House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 16 January 1652

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Friday, the16th of January, 1651.


Prymatt and Lilburne.

THE House resumed the Debate upon the Report made by Mr. Hill Yesterday.

Several Passages in a printed Book, intituled, "A just Reproof to Haberdashers-hall; or, An Epistle, writ by Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne, July 30, 1651, to Four of the Commissioners at Haberdashers-hall; viz. Mr. James Russell, Mr. Edward Winslow, Mr. Wm. Molins, and Mr. Arthure Squibb: Wherein is set forth, &c. were this Day read: Which Book was proved, before the Committee, to have been delivered to a Member of Parliament, by Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne; and was, by the said Lieutenant Colonel John Lilburne, confessed, before the said Committee, to be his Book; as was now reported by Mr. Hill.

Resolved, That this Book doth contain Matter false, scandalous, and malicious.

Resolved, That this Book, and all the printed Copies of the same, be burnt, by the Hand of the common Hangman, at the same Place and Time when the printed Copies of the Petition of Josiah Prymatt, of London, Leatherseller, are appointed to be burnt.

Ordered, That all Printers, Stationers, Booksellers, and others, who have any of the Printed Copies of the Book intituled, "A just Reproof to Haberdashers-hall, &c." or any of the printed Copies of the Petition of Josiah Prymatt, of London, Leatherseller, be injoined and required forthwith to deliver in, to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, or to the next Justice of the Peace, all the said printed Copies of the said Book and Petition: And that the said Sheriffs of London, and Middlesex, and the said Justices of the Peace, respectively, be required to cause all the said printed Copies to be burnt by the Hand of the common Hangman.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Commissioners for Compounding, to call George Grey, and George Lilburne, to an Accompt, for all the Profits they have received out of the Colliery at Harraton: And also, to examine their Miscarriage, in the getting the Possession, and contriving the second Order touching the said Colliery, on the 14th of August; and any other their Miscarriages in their Trust, as Sequestrators, or Committee-men; and certify the same to the Parliament.

Resolved, That all these Proceedings and Votes upon this Report be forthwith printed and published.-

Dover Pier.

Resolved, That the Business of the Pier of Dover be reported on Tuesday next.-

Resolved, That it be referred to a Committee to examine and find out, whether Mr. Wildman, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Lane, and Mr. Levett, or which of them, did draw, contrive, or set on-foot, the Petition of Josiah Prymatt; or did print, publish, or disperse the same, before or since the Preferring thereof to the Parliament; and to report the same to the House.

Resolved, That this be referred to the same Committee to whom the Petition of Josiah Prymatt was referred: And that That Committee be revived; and do meet Tomorrow, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer-Chamber: And Mr. Lechemere is added to to that Committee: And that Mr. Lechemere and Mr. Long do take Care of it.

Hat-field Chace.

The humble Petition of the Participants in the Draining of the Level of Hat-field Chace, in the Counties of York, Lincoln, and Nottingham, was this Day read.

Resolved, That this Petition be referred to the Committee to whom the Petition of Josiah Prymate was referred: And that they have Power to send for Papers, Persons, Witnesses; and also to examine upon Oath, and hear the whole Matter; and report the same to the House: And that all the Members of the House who serve for the Counties of Lincoln and York, be added to that Committee; and likewise that the Lord Chief Baron, and Mr. Solicitor, be added to that Committee; And Mr. Long and Mr. Lechmere are to take Care hereof.

Petition from London.

The House being informed, That Sheriff Ireton, one of the Sheriffs of London, and divers other Citizens, were at the Door with a Petition, they were called in: And, being come to the Bar, Mr. Sheriff Ireton presented a Petition: Which, after the Petitioners were withdrawn, was read; and was intituled, "The humble Petition of many well-affected Citizens of several Wards within the City of London."

Ordered, That this Petition be referred to the Council of State; and that they do forthwith make Report to the Parliament thereupon.


Ordered, That, on Tuesday next, the Answer to the Letters of the Grand Duke of Tuscany be reported.

Sheriff of Southampton.

Ordered, That John Trott Esquire, Sheriff of the County of Southampton, have Liberty to come to London, to follow his Law-suits, and other Occasions.

Regulating the Law.

The Lord Commissioner Lisle reports from the Committee to whom it was referred to nominate Persons to consider of the Inconveniences in the Law, the Names of Seventeen Persons: Which were this Day read; viz. Mr. John Sadler, Colonel Thomas Blunt, Mr. Josias Berners, Major General John Disboroe, Mr. Samuel Moyer, Colonel * Tomlinson, Alderman John Foulke, Mr. Hugh Peters, Major * Packer, Sir William Roberts, Mr. Wm. Methold, Mr. John Maunsell, Mr. John Rushworth, Mr. John Sparrow junior, Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Mr. Timothy Middleton, Mr. Tobias Fryar.

House to sit.

Resolved, That the House, notwithstanding the former Order of adjourning, do sit To-morrow; and proceed in the Debate upon this Report; and nothing to intervene.