Pages 18-19
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Tuesday, the 16th of September 1651.
Gen. Cromwell thanked.
RESOLVED, That the Thanks of this House be given to the Lord General Cromwell, for his great Services done for this Commonwealth.
Mr. Speaker, after an eloquent Oration made to the Lord General, did, in the Name of the Parliament, give him the hearty Thanks of this House, for his great Services, accordingly.
Thanksgiving Day.
Major Salwey reports a Narrative of the Grounds and Reasons, and an Act, for setting apart Thursday the Second of October 1651, to be observed and kept for a Day of publick Thanksgiving to the Lord: Which was this Day read the first time; and, upon the Question, ordered to be read again the second time on Thursday Morning next.
Prisoners of War.
A Letter from Yorke, of the Twelfth of September 1651, from Sir Wm. Allanson, Mr. Richard Darley, and others, with a List of the Prisoners taken there, were this Day read.
Gen. Fleetwood thanked.
Resolved, That Lieutenant General Fleetwood have the Thanks of this House given him, for his late great Services to the Commonwealth.
Mr. Speaker did, accordingly, give Lieutenant General Fleetwood the Thanks of this House, for his said great Services.
Prisoners of War.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take into Consideration the Charge that the Commonwealth is put to by the Prisoners taken; and to give Order touching the Prisoners here, and such others as are apprehended in other Parts of this Commonwealth.
Army Accounts.
Colonel Downes reports, from the Committee of the Army, a List of the several Forces in Field and Garison in England and Wales; with an Estimate of the monthly Charge of Them, and of the Forces within the Establishment in Ireland and Scotland: Which was this Day read.
At the Committee of Parliament for the Army 11 September 1651.
In Pursuance of the Order of Parliament of 9 September instant, it is Ordered, That the ensuing List of the several Forces in Field and Garison in England and Wales, with an Estimate of the monthly Charge of Them, and of the Forces within the Establishment in Ireland and Scotland, be reported to the Parliament.
Resolved, by the Parliament, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider what Force of Horse or Foot, and Garisons, are necessary to be kept up; and how the same, and the Train of Artillery, and other Charges, may be lessened, as may stand with the safety of the Commonwealth, and carrying on the Affairs in Scotland, and may tend to the easing the Burthen of the Commonwealth: And that they make Report thereof to the Parliament on Thursday Seven-night.
Army Pay.
Resolved, That the Committee of the Army do advance Three Months Pay to Colonel Haines his Regiment, from the Nine-and-Twentieth of September 1651.
Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take Care for a Supply of this Charge, by that Payment to Colonel Haines' Regiment.
Agent from Genova.
Mr. Speaker, by way of Report, acquaints the House, That he received the Copy of Letters of Credence from the Duke and Governor of the Commonwealth of Genova, of the Twenty-eighth of August 1651: Which was this Day read.
Resolved, by the Parliament, That a Committee be appointed to receive Francis Barnardi, Agent from the Commonwealth of Genova, according to the Rule for receiving of Agents.-
Gen. Popham.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker and the Members of Parliament, do, on Wednesday Seven-night, attend the Funeral of General Popham.-
Agent from Genova.
Resolved, That Thursday Seven-night be appointed for the receiving of the said Agent, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon: And that the Master of the Ceremonies do give him Notice thereof.
General Pardon.
Ordered, That the Committee to whom the General Pardon and Act of Oblivion is referred, be revived; and all that come to have Voices: And that they meet To-morrow Morning in the Speaker's Chamber; and so de die in diem; and report it to the House this Day Sevennight.
Representative in Parliament.
Resolved, That the House do, To-morrow Morning, take into Debate concerning an equal Representative in Parliament, the first Business; nothing to intervene: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.