House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 6 September 1651

Pages 12-13

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Saturday, the 6th of September, 1651.


Letters read.

A LETTER from the Lord General Cromwell, from Worcester, of the Fourth of September 1651.

A Letter from Major General Harrison, from Newport, of the Fourth of September 1651.

A Letter from Colonel George Fenwick, from Leith, of the First of September 1651; with a List of the Prisoners taken at Ellitt, in Perth, August the 28, 1751.

Battle of Worcester.

Mr. Scott and Major Salwey give the House an Account of their Employment to the Lord General and the Army, whither they were sent by the Council of State; and of the great Success God was pleased to give the Army, in a total Rout of the Enemy; with the Particulars, and several Circumstances.


The House being informed, That Major John Cobbett, who brought the Letter from the General, was at the Door, he was called in: And being come to the Bar, he was commanded to make a Relation of the Encounter of the Army with the Enemy, and what else he observed in it: And, accordingly he made a Relation to the House; and produced a Collar, of SS, which was the King of Scott's; and his Garter, which the said Major Cobbett took in his Quarters in Worcester.

Thanksgiving Day.

Resolved, That there be a Day of solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God for this great Mercy, to be observed and kept on Thursday the Second of October next, throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland.

Resolved, That the Place where the Parliament do observe the said Day of Thanksgiving shall be at Margarett's, Westminster.

Resolved, That on that Day the Parliament do meet, after the Sermon, at the Banquetting-House, in WhiteHall, and dine there; and that a Dinner be prepared for them, accordingly.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to give Order, and take Care, That Preparation be made of a Dinner that Day for the Parliament, accordingly.

Resolved, That Mr. Thomas Goodwyn and Mr. Owen, be desired to preach before the Parliament that Day.

Ordered, That Sir Henry Mildmay do give Notice to Mr. Owen; and Sir Henry Vane to Mr. Goodwyn.

Resolved, That Thanks be given from the Parliament to Mr. Scott and Major Salwey for their great Service in this Business.

And Mr. Speaker did give them Thanks, accordingly.

Resolved, That Mr. Scott and Mr. Salwey do bring in an Act for setting apart the said Day of Thanksgiving; together with a Narrative to be published therewith.

Resolved, That an Act be brought in to appoint an annual Observation of the Third Day of September, in Commemoration of this wonderful Mercy: And the Lord Commissioner Whitelock and Lord Commissioner Lisle are to bring in the same.

Thanks and Rewards to Officers, &c.

Resolved, That a Letter be sent from the Parliament to the Lord General with the Thanks of the Parliament to him, and by him to all his Officers: And that the Council of State do prepare a Letter to be signed by Mr. Speaker; and that Mr. Speaker do sign it, accordingly.

Resolved, That the Lord Commissioner Whitelocke, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Lord Chief Justice St. John, Sir Gilbert Pickering, be sent from the Parliament to the General; and that the Lord Commissioner Whitelock, Lord Commissioner Lisle, and Sir Henry Vane, or any Two of them, do, upon the Debate of the House, prepare some Instructions to be given them from the Parliament touching their present Imployment to the General; and bring it in on Tuesday next.

Resolved, That a Letter be written from the Parliament; to be signed by Mr. Speaker, and sent to all the Commissioners of the several Militias, to acquaint them with the Parliament's taking Notice of the Readiness of the Counties in this great Work, and the Forwardness of the Officers and Soldiers; and returning them Thanks. Colonel Martin is to prepare the Letter, and present it on Tuesday next.

Resolved, That the Letter from the General, dated the Fourth of September 1651, be printed, together with the Order made Yesterday for Thanksgiving on the next Lord's Day; and read together with the said Order.

Resolved, That the Sum of Two hundred Pounds, out of the first Monies which shall come in upon the Sequestrations of the Estates of any Persons who have adhered to the Enemy in this last Business, be paid unto the Widow of Wm. Guys, of Worcester, for Relief of her and her Children; and that the Commissioners for Compounding be authorized and required to give Warrant to the Treasurers of that Receipt, to pay the said Two hundred Pounds out of the first Monies to be so raised, accordingly; and that her Acquittance, or Acquittances, shall be a sufficient Discharge for Payment thereof.

Resolved, That Lands of the clear yearly Value of One hundred Pounds per Ann. out of the Estates of some Persons who have adhered to the Enemy in this last Business, and shall be confiscated to the Commonwealth, be settled on the Widow and Children of the said Wm. Guys; and, That Major Salwey do bring in an Act to that Purpose.

Resolved, That it be referred to a Committee to consider of something to be done by the Parliament, as a Testimony of their thankful Acceptance of the great and faithful Services performed by the Lord General; and to present their Opinion therein to the House; and, likewise, to give Order for a fit Accommodation for the Lord General at Hampton Court for the present; and that Mr. James Challoner do take Care for providing the same with all Necessaries, accordingly; viz. to Lord Commissioner Lisle, Mr. Strickland, Col. Purefoy, Mr. *** Challoner, Mr. Bond, Alderman Allen, Sir Richard Lucy, Col. Marten, Sir Henry Vane, Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Love, Mr. Attorney General, Lord Commissioner Whitelock, Mr. Carew, Mr. Scott, Mr. Trenchard, Major Salwey, Col. Fielder, Sir Gilb. Pickering, or any Three of them: And they are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of the Clock, in Mr. Speaker's Chamber; and so de die in diem.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to give such reasonable Gratuities to such Persons as gave Intelligence to our Forces of the Transactions in Worcester, as they shall think fit; especially, to the little Maid mentioned by Major Salwey, in his Narrative to the House.

Resolved, That One hundred Pounds in Money be presently given to Major John Cobbett, as a Gratuity from the Parliament; and that the Council of State do take Care the same be forthwith paid, accordingly.

Resolved, That there be a House and Lands of the clear yearly Value of One hundred Pounds Sterling per Ann. in Scotland, settled upon Major John Cobbett, and his Heirs, as a Reward for his faithful Service; and that Mr. Marten do bring in an Act for that Purpose.

Resolved, That the Parliament having set apart the Second Day of October next for a Day of publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God for this great Mercy, do resolve, in the mean time, to take into Consideration how to improve this extraordinary Blessing for the publick Service of the Commonwealth, and the Advantage thereof.

Resolved, That this Business be taken up on Tuesday next.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take into Consideration which of the Prisoners that are now taken of the Scott's Army, are fit to be brought up to London; and that they send for them up, accordingly: And to present their Opinion to the Parliament, how the rest of the Prisoners are fit to be disposed of.

Resolved, That the House do adjourn till Tuesday Morning next.