House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 9 November 1652

Pages 210-212

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Tuesday, the 9th of November, 1652.


Election of Sheriffs.

ORDERED, That the Business touching the Election of Sheriffs be taken up on Friday Morning next.

Probates of Wills, &c.

Ordered, That the Amendments to the Bill, touching Probate of Wills, be reported on Thursday Morning next, the first Business; nothing to intervene.

Council of State, &c.

Resolved, That, on Tuesday Morning next, the Parliament do take into Consideration the Election of the Council of State, and of the Judges of the Admiralty.

Land and Sea Service.

The House, according to former Order, resumed the Debate touching the Raising of present Money, and the Carrying-on of the Work, and defraying the Charge both by Land and Sea.

Delinquents Estates.

Sir Henry Vane junior, reports from the Council of State, the State of Receipts and Payments out of the Monies arising by Doublings upon the Credit of several Delinquents Estates, exposed to Sale by the first Act of Parliament for that Purpose; viz.

£. s. d.
Received, by doubling upon the said Estates 250,000 - -
Received of the Lord Herbert, of Ragland, in pursuance of an Order of Parliament, dated nonoJanuar. 1651. 800 - -
Memorandum: There is deposited by several Persons, in Expectation of an Act for further Doubling on the said Estates 14,446 15 6
Paid, by Warrant of the Council of State, dated 29 November 1651, for Supply of the Stores 50,000 - -
Paid, for the Service of Ireland, in pursuance of an Order of Parliament, dated 19 November 1650 150,000 - -
Paid to Surveyors, &c. in pursuance of Two Orders of Parliament, dated 3 Februar. 1651, and 18 Junii 1652 15,000 - -
Paid the Treasurer for the Navy, in pursuance of Three Orders of the Committee for the Navy, dated 28 Septembr. 1652, and 4th and 5th of October 1652; grounded upon an Order of Parliament of 28 Septembr. 1652 35,000 - -
£. 250,000 - -

Resolved, That the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds more be doubled upon the Credit of the Lands yet remaining unsold, upon the first Act for Sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, to whom the additional Act for Sale of Delinquents Estates was committed, to prepare and bring in a Clause to be added to that Act, for doubling the said Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds upon the Credit of the Remainder of the Lands exposed to Sale by the first Act.

Ordered, That the Monies due upon the Bills or Receipts given by the Treasurers for Monies doubled upon the first Act, over and above the Two hundred and Fifty thousand Pounds, shall be admitted and allowed in Payments for the Lands contained within that first Act, which are already sold, or shall be sold.

Ordered, That the Sum of Twelve thousand Pounds, of the Fourteen thousand Four hundred and Forty-six Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Six-pence now in the Treasurers Hands, upon the first Act, be forthwith issued, by the said Treasurers, for the Use of the Navy, by Warrant from the Committee of the Navy, to such Persons as they shall appoint; which Warrant, and the Receipt of such Person and Persons, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers for the same.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider what is further fit to be allowed for the Charges of the Surveyors, and other Officers, for Sale of Delinquents Estates; and to report the same to the Parliament.

Sir Henry Vane likewise reports; viz.


IN pursuance of the Order of this honourable Committee, requiring an Account of the State of the Treasury of the Excise;

