House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 4 December 1652

Pages 225-226

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturday, the 4th of December, 1652.


Letter read.

COLONEL Harvey reports from the Committee of the Navy, A Letter from the Commissioners of the Navy, dated at the Navy-Office, 3 Decembris 1652: Which was this Day read.


The Question being propounded, That the Sum of One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, by the Month, be laid, by way of Assessment, for Six Months, from the 25th of December instant, by the Bill now to be brought in;

And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;

It passed in the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put;

Resolved, That the Sum of One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, by the Month, be laid by way of Assessment, for Six Months, from the 25th of December instant, by the Bill now to be brought in.

The Question being propounded, That the said One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, by the Month, shall be for Payment of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and also for the Navy; whereof the Sum out of this Assessment, to go towards Payment of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, shall not exceed Eighty thousand Pounds, by the Month; and the Residue of the said One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds be for the Navy;

And the Question being put, That that Question be now put;

It passed in the Affirmative.

And the main Question being put; It was

Resolved, That the said One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, by the Month, shall be for Payment of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland; and also for the Navy; whereof the Sum out of this Assessment to go towards Payment of the Forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, shall not exceed Eighty thousand Pounds, by the Month; and the Residue of the said One hundred and twenty thousand Pounds, to be for the Navy.

Resolved, That the Proportions to be set upon the Counties shall be proportionable to the Rates formerly set in that Assessment, of Ninety thousand Pounds.

Resolved, That the Committee of the Army do bring in a Bill for the Assessment, as aforesaid, with the Proportions, on Monday Morning next, the first Business.

Resolved, That there be Six Persons named, Two of the House, that are not of the Council of State, Two of the Council, and Two other Persons out of the House, who, together with the Three Generals of the Fleet, shall have the full Care of Inspection into, and directive Power of, all things that concern, or are necessary to, the providing and furnishing the Ships belonging to the Commonwealth, for Service, and supplying them from time to time.

Resolved, That Sir Henry Vane, the younger, Colonel Thompson, Mr. John Carew, and Mr. Richard Salwey, be Four of the said Six Persons.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Four Persons before named, to present unto the House the Names of Two fit Persons, who are not Members of the House, to be joined with them herein; and to present them to the House on Monday Morning next.

Ordered, That an Act be brought in to impower the said several Persons to this Service, according to the Votes aforesaid, together with such other Particulars as shall be necessary for the Service: And that the Lord Commissioner Whitelock do bring in a Bill for that Purpose.

Resolved, That Mr. Allein, Colonel Downes, Mr. Holland, and Mr. Denis Bond, be the Persons to be inserted into the Bill touching the Treasuries: And that the Bill be reported, with their Names, on Monday next.


Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Excise to permit each County to take the Excise to Farm, if they please; and in such Cases not to let it to particular Persons: And that the Committee for regulating the Excise do see this Vote put in Execution.

Payments for Navy Service.

Colonel Thompson reports from the Committee of the Navy:

WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament, passed the 4th of August 1652, intituled, An Act for several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, appointed to be sold for the Use of the Navy, the Treasurers therein named, or any Two of them, are impowered to receive the Monies payable into the Treasury, by virtue of the said Act, and to issue out, and pay the same, according to such Orders, Warrants, Directions, and Instructions, as they shall, from time to time, receive from the Parliament, for the Use of the Navy; And there being as yet no particular Direction given in the Case; it is ordered, that it be reported to the Parliament, as the Opinion of this Committee, That the House will be pleased to give Order, that the said Treasurers may issue and pay the Monies arising by the said Act, upon such Warrants and Directions as have or shall be given unto them by the Committee of the Navy.

Ordered, That the Treasurers appointed by the Act for several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, appointed to be sold for the Use of the Navy, be authorized and required to issue and pay the Monies arising by the said Act, upon such Warrants and Directions as have or shall be given unto them by the Committee of the Navy, for the Use of the Navy.

Ways and Means.

Resolved, That on Monday Morning next, the House do resume the Debate touching the most speedy and effectual Way of raising Money.