House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 10 October 1653

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Monday, the 10th of October, 1653.

Fleetwood's Estate.

ORDERED, That it be referred to the Committee of publick Debts, to consider of the Business touching the Contract by Lieutenant General Fleetwood for the Estate of Sir Ralph Hopton; and state the Matter of Fact to the House: And that the Proceedings upon that Contract, at Drury-house, be stayed, until the House take further Order.

Rosworme's, &c. Nat.

Colonel Rous reports from the Committee of Petitions, The humble Petition of Lieutenant Colonel Rosworme, Engineer General: Which was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Name of John Rosworme be inserted into the Act for Naturalization.

He also reports from the same Committee, The Names of Anthony Tirens, Henry Ketelaer, Abraham Stock, and Peter Mathews Johns, to be put into the Bill for Naturalization.

Ordered, That the Names of Anthony Tirens, Henry Ketelaer, Abraham Stock, and Peter Mathews Johns, be inserted into the Bill for Naturalizing of Strangers.

Polgreed pardoned.

He also reports, The humble Petition of John Polgreen, Prisoner in Newgate: Which was now read.

Ordered, That John Polgreene, being convicted for Felony at the Session House in . . Old Bailey, London, at last Sessions but one, be reprieved and pardoned: And the Commissioners for the Great Seal be authorized and required to pass a Pardon, in common Form, under the Great Seal of England, accordingly.

Pierce's Petition.

He also reports the Petition of John Pierce, Prisoner in Newgate.

Hunkyn's Petition.

He also reports the humble Petition of Colonel Joseph Hunkyn, Governor of the Islands of Scilly: Which was this Day read.

Ordered, That this Case be referred to the Committee for the Army, to hear and examine; and to end it, or report the State thereof, with their Opinion, to the House.


He also reports the humble Petition of divers Congregated Churches in the Northern Counties: Which was now read.

Resolved, That this Petition be committed.

Resolved, That it be committed to the Committee for Tythes.

Declaration for Religious Liberty.

Resolved, That there shall be a Declaration for giving fitting Liberty to all that fear God, within this Commonwealth; and for preventing the Abuses of speaking evil against Magistrates and Magistracy, and the better Preservation of the mutual Peace of such as fear God among themselves, without imposing one upon another; and to discountenance Blasphemies, Damnable Heresies, and licentious Practices.

Ordered, That Mr. Sadler, Mr. Moyer, Colonel Titchborne, Mr. Barton, Colonel Jones, Colonel Ogle, Colonel Hughson, Sir Anth. Ashley Cooper, or any Three of them, do prepare a Declaration, and present it to the House: And the special Care hereof is committed to Mr. Sadler.

Thanks to Gen. Blake.

General Blake, one of the Admirals at Sea, this Day came to the House; and took his Place, as a Member.

Resolved, That General Blake have the Thanks of this House, for his great and faithful Services to the Parliament, and this Commonwealth.

Mr. Speaker did, accordingly, give unto General Blake, the Thanks of the Parliament, for his great and faithful Services to the Parliament, and this Commonwealth.

Publick Accompts.

The Record of the Act, which passed on Friday last, intituled, An Act for Accompts, and clearing publick Debts, &c. being brought into the House; the House Ordered, That, the Word "Forty" in the 6th Line of the ingrossed Act, being miswritten, be made "Thirty:" And the same was done at the Table, accordingly.

Publick Revenue.

Mr. Moyer reports from the Council of State;

THAT the Parliament be humbly moved, to appoint a Committee to examine the present State of the Receipt of the public Revenue; and to give them such particular Directions, for the Management of that Business, as they shall judge fit.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee of Inspections, to prepare and bring in an Act for taking away the Powers of the former Committee of the publick Revenue; and for giving Rules and Powers to such Persons as the Parliament shall appoint to take care of that Revenue: And that all Payment out of the Revenue be stopped for Six Days, except such Augmentations to Ministers, as the Council of State shall approve of.