It is humbly certified, £. £. s. d.
Receipts That the annual Revenue, Net, upon the Grand Ordinance, may amount unto the Sum of 300,000 340,000 - -
That the Proceed, and upon the Residue of the Ordinances (being already particularly appropriated), and not subjected to the General Charge, may amount unto, Net 40,000
As by an Account at large appeareth, dated the 4th of May 1652.
Payments charged The Charges upon the Receipts, which shall come in upon the Grand Ordinance, are as followeth: 1,329,997 15 9
£. s. d.
To the Commonwealth 952,116 5
To particular Persons 377,881 10 - ¼
Memorandum, That there is paid to the Treasurers for maimed Soldiers 330£. per
Week, which amounts unto, for One Year 17,160£.
Resting in Cash, in the Treasury, upon the Grand Ordinance, which immediately is to be issued to the Treasurers at Wars, in further Part of the 109,600£. payable to the Forces lately in Scotland 12,788 16
Immediate Payments upon the Grand Receipts: To the Commonwealth. To particular Persons.
Remaining unpaid of the 109,600£. appointed to pay the Forces lately employed in Scotland 49,600 - -
To several Persons who advanced, upon the Security of Bishops Lands, at Weavers Hall, for Six Months Interest, and is now payable - - - 10,000 - -
For Interest upon other Ordinances, together with incident Charges for the Quarer ending 25th of December 1652 - - - 5,000 - -
All which may be discharged by the latter End of January next.
At which Time is to commence the Remainder of Monies doubled at Weavers Hall upon the Ordinance of the 13th of May 1647; which, by Certificate from Gourny House, under the Hand of William Benson, Register Accomptant there, dated the 8th of November 1652, amounteth to, besides Interest - - - 208,257 -
And may require a whole Year's Time for the Payment thereof, by Estimate.
At the Expiration of which Period there will be payable to the Commonwealth, in lieu of the like Sums transferred 31,000£. 70,000 - - -
More, which is already assigned to the Navy, with Interest 39,000£.
Besides the 10,000£. payable to the Commissioners of the Excise, with Interest; and 1,000£. to Hugh Audley Esquire, with Interest; and 76,000£. to several Gunsmiths and Armourers - - - 87,000 - -
Total £. 119,600 - - 310,257 -

Forasmuch as the Charge, comprehended in these Particulars above specified, do surmount the Net Proceed of One Year's Revenue upon the Excise, I thought this might suffice to shew the immediate State hereof; referring to an Abstract herewith presented, in which the whole Charge is contained.

Weavers-hall Loans.

Sir Henry Vane also reports Matter of Fact stated, touching Monies doubled at Weavers-Hall: Which was this Day read; viz.

£. s. d.
That, in pursuance of Two Ordinances of Parliament, there was secured to sundry Persons, who doubled their Monies at Weavers-Hall; viz. 484,000 - -
Upon the Ordinance of the 13th of May 1647 400,000
Upon the Ordinance of the Third of June 1647 84,000

That the Persons advancing by way of Doubling, as above, were to be paid out of the Securities hereafter mentioned, or which of them should first happen; viz.

Out of the Excise:

Out of the Moiety of all Compositions made, or to be made, with Delinquents:

Out of the Remainder of the Proceed of Bishops Lands:

Out of the Proceed of the Estates and Sale of the Lands of Papists (except Advowsons and Impropriations) which have been in Arms against the Parliament, which of them shall first happen, together with Interest due thereupon, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Centum per Annum, each Six Months out of the Receipts of the Excise, till Principal and Interest be fully discharged.

£. s. d.
That, by Sale of Bishops Lands, there hath been discharged the Sum of 227,425 8
That there remains more to be discharged, out of the Securities above mentioned, the Sum of 256,574 11
Memorandum, That there remains due from several Purchasers of Bishops Lands, to be paid for Second Moieties in Weavers Hall Bills, or otherwise, besides Lands unsold, the Sum of 15,434 14 11¾
Which, if the Commissioners for removing of Obstructions (who say they have no Power to enforce the Payment thereof), or other Persons, were, by the Parliament authorized and appointed by Sequestration, or otherwise to compel the Payment thereof, it would sink the said Debt of 256,574£. 11 s. 4¾ to be but 241,139 16 5

Wm. Benson, Register-Accomptant.

He also reports the Certificate of John Borradale, dated the 8th of November 1652: Which was this Day read.

Ordered, That this Paper concerning Weavers-Hall Bills be referred to the Council of State; and that they be impowered to confer with the Persons concerned, for the Forbearance of the Monies for a Year longer, with Interest, upon the Security of the Excise, or on such other Security as shall be to their Satisfaction.


Ordered, That this Debate be resumed To-morrow Morning, the first Business, How there may be a Supply for carrying on the Service, both by Sea and Land, for this next Year.