House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 9 April 1657

Page 521

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Thursday, the 9th of April, 1657.

Protector's Answer.

MR. Speaker reported to the House, the Effect of his Highness' Speech, in Answer to the Address made by the House, at his Meeting with the House Yesterday.

Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to wait upon his Highness the Lord Protector, in reference to what his Highness did Yesterday propose in his Speech, now reported to the House.

Resolved, That this Committee have Power to receive from his Highness his Doubts and Scruples touching any the Particulars contained in the humble Petition and Advice formerly presented; and in Answer thereunto, to offer to his Highness Reasons for his Satisfaction, and for the Maintenance of the Resolutions of this House: And such Particulars as they cannot satisfy his Highness in, that they report the same to the Parliament.

Lord Commissioner Whitclock, Lord Broghill, Master of the Rolls, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Mr. Waller, Lord Chief Justice Glyn, Sir Charles Wolsley, General Mountagu, Colonel Jephson, Sir Theophilus Jones, Sir Wm. Strickland, Colonel Whitgrave, Colonel Brookes, Mr. Lee, Mr. Jenkinson, Mr. Bampfeild, Mr. Drake, Colonel Ingoldsby, Mr. Pitts, Mr. Pickering, Lord Cockram, Mr. Grove, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Mr. Ingoldsby, Provost of Edenburgh, Mr. Bedford, Colonel Ireland, Colonel Hacker, Major Wagstaff, Mr. Franc. Bacon, Mr. Downing, Major-General Whaley, Sir John Reynolds, Mr. Steward, Sir Christofer Pack, Mr. Lawrence, Alderman Foote, Captain Lilborne, Sir Wm. Roberts, Mr. Trevor, Mr. Baron Parker, Mr. Tigh, Sir John Hobart, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Cromwell, Mr. Throckmorton, Mr. Fleetwood, Mr. Phillips, Major-General Goff, Mr. Fowell, Colonel Thistlethwaite, Lord Commissioner Fiennes, Sir Richard Onsloe, Sir Richard Lucy, Mr. Secretary, Attorney of the Duchy, Attorney-General, Mr. Godfrey, Lord Howard, Colonel Jones, Colonel Carter, Mr. Audley, Colonel Wilton, Major Morgan, Colonel Wood, MajorGeneral Berry, Lord Strickland, Mr. Price, Lord Cleypoole, Mr. Berkley, Major Burton, Mr. Dunch, Colonel Markham, Major Aston, Major-General Bridges, Sir Tho. Rous, Mr. Bond, Colonel Fowkes, Colonel John Bridges, Mr. Moody, Colonel Grosvenor, Mr. Gorge, Earl of Tweddaile, Sir Jo. Weymes, Dr. Douglas, Major Beake, Mr. Brisco, Captain Stone, Mr. Lucy, Colonel Harvey, Sir Lislebone Long, Mr. Thelwell, Sir Edward Rhodes, Sir Francis Norris, Colonel Sidenham, Mr. Rous, Mr. Trumball, Mr. Burton: To meet forthwith in the Speaker's Chamber.

Resolved, That this Committee have Power to appoint some of their Number to attend his Highness, to desire him to appoint a Time when they may wait upon him, according to these Votes.


Resolved, That this House be adjourned till Saturday next at Eight of the Clock.