged on the additional Act for Sale of Delinquents Estates; and for the other two Thirds, to be paid at Four and Four Months, upon the Security of the said Act: And the Committee of the Navy is hereby authorized and required to allow and pay unto the said East-India Company, in Part of the said first Third Part of the Proportion of Petre, such Monies, remaining in their Hands, as shall appear to be due unto the State, from them, for Customs: And the said Sum, which should have been paid for Customs, be reimbursed the said Committee, out of the Hundred thousand Pounds charged upon the Security of the above-mentioned Act.

Ordered, That the Bill for making Salt-petre be brought in and read on Wednesday next.

Admiralty, &c.

The Lord Commissioner Whitelock reports Amendments to the Bill for constituting Commissioners for ordering and managing the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy; Which were read the First and Second time.

The Question being put, That the Word "Masters" do stand in the Amendments;

It passed with the Negative.

Resolved, That the Time of the Continuance of this Act be, "the Fourth of December 1653."

The Question being put, To agree to the Amendment touching Mr. James Russell to be inserted into this Bill;

It passed with the Affirmative.

The Question being put, To agree with the Amendments touching Mr. John Langley, to be inserted into this Bill;

It passed with the Affirmative.

And the said Amendments, being put to the Question, were assented unto.

Resolved, That the Quorum of the Commissioners, in this Act, be Three; whereof Two to be Members of the Parliament.

Resolved, That any one of the Commissioners be impowered to give an Oath.

The Question being put, That this Bill be ingrossed;

It passed with the Negative.

And the said Bill so amended, being put to the Question, passed.

Articles of War.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State to prepare the Articles of War, and report them to the Parliament.

Import Licences.

The Lord Commissioner Whitelock reports from the Council of State;

THAT the Parliament be humbly moved to authorize such as they shall think fit, to give special Licence for the Importation of some Commodities useful for the publick Service; the Council finding, as the present State of Affairs now stands, that the said Goods cannot be imported, though exceeding useful for the Commonwealth, without special Licence.

Resolved, That the Council of State be impowered to give special Licences for the Importation of such Commodities as are useful for the publick Service of the Commonwealth, as often as they shall think fit.

Publick Revenue.

The House, this Day, resumed the Debate upon the Amendments to the Bill for constituting Commissioners to have the Inspections into the Treasuries of this Commonwealth, and for settling a Treasury.

The Question being put, That this Bill, so amended, be ingrossed;

It passed with the Negative.

And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.


An Act for an Assessment, at the Rate of One hundred and Twenty thousand Pounds by the Month, for six Months, from the 25th Day of December 1652, to the 24th Day of June next ensuing, towards the Maintenance of the Armies in England, Ireland, and Scotland; as also for the Navy; was this Day read the Third time.

Resolved, That John Baldwyn Esquire be added a Commissioner, in this Act, for the County of Middlesex.

Resolved, That George Mynne Esquire be added a Commissioner, in this Act, for the County of Lincoln.

Ordered, That "Thomas Nicholls" be put, instead of "Thomas Nicholas," into this Act for the County of Salop.

The said Act, so amended, being put to the Question, passed: And ordered to be printed and published.